def collate_batch(self, batch): v_collate = default_collate visual_inputs = v_collate([d["vid"] for d in batch]) # (B, T, 3, H, W) # group data text_examples = flat_list_of_lists([d["examples"] for d in batch]) n_examples_list = [d["n_examples"] for d in batch] # (B, ) # group elements data # directly concatenate question and option as a single seq. text_str_list = flat_list_of_lists([d["options_str_list"] for d in text_examples]) # (B * n_options, ) batch_enc = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( text_str_list, max_length=self.max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt" ) text_input_ids = batch_enc.input_ids # (B, L) text_input_mask = batch_enc.attention_mask # (B, L) question_ids = [d["qid"] for d in text_examples] collated_batch = dict( visual_inputs=visual_inputs, # (B, #frm, H, W, C) text_input_ids=text_input_ids, text_input_mask=text_input_mask, question_ids=question_ids, # list(int), example ids, meta=dict(text_examples=text_examples, text_str_list=text_str_list), labels=None, n_examples_list=n_examples_list # used to create image feature copies. ) return collated_batch
def collate_batch(self, batch): v_collate = default_collate visual_inputs = v_collate([d["vid"] for d in batch]) # (B, T, 3, H, W) # group data text_examples = flat_list_of_lists([d["examples"] for d in batch]) n_examples_list = [d["n_examples"] for d in batch] # (B, ) # group elements data # directly concatenate question and option as a single seq. if self.task_type in ["action", "transition"]: text_str_list = flat_list_of_lists( [[d["q_str"] + " " + d["options_str_list"][i] for i in range(self.n_options)] for d in text_examples] ) # (B * n_options, ) else: text_str_list = [d["q_str"] for d in text_examples] # (B, ) batch_enc = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( text_str_list, max_length=self.max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt" ) text_input_ids = batch_enc.input_ids # (B, L) text_input_mask = batch_enc.attention_mask # (B, L) labels = default_collate([int(d["label"]) for d in text_examples]) \ if text_examples[0]["label"] is not None else None # (B, #ans) question_ids = [d["question_id"] for d in text_examples] return dict( visual_inputs=visual_inputs, # (B, #frm, H, W, C) text_input_ids=text_input_ids, text_input_mask=text_input_mask, question_ids=question_ids, labels=labels, n_examples_list=n_examples_list # used to create image feature copies. )
def collate_batch(self, batch): if isinstance(batch[0]["img"], torch.Tensor): v_collate = default_collate else: v_collate = img_collate visual_inputs = v_collate([d["img"] for d in batch ]) # (B, #frm=1 or T, 3, H, W) # group data text_examples = flat_list_of_lists([d["examples"] for d in batch]) n_examples_list = [d["n_examples"] for d in batch] # (B, ) # group elements data batch_enc = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( [d["text_str"] for d in text_examples], max_length=self.max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt") text_input_ids = batch_enc.input_ids # (B, L) if self.mlm: text_input_ids, mlm_labels = mask_batch_text_tokens( text_input_ids, self.tokenizer, is_train=self.is_train) # make mlm data else: text_input_ids, mlm_labels = text_input_ids, None text_input_mask = batch_enc.attention_mask # (B, L) itm_labels = default_collate([d["itm_label"] for d in text_examples]) # (B, ) return dict( visual_inputs=visual_inputs, # (B, #frm=1 or T, H, W, C) text_input_ids=text_input_ids, mlm_labels=mlm_labels, text_input_mask=text_input_mask, itm_labels=itm_labels, n_examples_list= n_examples_list # used to create image feature copies. )
def collate_batch(self, batch): if isinstance(batch[0]["img"], torch.Tensor): v_collate = default_collate else: v_collate = img_collate visual_inputs = v_collate([d["img"] for d in batch]) # (B, #frm=1 or T, 3, H, W) # group data text_examples = flat_list_of_lists([d["examples"] for d in batch]) n_examples_list = [d["n_examples"] for d in batch] # (B, ) # group elements data batch_enc = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( [d["text_str"] for d in text_examples], max_length=self.max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt" ) text_input_ids = batch_enc.input_ids # (B, L) text_input_mask = batch_enc.attention_mask # (B, L) labels = default_collate( [d["labels"] for d in text_examples]) \ if text_examples[0]["labels"] is not None else None # (B, #ans) question_ids = [d["question_id"] for d in text_examples] return dict( visual_inputs=visual_inputs, # (B, #frm=1 or T, H, W, C) text_input_ids=text_input_ids, text_input_mask=text_input_mask, question_ids=question_ids, labels=labels, n_examples_list=n_examples_list # used to create image feature copies. )
def mk_input_group(key_grouped_examples, max_n_example_per_group=2, is_train=True, example_unique_key=None): """ Re-organize examples into groups. Each input group will have a single image paired with X (X=max_n_example_per_img) examples. Images with total #examples > X will be split into multiple groups. In the case a group has < X examples, we will copy the examples to make the group has X examples. Args: key_grouped_examples: dict, each key is image/video id, each value is a list(example) associated with this image/video max_n_example_per_group: int, pair max #examples with each image/video. Note that each image can have multiple groups. is_train: bool, if True, copy the examples to make sure each input group has max_n_example_per_group examples. example_unique_key: str, used to make sure no inputs are discarded by matching the input and output ids specified by `example_unique_key` """ input_groups = [] # each element is (id, list(example)) for k, examples in key_grouped_examples.items(): chunked_examples = chunk_list(examples, chunk_size=max_n_example_per_group, pad_to_divisible=is_train) for c in chunked_examples: # if len(c) == 0: # continue input_groups.append((k, c)) if example_unique_key is not None: print( f"Using example_unique_key {example_unique_key} to check whether input and output ids m" ) # sanity check: make sure we did not discard any input example by accident. input_question_ids = flat_list_of_lists( [[sub_e[example_unique_key] for sub_e in e] for e in key_grouped_examples.values()]) output_question_ids = flat_list_of_lists( [[sub_e[example_unique_key] for sub_e in e[1]] for e in input_groups]) assert set(input_question_ids) == set( output_question_ids), "You are missing " return input_groups
def repeat_tensor_rows(raw_tensor, row_repeats): """ repeat raw_tensor[i] row_repeats[i] times. Args: raw_tensor: (B, *) row_repeats: list(int), len(row_repeats) == len(raw_tensor) """ assert len(raw_tensor) == len(raw_tensor), "Has to be the same length" if sum(row_repeats) == len(row_repeats): return raw_tensor else: indices = torch.LongTensor( flat_list_of_lists([[i] * r for i, r in enumerate(row_repeats) ])).to(raw_tensor.device) return raw_tensor.index_select(0, indices)
def collate_batch(self, batch): v_collate = default_collate visual_inputs = v_collate([d["vid"] for d in batch]) # (B, T, 3, H, W) # group data text_examples = flat_list_of_lists([d["examples"] for d in batch]) n_examples_list = [d["n_examples"] for d in batch] # (B, ) # group elements data # directly concatenate question and option as a single seq. text_str_list = [d["text_str"] for d in text_examples] # (B, ) batch_enc = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( text_str_list, max_length=self.max_length, pad_to_max_length=True, return_tensors="pt" ) text_input_ids = batch_enc.input_ids # (B, L) text_input_mask = batch_enc.attention_mask # (B, L) if "itm_label" in text_examples[0]: itm_labels = default_collate( [d["itm_label"] for d in text_examples]) # (B, ) else: itm_labels = None if "id" in text_examples[0]: caption_ids = [d["id"] for d in text_examples] # (B, ) else: caption_ids = None collated_batch = dict( visual_inputs=visual_inputs, # (B, #frm, H, W, C) text_input_ids=text_input_ids, text_input_mask=text_input_mask, caption_ids=caption_ids, # list(int), example ids, labels=itm_labels, n_examples_list=n_examples_list # used to create image feature copies. ) if "vid_id" in batch[0] and len(batch) == 1: collated_batch["vid_id"] = batch[0]["vid_id"] return collated_batch
def mk_vqa_dataloader(anno_path, img_lmdb_dir, cfg, tokenizer, is_train=True): """ Returns: list(dict), each dict is { "filepath": str, "txt": str, } """ if isinstance(anno_path, str): raw_datalist = load_jsonl(anno_path) else: raw_datalist = flat_list_of_lists([load_jsonl(p) for p in anno_path]) if cfg.data_ratio != 1.0: random.shuffle(raw_datalist) raw_datalist = raw_datalist[:int(len(raw_datalist) * cfg.data_ratio)] datalist = [] for raw_d in raw_datalist: d = dict( txt=raw_d["question"], img_id=raw_d["image_id"], question_id=raw_d["question_id"], ) if "labels" in raw_d: # deal with test sets d["labels"] = raw_d["labels"] if "answer_type" in raw_d: d["answer_type"] = raw_d["answer_type"] datalist.append(d) grouped = defaultdict(list) # examples grouped by image/video id for d in datalist: grouped[d["img_id"]].append(d) # each group has a single image with multiple questions group_datalist = mk_input_group( grouped, max_n_example_per_group=cfg.max_n_example_per_group if is_train else 1, # force 1 in eval is_train=is_train, example_unique_key="question_id") ans2label = load_json(cfg.ans2label_path) dataset = ClipBertVQADataset(datalist=group_datalist, tokenizer=tokenizer, img_lmdb_dir=img_lmdb_dir, ans2label=ans2label, max_img_size=cfg.max_img_size, max_txt_len=cfg.max_txt_len)"is_train {is_train}, dataset size {len(dataset)} groups, " f"each group {cfg.max_n_example_per_group if is_train else 1}") if cfg.do_inference: batch_size = cfg.inference_batch_size else: batch_size = cfg.train_batch_size if is_train else cfg.val_batch_size sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset, num_replicas=hvd.size(), rank=hvd.rank(), shuffle=is_train) vqa_collator = VQACollator(tokenizer=tokenizer, max_length=cfg.max_txt_len) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, sampler=sampler, num_workers=cfg.n_workers, pin_memory=cfg.pin_mem, collate_fn=vqa_collator.collate_batch) return dataloader