Example #1
def test_to_number_grid():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["123", "456"]).to_number_grid() == \
           Grid.from_values([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1 2 3", "4 5 6"]).to_number_grid(separator=None) == \
           Grid.from_values([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1, 2, 3", "4, 5, 6"]).to_number_grid(separator=",") == \
           Grid.from_values([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
Example #2
def test_to_regex_match():
    assert Parser.from_lines([
        "from here to there", "from anywhere to somewhere"
    ]).to_regex_match(f"from {WORD} to {WORD}") == [["here", "there"],
                                                    ["anywhere", "somewhere"]]
    assert Parser.from_lines(["from here to 99",
                              "from anywhere to 42"]).to_regex_match(
                                  f"from {WORD} to {NUMBER}",
                                  [str, int]) == [["here", 99],
                                                  ["anywhere", 42]]
    assert Parser.from_lines(["from 1 to 99", "from 0 to 42"
                              ]).to_regex_match(f"from {NUMBER} to {NUMBER}",
                                                int) == [[1, 99], [0, 42]]
    assert Parser.from_lines([
        "alfanum 4lf4n1m", "alfanum 0a1b2c"
    ]).to_regex_match(f"alfanum {ALFANUM}") == [["4lf4n1m"], ["0a1b2c"]]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Parser.from_lines(["abc"]).to_regex_match(WORD, "no_type")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Parser.from_lines(["some line"]).to_regex_match("not that line")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #3
    def change_skin(self, obj, object_name, mtl_directory, new_skin):
        Find line number(s) to be changed and change them.
        :param obj: Object whose skin will be changed
        :param mtl_directory: Directory of mtl file to be edited
        :param object_name: object whose skin will be randomized
        :param new_skin: New skin of object
        :return: None
        # Read change_skin from config file
        change_skin_dict = Parser().parse_long_term_configuration(
        number = self.get_key(object_name, change_skin_dict)
        if number == 0:
            p = Parser().parse_long_term_configuration(
            chance = np.random.rand()
            if 1 - p < chance:
                rgba = self.random_color(chance)
                b.Blender().color_object(obj, rgba)

        # Change skins at specified line numbers
        elif number is not None:
            for i in range(int(number)):
                self.change_mtl(mtl_directory, new_skin, 12 + 11 * i)
class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.parser = Parser()

    def test_parse_args(self):
        parsed_args = self.parser.parse_args(['-m', 'HDPE', '-p', '100', '-c', '1',
                                              '-i', '1', '-b', 'background', '-o', 'images'])
        self.assertEqual(parsed_args.materials, ['HDPE'])

    def test_exception_1(self):
        self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: self.parser.parse_args(['-m', 'HDPE', 'PET', '-p', '100',
                                                                   '-c', '1', '-i', '1', '-b',
                                                                   'background', '-o', 'images']))

    def test_exception_2(self):
        self.assertRaises(OSError, lambda: self.parser.parse_args(['-m', 'HDPE', '-p', '80', '-c',
                                                                   '1', '-i', '1', '-b',
                                                                   'background', '-o', 'images']))

    def test_yaml(self):
        data = self.parser.parse_long_term_configuration(pathlib.Path(
            src_dir + r"/test/util/test.yaml"))
        self.assertEqual(data, {'key1': {'key1.1': 'stringvalue'},
                                'key2': {'key2.1': 1, 'key2.2': [1, 2, 3]}})
Example #5
def test_to_number_lists():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1 2", "3 4"]).to_number_lists() == [[1, 2],
                                                                   [3, 4]]
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1, 2", "3, 4"
                              ]).to_number_lists(separator=",") == [[1, 2],
                                                                    [3, 4]]
Example #6
def test_from_file():
    input_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
    assert Parser.from_file(input_file).to_lines() == ["123", "456"]
def main(args):  # noqa: CFQ001
    Main method of our code.
    Sets the paths of background and object.
    :param args: arguments used for parsing to values.
    :return: time_data: a dictionary with timestamps of the different stages of the pipeline
    total_start_time = time.time()

    parser = Parser()

    # Load the config file for camera and lights
    configuration = parser.parse_long_term_configuration(pathlib.Path(
        src_dir + r"/configuration.yaml"))

    # Parse arguments provided as input by user
    args = parser.parse_args(args)

    # Load objects
    if args.reuse_crushes:
        material_dirs = list(map(lambda x: list(pathlib.Path(src_dir + r'/Crushed Models/' +
                                                             x).glob('**/*.obj')), args.materials))
        material_dirs = list(map(lambda x: list(pathlib.Path(src_dir + r'/Models/' + x).glob(
            '**/*.obj')), args.materials))

    # List of the models
    models = [list(map(lambda path: Object(str(
        path), 'random', 'random', 'random', None), material)) for material in material_dirs]

    # Calculate number of objects per material based on proportions
    number_of_objects = list(map(lambda x: int(round(
        args.objects_per_image * (x / 100))), args.proportions))

    objects = make_object_selection(args, number_of_objects, models)

    if not args.only_crush:
        # Setup scene
        scene = Scene(configuration['camera']['location'], configuration['camera']['rotation'],
                      configuration['light']['location'], configuration['light']['energy'],
        scene.add_background(args.background, None)

        # Render images
        image_object_bboxes = render(args, configuration['render'], scene, objects)

        # Write info file
                   (configuration['render']['res_width'], configuration['render']['res_height']),
                   'info', args.image_count, image_object_bboxes)

    time_data['total'] = time.time() - total_start_time

    # Print time data
    print('Total Time: ' + str(time_data['total']))
    print('Object Creation Time: ' + str(time_data['object_creation_time']))
    if not args.only_crush:
        print('Object Setup Time: ' + str(time_data['object_setup_time']))
        for i in range(args.image_count):
            print('Image ' + str(i) + ' Time: ' + str(time_data['image_' + str(i)]))

    # To be displayed on the server page
    return time_data
Example #8
def test_to_character_grid():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["..#",
                              "#.#"]).to_character_grid() == Grid.from_values(
                                  [[".", ".", "#"], ["#", ".", "#"]])
Example #9
def test_to_string_graph():
    number_graph = Parser.from_lines(
        ["Haarlem to Utrecht", "Utrecht to Driebergen"]).to_string_graph("to")
    assert number_graph.get_nodes() == ["Haarlem", "Utrecht", "Driebergen"]
    assert number_graph.get_edges() == [(("Haarlem", "Utrecht"), 1),
                                        (("Utrecht", "Driebergen"), 1)]
Example #10
def test_to_coordinate_list():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1 2", "3 4"]).to_coordinate_list() == \
           [Coordinate.from_point(1, 2), Coordinate.from_point(3, 4)]
    assert Parser.from_lines(["1, 2", "3, 4"]).to_coordinate_list(separator=",") == \
           [Coordinate.from_point(1, 2), Coordinate.from_point(3, 4)]
Example #11
def test_to_bitstring_list():
    assert [
        bit_string.to_int() for bit_string in Parser.from_lines(
            ["10101", "101"]).to_bitstring_list()
    ] == [21, 5]
 def setUp(self):
     self.parser = Parser()
Example #13
def test_to_number_list_from_multi_line():
    assert Parser.from_lines(
        ["1", "2", "3", "4"]).to_number_list_from_multi_line() == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Example #14
def test_to_word_lists():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["word1 word2", "word3 word4"]).to_word_lists() == \
           [["word1", "word2"], ["word3", "word4"]]
    assert Parser.from_lines(["word1, word2", "word3, word4"]).to_word_lists(separator=",") == \
           [["word1", "word2"], ["word3", "word4"]]
Example #15
 def read_skins_from_library(self):
     Read skins from the config file.
     :return: Dict with skins
     return Parser().parse_long_term_configuration(pathlib.Path(configuration))['skins']
Example #16
def test_to_sections():
    assert Parser.from_string("123\n\n456").to_sections() == ["123", "456"]
Example #17
def test_to_lines():
    assert Parser.from_string("123\n456").to_lines() == ["123", "456"]
Example #18
def test_to_string():
    assert Parser.from_string("123\n456").to_string() == "123\n456"
Example #19
def test_from_lines():
    assert Parser.from_lines(["123", "456"]).to_lines() == ["123", "456"]
Example #20
def test_to_number_graph():
    number_graph = Parser.from_lines(["12 -> 34", "34 -> 56",
                                      "56 -> 78"]).to_number_graph("->")
    assert number_graph.get_nodes() == [12, 34, 56, 78]
    assert number_graph.get_edges() == [((12, 34), 1), ((34, 56), 1),
                                        ((56, 78), 1)]
Example #21
import zipfile
import os

src_dir = "/workdir"
sys.path.insert(1, src_dir)

from src.server.generate import check_generate  # noqa: E402
from src.util.parser import Parser  # noqa: E402

app = Flask(__name__,
app.secret_key = "don't tell anyone!!!"

configuration = Parser().parse_long_term_configuration(

def index():
    Renders the index page.
    return render_template('index.html')

def download():
    Downloads the contents of the output folder
    :return: sends a zip file to the user.
Example #22
def test_to_number_list_from_single_line():
    assert Parser.from_lines(
        ["1 2 3 4"]).to_number_list_from_single_line() == [1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert Parser.from_lines([
        "1, 2, 3, 4"
    ]).to_number_list_from_single_line(separator=",") == [1, 2, 3, 4]