Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     Generate one (short) frame of a 1 kHz sinusoid at a sampling
     rate of 16 kHz.  It doesn't matter too much what it is, just
     that it is representative of some natural signal.
     self.pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation(16000)
     self.seq = np.zeros(64)
     p = self.pcm.seconds_to_period(1.0/1000);
     for s in range(len(self.seq)):
         self.seq[s] = np.sin(2*np.pi * s/p)
     w = ssp.nuttall(len(self.seq)+1)
     w = np.delete(w, -1)
     self.seq = ssp.Window(self.seq, w)
Example #2
def get_pitch(gen_path, basefilename):

    (Fs, x) = io_wav.read(gen_path + basefilename + '.wav')

    assert Fs == 16000

    pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation(Fs)

    frameSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.025, 'atleast')  # 25ms Frame size
    pitchSize = pcm.seconds_to_period(0.1, 'atmost')  # 100ms Pitch size

    pf = ssp.Frame(x, size=pitchSize, period=framePeriod)
    pitch, ac = ssp.ACPitch(pf, pcm, loPitch,
                            hiPitch)  # Initially pitch estimated

    # Pre-emphasis
    pre = ssp.parameter("Pre", None)
    if pre is not None:
        x = ssp.PoleFilter(x, pre) / 5

    # Frame Splitting
    f = ssp.Frame(x, size=frameSize, period=framePeriod)

    # Windowing
    aw = ssp.nuttall(frameSize + 1)
    aw = np.delete(aw, -1)
    w = ssp.Window(f, aw)

    # Autocorrelation
    ac = ssp.Autocorrelation(w)

    if (len(ac) > len(pitch)):
        d = len(ac) - len(pitch)
        addon = np.ones(d) * pitch[-1]
        pitch = np.hstack((pitch, addon))

    # Save pitch as binary
    lf0 = np.log(pitch)
    lf0.astype('float32').tofile(gen_path + basefilename + '.lf0')

    return pitch
Example #3
# Timer
ti = time.clock()
def lap(func):
  global ti
  now = time.clock()
  elapsed = now-ti
  ti = now
  print(func, elapsed)

import ssp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load and do basic AR to reconstruct the spectrum
pcm = ssp.PulseCodeModulation()
wav = pcm.WavSource(file)
print("File:", file, "rate:", pcm.rate, "size:", wav.size)
if ssp.parameter("ZF", 0) == 1:
    wav = ssp.ZeroFilter(wav)
f = ssp.Frame(wav, size=256, period=128)
f = ssp.Window(f, np.hanning(256))
print("frame:", f.shape[0], "x", f.shape[1])
e = ssp.Energy(f)
p = ssp.Periodogram(f)
order = pcm.speech_ar_order()
a = ssp.Autocorrelation(f)
a, g = ssp.ARLevinson(a, order)