Example #1
def encode(a, pcm):
    Encode a speech waveform.  The encoding framers (frames and pitch)
    pad the frames so that the first frame is centered on sample zero.
    This is consistent with STRAIGHT and SPTK (I hope!).  At least, it
    means the pitch can have longer frame lengths and still align with
    the OLA'd frames.
    if opt.ola:
        frameSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.025, 'atleast') # 25ms frame size
        frameSize = framePeriod
    pitchSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.1, 'atmost')
    print "Encoding with period", framePeriod, "size", frameSize, \
          "and pitch window", pitchSize

    # First the pitch as it's on the unaltered waveform.  The frame
    # should be long with no window.  1024 at 16 kHz is 64 ms.
    pf = ssp.Frame(a, size=pitchSize, period=framePeriod)
    pitch, hnr = ssp.ACPitch(pf, pcm)

    # Pre-emphasis
    pre = ssp.parameter("Pre", None)
    if pre is not None:
        a = ssp.PoleFilter(a, pre) / 5

    # Keep f around after the function so the decoder can do a
    # reference decoding on the real excitaton.
    global f
    f = ssp.Frame(a, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
    #aw = np.hanning(frameSize+1)
    aw = ssp.nuttall(frameSize+1)
    aw = np.delete(aw, -1)
    w = ssp.Window(f, aw)
    ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(w)
    lp = ssp.parameter('AR', 'levinson')
    if lp == 'levinson':
        ar, g = ssp.ARLevinson(ac, lpOrder[r])
    elif lp == 'ridge':
        ar, g = ssp.ARRidge(ac, lpOrder[r], 0.03)
    elif lp == 'lasso':
        ar, g = ssp.ARLasso(ac, lpOrder[r], 5)
    elif lp == 'sparse':
        ar, g = ssp.ARSparse(w, lpOrder[r], ssp.parameter('Gamma', 1.414))
    elif lp == 'student':
        ar, g = ssp.ARStudent(w, lpOrder[r], ssp.parameter('DoF', 50.0))

    if False:
        fig = ssp.Figure(5, 1)
        #stddev = np.sqrt(kVar)
        sPlot = fig.subplot()
        sPlot.plot(pitch, 'c')
        #sPlot.plot(kPitch + stddev, 'b')
        #sPlot.plot(kPitch - stddev, 'b')
        sPlot.set_xlim(0, len(pitch))
        sPlot.set_ylim(0, 500)

    return (ar, g, pitch, hnr)
Example #2
 def testLSP(self):
     order = 4
     ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(self.seq)
     ar, g = ssp.ARLevinson(ac, order)
     print "ar:", ar
     ls = ssp.ARLineSpectra(ar)
     print "ls:", ls
     ar2 = ssp.ARLineSpectraToPoly(ls)
     print "ar:", ar2
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ar, ar2)
Example #3
 def testCep(self):
     order = 4
     ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(self.seq)
     ar, g = ssp.ARLevinson(ac, order)
     print "ar: ", ar
     cep = ssp.ARCepstrum(ar, g)
     print "cep:", cep
     ar2, g2 = ssp.ARCepstrumToPoly(cep)
     print "ar: ", ar2
     npt.assert_array_almost_equal(ar, ar2)
     npt.assert_almost_equal(g, g2)
Example #4
def get_pitch(gen_path, basefilename):

    (Fs, x) = io_wav.read(gen_path + basefilename + '.wav')

    assert Fs == 16000

    pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation(Fs)

    frameSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.025, 'atleast')  # 25ms Frame size
    pitchSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.1, 'atmost')  # 100ms Pitch size

    pf = ssp.Frame(x, size=pitchSize, period=framePeriod)
    pitch, ac = ssp.ACPitch(pf, pcm, loPitch,
                            hiPitch)  # Initially pitch estimated

    # Pre-emphasis
    pre = ssp.parameter("Pre", None)
    if pre is not None:
        x = ssp.PoleFilter(x, pre) / 5

    # Frame Splitting
    f = ssp.Frame(x, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

    # Windowing
    aw = ssp.nuttall(frameSize + 1)
    aw = np.delete(aw, -1)
    w = ssp.Window(f, aw)

    # Autocorrelation
    ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(w)

    if (len(ac) > len(pitch)):
        d = len(ac) - len(pitch)
        addon = np.ones(d) * pitch[-1]
        pitch = np.hstack((pitch, addon))

    # Save pitch as binary
    lf0 = np.log(pitch)
    lf0.astype('float32').tofile(gen_path + basefilename + '.lf0')

    return pitch
Example #5
# Load and do basic AR to reconstruct the spectrum
pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation()
wav = pcm.WavSource(file)
print("File:", file, "rate:", pcm.rate, "size:", wav.size)
if ssp.parameter("ZF", 0) == 1:
    wav = ssp.ZeroFilter(wav)
f = ssp.Frame(wav, size=256, period=128)
f = ssp.Window(f, np.hanning(256))
print("frame:", f.shape[0], "x", f.shape[1])
e = ssp.Energy(f)
p = ssp.Periodogram(f)
order = pcm.speech_ar_order()
a = ssp.Autocorrelation(f)
a, g = ssp.ARLevinson(a, order)
ls = ssp.ARSpectrum(a, g, nSpec=128)

# Now do some esoteric AR
t = ssp.parameter('AR', 'matrix')
if t == 'matrix':
    wa, wg = ssp.ARMatrix(f, order, method=ssp.parameter('Method', 'matrix'))
if t == 'arwarp':
    wa, wg = ssp.ARAllPassWarp(a, g, alpha=ssp.mel[pcm.rate])
elif t == 'acwarp':
    ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(f)
    ac = ssp.AutocorrelationAllPassWarp(ac, alpha=ssp.mel[pcm.rate],
Example #6
def decode(tuple):
    Decode a speech waveform.
    (ark, g, pitch, hnr) = tuple
    print("Frame padding:", opt.padding)

    nFrames = len(ark)
    assert (len(g) == nFrames)
    assert (len(pitch) == nFrames)
    assert (len(hnr) == nFrames)

    # The original framer padded the ends so the number of samples to
    # synthesise is a bit less than you might think
    if opt.ola:
        frameSize = framePeriod * 2
        nSamples = framePeriod * (nFrames - 1)
        frameSize = framePeriod
        nSamples = frameSize * (nFrames - 1)

    ex = opt.glottal
    if opt.glottal == 'cepgm' and (opt.encode or opt.decode or opt.pitch):
        order = ark.shape[-1] - 2
        ar = ark[:, 0:order]
        theta = ark[:, -2]
        magni = np.exp(ark[:, -1])
        ar = ark

    # Use the original AR residual; it should be a very good reconstruction.
    if ex == 'ar':
        e = ssp.ARExcitation(f, ar, g)

    # Just noise.  This is effectively a whisper synthesis.
    elif ex == 'noise':
        e = np.random.normal(size=(nFrames, frameSize))

    # Just harmonics, and with a fixed F0.  This is the classic robot
    # synthesis.
    elif ex == 'robot':
        ew = np.zeros(nSamples)
        period = int(1.0 / 200 * r)
        for i in range(0, len(ew), period):
            ew[i] = period
        e = ssp.Frame(ew, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

    # Synthesise harmonics plus noise in the ratio suggested by the HNR.
    elif ex == 'synth':
        # Harmonic part
        mperiod = int(1.0 / np.mean(pitch) * r)
        gm = ssp.GlottalModel(ssp.parameter('Pulse', 'impulse'))
        pr, pg = ssp.pulse_response(gm, pcm, period=mperiod, order=lpOrder[r])
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i + period] = gm.pulse(period, pcm) * weight
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod
        h = ssp.ARExcitation(h, pr, 1.0)
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, 1.0)  # Include the radiation impedance
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain

    # Like harmonics plus noise, but with explicit sinusoids instead of time
    # domain impulses.
    elif ex == 'sine':
        order = 20
        sine = ssp.Harmonics(r, order)
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        for i in range(0, len(h) - framePeriod, framePeriod):
            frame = i // framePeriod
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i + framePeriod] = (sine.sample(pitch[frame], framePeriod) *
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))
        e = fn + fh * 10

    # High order linear prediction.  Synthesise the harmonics using noise to
    # excite a high order polynomial with roots resembling harmonics.
    elif ex == 'holp':
        # Some noise
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

        # Use the noise to excite a high order AR model
        fh = np.ndarray(fn.shape)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            hoar = ssp.ARHarmonicPoly(pitch[i], r, 0.7)
            fh[i] = ssp.ARResynthesis(fn[i], hoar, 1.0 / linalg.norm(hoar)**2)
            print(i, pitch[i], linalg.norm(hoar), np.min(fh[i]), np.max(fh[i]))
            print(' ', np.min(hoar), np.max(hoar))
            # fh[i] *= np.sqrt(r / pitch[i]) / linalg.norm(fh[i])
            # fh[i] *= np.sqrt(hnr[i] / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Weight the noise as for the other methods
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))
        e = fh  # fn + fh*30

    # Shaped excitation.  The pulses are shaped by a filter to have a
    # rolloff, then added to the noise.  The resulting signal is
    # flattened using AR.
    elif ex == 'shaped':
        # Harmonic part
        gm = ssp.GlottalModel(ssp.parameter('Pulse', 'impulse'))
        gm.angle = pcm.hertz_to_radians(np.mean(pitch) * 0.5)
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i + period] = gm.pulse(period, pcm) * weight
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod

        # Filter to mimic the glottal pulse
        hfilt = ssp.parameter("HFilt", None)
        hpole1 = ssp.parameter("HPole1", 0.98)
        hpole2 = ssp.parameter("HPole2", 0.8)
        angle = pcm.hertz_to_radians(np.mean(pitch)) * ssp.parameter(
            "Angle", 1.0)
        if hfilt == 'pp':
            h = ssp.ZeroFilter(h, 1.0)
            h = ssp.PolePairFilter(h, hpole1, angle)
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        zero = ssp.parameter("NoiseZero", 1.0)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, zero)  # Include the radiation impedance
        npole = ssp.parameter("NPole", None)
        nf = ssp.parameter("NoiseFreq", 4000)
        if npole is not None:
            n = ssp.PolePairFilter(n, npole, pcm.hertz_to_radians(nf))
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Combination
        assert (len(fh) == len(fn))
        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain
        hnw = np.hanning(frameSize)
        for i in range(len(e)):
            ep = ssp.Window(e[i], hnw)
            #ep = e[i]
            eac = ssp.Autocorrelation(ep)
            ea, eg = ssp.ARLevinson(eac, order=lpOrder[r])
            e[i] = ssp.ARExcitation(e[i], ea, eg)

    elif ex == 'ceplf':
        omega, alpha = ssp.glottal_pole_lf(f,
                                           visual=(opt.graphic == "ceplf"))
        epsilon = ssp.parameter("Epsilon", 5000.0)
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            pu = np.zeros((period))
            T0 = pcm.period_to_seconds(period)
            print(T0, )
            Te = ssp.lf_te(T0, alpha[frame], omega[frame], epsilon)
            if Te:
                pu = ssp.pulse_lf(pu, T0, Te, alpha[frame], omega[frame],
            h[i:i + period] = pu * weight
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        zero = ssp.parameter("NoiseZero", 1.0)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, zero)  # Include the radiation impedance
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Combination
        assert (len(fh) == len(fn))
        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain
        hnw = np.hanning(frameSize)
        for i in range(len(e)):
            ep = ssp.Window(e[i], hnw)
            #ep = e[i]
            eac = ssp.Autocorrelation(ep)
            ea, eg = ssp.ARLevinson(eac, order=lpOrder[r])
            e[i] = ssp.ARExcitation(e[i], ea, eg)

    elif ex == 'cepgm':
        # Infer the unstable poles via complex cepstrum, then build an explicit
        # glottal model.
        if not (opt.encode or opt.decode or opt.pitch):
            theta, magni = ssp.glottal_pole_gm(f,
                                               visual=(opt.graphic == "cepgm"))
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            h[i] = 1  # np.random.normal() ** 2
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        gl = ssp.MinPhaseGlottis()
        for i in range(len(fh)):
            # This is minimum phase; the glotter will invert if required
            gl.setpolepair(np.abs(magni[frame]), theta[frame])
            fh[i] = gl.glotter(fh[i])
            if linalg.norm(fh[i]) > 1e-6:
                fh[i] *= np.sqrt(len(fh[i])) / linalg.norm(fh[i])
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[i] / (hnr[i] + 1))
            fh[i] *= weight

        if (opt.graphic == "h"):
            fig = ssp.Figure(1, 1)
            hPlot = fig.subplot()
            hPlot.plot(h, 'r')

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        zero = ssp.parameter("NoiseZero", 1.0)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, zero)  # Include the radiation impedance
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=opt.padding)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Combination
        assert (len(fh) == len(fn))
        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain
        hnw = np.hanning(frameSize)
        for i in range(len(e)):
            ep = ssp.Window(e[i], hnw)
            #ep = e[i]
            eac = ssp.Autocorrelation(ep)
            ea, eg = ssp.ARLevinson(eac, order=lpOrder[r])
            e[i] = ssp.ARExcitation(e[i], ea, eg)

        print("Unknown synthesis method")

    if opt.excitation:
        s = e.flatten('C') / frameSize
        s = ssp.ARResynthesis(e, ar, g)
        if opt.ola:
            # Asymmetric window for OLA
            sw = np.hanning(frameSize + 1)
            sw = np.delete(sw, -1)
            s = ssp.Window(s, sw)
            s = ssp.OverlapAdd(s)
            s = s.flatten('C')

    gain = ssp.parameter("Gain", 1.0)
    return s * gain
Example #7
# Load and process
pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation()
a = pcm.WavSource(file)
if (ssp.parameter('Pre', None)):
    a = ssp.ZeroFilter(a)
framePeriod = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.01)
frameSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.02, 'atleast')
f = ssp.Frame(a, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
w = ssp.nuttall(frameSize+1)
w = np.delete(w, -1)
wf = ssp.Window(f, w)
type = ssp.parameter('Type', 'psd')
if type == 'psd':
    p = ssp.Periodogram(wf)
    p = p[:,:p.shape[1]/2+1]
elif type == 'ar':
    a = ssp.Autocorrelation(wf)
    a, g = ssp.ARLevinson(a, pcm.speech_ar_order())
    p = ssp.ARSpectrum(a, g, nSpec=128)
elif type == 'snr':
    p = ssp.Periodogram(wf)
    n = ssp.Noise(p)
    p = ssp.SNRSpectrum(p, n)
    p = p[:,:p.shape[1]/2+1]

# Draw it
fig = ssp.Figure(2, 1)
p1 = fig.SpectrumPlot(p, pcm)
p2 = fig.EnergyPlot(f, pcm)
Example #8
    if pcm.rate == 16000:
        frameSize = 400
        framePeriod = 160
        lpOrder = 12

    # Basic preprocessing
    g = np.ndarray((0))
    a = ssp.ZeroFilter(a)
    f = ssp.Frame(a, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod, pad=False)
    f = ssp.Window(f, ssp.nuttall(frameSize))

    # Next part depends on user
    frontend = ssp.parameter("FrontEnd", "ar")
    if frontend == "ar":
        a = ssp.Autocorrelation(f)
        a = ssp.AutocorrelationAllPassWarp(a,
                                           size=lpOrder + 1)
        a, g = ssp.ARLevinson(a, lpOrder)
        #    ridge = Parameter('Ridge', 0.1)
        #    a, g = ARRidge(a, lpOrder, ridge)
        #    a, g = ARLasso(a, lpOrder, ridge)
    elif frontend == "snr":
        a = ssp.Periodogram(f)
        n = ssp.Noise(a)
        a = ssp.SNRSpectrum(a, n * 0.1)
        a = ssp.Autocorrelation(a, input='psd')
        a, g = ssp.ARLevinson(a, lpOrder)
        a = ssp.AutocorrelationAllPassWarp(a,
Example #9
def decode((ar, g, pitch, hnr)):
    Decode a speech waveform.
    nFrames = len(ar)
    assert(len(g) == nFrames)
    assert(len(pitch) == nFrames)
    assert(len(hnr) == nFrames)

    # The original framer padded the ends so the number of samples to
    # synthesise is a bit less than you might think
    if opt.ola:
        frameSize = framePeriod * 2
        nSamples = framePeriod * (nFrames-1)
        frameSize = framePeriod
        nSamples = frameSize * (nFrames-1)

    ex = ssp.parameter('Excitation', 'synth')

    # Use the original AR residual; it should be a very good
    # reconstruction.
    if ex == 'ar':
        e = ssp.ARExcitation(f, ar, g)

    # Just noise.  This is effectively a whisper synthesis.
    elif ex == 'noise':
        e = np.random.normal(size=f.shape)

    # Just harmonics, and with a fixed F0.  This is the classic robot
    # syntheisis.
    elif ex == 'robot':
        ew = np.zeros(nSamples)
        period = int(1.0 / 200 * r)
        for i in range(0, len(ew), period):
            ew[i] = period
        e = ssp.Frame(ew, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

    # Synthesise harmonics plus noise in the ratio suggested by the
    # HNR.
    elif ex == 'synth':
        # Harmonic part
        mperiod = int(1.0 / np.mean(pitch) * r)
        gm = ssp.GlottalModel(ssp.parameter('Pulse', 'impulse'))
        pr, pg = ssp.pulse_response(gm, pcm, period=mperiod, order=lpOrder[r])
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i+period] = gm.pulse(period, pcm) * weight
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod
        h = ssp.ARExcitation(h, pr, 1.0)
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, 1.0) # Include the radiation impedance
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain

    # Like harmonics plus noise, but with explicit sinusoids instead
    # of time domain impulses.
    elif ex == 'sine':
        order = 20
        sine = ssp.Harmonics(r, order)
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        for i in range(0, len(h)-framePeriod, framePeriod):
            frame = i // framePeriod
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i+framePeriod] = ( sine.sample(pitch[frame], framePeriod)
                                      * weight )
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))
        e = fn + fh*10

    # High order linear prediction.  Synthesise the harmonics using
    # noise to excite a high order polynomial with roots resembling
    # harmonics.
    elif ex == 'holp':
        # Some noise
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

        # Use the noise to excite a high order AR model
        fh = np.ndarray(fn.shape)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            hoar = ssp.ARHarmonicPoly(pitch[i], r, 0.7)
            fh[i] = ssp.ARResynthesis(fn[i], hoar, 1.0 / linalg.norm(hoar)**2)
            print i, pitch[i], linalg.norm(hoar), np.min(fh[i]), np.max(fh[i])
            print ' ', np.min(hoar), np.max(hoar)
            # fh[i] *= np.sqrt(r / pitch[i]) / linalg.norm(fh[i])
            # fh[i] *= np.sqrt(hnr[i] / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Weight the noise as for the other methods
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))
        e = fh # fn + fh*30

    # Shaped excitation.  The pulses are shaped by a filter to have a
    # rolloff, then added to the noise.  The resulting signal is
    # flattened using AR.
    elif ex == 'shaped':
        # Harmonic part
        gm = ssp.GlottalModel(ssp.parameter('Pulse', 'impulse'))
        gm.angle = pcm.hertz_to_radians(np.mean(pitch)*0.5)
        h = np.zeros(nSamples)
        i = 0
        frame = 0
        while i < nSamples and frame < len(pitch):
            period = int(1.0 / pitch[frame] * r)
            if i + period > nSamples:
            weight = np.sqrt(hnr[frame] / (hnr[frame] + 1))
            h[i:i+period] = gm.pulse(period, pcm) * weight
            i += period
            frame = i // framePeriod

        # Filter to mimic the glottal pulse
        hfilt = ssp.parameter("HFilt", None)
        hpole1 = ssp.parameter("HPole1", 0.98)
        hpole2 = ssp.parameter("HPole2", 0.8)
        angle = pcm.hertz_to_radians(np.mean(pitch)) * ssp.parameter("Angle", 1.0)
        if hfilt == 'pp':
            h = ssp.ZeroFilter(h, 1.0)
            h = ssp.PolePairFilter(h, hpole1, angle)
        if hfilt == 'g':
            h = ssp.GFilter(h, hpole1, angle, hpole2)
        if hfilt == 'p':
            h = ssp.PFilter(h, hpole1, angle, hpole2)
        fh = ssp.Frame(h, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

        # Noise part
        n = np.random.normal(size=nSamples)
        zero = ssp.parameter("NoiseZero", 1.0)
        n = ssp.ZeroFilter(n, zero) # Include the radiation impedance
        npole = ssp.parameter("NPole", None)
        nf = ssp.parameter("NoiseFreq", 4000)
        if npole is not None:
            n = ssp.PolePairFilter(n, npole, pcm.hertz_to_radians(nf))
        fn = ssp.Frame(n, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)
        for i in range(len(fn)):
            fn[i] *= np.sqrt(1.0 / (hnr[i] + 1))

        # Combination
        assert(len(fh) == len(fn))
        hgain = ssp.parameter("HGain", 1.0)
        e = fn + fh * hgain
        hnw = np.hanning(frameSize)
        for i in range(len(e)):
            ep = ssp.Window(e[i], hnw)
            #ep = e[i]
            eac = ssp.Autocorrelation(ep)
            ea, eg = ssp.ARLevinson(eac, order=lpOrder[r])
            e[i] = ssp.ARExcitation(e[i], ea, eg)

        print "Unknown synthesis method"

    if opt.excitation:
        s = e.flatten('C')/frameSize
        s = ssp.ARResynthesis(e, ar, g)
        if opt.ola:
            # Asymmetric window for OLA
            sw = np.hanning(frameSize+1)
            sw = np.delete(sw, -1)
            s = ssp.Window(s, sw)
            s = ssp.OverlapAdd(s)
            s = s.flatten('C')

    gain = ssp.parameter("Gain", 1.0)
    return s * gain