def execute_remote_command(command, hostname, username, password): client = None try: client = ssh_client.SshClient(host=hostname, port=22, username=username, password=password) ret = client.execute(command, sudo=True) print " ".join(ret["out"]), " E ".join(ret["err"]), ret["retval"] finally: if client: client.close()
def init_test_case(): try: client = ssh_client.SshClient(hostname, username, password) cmd_ctrl = remote_cmd.CmdCtrl(cmd_sender=client.exec_cmd, multi_cmd_sender=client.exec_multi_cmd, file_uploader=client.upload, proto = protocol.Protocol() test_case = TestCase(cmd_ctrl, proto) return test_case, client except Exception as e: LOG.error(e) exit()
def reboot_device(): return 0 client = ssh_client.SshClient(hostname, username, password) client.exec_cmd("sudo reboot now") time.sleep(1) client.close()
import ssh_client cl = ssh_client.SshClient('', '/root/test') cl.connect()
def main(): mail_notification = False c_wmi = wmi_class.WmiClass() ssh = ssh_client.SshClient() utils = util.Util() webservers_file_path = "webserver.txt" f_nam = "srv.txt" output_file_name = "another-name.html" hosts = [] webserver_hosts = [] config = load_config("config.json") # WMI user/pass wmi_user = utils.b64_decrypt(config.get("wmi").get("user")) wmi_pwd = utils.b64_decrypt(config.get("wmi").get("password")) ssh_user = utils.b64_decrypt(config.get("ssh").get("user")) ssh_pwd = utils.b64_decrypt(config.get("ssh").get("password")) ssh_port = config.get("ssh").get("port") ssh_payload = utils.b64_decrypt(config.get("ssh").get("payload")) print("[+] Payload length:: " + str(len(ssh_payload))) user = config.get("mail").get("smtp").get("user") serv = config.get("mail").get("smtp").get("server") port = config.get("mail").get("smtp").get("port") para = config.get("mail").get("to") subject = config.get("mail").get("subject") p = _parser.Parser() # with open("C:\\Users\\opensylar\\Desktop\\mem_parse.log", "r") as fp: # l = # p.parse_mem(l) with open(webservers_file_path, "r") as f: ports = [80, 443] for c_addr in f: c_addr = c_addr.replace("\n", "") c_addr = c_addr.replace("\r", "") print("[+] Sending web tests to " + c_addr) status_web = check_web(c_addr, ports) webserver_hosts.append(status_web) with open(f_nam, "r") as f: for c_addr in f: c_addr = c_addr.replace("\n", "") c_addr = c_addr.replace("\r", "") if is_ip_range(c_addr) > 0x0: net1 = ip_network(c_addr, strict=False) for addr in net1: addr = str(addr) hosts.append({"hostname": addr}) else: hosts.append({"hostname": c_addr}) # Setea las variables del dict for h in hosts: print("\r\n[+] Checking " + h.get("hostname")) std_out, std_error = run_ping2(h.get("hostname")) ping_vals = parse_output_ping(std_out) h.update(ip_addr=h.get("hostname")) if ping_vals["ttl"] is not 0x0: html_path = "report-details/details-" + h.get("hostname") + ".html" h.update(status="up") # dns_nam = dns_resolver(h.get("hostname")) try: dns_nam = socket.gethostbyaddr(h.get("hostname")) dns_nam = dns_nam[0] except socket.herror: dns_nam = "Unknow" os_nam = os_detect(ping_vals["ttl"]) # print("TTL:: " + str(ping_vals["ttl"])) h.update(dns_name=dns_nam) h.update(os=os_nam) h.update(html_path=html_path) s = socket_client.SocketClient() html_rpt = html_report.HtmlReport() html_rpt.set_path("report-details") if os_nam == "Windows": print("[+] Sending WMI query..") c_wmi.send_query(h.get("hostname"), wmi_user, wmi_pwd, 0x1) c_wmi.send_query(h.get("hostname"), wmi_user, wmi_pwd, 0x2) c_wmi.send_query(h.get("hostname"), wmi_user, wmi_pwd, 0x3) c_wmi.send_query(h.get("hostname"), wmi_user, wmi_pwd, 0x4) h.update(status_agent="1")"hostname"), c_wmi, html_path, False) else: h.update(status_agent="1") print("[+] Sending SSH payload..") c_ssh = ssh.send_query(h.get("hostname"), ssh_port, ssh_user, ssh_pwd, ssh_payload)"hostname"), c_ssh, html_path, True) # Offline else: print("[!] " + h.get("hostname") + " offline") h.update(status_agent="0") h.update(status="down") # Dead try: dns_nam = socket.gethostbyaddr(h.get("hostname")) dns_nam = dns_nam[0] except socket.herror: dns_nam = "Unknow" except socket.gaierror: print("[!] " + h.get("hostname") + " is bad host") exit(-1) h.update(dns_name=dns_nam) h.update(os="Unknow") createhtml(output_file_name, hosts, webserver_hosts) c_path = os.getcwd() file_output = c_path + "\\" build_zip(c_path, file_output, output_file_name) if mail_notification is True: print("[+] Sending mail to SMTP relay server") u = {"sender": user} s = {"serv": serv, "port": port} m = { "to": para, "subject": subject, "attach": file_output, "body": "Report" } send_mail(m, u, s) print("[+] Finish!")