def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.irc = irc_.Irc(config) self.msg_pat = re.compile(r'@badges=(.*?);color=(.*);display-name=(.*?);emotes=(.*?);id=([a-zA-Z0-9-]*);mod=([01]);room-id=.*?subscriber=([01]);.*?turbo=([01]);user-id=.* :([a-zA-Z0-9_\\]*)!.*@.*tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG (#[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+) :(.*)') self.resub_pat = re.compile(r'^@badges=.*emotes=.*;msg-id=resub;msg-param-months=([0-9]+);.+system-msg=(.+?)\\s.+ :tmi\.twitch\.tv USERNOTICE (#[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+).*') self.sub_pat = re.compile(r':twitchnotify!twitchnotify@twitchnotify[.]tmi[.]twitch[.]tv PRIVMSG (#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) :(.+?) just subscribed!') self.is_msg_pat = re.compile(r'.*;color=.*;user-type=.* :[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+![a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+(\.tmi\.twitch\.tv|\.testserver\.local) PRIVMSG #[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ :.+$') # list of channels self.ch_list = list() # info about commands self.cmd_headers = CommandHandler(c_headers.commands) # headers for all API requests self.req_headers = {'Client-ID': self.config['Client-ID'], 'Accept': "application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json"} # boolean to indicate if Client-ID if identified self.clientid_identified = False # session for API requests to get streams info self.chans_request = requests.Session() self.chans_request.headers = self.req_headers self.chans_request.params = {'channel': ','.join(x[1:] for x in self.config['channels'])}
class Roboraj(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.irc = irc_.Irc(config) self.msg_pat = re.compile(r'@badges=(.*?);color=(.*);display-name=(.*?);emotes=(.*?);id=([a-zA-Z0-9-]*);mod=([01]);room-id=.*?subscriber=([01]);.*?turbo=([01]);user-id=.* :([a-zA-Z0-9_\\]*)!.*@.*tmi\.twitch\.tv PRIVMSG (#[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+) :(.*)') self.resub_pat = re.compile(r'^@badges=.*emotes=.*;msg-id=resub;msg-param-months=([0-9]+);.+system-msg=(.+?)\\s.+ :tmi\.twitch\.tv USERNOTICE (#[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+).*') self.sub_pat = re.compile(r':twitchnotify!twitchnotify@twitchnotify[.]tmi[.]twitch[.]tv PRIVMSG (#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+) :(.+?) just subscribed!') self.is_msg_pat = re.compile(r'.*;color=.*;user-type=.* :[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+![a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_\\]+(\.tmi\.twitch\.tv|\.testserver\.local) PRIVMSG #[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ :.+$') # list of channels self.ch_list = list() # info about commands self.cmd_headers = CommandHandler(c_headers.commands) # headers for all API requests self.req_headers = {'Client-ID': self.config['Client-ID'], 'Accept': "application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json"} # boolean to indicate if Client-ID if identified self.clientid_identified = False # session for API requests to get streams info self.chans_request = requests.Session() self.chans_request.headers = self.req_headers self.chans_request.params = {'channel': ','.join(x[1:] for x in self.config['channels'])} def check_for_message(self, data): return bool(self.is_msg_pat.match(data)) def parse_message(self, msg): try: r = self.msg_pat.findall(msg)[0] except IndexError: print('>'*10, '\n', msg) return '*ERROR*', '', '', '#', '', '0', '0', '0', '' # order: name, disp_name, msg, chan, color, is_sub, is_mod, is_turbo, id, emote_info, badge_info return r[8], r[2], r[10], r[9], r[1], r[6], r[5], r[7], r[4], r[3], r[0] def load_or_create_channel_list(self): try: self.ch_list = load_obj('channel_list') except FileNotFoundError: self.ch_list = [Channel(x.lstrip('#'), self.req_headers) for x in self.config['channels']] except Exception: self.ch_list = [Channel(x.lstrip('#'), self.req_headers) for x in self.config['channels']] pp("Could not load channel file", mtype='ERROR') else: # deleting unnacessery channels self.ch_list[:] = [x for x in self.ch_list if '#' + in self.config['channels']] loaded_ch = [ for x in self.ch_list] # adding missing channels for x in self.config['channels']: if x.lstrip('#') not in loaded_ch: self.ch_list.append(Channel(x.lstrip('#'), self.req_headers)) del loaded_ch def load_command_funcs(self): missing_func = [] for cmd_name, command in self.cmd_headers.items(): if 'ref' not in command: if command['return'] == 'command': try: module = importlib.import_module('src.lib.commands.' + cmd_name[1:]) setattr(self.__class__, cmd_name, getattr(module, cmd_name[1:])) except ImportError: missing_func.append(cmd_name) pp('No module found: ' + cmd_name, mtype='WARNING') except AttributeError: missing_func.append(cmd_name) pp('No function found: ' + cmd_name, mtype='WARNING') if 'return' not in command or not command['return']: pp("'" + cmd_name + "' command does not have 'return'", mtype='WARNING') missing_func.append(cmd_name) # deleting commands from dict which we did not find for f in missing_func: self.cmd_headers.pop(f, None) for cmd_name in self.cmd_headers: if 'ref' not in self.cmd_headers[cmd_name]: for channel in self.config['channels']: self.cmd_headers[cmd_name]['time'] = 0.0 self.cmd_headers[cmd_name]['name'] = cmd_name self.cmd_headers[cmd_name][channel] = {} self.cmd_headers[cmd_name][channel]['last_used'] = 0.0 self.cmd_headers[cmd_name][channel]['last_used_name'] = '' missing_func[:] = [] for cmd_name, command in self.cmd_headers.items(): if 'ref' in command: if command['ref'] in self.cmd_headers: self.cmd_headers[cmd_name] = self.cmd_headers[command['ref']] else: pp("Unresolved reference: {}".format(command['ref']), mtype='WARNING') missing_func.append(cmd_name) for f in missing_func: self.cmd_headers.pop(f, None) def call_func(self, command, args, msg): return getattr(self, command)(args, msg) def check_channel_state(self): while True: try: resp = self.chans_request.get('', timeout=5.0) if resp.status_code != 200: time.sleep(4.0) continue resp = resp.json()['streams'] except (requests.RequestException, ValueError): time.sleep(4.0) continue except KeyError: pp("There is no 'streams' key in API response", mtype='ERROR') time.sleep(4.0) continue #print(json.dumps(resp, indent=4)) for ch in self.ch_list: chan_info = [x for x in resp if x['channel']['name'] ==] chan_info = chan_info[0] if chan_info else None try: ch.get_state(chan_info) except KeyError: pp('Failed getting channel state', mtype='error') continue if ch.is_online: ch.add_game() ch.started = True else: if ch.started:[-1]['ended'] = time.time() ch.time_ = time.time() ch.started = False if ch.expired(): = [] ch.max_viewers = 0 ch.created_at_withbreak = '' save_obj(self.ch_list, 'channel_list') time.sleep(9.0) def send_to_chat(self, result, username='', channel=''): resp = result.replace('(sender)', username) channel = '#jtv' if result.startswith('/w ') else channel self.irc.send_message(resp, channel) pbot(resp, channel) # check if client id is identified def check_client_id(self, retries=3): cnt = 1 while cnt <= retries: try: r = requests.get('', headers=self.req_headers, timeout=4) if r.status_code == 400: pp('Your Client-ID is not identified, your API calls will fail', mtype='ERROR') return False if r.status_code != 200: pp("Client-ID wasn't checked, trying again", mtype='WARNING') cnt += 1 continue if r.json()['identified']: pp('Your Client-ID is ok, you can use API calls') return True else: pp('Your Client-ID is not identified, your API calls will fail', mtype='ERROR') return False except KeyError: pp("There is no 'identified' key, Client-ID wasn't checked, trying again", mtype='WARNING') cnt += 1 except (requests.RequestException, ValueError): pp("Client-ID wasn't checked, trying again", mtype='WARNING') cnt += 1 pp("Unable to check Client-ID in {} retries".format(retries), mtype='WARNING') return False def check_for_sub(self, msg): res = or if res: res = res.groups() else: return tuple() # in case of new sub, month = 0 return (res[0], res[1].replace('\s', ''), 0) if len(res) == 2 else (res[2], res[1], int(res[0])) def sub_greetings(self, sub_info): if not sub_info: return None resp = self.call_func('!sub_greetings', sub_info, None) if resp: if type(resp) == list: for r in resp: self.send_to_chat(r, channel=sub_info[0]) else: self.send_to_chat(resp, channel=sub_info[0]) self.cmd_headers['!sub_greetings']['time'] = time.time() def run(self): if not self.config['oauth_password'].startswith('oauth:'): pp("OAuth password should start with 'oauth:'", mtype='error') self.irc.get_irc_socket_object() self.load_or_create_channel_list() self.load_command_funcs() self.clientid_identified = self.check_client_id() trd = threading.Thread(target=self.check_channel_state, args=()) trd.start() say_cd = '/w (sender) Команда будет доступна через {} сек' pbot_on_cd = 'Command is on cooldown. ({}) ({}) ({}s remaining)' pbot_not_on_cd = 'Command is valid and not on cooldown. ({}) ({})' while True: time.sleep(0.003) try: data = self.irc.recv(self.config['socket_buffer_size']).decode().rstrip() except Exception: data = 'empty' if len(data) == 0: pp('Connection was lost, reconnecting.') self.irc.get_irc_socket_object() if time.time() - self.cmd_headers['!ragnaros']['time'] >= 7.0: self.cmd_headers['!ragnaros']['time'] = time.time() for ch in self.config['channels']: for r in self.call_func('!ragnaros', ['check'], Message('', '', '', ch)): self.send_to_chat(r, channel=ch) if time.time() - self.cmd_headers['!duel']['time'] >= 5.0: for ch in self.config['channels']: for duel_resp in self.call_func('!duel', ['chk'], Message('', '', '', ch)): self.send_to_chat(duel_resp, channel=ch) self.cmd_headers['!duel']['time'] = time.time() for data_line in data.split('\r\n'): if self.config['debug'] and data_line != 'empty': print(data_line) self.irc.check_for_ping(data_line) self.sub_greetings(self.check_for_sub(data_line)) if self.check_for_message(data_line): msg = Message(*self.parse_message(data_line)) ##### RANDOM CUSTOM STUFF ##### END OF RANDOM CUSTOM STUFF if not self.config['debug']: ppi(msg.chan, msg.message, msg.disp_name) self.call_func('!ragnaros', ['add'], msg) if self.cmd_headers.is_valid_command(msg.message.split(' ')[0]): command = msg.message command_name = self.cmd_headers.get_real_name(command.split(' ')[0]) if self.cmd_headers.returns_command(command_name): if self.cmd_headers.has_correct_args(command, command_name): args = command.split(' ') del args[0] if self.cmd_headers.is_on_cooldown(command_name, msg.chan): sec_remaining = self.cmd_headers.get_cooldown_remaining(command_name, msg.chan) self.send_to_chat(say_cd.format(sec_remaining), msg.disp_name, msg.chan) pbot(pbot_on_cd.format(command_name, msg.disp_name, sec_remaining), msg.chan) else: pbot(pbot_not_on_cd.format(command_name, msg.disp_name), msg.chan) result = self.call_func(command_name, args, msg) if result: if type(result) == list: for r in result: self.send_to_chat(r, msg.disp_name, msg.chan) else: self.send_to_chat(result, msg.disp_name, msg.chan) self.cmd_headers.update_last_used(command_name, msg.chan, else: pp("Invalid number of arguments for '{}'".format(command_name)) else: if self.cmd_headers.is_on_cooldown(command_name, msg.chan): sec_remaining = self.cmd_headers.get_cooldown_remaining(command_name, msg.chan) self.send_to_chat(say_cd.format(sec_remaining), msg.disp_name, msg.chan) pbot(pbot_on_cd.format(command_name, msg.disp_name, sec_remaining), msg.chan) else: pbot(pbot_not_on_cd.format(command_name, msg.disp_name), msg.chan) resp = self.cmd_headers.get_return(command_name) self.cmd_headers.update_last_used(command_name, msg.chan, self.send_to_chat(resp, msg.disp_name, msg.chan)