def pull_file(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) file_name = file.file_name stored_ips = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][1][0] stored_num_chnks = len(stored_ips) chnk_indx = 0 chnks_to_update = '' sync_actn = 'pull' while chnk_indx < stored_num_chnks: chnks_to_update += str(chnk_indx) + ' ' chnk_indx += 1 ip = stored_ips[0] return {'ips': ip, 'chnks': chnks_to_update, 'actn': sync_actn}
def create_file(self, encoded_file): file = decode_file(encoded_file) root_path = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + os.sep + os.pardir) path_to_file = os.path.join(root_path, 'src', 'monitored_files', 'ians_share', file.file_name) print('in creating slave file', file.file_name) if not path.exists(path_to_file): print('slave missign created file') self.file_statuses[file.file_name] = ('updating', time.time()) self.files.append(file) open(path_to_file, 'w').close() file.last_mod_time = 0 update = self.callRemote(UpdateFile, encoded_file=file.encode(), sender_ip=self.get_local_ip()) update.addCallback(self.update_file, file) return {}
def serve_chunks(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) print('FTP SERVER:', get_local_ip(), 'Serving file', file.file_name) chunks_needed = file.chunks_needed.split(' ') file.file_path = file.get_file_path() chunks = self.get_chunks(file.file_path) # Return each chunk with its data for i in chunks_needed: if i != '': chunk = Chunk(int(i), file) = chunks[int(i)] self.callRemote(ReceiveChunk, chunk=chunk.encode()) return {}
def seed_file(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) file_name = file.file_name hashes = file.chunk_hashes chunk_ips = [] mod_times = [] # Start tracking each hash in the file for _ in hashes: chunk_ips.append(sender_ip) mod_times.append(file.last_mod_time) self.factory.tracked_files[file_name] = (hashes, (chunk_ips, mod_times)) print('MASTER: Tracking', self.factory.tracked_files) return {}
def serve_chunks(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) print('FTP SERVER: Serving file', file.file_name) chunks_needed = file.chunks_needed.split(' ') file.file_path = file.get_file_path() chunks = self.get_chunks(file.file_path) # Return each chunk with its data for i in chunks_needed: if i != '': chunk = Chunk(int(i), file) = chunks[int(i)] print('FTP SERVER: Serving', self.callRemote(ReceiveChunk, chunk=chunk.encode()) deferLater(reactor, 2, self.factory.slave.update_file_status, file.file_name) return {}
def push_file(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) file_name = file.file_name stored_ips = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][1][0] stored_num_chnks = len(stored_ips) chnk_indx = 0 chnks_to_update = '' sync_actn = 'push' # Add appended chunks while chnk_indx < stored_num_chnks: chnks_to_update += str(chnk_indx) + ' ' chnk_indx += 1 ip = self.dist_ip # Ensure enpoint is up todate if sender_ip == self.dist_ip: ip = list(self.factory.endpoints.keys())[1] return {'ips': ip, 'chnks': chnks_to_update, 'actn': sync_actn}
def initiate_serve(self, encoded_file): file = decode_file(encoded_file) self.callRemote(ServeChunks, encoded_file=file.encode(), sender_ip=get_local_ip()) return {}
def create_file(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) self.seed_file(encoded_file, sender_ip) for slave in self.factory.endpoints.values(): slave.callRemote(CreateFile, encoded_file=file.encode()) return {}
def update_file(self, encoded_file, sender_ip): file = decode_file(encoded_file) file_name = file.file_name hashes = file.chunk_hashes ips = '' chnks_to_update = '' chnk_indx = 0 sync_actn = 'pull' mstr_has_file = True mstrfile_mtchs_sntfile = False # Track any files this master has never seen before if file_name not in self.factory.tracked_files: self.seed_file(encoded_file, sender_ip) mstr_has_file = False # Set master tracking info for file stored_ips = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][1][0] stored_num_chnks = len(stored_ips) stored_timestmp = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][1][1] stored_hashes = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][0] # Check new file's hashes against stored master hashes while chnk_indx < stored_num_chnks: mstr_file_curr = cmp_floats(stored_timestmp[chnk_indx], file.last_mod_time) # Check if master file matches the file being updates if mstr_has_file: mstrfile_mtchs_sntfile = stored_ips[chnk_indx] == sender_ip # Choose file data to store try: if stored_hashes[chnk_indx] != hashes[chnk_indx]: stored_timestmp[chnk_indx] = stored_timestmp[ chnk_indx] if mstr_file_curr else file.last_mod_time stored_hashes[chnk_indx] = stored_hashes[ chnk_indx] if mstr_file_curr else file.sha1_hash stored_ips[chnk_indx] = stored_ips[ chnk_indx] if mstr_file_curr else file.addresses[ chnk_indx] except: stored_timestmp[chnk_indx] = stored_timestmp[chnk_indx] stored_hashes[chnk_indx] = stored_hashes[chnk_indx] stored_ips[chnk_indx] = stored_ips[chnk_indx] mstr_file_curr = True mstrfile_mtchs_sntfile = False while chnk_indx < stored_num_chnks - 1: chnks_to_update += str(chnk_indx) + ' ' chnk_indx += 1 # Signal slave to push file if not mstr_file_curr and not mstrfile_mtchs_sntfile: sync_actn = 'push' elif mstr_file_curr and not mstrfile_mtchs_sntfile: sync_actn = 'pull' chnks_to_update += str(chnk_indx) + ' ' chnk_indx += 1 print('MASTER: Stored file', file_name, 'is current:', mstr_file_curr) # Track any new file chunks appended to end of file while chnk_indx < file.num_chunks: chnks_to_update += str(chnk_indx) + ' ' chnk_indx += 1 # Add ips to push to if sync_actn == 'push': for ip in self.factory.endpoints.keys(): ips += str(ip) + ' ' # Add ips to pull from else: ips = self.factory.tracked_files[file_name][1][0][0] print('MASTER: Awaiting', sync_actn, 'for', file_name, chnks_to_update) ip = self.dist_ip if sender_ip == self.dist_ip: ip = self.factory.ip return {'ips': ip, 'chnks': chnks_to_update, 'actn': sync_actn}