def check_twomult(self, target, pattern): 'Check 2*... pattern that could be in another form' if isinstance(pattern.left, ast.Num) and pattern.left.n == 2: operand = pattern.right elif isinstance(pattern.right, ast.Num) and pattern.right.n == 2: operand = pattern.left else: return False # deal with case where wildcard operand and target are const values if isinstance(target, ast.Num) and isinstance(operand, ast.Name): conds = ( in self.wildcards and isinstance(self.wildcards[], ast.Num)) if conds: eva = (self.wildcards[].n) * 2 % 2**(self.nbits) if eva == target.n: return True else: if target.n % 2 == 0: self.wildcards[] = ast.Num(target.n / 2) return True return False # get all wildcards in operand and check if they have value getwild = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getwild.visit(operand) wilds = getwild.variables for wil in wilds: if wil not in self.wildcards: return False return self.check_eq_z3(target, pattern)
def __init__(self, root, nbits=0): 'Init different components of pattern matcher' super(PatternMatcher, self).__init__() # wildcards used in the pattern with their possible values self.wildcards = {} # wildcards <-> values that are known not to work self.no_solution = [] # root node of expression if isinstance(root, ast.Module): self.root = root.body[0].value elif isinstance(root, ast.Expression): self.root = root.body else: self.root = root if not nbits: self.nbits = asttools.get_default_nbits(self.root) else: self.nbits = nbits # identifiers for z3 evaluation getid = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getid.visit(self.root) self.variables = getid.variables self.functions = getid.functions
def test_xor36(self): 'Test that CSE of the xor36 function is equivalent to original' # pylint: disable=exec-used pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) input_file = open(os.path.join(pwd, 'xor36_flat'), 'r') input_string = input_ast = ast.parse(input_string) coderef = compile(ast.Expression(input_ast.body[0].value), '<string>', 'eval') jack = asttools.GetIdentifiers() jack.visit(input_ast) cse_string = cse.apply_cse(input_string) # get all assignment in one ast assigns = cse_string[:cse_string.rfind('\n')] cse_assign_ast = ast.parse(assigns, mode='exec') assign_code = compile(cse_assign_ast, '<string>', mode='exec') # get final expression in one ast result_string = cse_string.splitlines()[-1] result_ast = ast.Expression(ast.parse(result_string).body[0].value) result_code = compile(result_ast, '<string>', mode='eval') for var in list(jack.variables): exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', 8)" % (var, var)) exec(assign_code) sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(eval(coderef) != eval(result_code)) self.assertEqual(sol.check().r, -1)
def generic_test(self, tests): 'Generic test for GetIdentifiers class' geti = asttools.GetIdentifiers() for instring, varref, funref in tests: geti.reset() inast = ast.parse(instring) geti.visit(inast) self.assertEquals(geti.variables, varref) self.assertEquals(geti.functions, funref)
def general_check(self, target, pattern): 'General check, very time-consuming, not used at the moment' getwild = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getwild.visit(pattern) wilds = list(getwild.variables) if all(wil in self.wildcards for wil in wilds): eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) eval_pattern = EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(eval_pattern) return self.check_eq_z3(target, eval_pattern) return False
def run(expr_ast, nbits): 'Apply sympy arithmetic simplifications to expression ast' # variables for sympy symbols getid = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getid.visit(expr_ast) variables = getid.variables functions = getid.functions original_type = type(expr_ast) # copying to avoid wierd pointer behaviour expr_ast = deepcopy(expr_ast) # converting expr_ast into an ast.Expression if not isinstance(expr_ast, ast.Expression): if isinstance(expr_ast, ast.Module): expr_ast = ast.Expression(expr_ast.body[0].value) elif isinstance(expr_ast, ast.Expr): expr_ast = ast.Expression(expr_ast.value) else: expr_ast = ast.Expression(expr_ast) for var in variables: exec("%s = sympy.Symbol('%s')" % (var, var)) for fun in {"mxor", "mor", "mand", "mnot", "mrshift", "mlshift"}: exec("%s = sympy.Function('%s')" % (fun, fun)) for fun in functions: exec("%s = sympy.Function('%s')" % (fun, fun)) expr_ast = asttools.ReplaceBitwiseOp().visit(expr_ast) ast.fix_missing_locations(expr_ast) code = compile(expr_ast, '<test>', mode='eval') eval_expr = eval(code) try: expr_ast = ast.parse(str(eval_expr)) except SyntaxError as ex: print ex exit(1) expr_ast = asttools.ReplaceBitwiseFunctions().visit(expr_ast) # sympy does not consider the number of bits expr_ast = asttools.GetConstMod(nbits).visit(expr_ast) # return original type if original_type == ast.Expression: expr_ast = ast.Expression(expr_ast.body[0].value) elif original_type == ast.Expr: expr_ast = expr_ast.body[0] elif original_type == ast.Module: return expr_ast else: expr_ast = expr_ast.body[0].value return expr_ast
def check_eq_z3(self, target, pattern): 'Check equivalence with z3' # pylint: disable=exec-used getid = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getid.visit(target) if getid.functions: # not checking exprs with functions for now, because Z3 # does not seem to support function declaration with # arbitrary number of arguments return False for var in self.variables: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (var, var, self.nbits)) target_ast = deepcopy(target) target_ast = asttools.Unleveling().visit(target_ast) ast.fix_missing_locations(target_ast) code1 = compile(ast.Expression(target_ast), '<string>', mode='eval') eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(eval_pattern) eval_pattern = asttools.Unleveling().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) getid.reset() getid.visit(eval_pattern) if getid.functions: # same reason as before, not using Z3 if there are # functions return False gvar = asttools.GetIdentifiers() gvar.visit(eval_pattern) if any(var.isupper() for var in gvar.variables): # do not check if all patterns have not been replaced return False code2 = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() if isinstance(eval(code1), int) and eval(code1) == 0: # cases where target == 0 are too permissive return False sol.add(eval(code1) != eval(code2)) return sol.check().r == -1
def get_model(self, target, pattern): 'When target is constant and wildcards have no value yet' # pylint: disable=exec-used if target.n == 0: # zero is too permissive return False getwild = asttools.GetIdentifiers() getwild.visit(pattern) if getwild.functions: # not getting model for expr with functions return False wilds = getwild.variables # let's reduce the model to one wildcard for now # otherwise it adds a lot of checks... if len(wilds) > 1: return False wil = wilds.pop() if wil in self.wildcards: if not isinstance(self.wildcards[wil], ast.Num): return False folded = deepcopy(pattern) folded = Unflattening().visit(folded) EvalPattern(self.wildcards).visit(folded) folded = asttools.ConstFolding(folded, self.nbits).visit(folded) return folded.n == target.n else: exec("%s = z3.BitVec('%s', %d)" % (wil, wil, self.nbits)) eval_pattern = deepcopy(pattern) eval_pattern = Unflattening().visit(eval_pattern) ast.fix_missing_locations(eval_pattern) code = compile(ast.Expression(eval_pattern), '<string>', mode='eval') sol = z3.Solver() sol.add(target.n == eval(code)) if sol.check().r == 1: model = sol.model() for inst in model.decls(): self.wildcards[str(inst)] = ast.Num(int(model[inst].as_long())) return True return False