def show_players(user_input, players_in, label, team=None, show_details=False): players_in = sorted(players_in, key=lambda player: player.player_name) print("[ANSWER of " + label + " --> " + str(user_input) + "]") show_details = len(players_in) < 10 or show_details for i, player_in in enumerate(players_in): player_out = get_player_str(player_in, show_details, team) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(i + 1, player_out, True)
def search_by_name(): user_input = input("Insert country name: ") countries = Country.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(countries) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No country found", user_input) else: GuiUtil.show_list_answer([ for c in countries], print_index=True)
def search_by_date(): date = GuiUtil.input_date_or_day_passed() matches = Match.read_by_match_date(date) matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda match: if len(matches) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No match found in date", date) else: for i, match in enumerate(matches): match_out = get_printable_match(match) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(i + 1, match_out, True)
def show_current_predictor(): global ml_alg_method global ml_alg_framework global ml_train_input_id global ml_train_input_representation global ml_train_stages_to_train GuiUtil.print_info("Machine Learning Framework", ml_alg_framework) GuiUtil.print_info("Machine Learning Algorithm", ml_alg_method) GuiUtil.print_info("Machine Learning Input", ml_train_input_id) GuiUtil.print_info("Machine Learning Input representation", ml_train_input_representation) GuiUtil.print_info("Machine Learning Training Size", ml_train_stages_to_train)
def search_by_name(): user_input = input("Insert league name: ") leagues = League.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No Leagues found", user_input) else: GuiUtil.show_list_answer( [get_league_str(league) for league in leagues], print_index=True, label="League by name", label_value=user_input)
def search_by_name(): user_input = input("Insert team name: ") teams = Team.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(teams) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No teams found", user_input) else: teams = sorted(teams, key=lambda team: team.team_long_name) teams_to_print = [ t.team_long_name + ":" + str(t.team_fifa_api_id) for t in teams ] GuiUtil.show_list_answer(teams_to_print, print_index=True)
def find_new_matches(): print("Type the last day to be crawled") starting_date = GuiUtil.input_date_or_day_passed() while True: try: user_input = input( "Insert number of days back to date (if 1 --> only the date) to be crawled: " ) stop_when = int(user_input) break except ValueError: GuiUtil.print_err("Value error", user_input) go_back = stop_when != 0 CrawlerMatches.start_crawling(go_back, stop_when, starting_date)
def search_by_team(): user_input = input("Insert team name: ") GuiUtil.print_info("Looking for", user_input) teams_found = Team.read_by_name(user_input, like=False) if len(teams_found) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No team found with exact name", user_input) teams_found = Team.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(teams_found) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No team found", user_input) elif len(teams_found) == 1: team = teams_found[0] show_players(user_input, team.get_current_players(), "Players of the team", team=team, show_details=True) elif len(teams_found) == 1: team = teams_found[0] show_players(user_input, team.get_current_players(), "Players of the team", team=team, show_details=True)
def predict_by_date(): global ml_alg_method global ml_alg_framework global ml_train_input_id global ml_train_input_representation global ml_train_stages_to_train if check_setting_current_predictor() == -1: return date = GuiUtil.input_date_or_day_passed() matches = Match.read_by_match_date(date) matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda match: if len(matches) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No match found in date", date) else: GuiUtil.print_ans("Prediction by date", date) pi = 1 for match in matches: if not match.is_finished(): league = match.get_league() season = match.season stage = match.stage predictor = Predictor.get_predictor(ml_alg_framework, ml_alg_method, ml_train_input_id, ml_train_input_representation, ml_train_stages_to_train) prediction_by_league = predictor.predict(league, season, stage) try: prediction, probability = prediction_by_league[] prediction_str = get_printable_prediction(match, prediction, probability) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(pi, prediction_str, True) pi += 1 except KeyError: log.warning("Not possible to predict [" + str( + ": " + match.get_home_team().team_long_name + "vs" + match.get_away_team().team_long_name + "]") if pi == 1: GuiUtil.print_ans("Matches to predict", "NOT FOUND")
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Countries") menu = {1: "Name"} GuiUtil.print_menu("Country menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "country") search_by_name() else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Country Menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def print_bet_odds(date): GuiUtil.print_info("Bet odds of", date) matches = Match.read_by_match_date(date, order_by_date=True) pi = 1 for match in matches: match_event_out = get_match_event_out(match) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(pi, match_event_out, True) pi += 1 if pi == 1: GuiUtil.print_att("No match found", date)
def search_by_name(): user_input = input("Insert a name: ") GuiUtil.print_info("Looking for", user_input) players_found = Player.read_by_name(user_input) GuiUtil.print_info("Players found", len(players_found)) if len(players_found) == 0: GuiUtil.print_info("Looking for player with similar name", user_input) players_found = Player.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(players_found) == 1: show_players(players_found[0].player_name, players_found, "Players by exact name") else: show_players(user_input, players_found, "Players by similar name")
def search_by_league(): user_input = input("Insert league name: ") GuiUtil.print_info("Looking for", user_input) leagues = League.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No leagues found with name", user_input) elif len(leagues) == 1: league = leagues[0] matches = league.get_matches(season=util.get_current_season(), ordered=True) for i, match in enumerate(matches): match_out = get_printable_match(match) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(i + 1, match_out, True)
def search_by_league(): user_input = input("Insert league name: ") leagues = League.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No leagues found", user_input) elif len(leagues) == 1: teams = sorted(leagues[0].get_teams(), key=lambda team: team.team_long_name) teams_to_print = [ t.team_long_name + ":" + str(t.team_fifa_api_id) for t in teams ] GuiUtil.show_list_answer(teams_to_print, print_index=True) else: GuiUtil.print_att("Too many leagues found", user_input)
def search_by_country(): user_input = input("Insert country name: ") countries = Country.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(countries) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No country found", user_input) elif len(countries) == 1: country = countries[0] leagues = country.get_leagues() if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No leagues found in the country", else: teams = [] for league in leagues: teams.extend(league.get_teams()) if len(teams) == 0: GuiUtil.show_list_answer([], print_index=True) else: teams = sorted(teams, key=lambda team: team.team_long_name) teams_to_print = [ t.team_long_name + ":" + str(t.team_fifa_api_id) for t in teams ] GuiUtil.show_list_answer(teams_to_print, print_index=True)
def set_predictor(): global ml_alg_method global ml_alg_framework global ml_train_input_id global ml_train_input_representation global ml_train_stages_to_train show_current_predictor() GuiUtil.print_info("Setting", "predictor") GuiUtil.show_list_answer(mla.get_frameworks(), label="List", label_value="Frameworks (String)") GuiUtil.show_list_answer(mla.get_methods(), label="List", label_value="Algorithms (String)") GuiUtil.print_ans("List", "Machine learning input (Id)") for input_id, input_desc in mli.get_input_ids().items(): repr = mli.get_representations(input_id) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(input_id, input_desc+"\nRepresentations: "+str(repr), True) GuiUtil.print_inst("list of parameter", "framework(str) algorithm(str) input(int) representation(int) training(int)") GuiUtil.print_inst("Use . for", "default") while True: user_input = input("\nType your representation: ") try: for i in range(5): value = user_input.split()[i] if value == '.': continue elif i == 0: ml_alg_framework = value elif i == 1: ml_alg_method = value elif i == 2: ml_train_input_id = int(value) elif i == 3: ml_train_input_representation = int(value) elif i == 4: ml_train_stages_to_train = int(value) break except IndexError: GuiUtil.print_att("Some input is missing", "5 parameter are needed") GuiUtil.print_inst("list of parameter", "framework algorithm input representation training") GuiUtil.print_inst("Use . for", "default") except ValueError: GuiUtil.print_att("Some input should be int", "found string") GuiUtil.print_inst("list of parameter", "framework algorithm input representation training") GuiUtil.print_inst("Use . for", "default")
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Predictions") menu = {1: "Set Current Predictor", 2: "Show Current Predictor", 3: "Check setting current predictor", 4: "Predict matches by date" } GuiUtil.print_menu("Predictions menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: set_predictor() elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Show", "Current Predictor") show_current_predictor() elif user_input == 3: GuiUtil.print_info("Check Setting", "Current Predictor") if check_setting_current_predictor() == 0: GuiUtil.print_ans("Predictor status", "READY") elif user_input == 4: GuiUtil.print_info("Predict matches by", "date") try: predict_by_date() except Exception as e: print(e) GuiUtil.print_att("Error during prediction", "controlling your current predictor..") if check_setting_current_predictor() == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("Predictor OK", "contact administrator") else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Predictions Menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def search_by_country(): user_input = input("Insert country name: ") countries = Country.read_by_name(user_input, like=False) if len(countries) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No country found with correct name", user_input) GuiUtil.print_info("Searching for coutnry with similar name", user_input) countries = Country.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(countries) == 1: country = countries[0] leagues = country.get_leagues() if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No leagues found in the country", else: GuiUtil.show_list_answer( [get_league_str(league) for league in leagues], print_index=True, label="League by country", label_value=user_input) else: for country in countries: leagues = country.get_leagues() if len(leagues) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("No leagues found in the country", else: GuiUtil.show_list_answer( [get_league_str(league) for league in leagues], print_index=True, label="League by country",
def check_setting_current_predictor(): global ml_alg_framework global ml_alg_method global ml_train_input_id global ml_train_input_representation global ml_train_stages_to_train # check framework if ml_alg_framework not in mla.get_frameworks(): GuiUtil.print_att("Framework NOT FOUND", ml_alg_framework) GuiUtil.show_list_answer(mla.get_frameworks(), label="List", label_value="Valid Frameworks") return -1 # check algorithm methods_by_framework = mla.get_methods_by_framework(ml_alg_framework) if len(methods_by_framework) > 0 and ml_alg_method not in methods_by_framework: GuiUtil.print_att("Methods for framework NOT FOUND", ml_alg_method) GuiUtil.show_list_answer(methods_by_framework, label="List", label_value="Valid Methods for "+ml_alg_framework) return -1 # ml input ml_inputs_by_framework = mla.get_inputs_by_framework(ml_alg_framework) if ml_train_input_id not in ml_inputs_by_framework: GuiUtil.print_att("Inputs for framework NOT FOUND", ml_train_input_id) GuiUtil.show_list_answer(ml_inputs_by_framework, label="List", label_value="Valid Inputs for " + ml_alg_framework) return -1 # ml input representations ml_train_input_representations = mla.get_inputs_by_input(ml_train_input_id) if len(ml_train_input_representations) > 0 and ml_train_input_representation not in ml_train_input_representations: GuiUtil.print_att("Representation for Input NOT FOUND", ml_train_input_id) GuiUtil.show_list_answer(ml_train_input_representations, label="List", label_value="Valid Inputs for input " + ml_train_input_id) return -1 return 0
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Bet odds") menu = {1: "All bet-odds of today", 2: "Bet-odds by date"} GuiUtil.print_menu("Bet odds menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Bet odds", "today") print_bet_odds(util.get_today_date(with_hours=False)) elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Bet odds", "by date") print_bet_odds(GuiUtil.input_date_or_day_passed()) else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Bet odds Menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Teams") menu = {1: "Country", 2: "Name", 3: "League"} GuiUtil.print_menu("Find teams by:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "country") search_by_country() elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "name") search_by_name() elif user_input == 3: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "league") search_by_league() else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Find teams by:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Matches") menu = {1: "Find by Team", 2: "Find by League", 3: "Find by Date"} GuiUtil.print_menu("Matches menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "team") search_by_team() elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "league") search_by_league() elif user_input == 3: GuiUtil.print_info("Searching by", "date") search_by_date() else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Matches Menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def search_by_team(): user_input = input("Insert team name: ") GuiUtil.print_info("Looking for", user_input) teams_found = Team.read_by_name(user_input) GuiUtil.print_info("Teams found", len(teams_found)) if len(teams_found) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("Looking for team with similar name", user_input) teams_found = Team.read_by_name(user_input, like=True) if len(teams_found) == 0: GuiUtil.print_att("Teams found", 0) elif len(teams_found) == 1: team = teams_found[0] matches = team.get_matches(season=util.get_current_season(), ordered=True) for i, match in enumerate(matches): match_out = get_printable_match(match) GuiUtil.print_indent_answer(i + 1, match_out, True) else: GuiUtil.print_att("Too many teams found", "Be more precise")
def run(): GuiUtil.print_head("Crawling") menu = { 1: "Find new matches", 2: "Find new players", 3: "Find new bet-odds" } GuiUtil.print_menu("Crawl menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Finding", "matches") find_new_matches() elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Finding", "players") find_new_players() elif user_input == 3: GuiUtil.print_info("Finding", "bet-odds") find_new_bet_odds() else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_line_separator() GuiUtil.print_menu("Crawl Menu:", menu, add_go_back=True) except ValueError: if user_input == 'gb': return print("Insert a valid input!!!")
def run(): head = "ScorePrediction application" GuiUtil.print_head(head) menu = { 1: "Players", 2: "Matches", 3: "Leagues", 4: "Countries", 5: "Teams", 6: "Crawling", 7: "Prediction", 8: "Bet odds" } GuiUtil.print_menu("Browse the application to discover different data", menu) while True: try: user_input = input("\nSelect an item: ") user_input = int(user_input) if user_input == 1: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Players") elif user_input == 2: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Mathces") elif user_input == 3: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Leagues") elif user_input == 4: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Countries") elif user_input == 5: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Teams") elif user_input == 6: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Crawling") elif user_input == 7: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Predictions") elif user_input == 8: GuiUtil.print_info("Opening", "Predictions") else: raise ValueError GuiUtil.print_head(head) GuiUtil.print_menu( "Browse the application to discover different data", menu) except ValueError: print("Insert a valid input!!!")