Example #1
    def test_from_instances_exclusive_embeddings_file_inside_archive(self):
        """ Just for ensuring there are no problems when reading pretrained tokens from an archive """
        # Read embeddings file from archive
        archive_path = str(self.TEST_DIR / "embeddings-archive.zip")

        with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'w') as archive:
            file_path = 'embedding.3d.vec'
            with archive.open(file_path, 'w') as embeddings_file:
                embeddings_file.write("a 1.0 2.3 -1.0\n".encode('utf-8'))
                embeddings_file.write("b 0.1 0.4 -4.0\n".encode('utf-8'))

            with archive.open('dummy.vec', 'w') as dummy_file:
                dummy_file.write("c 1.0 2.3 -1.0 3.0\n".encode('utf-8'))

        embeddings_file_uri = format_embeddings_file_uri(archive_path, file_path)
        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset,
                                          min_count={'tokens': 4},
                                          pretrained_files={'tokens': embeddings_file_uri},

        words = set(vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values())
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' not in words
        assert 'c' not in words

        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset,
                                          pretrained_files={'tokens': embeddings_file_uri},
        words = set(vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values())
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' in words
        assert 'c' not in words
Example #2
    def test_from_dataset_respects_max_vocab_size_single_int(self):
        max_vocab_size = 1
        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset, max_vocab_size=max_vocab_size)
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        # Additional 2 tokens are '@@PADDING@@' and '@@UNKNOWN@@' by default
        assert len(words) == max_vocab_size + 2

        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset, min_count=None)
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        assert len(words) == 5
Example #3
    def test_from_dataset_respects_min_count(self):
        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset, min_count={'tokens': 4})
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' not in words
        assert 'c' not in words

        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset, min_count=None)
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' in words
        assert 'c' in words
Example #4
    def test_from_dataset_respects_inclusive_embedding_file(self):
        embeddings_filename = str(self.TEST_DIR / "embeddings.gz")
        with gzip.open(embeddings_filename, 'wb') as embeddings_file:
            embeddings_file.write("a 1.0 2.3 -1.0\n".encode('utf-8'))
            embeddings_file.write("b 0.1 0.4 -4.0\n".encode('utf-8'))

        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset,
                                          min_count={'tokens': 4},
                                          pretrained_files={'tokens': embeddings_filename},
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' in words
        assert 'c' not in words

        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(self.dataset,
                                          pretrained_files={'tokens': embeddings_filename},
        words = vocab.get_index_to_token_vocabulary().values()
        assert 'a' in words
        assert 'b' in words
        assert 'c' in words
Example #5
    def test_saving_and_loading_works_with_byte_encoding(self):
        # We're going to set a vocabulary from a TextField using byte encoding, index it, save the
        # vocab, load the vocab, then index the text field again, and make sure we get the same
        # result.
        tokenizer = CharacterTokenizer(byte_encoding='utf-8')
        token_indexer = TokenCharactersIndexer(character_tokenizer=tokenizer)
        tokens = [Token(t) for t in ["Øyvind", "für", "汉字"]]
        text_field = TextField(tokens, {"characters": token_indexer})
        dataset = Batch([Instance({"sentence": text_field})])
        vocab = Vocabulary.from_instances(dataset)
        indexed_tokens = deepcopy(text_field._indexed_tokens)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

        vocab_dir = self.TEST_DIR / 'vocab_save'
        vocab2 = Vocabulary.from_files(vocab_dir)
        text_field2 = TextField(tokens, {"characters": token_indexer})
        indexed_tokens2 = deepcopy(text_field2._indexed_tokens)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        assert indexed_tokens == indexed_tokens2