Example #1
 def __init__(self, form):
     '''Gleans all information about the user selected options and uploaded files.
     Also validates the user input. Raises WebOptionsError if there is any problems.'''
     #options to pass to runPDB2PQR
     self.runoptions = {}
     #Additional options to pass to google analytics along with the run options.
     #These are included in has_key(), __contains__(), and __getitem__() calls.
     self.otheroptions = {}
     self.runoptions['debump'] = "DEBUMP" in form
     self.runoptions['opt'] = "OPT" in form
     if 'FF' in form:
         self.ff = form["FF"].value.lower()
         raise WebOptionsError('Force field type missing from form.')
     if "PDBID" in form and form["PDBID"].value and form["PDBSOURCE"].value == 'ID':
         self.pdbfile = utilities.getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value)
         if self.pdbfile is None:
             raise WebOptionsError('The pdb ID provided is invalid.')
         self.pdbfilestring = self.pdbfile.read()
         self.pdbfile = StringIO(self.pdbfilestring)
         self.pdbfilename = form["PDBID"].value
     elif "PDB" in form and form["PDB"].filename and form["PDBSOURCE"].value == 'UPLOAD':
         self.pdbfilestring = form["PDB"].value
         self.pdbfile = StringIO(self.pdbfilestring)
         self.pdbfilename = sanitizeFileName(form["PDB"].filename)
         raise WebOptionsError('You need to specify a pdb ID or upload a pdb file.')
     if "PKACALCMETHOD" in form:
         if form["PKACALCMETHOD"].value != 'none':
             if 'PH' not in form:
                 raise WebOptionsError('Please provide a pH value.')
             phHelp = 'Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0.'
                 ph = float(form["PH"].value)
             except ValueError:
                 raise WebOptionsError('The pH value provided must be a number!  ' + phHelp)
             if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0: 
                 text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid!  " % ph
                 text += phHelp
                 raise WebOptionsError(text)
             self.runoptions['ph'] = ph
             #build propka and pdb2pka options
             if form['PKACALCMETHOD'].value == 'propka':
                 self.runoptions['ph_calc_method'] = 'propka'
                 self.runoptions['ph_calc_options'] = utilities.createPropkaOptions(ph, False)
             if form['PKACALCMETHOD'].value == 'pdb2pka':
                 self.runoptions['ph_calc_method'] = 'pdb2pka'
                 self.runoptions['ph_calc_options'] = {'output_dir': 'pdb2pka_output',
                                                       'clean_output': True,
                                                       'pdie': 8,
                                                       'sdie': 80,
                                                       'pairene': 1.0}
     self.otheroptions['apbs'] = "INPUT" in form
     self.otheroptions['whitespace'] = "WHITESPACE" in form
     if self.ff == 'user':
         if "USERFF" in form and form["USERFF"].filename:
             self.userfffilename = sanitizeFileName(form["USERFF"].filename)
             self.userffstring = form["USERFF"].value
             self.runoptions['userff'] = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value)
             text = "A force field file must be provided if using a user created force field."
             raise WebOptionsError(text)
         if "USERNAMES" in form and form["USERNAMES"].filename:
             self.usernamesfilename = sanitizeFileName(form["USERNAMES"].filename)
             self.usernamesstring = form["USERNAMES"].value
             self.runoptions['usernames'] = StringIO(form["USERNAMES"].value)
             text = "A names file must be provided if using a user created force field."
             raise WebOptionsError(text)
     if "FFOUT" in form and form["FFOUT"].value != "internal":
         self.runoptions['ffout'] = form["FFOUT"].value
     self.runoptions['chain'] = "CHAIN" in form
     self.runoptions['typemap'] = "TYPEMAP" in form
     self.runoptions['neutraln'] = "NEUTRALN" in form
     self.runoptions['neutralc'] = "NEUTRALC" in form
     self.runoptions['drop_water'] = "DROPWATER" in form
     if (self.runoptions['neutraln'] or self.runoptions['neutraln']) and \
         self.ff != 'parse':
         raise WebOptionsError('Neutral N-terminus and C-terminus require the PARSE forcefield.')
     if "LIGAND" in form and form['LIGAND'].filename:
         ligandfilestring = form["LIGAND"].value
         # for Windows and Mac style newline compatibility for pdb2pka
         ligandfilestring = ligandfilestring.replace('\r\n', '\n')
         self.ligandfilestring = ligandfilestring.replace('\r', '\n')
         self.runoptions['ligand'] = StringIO(self.ligandfilestring)
     if self.pdbfilename[-4:]==".pdb":
         self.pqrfilename = "%s.pqr" % self.pdbfilename[:-4]
         self.pqrfilename = "%s.pqr" % self.pdbfilename
     #Always turn on summary and verbose.
     self.runoptions['verbose'] = True
     self.runoptions['selectedExtensions'] = ['summary']
Example #2
    def __init__(self, form):
        '''Gleans all information about the user selected options and uploaded files.
        Also validates the user input. Raises WebOptionsError if there is any problems.'''

        #options to pass to runPDB2PQR
        self.runoptions = {}
        #Additional options to pass to google analytics along with the run options.
        #These are included in has_key(), __contains__(), and __getitem__() calls.
        self.otheroptions = {}

        self.runoptions['debump'] = form.has_key("DEBUMP")
        self.runoptions['opt'] = form.has_key("OPT")

        if form.has_key('FF'):
            self.ff = form["FF"].value.lower()
            raise WebOptionsError('Force field type missing from form.')

        if form.has_key("PDBID") and form["PDBID"].value and form[
                "PDBSOURCE"].value == 'ID':
            self.pdbfile = utilities.getPDBFile(form["PDBID"].value)
            if self.pdbfile is None:
                raise WebOptionsError('The pdb ID provided is invalid.')
            self.pdbfilestring = self.pdbfile.read()
            self.pdbfile = StringIO(self.pdbfilestring)
            self.pdbfilename = form["PDBID"].value
        elif form.has_key("PDB") and form["PDB"].filename and form[
                "PDBSOURCE"].value == 'UPLOAD':
            self.pdbfilestring = form["PDB"].value
            self.pdbfile = StringIO(self.pdbfilestring)
            self.pdbfilename = sanitizeFileName(form["PDB"].filename)
            raise WebOptionsError(
                'You need to specify a pdb ID or upload a pdb file.')

        if form.has_key("PROPKA"):
            if not form.has_key('PH'):
                raise WebOptionsError('Please provide a pH value.')

            phHelp = 'Please choose a pH between 0.0 and 14.0.'
                ph = float(form["PH"].value)
            except ValueError:
                raise WebOptionsError(
                    'The pH value provided must be a number!  ' + phHelp)
            if ph < 0.0 or ph > 14.0:
                text = "The entered pH of %.2f is invalid!  " % ph
                text += phHelp
                raise WebOptionsError(text)
            self.runoptions['ph'] = ph
            #build propka options
            self.runoptions['propkaOptions'] = utilities.createPropkaOptions(
                ph, True)

        self.otheroptions['apbs'] = form.has_key("INPUT")
        self.otheroptions['whitespace'] = form.has_key("WHITESPACE")

        if self.ff == 'user':
            if form.has_key("USERFF") and form["USERFF"].filename:
                self.userfffilename = sanitizeFileName(form["USERFF"].filename)
                self.userffstring = form["USERFF"].value
                self.runoptions['userff'] = StringIO(form["USERFF"].value)
                text = "A force field file must be provided if using a user created force field."
                raise WebOptionsError(text)

            if form.has_key("USERNAMES") and form["USERNAMES"].filename:
                self.usernamesfilename = sanitizeFileName(
                self.usernamesstring = form["USERNAMES"].value
                self.runoptions['usernames'] = StringIO(
                text = "A names file must be provided if using a user created force field."
                raise WebOptionsError(text)

        if form.has_key("FFOUT") and form["FFOUT"].value != "internal":
            self.runoptions['ffout'] = form["FFOUT"].value

        self.runoptions['chain'] = form.has_key("CHAIN")
        self.runoptions['typemap'] = form.has_key("TYPEMAP")
        self.runoptions['neutraln'] = form.has_key("NEUTRALN")
        self.runoptions['neutralc'] = form.has_key("NEUTRALC")

        if (self.runoptions['neutraln'] or self.runoptions['neutraln']) and \
            self.ff != 'parse':
            raise WebOptionsError(
                'Neutral N-terminus and C-terminus require the PARSE forcefield.'

        if form.has_key("LIGAND") and form['LIGAND'].filename:
            self.ligandfilename = sanitizeFileName(form["LIGAND"].filename)
            ligandfilestring = form["LIGAND"].value
            # for Windows and Mac style newline compatibility for pdb2pka
            ligandfilestring = ligandfilestring.replace('\r\n', '\n')
            self.ligandfilestring = ligandfilestring.replace('\r', '\n')

            self.runoptions['ligand'] = StringIO(self.ligandfilestring)

        if self.pdbfilename[-4:] == ".pdb":
            self.pqrfilename = "%s.pqr" % self.pdbfilename[:-4]
            self.pqrfilename = "%s.pqr" % self.pdbfilename

        #Always turn on summary and verbose.
        self.runoptions['verbose'] = True
        self.runoptions['selectedExtensions'] = ['summary']