Example #1
def startLogging(pi_list, PI_START_SUFFIX, MNG_PREFIX):

    print "Starting Logging on all PIs:"

    for pi in pi_list:

        pi = MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)
        print "Start Logging on Pi: " + pi

        s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password='******')
        s.execute("nfd-status &> /home/nfd/start.nfd-status.log")
        s.put("logging", "/etc/cron.d/logging")

    print "All Pis started logging!\n"

    for pi in pi_list:
        print "Gathering Pi-Stats from " + MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)

        s = ssh.Connection(MNG_PREFIX + str(pi), 'root', password='******')
        files = s.execute("ls /tmp/logs/stat-*.json")

        for f in files:
            f = f.rstrip().split('/')[-1]
            src = "/tmp/logs/" + f
            f = f.replace("stat-",
                          "stat-PI_" + str(pi - PI_START_SUFFIX) + "_")
            dest = DESTINATION_FOLDER + "/" + f
            s.get(src, dest)

Example #3
def killNFDs(pi_list, MNG_PREFIX, PI_START_SUFFIX):

    print "Stopping all NFDs:"

    for pi in pi_list:

        pi = MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)
        print "Stopping NFD: " + pi

        s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password='******')

    print "NFDs Stopped!\n"
    )  #sleep 10 sec to ensure nfd-stop(s) finished before gathering the results
def gatherNFDCacheLogs(pi_list, MNG_PREFIX, DESTINATION_FOLDER,

    for pi in pi_list:
        print "Gathering NFD-Cachelog from " + MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)

        s = ssh.Connection(MNG_PREFIX + str(pi), 'root', password='******')
        files = s.execute("ls /tmp/nfd_cachehits.txt")

        for f in files:
            f = f.rstrip().split('/')[-1]
            src = "/tmp/" + f
            f = f.replace("nfd_cachehits",
                          "nfd_cachehits-PI_" + str(pi - PI_START_SUFFIX))
            dest = DESTINATION_FOLDER + "/" + f
            s.get(src, dest)

def gatherNFDStatusLogs(pi_list, MNG_PREFIX, DESTINATION_FOLDER,

    for pi in pi_list:
        print "Gathering NFD-Status Logs from " + MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)

        s = ssh.Connection(MNG_PREFIX + str(pi), 'root', password='******')
        files = s.execute("ls /home/nfd/*nfd-status.log")

        for f in files:
            f = f.rstrip().split('/')[-1]
            src = "/home/nfd/" + f
            f = f.replace("nfd-status",
                          "nfd-status-PI_" + str(pi - PI_START_SUFFIX))
            dest = DESTINATION_FOLDER + "/" + f
            s.get(src, dest)

Example #6
def waitForAppsToFinish(client_ips):
	print "Waiting for all TrackApps to finish:"

	for pi in client_ips:
		s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password = '******')
			res = s.execute("ps ax | grep -v grep | grep " + getTrackApp())
			if(len(res) == 0):

			print "TrackApp still running on Pi: " + pi + " (Sleeping... 60 sec)"
	print "All TrackApps have finished\n"
def gatherConsumerResults(client_ips, DESTINATION_FOLDER):

    for pi in client_ips:
        print "Trying to get Result from TrackApp of Pi: " + pi

        s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password='******')
        files = s.execute("ls /home/nfd/")

        for f in files:
            if re.match("consumer-PI_[0-9]+\.log", f):

                f = f.rstrip()
                src = "/home/nfd/" + f
                dest = DESTINATION_FOLDER + "/" + f

                print "Gathered \"" + f + "\" from src: " + src + " to " + dest
                s.get(src, dest)

Example #8
def startAppOnPi(pi):

	print "Starting App on pi: " + pi

	s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password = '******')

	files = s.execute("ls /home/nfd/")

	hasApp = False
	for f in files:
		if re.match("app.sh", f):
			hasApp = True

	if hasApp:
		s.execute("screen -d -m /home/nfd/app.sh")
		print "Error: There is no app.sh on this Pi! Exiting.."
Example #9
USER = ""

if len(sys.argv) != 5:
	print "Invalid Parameters -- Usage:"
	print "src_file, dest_file, user, passwd"

SRC_FILE = str(sys.argv[1])
DEST_FILE = str(sys.argv[2])
USER = str(sys.argv[3])
PASSWD = str(sys.argv[4])

# available pis: PREFIX.NR = IP
pi_list = range(PI_START_SUFFIX,PI_END_SUFFIX+1) # returns [start, ..., end-1]

print "Available PIs(" + str(len(pi_list)) + "): " + str(pi_list)

pi_ips = []
for i in pi_list:

for pi in pi_ips:

	print "Copying " + SRC_FILE + " to " + pi + " " + DEST_FILE
	s = ssh.Connection(pi, USER , password = PASSWD)

print "File Deployed!\n"
Example #10
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("cd ndn-DemoApps/")
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("git pull")
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("./waf configure")
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("./waf")
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo ./waf install")
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("cd ..")

for pi in commands:

    #if pi != "":

    f = open(os.getenv("HOME") + "/deploy_code.sh", 'w')
    f.write('#!/bin/sh\n')  # python will convert \n to os.linesep

    print "Deploying Code to PI: " + pi
    for c in commands[pi]:
        #print c
        f.write(c + "\n")


    s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'nfd', password='******')
    s.put(os.getenv("HOME") + "/deploy_code.sh", '/home/nfd/deploy_code.sh')
    s.execute("chmod +x /home/nfd/deploy_code.sh")
    s.execute("screen -d -m /home/nfd/deploy_code.sh")

print "Code deployed on PIs!\n"
Example #11

print "Gathering Temperatures:"

# available pis: PREFIX.NR = IP
pi_list = range(PI_START_SUFFIX,
                PI_END_SUFFIX + 1)  # returns [start, ..., end-1]

print "Available PIs(" + str(len(pi_list)) + "): " + str(pi_list)

commands = {}
for i in pi_list:
    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)] = []

for pi in commands:

    out_str = "Pi: " + pi
    s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password='******')

    #print s.execute("soctemp | cut -b 1-8 --complement")
    #print s.execute("hddtemp /dev/sda")
    out_str += "\tCPU: " + s.execute(
        "soctemp | cut -b 1-8 --complement")[0].strip()
    out_str += "\tHDD: " + s.execute("hddtemp /dev/sda")[0].strip()[-5:]
    out_str += " (" + s.execute("hddtemp /dev/sda")[0].strip().split(
        ":")[1] + ")"
    print out_str

print "Done!\n"
Example #12

    print "Deploying Network: " + NETWORK

    # available pis: PREFIX.NR = IP
    pi_list = range(PI_START_SUFFIX,
                    PI_END_SUFFIX + 1)  # returns [start, ..., end-1]

    print "Available PIs(" + str(len(pi_list)) + "): " + str(pi_list)

    nodes, link_list, property_list = np.parseNetwork(NETWORK)

    if len(pi_list) < nodes:
        print "Error to less PIs available to deploy network!"

    #map ipdresses to nodes
    for link in link_list:
        link.ip1 = EMU_PREFIX + str(pi_list[int(link.n1)])
        link.ip2 = EMU_PREFIX + str(pi_list[int(link.n2)])

    for prop in property_list:
        prop.ip_client = EMU_PREFIX + str(pi_list[int(prop.client)])
        prop.ip_server = EMU_PREFIX + str(pi_list[int(prop.server)])

    #init commands per pi { pi:[c1,c2,...,cn]}
    commands = {}
    for i in pi_list:
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)] = []

        #drop everything
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append(
            "sudo iptables --flush")  #delete all old entries
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP")

        #but allow all ip traffic from the mangement interface
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -d " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -s " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX +
                 str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s " + MNG_PREFIX +
                                str(i) + " -j ACCEPT")

        #setup the itec gateway
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -d " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -s " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -s " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s " +
                                             ITEC_GATEWAY + " -j ACCEPT")

        #delete all old tc settings (default ceil = rate)
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append("sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append(
            "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default " + str(10))
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(i)].append(
            "sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid 1:" + str(10) +
            " htb rate 100mbit")

    for link in link_list:

        ip1 = link.ip1
        ip2 = link.ip2

        #node id
        n1 = link.n1
        n2 = link.n2

        #add connection between nodes ip1 and ip2
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -d " +
                                            ip1 + " -s " + ip2 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " +
                                            ip1 + " -s " + ip2 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " +
                                            ip2 + " -s " + ip1 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s " +
                                            ip1 + " -d " + ip2 + " -j ACCEPT")

            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A INPUT -d " +
                                            ip2 + " -s " + ip1 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " +
                                            ip2 + " -s " + ip1 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A FORWARD -d " +
                                            ip1 + " -s " + ip2 + " -j ACCEPT")
            EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -s " +
                                            ip2 + " -d " + ip1 + " -j ACCEPT")

        #example: http://askubuntu.com/questions/776/how-i-can-limit-download-upload-bandwidth
        #add tc classes for n1 (default ceil = rate)

        handle_offset = 11
        flowId1 = "1:" + str(handle_offset + int(n2))  #towards n1
        flowId2 = "1:" + str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n2))  #from n1
        #commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId1 + " htb rate " + str(link.bw_n2_to_n1) + "kbit")	#towards n1
        #commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId2 + " htb rate " + str(link.bw_n1_to_n2) + "kbit") #from n1
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId1 +
            " htb rate 100mbit")  #towards n1
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId2 +
            " htb rate 100mbit")  #from n1

        #add tc filter for n1
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "
            + ip1 + " match ip src " + ip2 + " flowid " + flowId1)  #towards n1
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "
            + ip2 + " match ip src " + ip1 + " flowid " + flowId2)  #from n1

        #add tbf below htp for queue length
        # burst >= rate / CONFIG_HZ # rate is in kbits
        burst = float(link.bw_n2_to_n1 * 1000) / (PI_CONFIG_HZ * 8)
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " + flowId1 + " handle " +
            str(handle_offset + int(n2)) + ": tbf rate " +
            str(link.bw_n2_to_n1) + "kbit burst " + str(int(burst)) +
            " latency " + str(LATENCY) + "ms")  #towards n1

        burst = float(link.bw_n1_to_n2 * 1000) / (PI_CONFIG_HZ * 8)
        commands[ip1.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " + flowId2 + " handle " +
            str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n2)) + ": tbf rate " +
            str(link.bw_n1_to_n2) + "kbit burst " + str(int(burst)) +
            " latency " + str(LATENCY) + "ms")  #from n1
        #delay and loss for n1 to n2
        netman_handle = str(handle_offset + (nodes + 1) * 2 + int(n2))
            MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " +
                                str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n2)) +
                                ":" + str(int(n2) + 1) + " handle " +
                                netman_handle + " netem delay " +
                                str(link.delay_n1_to_n2) + "ms" +
        #sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 33:1 handle 9999 netem delay 10ms

        #add tc classes for n2 (default ceil = rate)
        flowId1 = "1:" + str(handle_offset + int(n1))  #towards n2
        flowId2 = "1:" + str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n1))  #from n2
        #commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId1 + " htb rate " + str(link.bw_n1_to_n2) + "kbit")	#towards n2
        #commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId2 + " htb rate " + str(link.bw_n2_to_n1) + "kbit")	#from n2
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId1 +
            " htb rate 100mbit")  #towards n2
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1: classid " + flowId2 +
            " htb rate 100mbit")  #from n2

        #add tc filter for n2
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "
            + ip2 + " match ip src " + ip1 + " flowid " + flowId1)  #towards n2
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip dst "
            + ip1 + " match ip src " + ip2 + " flowid " + flowId2)  #from n2

        #add tbf below htp for queue length
        # burst >= rate / CONFIG_HZ # rate is in kbits
        burst = float(link.bw_n1_to_n2 * 1000) / (PI_CONFIG_HZ * 8)
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " + flowId1 + " handle " +
            str(handle_offset + int(n1)) + ": tbf rate " +
            str(link.bw_n1_to_n2) + "kbit burst " + str(int(burst)) +
            " latency " + str(LATENCY) + "ms")  #towards n2

        burst = float(link.bw_n2_to_n1 * 1000) / (PI_CONFIG_HZ * 8)
        commands[ip2.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            "sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " + flowId2 + " handle " +
            str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n1)) + ": tbf rate " +
            str(link.bw_n2_to_n1) + "kbit burst " + str(int(burst)) +
            " latency " + str(LATENCY) + "ms")  #from n2

        #delay and loss for n2 to n1
        netman_handle = str(handle_offset + (nodes + 1) * 2 + int(n1))
            MNG_PREFIX)].append("sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent " +
                                str(handle_offset + nodes + 1 + int(n1)) +
                                ":" + str(int(n1) + 1) + " handle " +
                                netman_handle + " netem delay " +
                                str(link.delay_n2_to_n1) + "ms" +

    print "Configuring NFDs:"

    #restart NFD on all PIs
    for pi in pi_list:
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append("sudo nfd-stop")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append("sleep 5")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append("sudo nfd-start")
        commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append("sleep 5")

    #deploy ALL shortest routes

    #1. we need a graph to calc the shortest / all paths
    g = Graph()
    g = g.as_directed()

    for pi in pi_list:
        g.add_vertex(EMU_PREFIX + str(pi))

    for link in link_list:
        g.add_edges([(int(link.n1), int(link.n2)),
                     (int(link.n2), int(link.n1))])

    g.vs["label"] = g.vs["name"]
    layout = g.layout("kk")
    #plot(g, layout = layout)

    for pi_idx, pi in enumerate(pi_list):
        for to_idx, to in enumerate(pi_list[pi_idx + 1:]):

            #print "Start calc for pi:" +str(pi)
            if PATHS == "shortest":
                paths = g.get_all_shortest_paths(pi - PI_START_SUFFIX,
                                                 to - PI_START_SUFFIX)
            elif PATHS == "all":
                paths = find_all_paths(g,
                                       pi - PI_START_SUFFIX,
                                       to - PI_START_SUFFIX,
                print "Invalid Path selection! Please choose \"all\" or \"shortest\"!"
            #print "found " + str(len(paths)) + " for pair (" + str(pi) + "," + str(to) + ")"

            #store reverse pahts for to -> pi
            reverse_paths = copy.deepcopy(paths)
            for path in reverse_paths:

            #first calc and add fib entries from pi -> to
            paths = getNextFibHops(paths)

            #install next hop and costs
            for path in paths:
                for fws in FW_STRATEGIES:
                    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append(
                        "sudo nfdc register /" + fws + "/" +
                        str(to - PI_START_SUFFIX) + " udp://" + EMU_PREFIX +
                        str(path[1] + PI_START_SUFFIX) + " -c " +
                        str(len(path) - 1))  # /FW_STRATEGY/Node_ID/

            #now calc and add fib entries from to -> pi
            reverse_paths = getNextFibHops(reverse_paths)

            #install next hop and costs
            for path in reverse_paths:
                for fws in FW_STRATEGIES:
                    commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(to)].append(
                        "sudo nfdc register /" + fws + "/" +
                        str(pi - PI_START_SUFFIX) + " udp://" + EMU_PREFIX +
                        str(path[1] + PI_START_SUFFIX) + " -c " +
                        str(len(path) - 1))  # /

    #install strategies per fw-prefix on each pi
    for pi in pi_list:
        for fws in FW_STRATEGIES:
            commands[MNG_PREFIX + str(pi)].append(
                "sudo nfdc set-strategy " + "/" + fws +
                "/ /localhost/nfd/strategy/" +
                fws)  #set-strategy <namespace> <strategy-name>

    #print commands


    apps = {}
    for prop in property_list:
        #add client app
        if prop.ip_client in apps.keys():
            "Configuration Error! Only one Client-App per Node!"

        apps[prop.ip_client.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)] = []
        #apps[prop.ip_client.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append("sleep 10") #Clients Sleep so Servers can Start first..# Not anymore nessecary
        apps[prop.ip_client.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(
            ap.getConsumerCommand(prop.client, prop.server))

        #add server app
        if prop.ip_server in apps.keys():
            continue  #servers may appear in multiple properties as 1 server may serve for many clients

        apps[prop.ip_server.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)] = []
        apps[prop.ip_server.replace(EMU_PREFIX, MNG_PREFIX)].append(

    if not os.path.exists(TEMPDIR):
    #prepare client.sh for logging
    orig_f = open("client.sh", "r")
    modified_f = open(TEMPDIR + "/client.sh", 'w')

    for line in orig_f:
        modified_f.write(line.replace("$$$TRACKAPP$$$", getTrackApp()))

    #deploy network
    for pi in commands:

        print "Setting up Network Settings for PI: " + pi

        with open(TEMPDIR + "/network.sh", 'w') as f:
            f.write('#!/bin/sh\n')  # python will convert \n to os.linesep
            for c in commands[pi]:
                #print c
                f.write(c + "\n")

        #check if pi shall run an app

        hasApp = False
        if pi in apps.keys():

            hasApp = True
            print "Setting up App Script for PI: " + pi

            with open(TEMPDIR + "/app.sh", 'w') as f:
                f.write('#!/bin/sh\n')  # python will convert \n to os.linesep
                for c in apps[pi]:
                    #print c
                    f.write(c + "\n")
            print "No Apps for this Pi."

        print "Pushing Settings and Apps to PI via SSH..."

        #open ssh
        s = ssh.Connection(pi, 'root', password='******')

        #remove old scripts and log files
        s.execute("rm -f /home/nfd/network.sh")  #network settings
        s.execute("rm -f /home/nfd/app.sh")  #deployed app
        s.execute("rm -f /home/nfd/consumer-PI_*.log")  #app logs
        s.execute("rm -f /tmp/logs/*.json")  #pi-usage logs
        s.execute("rm -f /home/nfd/*.nfd-status.log")  #nfd-status logs

        #create pi-usage log folder if it does not exists...
        s.execute("mkdir /tmp/logs")

        #copy new scripts
        s.put(TEMPDIR + "/network.sh", '/home/nfd/network.sh')
        s.execute("chmod +x /home/nfd/network.sh")
        if hasApp:
            s.put(TEMPDIR + "/app.sh", '/home/nfd/app.sh')
            s.execute("chmod +x /home/nfd/app.sh")

        s.put(TEMPDIR + "/client.sh", "/root/client.sh")
        s.execute("chmod +x /root/client.sh")

        #launch nfd
        s.execute("screen -d -m /home/nfd/network.sh")
        print "Pi:" + pi + "	Done!\n"

    print "Network deployed on all PIs! Waiting 180 seconds so Pis can startup NFD and set routes!\n"
    return g, pi_list, property_list