Example #1
def validate_token(token_in_headers, token_in_query_params):
    Validate the provided authentication token.

    :param token_in_headers: Authentication token provided via headers.
    :type token_in_headers: ``str``

    :param token_in_query_params: Authentication token provided via query params.
    :type token_in_query_params: ``str``

    :return: TokenDB object on success.
    :rtype: :class:`.TokenDB`
    if not token_in_headers and not token_in_query_params:
        LOG.audit('Token is not found in header or query parameters.')
        raise exceptions.TokenNotProvidedError('Token is not provided.')

    if token_in_headers:
        LOG.audit('Token provided in headers')

    if token_in_query_params:
        LOG.audit('Token provided in query parameters')

    token_string = token_in_headers or token_in_query_params
    token = Token.get(token_string)

    if token.expiry <= date_utils.get_datetime_utc_now():
        # TODO: purge expired tokens
        LOG.audit('Token with id "%s" has expired.' % (token.id))
        raise exceptions.TokenExpiredError('Token has expired.')

    LOG.audit('Token with id "%s" is validated.' % (token.id))
    return token
Example #2
def validate_token_and_source(token_in_headers, token_in_query_params):
    Validate the provided authentication token.

    :param token_in_headers: Authentication token provided via headers.
    :type token_in_headers: ``str``

    :param token_in_query_params: Authentication token provided via query params.
    :type token_in_query_params: ``str``

    :return: TokenDB object on success.
    :rtype: :class:`.TokenDB`
    if not token_in_headers and not token_in_query_params:
        LOG.audit('Token is not found in header or query parameters.')
        raise exceptions.TokenNotProvidedError('Token is not provided.')

    if token_in_headers:
        LOG.audit('Token provided in headers')

    if token_in_query_params:
        LOG.audit('Token provided in query parameters')

    return validate_token(token_in_headers or token_in_query_params)