Example #1
def load_bounds():
    Load town boundary data
    # db connection params
    db_config = {
        'host': 'localhost',
        'port': 5433,
        'user': '******',
        'database': 'gareth',
        'password': ''
    # load boundaries data
    bound_data = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(db_config,
                                             'WHERE pop_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY pop_id')
    # add indices for city-wide data
    bound_data.set_index('pop_id', inplace=True)
    # label dataset according to classifications
    town_classifications = ['New Town',
                            'New Town Like',
                            'Expanded Town',
                            'Expanded Town Like']
    selected_data = bound_data.copy()
    new_towns = selected_data[selected_data.city_type.isin(town_classifications)]
    largest = new_towns.city_population.max()
    smallest = new_towns.city_population.min()
    # 298701.0 - largest pop
    # 8186.0 - smallest pop
    # 650 - largest city id
    # 19 - smallest city id (largest by size)
    selected_data = selected_data[np.logical_and(selected_data.city_population >= smallest,
                                                 selected_data.city_population <= largest)]
    # prepare targets
    selected_data['targets'] = 0
    for pop_id, city_row in selected_data.iterrows():
        if (city_row.city_type in town_classifications):
            selected_data.loc[pop_id, 'targets'] = 1

    return selected_data
Example #2
#  %%
# db connection params
db_config = {
    'host': 'localhost',
    'port': 5433,
    'user': '******',
    'database': 'gareth',
    'password': ''

# load boundaries data
bound_data = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(
    db_config, [
        'pop_id', 'city_name', 'city_type', 'city_area', 'city_area_petite',
        'city_population', 'city_species_count', 'city_species_unique',
        'city_streets_len', 'city_intersections_count'
    ], 'analysis.city_boundaries_150',
    'WHERE pop_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY pop_id')

def pop_corr_plot(city_data, theme_1, theme_2, towns_data, xlabel, sup_title):
    new_towns = []
    other_towns = []
    for i, d in bound_data.iterrows():
        if d['city_type'] in ['New Town']:
Example #3
col_template = '{col}[{i}] as {col}_{dist}'
distances = [50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600]
for col_base in columns_base:
    for i, d in enumerate(distances):
        columns.append(col_template.format(col=col_base, i=i + 1, dist=d))
# bandwise distances do not include 50m
distances_bandwise = distances[1:]

#  %%
# load data
df_full = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(
    db_config, columns, 'analysis.nodes_full',
    'WHERE city_pop_id = 1 and within = true')
df_full = df_full.set_index('id')
df_full = util_funcs.clean_pd(df_full, drop_na='all', fill_inf=np.nan)

df_100 = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(
    db_config, columns, 'analysis.nodes_100',
    'WHERE city_pop_id = 1 and within = true')
df_100 = df_100.set_index('id')
df_100 = util_funcs.clean_pd(df_100, drop_na='all', fill_inf=np.nan)

df_50 = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(
    db_config, columns, 'analysis.nodes_50',
    'WHERE city_pop_id = 1 and within = true')
df_50 = df_50.set_index('id')
df_50 = util_funcs.clean_pd(df_50, drop_na='all', fill_inf=np.nan)
Example #4

columns_base = [
    'c_node_density', 'c_node_harmonic', 'c_node_beta', 'c_node_betweenness',
    'c_node_betweenness_beta', 'c_node_harmonic_angular',
col_template = '{col}[{i}] as {col}_{dist}'
distances = [50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600]
for col_base in columns_base:
    for i, d in enumerate(distances):
        columns.append(col_template.format(col=col_base, i=i + 1, dist=d))
#  %% load nodes data
print('loading columns')
df_full = util_funcs.load_data_as_pd_df(
    db_config, columns, 'analysis.nodes_full_dual',
    'WHERE city_pop_id = 1 and within = true')
df_full = df_full.set_index('id')
df_full = util_funcs.clean_pd(df_full, drop_na='all', fill_inf=np.nan)

# %%
correlation matrix plot

themes = [
    'c_node_density_{dist}', 'c_node_harmonic_{dist}',
    'c_node_harmonic_angular_{dist}', 'c_node_beta_{dist}',
    'c_node_betweenness_{dist}', 'c_node_betweenness_angular_{dist}',