Example #1
    def _find_discount_unit_wise(self, discount_str: str) -> int:
        Finds the discount on the basis of given unit.

            discount_str: discount str

            discount on the basis of unit

        # fetch unit and discount
        unit = extract_required_data(data_str=discount_str,
        discount = int(
            extract_required_data(data_str=discount_str, req_type=r'\d+'))

        # if a standard unit, return the same unit and price
        if StandardUnits.has_value(unit):
            return discount

        # if not a standard unit, convert the unit and discount
        discount *= units_mapping[unit]['std_equivalent_val']

        # return the new discount unit wise
        return discount
Example #2
    def validate_units(part_a: str, part_b: str) -> bool:
        Validate the unit strings in the given data.

            part_a: first part
            part_b: second part

            True if valid, else False

        # fetch the units str from both the parts
        criteria_unit = extract_required_data(part_a, req_type=r'\D+')
        qnty_unit = extract_required_data(part_b, req_type=r'\D+')

        # if no units data found
        if not criteria_unit or not qnty_unit:
            return False

        if criteria_unit not in units_mapping and not StandardUnits.has_value(
            return False

        if qnty_unit not in units_mapping and not StandardUnits.has_value(
            return False

        return True
Example #3
    def _find_item_unit(self, item_qnty_data: str, item_name: str, item_obj: Item) -> Any:
        Validates unit in the given string.

            item_qnty_data: quantity data in which contains the unit
            item_name: name of the current item

            item's quantity and standard unit

        # check if quantity contains unit
        item_qnty_unit = extract_required_data(data_str=item_qnty_data, req_type=r'[a-zA-Z]+')
        # if no unit characters found, return None
        if not item_qnty_unit:
            print(f'Please specify the quantity for the item {item_name}')
            return None

        # if unit matches item's std unit
        if item_qnty_unit == item_obj.unit:
            return item_qnty_unit

        # if unit not found in the stored units, return None
        if item_qnty_unit not in units_mapping:
            print(f'Please add a valid unit for the item {item_name}')
            return None

        # if unit's equivalent std unit doesn't matches item's std unit
        if units_mapping[item_qnty_unit]['std_equivalent_unit'] != item_obj.unit:
            print(f'Please add a valid unit for the item {item_name}')
            return None

        return item_qnty_unit
Example #4
    def _extract_price_and_unit(self, price_str: str) -> tuple:
        Extract item price per unit from the price string.

            price_str: price string

            price, unit

        # fetch the digits from the price string
        price = float(

        # fetch the unit
        unit = price_str[price_str.index('/') + 1:]

        # if a standard unit, return the same unit and price
        if StandardUnits.has_value(unit):
            return price, unit

        # if not a standard unit, convert the unit and price
        price /= units_mapping[unit]['std_equivalent_val']
        unit = units_mapping[unit]['std_equivalent_unit']

        return price, unit
Example #5
    def validate_price(price_str: str) -> bool:
        Validates the price string for item.

            price_str: string to be validated

            True, if valid, else False

        # if no digit is found, return false
        if not extract_required_data(data_str=price_str, req_type=r'\d+'):
            return False

        # if per('/') is not found, return false
        if '/' not in price_str:
            print("Please specify item price per ('/') units")
            return False

        # extract the unit from the price string
        unit = price_str[price_str.index('/') + 1:]

        # is unit not found in stored units, return false
        if not StandardUnits.has_value(unit) and unit not in units_mapping:
            return False

        return True
Example #6
    def validate_digits(part_a: str, part_b: str) -> bool:
        Validate the digits in the given data.

            part_a: first part
            part_b: second part

            True if valid, else False

        # return false if no digit found in either part
        if not extract_required_data(
                part_a, req_type=r'[a-zA-Z]+') or not extract_required_data(
                    part_b, req_type=r'[a-zA-Z]+'):
            return False

        return True
Example #7
    def _process_item_data(self, all_items_data: list) -> list:
        Process the data for all the input items and store the ones which are valid

            all_items_data: list of all the input items

            list of valid items for which bill is to be generated

        # list to store the valid data for which bill needs to be generated
        processed_data = []

        for item_data in all_items_data:
            # arguments must contain item name and quantity
            item_data = item_data.split(' ')
            if len(item_data) < 2:
                print('Invalid number of item arguments')

            # if len of arguments is greater than 2, take the last argument as quantity and rest as item name
            item_name = item_data[0]
            item_qnty_data = item_data[-1]

            if len(item_data) > 2:
                item_name = ' '.join(item_data[:-1])

            # try to fetch the item's object from its corresponding entity type mapping
            item_obj = self.store_data[ITEM].get(item_name)

            # ignore the input if item not found
            if not item_obj:
                print(f'Sorry, the item {item_name} was not found')

            # check if quantity contains a digit
            item_qnty_digit = float(
                    extract_required_data(data_str=item_qnty_data, req_type=r'[+-]?([0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?|[.][0-9]+)')[0])

            # if no digit found, ignore the current item
            if not item_qnty_digit:
                print(f'Please specify the quantity in number for the item {item_name}')

            # find the unit
            item_qnty_unit = self._find_item_unit(item_qnty_data=item_qnty_data, item_name=item_name, item_obj=item_obj)

            if not item_qnty_unit:

            # if unit not a standard one, convert it and modify the item_quantity accordingly
            if item_qnty_unit in units_mapping:
                item_qnty_digit *= units_mapping[item_qnty_unit]['std_equivalent_val']
                item_qnty_unit = units_mapping[item_qnty_unit]['std_equivalent_unit']

            # store the item data for which bill needs to be generated
                        'item': item_obj,
                        'quantity': item_qnty_digit,
                        'unit': item_qnty_unit

        # return the processed data
        return processed_data