def generate_key(self, # the smart cards pin code. pin=None, ): # check params. response = r3sponse.check_parameters( empty_value=None, parameters={ "pin":pin, }) if not response["success"]: return response # do. command = f"printf '\\n\\n' | ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv generate-key 9a public.pem --pin-policy ALWAYS --pin {pin} --management-key 010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708" output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True) # handle error. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response elif output != "": return r3sponse.error(f"Unknown error during key generation, output: [{output}].") # do. command = f'ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv generate-certificate -s "/CN=SSH-key/" 9a public.pem --pin {pin} --management-key 010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708' output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True) # handle error. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response elif output != "": return r3sponse.error(f"Unknown error during certificate generation, output: [{output}].") # handle success. return r3sponse.success(f"Successfully generated a signed certificate & key for smart card [{self.serial_number}].")
def change_puk(self, # the smart cards new puk code. new=None, # the smart cards old puk code. old=12345678, ): # check params. response = r3sponse.check_parameters( empty_value=None, parameters={ "new":new, "old":old, }) if not response["success"]: return response # do. command = f"ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv change-puk -p{old} -n{new}" output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True) # handle defaults. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response # handle success. elif "New PUK set." in output: return r3sponse.success(f"Successfully changed the puk of smart card [{self.serial_number}].") # unknown error. else: return r3sponse.error(f"Unknown error while changing puk, output: [{output}].")
def unblock_pin(self, # the new pin code. pin=None, # the smart cards puk code puk=None, ): # check params. response = r3sponse.check_parameters( empty_value=None, parameters={ "pin":pin, "puk":puk, }) if not response["success"]: return response # unblock. output = utils.__execute_script__(f"ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv unblock-pin --puk {puk} --new-pin {pin}", shell=True) # handle defaults. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response # handle error. if output != "": return r3sponse.error(f"Unknown error pin unblocking, output: [{output}].") # handle success. return r3sponse.success(f"Successfully unblocked the pin code of smart card [{self.serial_number}].")
def export_keys( self, # optionally save the keys to a file. path=None, ): # output. command = f"ssh-keygen -D {self.path} -e" output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True, return_format="array") # error. if len(output) == 0 or "ssh-rsa " not in output[0]: return dev0s.response.error( f"Failed to export smart card [{self.serial_number}].") else: # write out. if path != None: try:, utils.__array_to_string__(output, joiner="\n")) except: return dev0s.response.error( f"Failed to write out the exported key from smart card [{self.serial_number}]." ) # success. return dev0s.response.success( f"Successfully exported smart card [{self.serial_number}].", {"public_keys": output})
def generate_management_key( self, # the smart cards pin code. pin=None, ): # check params. response = dev0s.response.parameters.check( default=None, traceback=self.__traceback__(function="generate_management_key"), parameters={ "pin": pin, }) if not response["success"]: return response # do. command = f'ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv change-management-key --generate --protect --pin {pin} --management-key "010203040506070801020304050607080102030405060708"' output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True) # handle success. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response elif output != "": return dev0s.response.error( f"Unknown error during management key generation, output: [{output}]." ) else: return dev0s.response.success( f"Successfully generated a management key for smart card [{self.serial_number}]." )
def mount(self, # the directory paths. server_path=None, client_path=None, # the ssh params. # option 1: alias=None, # option 2: username=None, ip=None, port=22, key_path=None, ): # checks. base = "" if alias == None: response = r3sponse.check_parameters(empty_value=None, parameters={ "username":username, "ip":ip, "server_path":server_path, "client_path":client_path, "key_path":key_path, "port":port, }) if not response["success"]: return response base += f"sshfs -p {port} -o IdentityFile={key_path} {username}@{ip}" else: response = r3sponse.check_parameters(empty_value=None, parameters={ "alias":alias, "server_path":server_path, "client_path":client_path, }) if not response["success"]: return response base += f'sshfs {alias}' # do. command = f'{base}:{server_path} {client_path}' print(f"COMMAND: [{command}]") output = utils.__execute_script__(command) #output = utils.__execute__(base + [f'{alias}:{server_path}', client_path]) #output = utils.__execute_script__(utils.__array_to_string__(base + [f'{alias}:{server_path}', client_path], joiner="\n")) # check fails. if "mount_osxfuse: mount point " in output and "is itself" in output: return r3sponse.error(f"Client path [{client_path}] is already mounted.") elif "No such file or directory" in output: return r3sponse.error(f"Server path [{server_path}] does not exist.") elif "" == output: if not Files.exists(client_path): return r3sponse.error(f"Could not connect with server [{alias}].") # check success. else: return r3sponse.success(f"Successfully mounted directory [{client_path}].") # unknown. else: l = f"Failed to mount directory [{client_path}]" return r3sponse.error((f"{l}, error: "+output.replace("\n", ". ").replace(". .", ".")+".)").replace(". .",".").replace("\r","").replace("..","."))
def reset_piv(self): # for when both pin & puk codes are blocked. # do. #output = utils.__execute_script__(f"printf 'y\\n' | ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv reset", shell=True) output = utils.__execute_script__(f"printf 'y\\n' | ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv reset", shell=True) # handle success. if "Success!" in output: return r3sponse.success("Successfully resetted the smart card.") # handle error. else: return r3sponse.error("Failed to reset the smart card.")
def change_pin( self, # the smart cards new pin code. new=None, # the smart cards old pin code. old=123456, ): # check params. response = dev0s.response.parameters.check( default=None, traceback=self.__traceback__(function="change_pin"), parameters={ "new": new, "old": old, }) if not response["success"]: return response # do. command = f"ykman --device {self.serial_number} piv change-pin -P{old} -n{new}" output = utils.__execute_script__(command, shell=True) # handle defaults. response = self.__handle_default_output__(output) if not response["success"]: return response # handle success. elif "New PIN set." in output: return dev0s.response.success( f"Successfully changed the pin of smart card [{self.serial_number}]." ) # unknown error. else: return dev0s.response.error( f"Unknown error while changing pin, output: [{output}].")