def run(self):
        """ Performs physics simulation in the scene. """
        # locations of all soon to be active objects before we shift their origin points
        locations_before_origin_shift = {}
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
            if obj["physics"]:
                    { obj.location.copy()})
        # enable rigid body and shift origin point for active objects
        locations_after_origin_shift = self._add_rigidbody()
        # compute origin point shift for all active objects
        origin_shift = {}
        for obj in locations_after_origin_shift:
            shift = locations_before_origin_shift[
                obj] - locations_after_origin_shift[obj]
            origin_shift.update({obj: shift})

        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.steps_per_second = self.steps_per_sec
        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.solver_iterations = self.solver_iters

        # perform simulation
        obj_poses = self._do_simulation()
        # reset origin point of all active objects to the total shift location of the 3D cursor
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
            if obj.rigid_body.type == "ACTIVE":
       = obj
                # set 3d cursor location to the total shift of the object
                bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = origin_shift[
          ] + obj_poses[]['location']

        # reset 3D cursor location
        bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 0])

        # get current poses
        curr_pose = self._get_pose()
        # displace for the origin shift
        final_poses = {}
        for obj in curr_pose:
                obj: {
                    'location': curr_pose[obj]['location'] + origin_shift[obj],
                    'rotation': curr_pose[obj]['rotation']

    def run(self):
        """ Randomizes materials for selected objects.
            1. For each object assign a randomly chosen material from the pool.
        self.randomization_level = self.config.get_float(
            "randomization_level", 0.2)
        self._objects_to_manipulate = self.config.get_list(
            'manipulated_objects', get_all_mesh_objects())
        self._materials_to_replace_with = self.config.get_list(
            "materials_to_replace_with", get_all_materials())
        op_mode = self.config.get_string("mode", "once_for_each")

        # if there were no materials selected throw an exception
        if not self._materials_to_replace_with:
            raise Exception("There were no materials selected!")

        if op_mode == "once_for_all":
            random_material = np.random.choice(self._materials_to_replace_with)

        # walk over all objects
        for obj in self._objects_to_manipulate:
            if hasattr(obj, 'material_slots'):
                # walk over all materials
                for material in obj.material_slots:
                    if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.randomization_level:
                        if op_mode == "once_for_each":
                            random_material = np.random.choice(
                        # select a random material to replace the old one with
                        material.material = random_material
Example #3
    def _render(self, default_prefix, custom_file_path=None):
        """ Renders each registered keypoint.

        :param default_prefix: The default prefix of the output files.
        if self.config.get_bool("render_depth", False):

        if self.config.get_bool("render_normals", False):

        if custom_file_path is None:
            bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
                self.config.get_string("output_file_prefix", default_prefix))
            bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = custom_file_path

        # Skip if there is nothing to render
        if bpy.context.scene.frame_end != bpy.context.scene.frame_start:
            if len(get_all_mesh_objects()) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "There are no mesh-objects to render, "
                    "please load an object before invoking the renderer.")
            # As frame_end is pointing to the next free frame, decrease it by one, as blender will render all frames in [frame_start, frame_ned]
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end -= 1
            if not self._avoid_rendering:
                bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, write_still=True)
            # Revert changes
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
    def run(self):
        all_objects = get_all_mesh_objects()
        front_3D_objs = [
            obj for obj in all_objects
            if "is_3D_future" in obj and obj["is_3D_future"]

        floor_objs = [
            obj for obj in front_3D_objs

        # count objects per floor -> room
        floor_obj_counters = { 0 for obj in floor_objs}
        counter = 0
        for obj in front_3D_objs:
            name =
            if "wall" in name or "ceiling" in name:
            counter += 1
            location = obj.location
            for floor_obj in floor_objs:
                is_above = self._position_is_above_object(location, floor_obj)
                if is_above:
                    floor_obj_counters[] += 1
        amount_of_objects_needed_per_room = self.config.get_int(
            "amount_of_objects_needed_per_room", 2)
        self.used_floors = [
            obj for obj in floor_objs
            if floor_obj_counters[] > amount_of_objects_needed_per_room

    def _add_rigidbody(self):
        """ Adds a rigidbody element to all mesh objects and sets their type depending on the custom property "physics".

        :return: Object locations after origin point shift. Type: dict.
        locations_after_origin_shift = {}
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
   = obj
            if "physics" not in obj:
                raise Exception("The obj: '{}' has no physics attribute, each object needs one.".format(
            obj.rigid_body.type = "ACTIVE" if obj["physics"] else "PASSIVE"
            if obj in self.config.get_list("objs_with_box_collision_shape", []):
                obj.rigid_body.collision_shape = "BOX"
                obj.rigid_body.collision_shape = self.collision_shape
            obj.rigid_body.collision_margin = self.collision_margin
            obj.rigid_body.use_margin = True
            obj.rigid_body.mesh_source = self.collision_mesh_source
            obj.rigid_body.friction = self.friction
            obj.rigid_body.angular_damping = self.angular_damping
            obj.rigid_body.linear_damping = self.linear_damping
            if obj.rigid_body.type == "ACTIVE":
                bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_VOLUME', center='MEDIAN')
                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
                locations_after_origin_shift.update({ obj.location.copy()})

            if self.mass_scaling:
                obj.rigid_body.mass = get_bound_volume(obj) * self.mass_factor


        return locations_after_origin_shift
Example #6
    def run(self):
        """ Stores frames and annotations for objects from the specified dataset.

        all_mesh_objects = get_all_mesh_objects()

        # Select objects from the specified dataset.
        if self.dataset:
            self.dataset_objects = []
            for obj in all_mesh_objects:
                if "bop_dataset_name" in obj:
                    if obj["bop_dataset_name"] == self.dataset:
            self.dataset_objects = all_mesh_objects

        # Check if there is any object from the specified dataset.
        if not self.dataset_objects:
            raise Exception(
                "The scene does not contain any object from the "
                "specified dataset: {}. Either remove the dataset parameter "
                "or assign custom property 'bop_dataset_name' to selected objects"

        # Get the camera.
        cam_ob = =
        self.cam_pose = (, cam_ob)

        # Save the data.
    def run(self):
        """ Collect all mesh objects and writes their id, name and pose."""
        objects = []
        for object in get_all_mesh_objects():

        self.write_attributes_to_file(self.object_writer, objects, "object_states_", "object_states",
                                      ["id", "name", "location", "rotation_euler"])
 def _add_rigidbody(self):
     """ Adds a rigidbody element to all mesh objects and sets their type depending on the custom property "physics". """
     for obj in get_all_mesh_objects(): = obj
         obj.rigid_body.type = "ACTIVE" if obj["physics"] else "PASSIVE"
         obj.rigid_body.collision_shape = "MESH"
         obj.rigid_body.collision_margin = self.collision_margin
    def run(self):
        # Collect all mesh objects
        objects = []
        for object in get_all_mesh_objects():

        self.write_attributes_to_file(self.object_writer, objects,
                                      "object_states_", "object_states",
                                      ["id", "location", "rotation_euler"])
Example #10
    def run(self):
        Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and
        bounding box collision checks in the following steps:
        1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 
        2. If no collisions are found keep the point.
        # While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point
        # List of successfully placed objects
        placed = []
        # After this many tries we give up on current object and continue with the rest
        max_tries = self.config.get_int("max_iterations", 1000)
        objects = self.config.get_list("objects_to_sample",

        if max_tries <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The value of max_tries must be greater than zero: {}".format(

        if not objects:
            raise Exception("The list of objects can not be empty!")

        # cache to fasten collision detection
        bvh_cache = {}

        # for every selected object
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.type == "MESH":
                no_collision = True

                amount_of_tries_done = -1
                # Try max_iter amount of times
                for i in range(max_tries):

                    # Put the top object in queue at the sampled point in space
                    position = self.config.get_vector3d("pos_sampler")
                    rotation = self.config.get_vector3d("rot_sampler")
                    no_collision = ObjectPoseSampler.check_pose_for_object(
                        obj, position, rotation, bvh_cache, placed, [])

                    # If no collision then keep the position
                    if no_collision:
                        amount_of_tries_done = i

                if amount_of_tries_done == -1:
                    amount_of_tries_done = max_tries


                if not no_collision:
                    print("Could not place " + +
                          " without a collision.")
                    print("It took " + str(amount_of_tries_done + 1) +
                          " tries to place " +
    def run(self):
        """ Collect ShapeNet attributes and write them to a file."""

        shapenet_objects = [
            obj for obj in get_all_mesh_objects() if "used_synset_id" in obj

        self.write_attributes_to_file(self.object_writer, shapenet_objects,
                                      "shapenet_", "shapenet",
                                      ["used_synset_id", "used_source_id"])
    def _get_pose(self):
        """Returns position and rotation values of all objects in the scene with ACTIVE rigid_body type.

        :return: Dict of form {obj_name:{'location':[x, y, z], 'rotation':[x_rot, y_rot, z_rot]}}.
        objects_poses = {}
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
            if obj.rigid_body.type == 'ACTIVE':
                location = bpy.context.scene.objects[].matrix_world.translation.copy()
                rotation = mathutils.Vector(bpy.context.scene.objects[].matrix_world.to_euler())
                objects_poses.update({ {'location': location, 'rotation': rotation}})

        return objects_poses
Example #13
    def _replace_and_edit(self, obj_to_remove, obj_to_add, scale=True):
        Scale, translate, rotate obj_to_add to match obj_to_remove and check if there is a bounding box collision
        returns a boolean.

        :param obj_to_remove: object to remove from the scene. Type: blender object.
        :param obj_to_add: object to put in the scene instead of obj_to_remove. Type: blender object.
        :param scale: Scales obj_to_add to match obj_to_remove dimensions. Type: bool.
        def _bb_ratio(bb1, bb2):
            Rough estimation of the ratios between two bounding boxes sides, not axis aligned

            :param bb1: bounding box 1. Type: float multi-dimensional array of 8 * 3.
            :param bb2: bounding box 2. Type: float multi-dimensional array of 8 * 3.
            returns the ratio between each side of the bounding box. Type: a list of floats.
            def _two_points_distance(point1, point2):
                Eclidian distance between two points

                :param point1: Point 1 as a list of three floats. Type: list.
                :param point2: Point 2 as a list of three floats. Type: list.
                returns a float.
                return np.linalg.norm(np.array(point1) - np.array(point2))

            ratio_a = _two_points_distance(
                bb1[0], bb1[3]) / _two_points_distance(bb2[0], bb2[3])
            ratio_b = _two_points_distance(
                bb1[0], bb1[4]) / _two_points_distance(bb2[0], bb2[4])
            ratio_c = _two_points_distance(
                bb1[0], bb1[1]) / _two_points_distance(bb2[0], bb2[1])
            return [ratio_a, ratio_b, ratio_c]

        # New object takes location, rotation and rough scale of original object
        obj_to_add.location = obj_to_remove.location
        obj_to_add.rotation_euler = obj_to_remove.rotation_euler
        if scale:
            obj_to_add.scale = _bb_ratio(obj_to_remove.bound_box,

        # Check for collision between the new object and other objects in the scene
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():  # for each object

            if obj != obj_to_add and obj_to_remove != obj and obj not in self._ignore_collision_with:
                if check_bb_intersection(obj, obj_to_add):
                    if check_intersection(obj, obj_to_add)[0]:
                        return False
        return True
Example #14
    def _init_bvh_tree(self):
        """ Creates a bvh tree which contains all mesh objects in the scene.

        Such a tree is later used for fast raycasting.
        # Create bmesh which will contain the meshes of all objects
        bm =
        # Go through all mesh objects
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
            # Add object mesh to bmesh (the newly added vertices will be automatically selected)
            # Apply world matrix to all selected vertices
            bm.transform(obj.matrix_world, filter={"SELECT"})
            # Deselect all vertices
            for v in bm.verts:
       = False

        # Create tree from bmesh
        self.bvh_tree = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm)
    def run(self):
        total_noof_cams = self.config.get_int("total_noof_cams", 10)
        noof_cams_per_scene = self.config.get_int("noof_cams_per_scene", 5)

        for i in range(total_noof_cams):
            if i % noof_cams_per_scene == 0:
                # sample new object poses

            # get current keyframe id
            frame_id = bpy.context.scene.frame_end

            # TODO: Use Getter for selecting objects
            for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
                # insert keyframes for current object poses
                self._object_pose_sampler.insert_key_frames(obj, frame_id)

            # sample new camera poses
Example #16
    def run(self):
        :return: Point of interest in the scene. Type: mathutils Vector.
        # Init matrix for all points of all bounding boxes
        mean_bb_points = []
        # For every object in the scene
        for obj in get_all_mesh_objects():
            # Get bounding box corners
            bb_points = get_bounds(obj)
            # Compute mean coords of bounding box
            mean_bb_points.append(np.mean(bb_points, axis=0))
        # Query point - mean of means
        mean_bb_point = np.mean(mean_bb_points, axis=0)
        # Closest point (from means) to query point (mean of means)
        poi = mathutils.Vector(mean_bb_points[np.argmin(
            np.linalg.norm(mean_bb_points - mean_bb_point, axis=1))])

        return poi
    def run(self):
        """ Randomizes materials for selected objects.
            1. For each object assign a randomly chosen material from the pool.
        self.randomization_level = self.config.get_float(
            "randomization_level", 0.2)
        self._objects_to_manipulate = self.config.get_list(
            'manipulated_objects', get_all_mesh_objects())
        self._materials_to_replace_with = self.config.get_list(
            "materials_to_replace_with", get_all_materials())
        self._obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced = self.config.get_raw_dict(
            "obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced", {})
        op_mode = self.config.get_string("mode", "once_for_each")

        # if there were no materials selected throw an exception
        if not self._materials_to_replace_with:
                "Warning: No materials selected inside of the MaterialRandomizer!"

        if op_mode == "once_for_all":
            random_material = np.random.choice(self._materials_to_replace_with)

        # walk over all objects
        for obj in self._objects_to_manipulate:
            if hasattr(obj, 'material_slots'):
                # walk over all materials
                for material in obj.material_slots:
                    use_mat = True
                    if self._obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced:
                        use_mat = len(
                                self._obj_materials_cond_to_be_replaced, [],
                                [material.material])) == 1
                    if use_mat:
                        if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= self.randomization_level:
                            if op_mode == "once_for_each":
                                random_material = np.random.choice(
                            # select a random material to replace the old one with
                            material.material = random_material
Example #18
    def initialize_bop_groups(self):
        """ Get and group all objects to their respective bop dataset

        all_mesh_objects = get_all_mesh_objects()
        bop_datasets = {}
        for obj in all_mesh_objects:
            if "bop_dataset_name" in obj:
                if obj["bop_dataset_name"] in bop_datasets:
                    bop_datasets[obj["bop_dataset_name"]] = [obj]
        self.bop_datasets = bop_datasets

        # For each group, make a seperate output directory
        base_path = self._determine_output_dir(False)
        self._bop_data_dir = os.path.join(base_path, 'bop_data')
        # Create base directory if not exists
        if not os.path.exists(self._bop_data_dir):
        # Create subdirectorys if don't exist
        self._bop_data_sub_dirs = {}
        for group in self.bop_datasets:
            self._bop_data_sub_dirs[group] = os.path.join(
                base_path, 'bop_data', group)
            if not os.path.exists(self._bop_data_sub_dirs[group]):

        # For each subdirectory create internal file paths
        self._scene_gt_path = {}
        self._scene_camera_path = {}
        self._camera_path = {}
        for group in self.bop_datasets:
            self._scene_gt_path[group] = os.path.join(
                self._bop_data_sub_dirs[group], 'scene_gt.json')
            self._scene_camera_path[group] = os.path.join(
                self._bop_data_sub_dirs[group], 'scene_camera.json')
            self._camera_path[group] = os.path.join(
                self._bop_data_sub_dirs[group], 'camera.json')
Example #19
    def render(output_dir, file_prefix="rgb_", output_key="colors"):
        """ Render all frames.

        This will go through all frames from scene.frame_start to scene.frame_end and render each of them.

        :param output_dir: The directory to write images to.
        :param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
        :param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
        if output_key is not None:
                os.path.join(output_dir, file_prefix) + "%04d" +

        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
            output_dir, file_prefix)

        # Skip if there is nothing to render
        if bpy.context.scene.frame_end != bpy.context.scene.frame_start:
            if len(get_all_mesh_objects()) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "There are no mesh-objects to render, "
                    "please load an object before invoking the renderer.")
            # As frame_end is pointing to the next free frame, decrease it by one, as
            # blender will render all frames in [frame_start, frame_ned]
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end -= 1
            bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, write_still=True)
            # Revert changes
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
Example #20
    def run(self):
        :return: Point of interest in the scene. Type: mathutils Vector.
        # Init matrix for all points of all bounding boxes
        mean_bb_points = []
        # For every selected object in the scene
        selected_objects = self.config.get_list("selector",
        if len(selected_objects) == 0:
            raise Exception("No objects were selected!")

        for obj in selected_objects:
            # Get bounding box corners
            bb_points = get_bounds(obj)
            # Compute mean coords of bounding box
            mean_bb_points.append(np.mean(bb_points, axis=0))
        # Query point - mean of means
        mean_bb_point = np.mean(mean_bb_points, axis=0)
        # Closest point (from means) to query point (mean of means)
        poi = mathutils.Vector(mean_bb_points[np.argmin(
            np.linalg.norm(mean_bb_points - mean_bb_point, axis=1))])

        return poi
    def render(output_dir,
        """ Renders segmentation maps for all frames.

        :param output_dir: The directory to write images to.
        :param temp_dir: The directory to write intermediate data to.
        :param used_attributes: The attributes to be used for color mapping.
        :param used_default_values: The default values used for the keys used in used_attributes.
        :param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
        :param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
        :param segcolormap_output_file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the segmation-color map csv.
        :param segcolormap_output_key: The key to use for registering the segmation-color map output.
        :param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used.
        :param render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: As we use float16 for storing the rendering, the interval of integers which can be precisely stored is [-2048, 2048]. As blender does not allow negative values for colors, we use [0, 2048] ** 3 as our color space which allows ~8 billion different colors/objects. This should be enough.
        with Utility.UndoAfterExecution():
            RendererUtility.set_light_bounces(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 8, 0)

            # Get objects with meshes (i.e. not lights or cameras)
            objs_with_mats = get_all_mesh_objects()

            colors, num_splits_per_dimension, used_objects = SegMapRendererUtility._colorize_objects_for_instance_segmentation(
                objs_with_mats, use_alpha_channel,

            bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = 0.0

            if use_alpha_channel:

            # Determine path for temporary and for final output
            temporary_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "seg_")
            final_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(
                output_dir, file_prefix)

            RendererUtility.set_output_format("OPEN_EXR", 16)
            RendererUtility.render(temp_dir, "seg_", None)

            # Find optimal dtype of output based on max index
            for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32]:
                optimal_dtype = dtype
                if np.iinfo(optimal_dtype).max >= len(colors) - 1:

            if 'class' in used_default_values:
                used_default_values['cp_category_id'] = used_default_values[

            if isinstance(used_attributes, str):
                # only one result is requested
                result_channels = 1
                used_attributes = [used_attributes]
            elif isinstance(used_attributes, list):
                result_channels = len(used_attributes)
                raise Exception(
                    "The type of this is not supported here: {}".format(

            save_in_csv_attributes = {}
            # define them for the avoid rendering case
            there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
            list_of_used_attributes = []

            # Check if stereo is enabled
            if bpy.context.scene.render.use_multiview:
                suffixes = ["_L", "_R"]
                suffixes = [""]

            # After rendering
            for frame in range(
                    bpy.context.scene.frame_end):  # for each rendered frame
                for suffix in suffixes:
                    file_path = temporary_segmentation_file_path + (
                        "%04d" % frame) + suffix + ".exr"
                    segmentation = load_image(file_path)
                    print(file_path, segmentation.shape)

                    segmap = Utility.map_back_from_equally_spaced_equidistant_values(
                        segmentation, num_splits_per_dimension,
                    segmap = segmap.astype(optimal_dtype)

                    used_object_ids = np.unique(segmap)
                    max_id = np.max(used_object_ids)
                    if max_id >= len(used_objects):
                        raise Exception(
                            "There are more object colors than there are objects"
                    combined_result_map = []
                    there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
                    list_of_used_attributes = []
                    used_channels = []
                    for channel_id in range(result_channels):
                        resulting_map = np.empty(
                            (segmap.shape[0], segmap.shape[1]))
                        was_used = False
                        current_attribute = used_attributes[channel_id]
                        org_attribute = current_attribute

                        # if the class is used the category_id attribute is evaluated
                        if current_attribute == "class":
                            current_attribute = "cp_category_id"
                        # in the instance case the resulting ids are directly used
                        if current_attribute == "instance":
                            there_was_an_instance_rendering = True
                            resulting_map = segmap
                            was_used = True
                            # a non default value was also used
                            non_default_value_was_used = True
                            if current_attribute != "cp_category_id":
                            # for the current attribute remove cp_ and _csv, if present
                            used_attribute = current_attribute
                            if used_attribute.startswith("cp_"):
                                used_attribute = used_attribute[len("cp_"):]
                            # check if a default value was specified
                            default_value_set = False
                            if current_attribute in used_default_values or used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                default_value_set = True
                                if current_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[
                                elif used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[
                            last_state_save_in_csv = None
                            # this avoids that for certain attributes only the default value is written
                            non_default_value_was_used = False
                            # iterate over all object ids
                            for object_id in used_object_ids:
                                is_default_value = False
                                # get the corresponding object via the id
                                current_obj = used_objects[object_id]
                                # if the current obj has a attribute with that name -> get it
                                if hasattr(current_obj, used_attribute):
                                    used_value = getattr(
                                        current_obj, used_attribute)
                                # if the current object has a custom property with that name -> get it
                                elif current_attribute.startswith(
                                ) and used_attribute in current_obj:
                                    used_value = current_obj[used_attribute]
                                elif current_attribute.startswith("cf_"):
                                    if current_attribute == "cf_basename":
                                        used_value =
                                        if "." in used_value:
                                            used_value = used_value[:used_value
                                elif default_value_set:
                                    # if none of the above applies use the default value
                                    used_value = default_value
                                    is_default_value = True
                                    # if the requested current_attribute is not a custom property or a attribute
                                    # or there is a default value stored
                                    # it throws an exception
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "The obj: {} does not have the "
                                        "attribute: {}, striped: {}. Maybe try a default "
                                            current_attribute, used_attribute))

                                # check if the value should be saved as an image or in the csv file
                                save_in_csv = False
                                    resulting_map[segmap ==
                                                  object_id] = used_value
                                    was_used = True
                                    if not is_default_value:
                                        non_default_value_was_used = True
                                    # save everything which is not instance also in the .csv
                                    if current_attribute != "instance":
                                        save_in_csv = True
                                except ValueError:
                                    save_in_csv = True

                                if last_state_save_in_csv is not None and last_state_save_in_csv != save_in_csv:
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "During creating the mapping, the saving to an image or a csv file "
                                        "switched, this might indicated that the used default value, does "
                                        "not have the same type as the returned value, "
                                        "for: {}".format(current_attribute))
                                last_state_save_in_csv = save_in_csv
                                if save_in_csv:
                                    if object_id in save_in_csv_attributes:
                                            used_attribute] = used_value
                                        save_in_csv_attributes[object_id] = {
                                            used_attribute: used_value
                        if was_used and non_default_value_was_used:

                    fname = final_segmentation_file_path + ("%04d" %
                                                            frame) + suffix
                    # combine all resulting images to one image
                    resulting_map = np.stack(combined_result_map, axis=2)
                    # remove the unneeded third dimension
                    if resulting_map.shape[2] == 1:
                        resulting_map = resulting_map[:, :, 0]
          , resulting_map)

            if not there_was_an_instance_rendering:
                if len(list_of_used_attributes) > 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "There were attributes specified in the may_by, which could not be saved as "
                        "there was no \"instance\" may_by key used. This is true for this/these "
                        "keys: {}".format(", ".join(list_of_used_attributes)))
                # if there was no instance rendering no .csv file is generated!
                # delete all saved infos about .csv
                save_in_csv_attributes = {}

            # write color mappings to file
            if save_in_csv_attributes:
                csv_file_path = os.path.join(
                    output_dir, segcolormap_output_file_prefix + ".csv")
                with open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
                    # get from the first element the used field names
                    fieldnames = ["idx"]
                    # get all used object element keys
                    for object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.values():
                    for channel_name in used_channels:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
                    # save for each object all values in one row
                    for obj_idx, object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.items(
                        object_element["idx"] = obj_idx
                        for i, channel_name in enumerate(used_channels):
                                channel_name)] = i

        Utility.register_output(output_dir, file_prefix, output_key, ".npy",
        if save_in_csv_attributes:
    def run(self):
        Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and
        bounding box collision checks in the following steps:
        1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 
        2. If no collisions are found keep the point.
        # While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point
        # List of successfully placed objects
        placed = []
        # After this many tries we give up on current object and continue with the rest
        max_tries = self.config.get_int("max_iterations", 1000)
        objects = self.config.get_list("objects_to_sample", get_all_mesh_objects())

        # cache to fasten collision detection
        cache = {}

        # for every selected object
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.type == "MESH":

                print("Trying to put ",
                prior_location = obj.location
                prior_rotation = obj.rotation_euler
                no_collision = True

                # Try max_iter amount of times
                for i in range(max_tries):

                    # Put the top object in queue at the sampled point in space
                    position = self.config.get_vector3d("pos_sampler")
                    rotation = self.config.get_vector3d("rot_sampler")
                    # assign it a new position
                    obj.location = position
                    # and a rotation
                    obj.rotation_euler = rotation
                    # then update scene
                    no_collision = True

                    # Now check for collisions
                    for already_placed in placed:
                        # First check if bounding boxes collides
                        intersection = check_bb_intersection(obj, already_placed)
                        # if they do
                        if intersection:
                            # then check for more refined collisions
                            intersection, cache = check_intersection(obj, already_placed)

                        if intersection:
                            no_collision = False

                    # If no collision then keep the position, else: reset
                    if no_collision:
                        print("No collision detected, moving forward!")
                        # then stop trying and keep assigned position and orientation
                    # if any collisions then reset object to initial state
                        print("Collision detected, retrying!!")
                        obj.location = prior_location
                        obj.rotation_euler = prior_rotation 
                if not no_collision:
                    print("Giving up on ",
Example #23
    def run(self):
        with Utility.UndoAfterExecution():

            # Get objects with meshes (i.e. not lights or cameras)
            objs_with_mats = get_all_mesh_objects()

            colors, num_splits_per_dimension, used_objects = self._colorize_objects_for_instance_segmentation(

            bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "OPEN_EXR"
            bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "16"
            bpy.context.view_layer.cycles.use_denoising = False
            bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = 0.0

            if self._use_alpha_channel:

            # Determine path for temporary and for final output
            temporary_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(self._temp_dir, "seg_")
            final_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(self._determine_output_dir(),
                                                        self.config.get_string("output_file_prefix", "segmap_"))

            # Render the temporary output
            self._render("seg_", custom_file_path=temporary_segmentation_file_path)

            # Find optimal dtype of output based on max index
            for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32]:
                optimal_dtype = dtype
                if np.iinfo(optimal_dtype).max >= len(colors) - 1:

            # get the type of mappings which should be performed
            used_attributes = self.config.get_raw_dict("map_by", "class")

            used_default_values = self.config.get_raw_dict("default_values", {})
            if 'class' in used_default_values:
                used_default_values['cp_category_id'] = used_default_values['class']

            if isinstance(used_attributes, str):
                # only one result is requested
                result_channels = 1
                used_attributes = [used_attributes]
            elif isinstance(used_attributes, list):
                result_channels = len(used_attributes)
                raise Exception("The type of this is not supported here: {}".format(used_attributes))

            save_in_csv_attributes = {}
            # define them for the avoid rendering case
            there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
            list_of_used_attributes = []

            # After rendering
            if not self._avoid_rendering:
                for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start, bpy.context.scene.frame_end):  # for each rendered frame
                    file_path = temporary_segmentation_file_path + "%04d" % frame + ".exr"
                    segmentation = load_image(file_path)

                    segmap = Utility.map_back_from_equally_spaced_equidistant_values(segmentation,
                    segmap = segmap.astype(optimal_dtype)

                    used_object_ids = np.unique(segmap)
                    max_id = np.max(used_object_ids)
                    if max_id >= len(used_objects):
                        raise Exception("There are more object colors than there are objects")
                    combined_result_map = []
                    there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
                    list_of_used_attributes = []
                    used_channels = []
                    for channel_id in range(result_channels):
                        resulting_map = np.empty((segmap.shape[0], segmap.shape[1]))
                        was_used = False
                        current_attribute = used_attributes[channel_id]
                        org_attribute = current_attribute

                        # if the class is used the category_id attribute is evaluated
                        if current_attribute == "class":
                            current_attribute = "cp_category_id"
                        # in the instance case the resulting ids are directly used
                        if current_attribute == "instance":
                            there_was_an_instance_rendering = True
                            resulting_map = segmap
                            was_used = True
                            # a non default value was also used
                            non_default_value_was_used = True
                            if current_attribute != "cp_category_id":
                            # for the current attribute remove cp_ and _csv, if present
                            used_attribute = current_attribute
                            if used_attribute.startswith("cp_"):
                                used_attribute = used_attribute[len("cp_"):]
                            # check if a default value was specified
                            default_value_set = False
                            if current_attribute in used_default_values or used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                default_value_set = True
                                if current_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[current_attribute]
                                elif used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[used_attribute]
                            last_state_save_in_csv = None
                            # this avoids that for certain attributes only the default value is written
                            non_default_value_was_used = False
                            # iterate over all object ids
                            for object_id in used_object_ids:
                                is_default_value = False
                                # get the corresponding object via the id
                                current_obj = used_objects[object_id]
                                # if the current obj has a attribute with that name -> get it
                                if hasattr(current_obj, used_attribute):
                                    used_value = getattr(current_obj, used_attribute)
                                # if the current object has a custom property with that name -> get it
                                elif current_attribute.startswith("cp_") and used_attribute in current_obj:
                                    used_value = current_obj[used_attribute]
                                elif current_attribute.startswith("cf_"):
                                    if current_attribute == "cf_basename":
                                        used_value =
                                        if "." in used_value:
                                            used_value = used_value[:used_value.rfind(".")]
                                elif default_value_set:
                                    # if none of the above applies use the default value
                                    used_value = default_value
                                    is_default_value = True
                                    # if the requested current_attribute is not a custom property or a attribute
                                    # or there is a default value stored
                                    # it throws an exception
                                    raise Exception("The obj: {} does not have the "
                                                    "attribute: {}, striped: {}. Maybe try a default "
                                                    "value.".format(, current_attribute, used_attribute))

                                # check if the value should be saved as an image or in the csv file
                                save_in_csv = False
                                    resulting_map[segmap == object_id] = used_value
                                    was_used = True
                                    if not is_default_value:
                                        non_default_value_was_used = True
                                    # save everything which is not instance also in the .csv
                                    if current_attribute != "instance":
                                        save_in_csv = True
                                except ValueError:
                                    save_in_csv = True

                                if last_state_save_in_csv is not None and last_state_save_in_csv != save_in_csv:
                                    raise Exception("During creating the mapping, the saving to an image or a csv file "
                                                    "switched, this might indicated that the used default value, does "
                                                    "not have the same type as the returned value, "
                                                    "for: {}".format(current_attribute))
                                last_state_save_in_csv = save_in_csv
                                if save_in_csv:
                                    if object_id in save_in_csv_attributes:
                                        save_in_csv_attributes[object_id][used_attribute] = used_value
                                        save_in_csv_attributes[object_id] = {used_attribute: used_value}
                        if was_used and non_default_value_was_used:

                    fname = final_segmentation_file_path + "%04d" % frame
                    # combine all resulting images to one image
                    resulting_map = np.stack(combined_result_map, axis=2)
                    # remove the unneeded third dimension
                    if resulting_map.shape[2] == 1:
                        resulting_map = resulting_map[:, :, 0]
          , resulting_map)
            if not there_was_an_instance_rendering:
                if len(list_of_used_attributes) > 0:
                    raise Exception("There were attributes specified in the may_by, which could not be saved as "
                                    "there was no \"instance\" may_by key used. This is true for this/these "
                                    "keys: {}".format(", ".join(list_of_used_attributes)))
                # if there was no instance rendering no .csv file is generated!
                # delete all saved infos about .csv
                save_in_csv_attributes = {}

            # write color mappings to file
            if save_in_csv_attributes and not self._avoid_rendering:
                csv_file_path = os.path.join(self._determine_output_dir(),
                                                                    "class_inst_col_map") + ".csv")
                with open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
                    # get from the first element the used field names
                    fieldnames = ["idx"]
                    # get all used object element keys
                    for object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.values():
                    for channel_name in used_channels:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
                    # save for each object all values in one row
                    for obj_idx, object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.items():
                        object_element["idx"] = obj_idx
                        for i, channel_name in enumerate(used_channels):
                            object_element["channel_{}".format(channel_name)] = i

        self._register_output("segmap_", "segmap", ".npy", "2.0.0")
        if save_in_csv_attributes:
Example #24
    def run(self):
        """ Writes coco annotations in the following steps:
        1. Locat the seg images
        2. Locat the rgb maps
        3. Locat the seg maps
        4. Read color mappings
        5. For each frame write the coco annotation
        if self._avoid_rendering:
            print("Avoid rendering is on, no output produced!")

        # Find path pattern of segmentation images
        segmentation_map_output = self._find_registered_output_by_key(
        if segmentation_map_output is None:
            raise Exception(
                "There is no output registered with key " +
                self.segmap_output_key +
                ". Are you sure you ran the SegMapRenderer module before?")

        # Find path pattern of rgb images
        rgb_output = self._find_registered_output_by_key(self.rgb_output_key)
        if rgb_output is None:
            raise Exception(
                "There is no output registered with key " +
                self.rgb_output_key +
                ". Are you sure you ran the RgbRenderer module before?")

        # collect all segmaps
        segmentation_map_paths = []

        # Find path of name class mapping csv file
        segcolormap_output = self._find_registered_output_by_key(
        if segcolormap_output is None:
            raise Exception(
                "There is no output registered with key " +
                self.segcolormap_output_key +
                ". Are you sure you ran the SegMapRenderer module with 'map_by' set to 'instance' before?"

        # read colormappings, which include object name/class to integer mapping
        color_map = []
        with open(segcolormap_output["path"], 'r') as csvfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
            for mapping in reader:

        coco_annotations_path = os.path.join(self._coco_data_dir,
        # Calculate image numbering offset, if append_to_existing_output is activated and coco data exists
        if self.config.get_bool(
                False) and os.path.exists(coco_annotations_path):
            with open(coco_annotations_path, 'r') as fp:
                existing_coco_annotations = json.load(fp)
            image_offset = max(
                 for image in existing_coco_annotations["images"]]) + 1
            image_offset = 0
            existing_coco_annotations = None

        # collect all RGB paths
        new_coco_image_paths = []
        # for each rendered frame
        for frame in range(bpy.context.scene.frame_start,
            segmentation_map_paths.append(segmentation_map_output["path"] %

            source_path = rgb_output["path"] % frame
            target_path = os.path.join(
                os.path.basename(rgb_output["path"] % (frame + image_offset)))

            shutil.copyfile(source_path, target_path)

        # Try to extract supercategory for each object
        all_mesh_objects = get_all_mesh_objects()
        super_category_mapping = {}
        for obj in all_mesh_objects:
            # For now the only scheme to extract super category is the afiliation of an object to a Bop dataset
            if "bop_dataset_name" in obj:
                super_category_mapping[] = obj["bop_dataset_name"]
            # Otherwise assign default supercategory
                super_category_mapping[] = "default_supercategory"

        coco_output = CocoUtility.generate_coco_annotations(
            segmentation_map_paths, new_coco_image_paths, color_map,
            super_category_mapping, "coco_annotations",

        print("Writing coco annotations to " + coco_annotations_path)
        with open(coco_annotations_path, 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(coco_output, fp)
 def _remove_rigidbody(self):
     """ Removes the rigidbody element from all mesh objects. """
     for obj in get_all_mesh_objects(): = obj
    def run(self):
        Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and
        bounding box collision checks in the following steps:
        1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 
        2. If no collisions are found keep the point.
        # While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point
        # List of successfully placed objects
        placed = []
        # After this many tries we give up on current object and continue with the rest
        max_tries = self.config.get_int("max_iterations", 1000)
        objects = self.config.get_list("objects_to_sample",

        # cache to fasten collision detection
        bvh_cache = {}

        # for every selected object
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.type == "MESH":
                no_collision = True

                # Try max_iter amount of times
                for i in range(max_tries):

                    # Put the top object in queue at the sampled point in space
                    position = self.config.get_vector3d("pos_sampler")
                    rotation = self.config.get_vector3d("rot_sampler")
                    # assign it a new pose
                    obj.location = position
                    obj.rotation_euler = rotation
                    # Remove bvh cache, as object has changed
                    if in bvh_cache:
                        del bvh_cache[]

                    no_collision = True

                    # Now check for collisions
                    for already_placed in placed:
                        # First check if bounding boxes collides
                        intersection = check_bb_intersection(
                            obj, already_placed)
                        # if they do
                        if intersection:
                            # then check for more refined collisions
                            intersection, bvh_cache = check_intersection(
                                obj, already_placed, bvh_cache=bvh_cache)

                        if intersection:
                            no_collision = False

                    # If no collision then keep the position
                    if no_collision:


                if not no_collision:
                    print("Could not place " + +
                          " without a collision.")
                    print("It took " + str(i + 1) + " tries to place " +