Example #1
    def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) since we visit every node
        Memory usage: O(h) where h is the height of the tree"""
        # NOT WORKING
        # leftStack = LinkedStack()
        # rightStack = LinkedStack()
        # theRoot = node          # stays the same until end
        # curr = node             # will update this variable in the while loop
        # # visit all the left nodes
        # leftStack.push(theRoot.left)
        # while not leftStack.is_empty():
        #     toPop = leftStack.pop()
        #     if toPop == None:
        #         continue
        #     visit(toPop.data)
        #     leftStack.push(toPop.right)
        #     leftStack.push(toPop.left)
        #     print(leftStack.list)
        # # visit all the right nodes
        # rightStack.push(theRoot.right)
        # while not rightStack.is_empty():
        #     toPop = rightStack.pop()
        #     if toPop == None:
        #         continue
        #     visit(toPop.data)
        #     rightStack.push(toPop.right)
        #     rightStack.push(toPop.left)
        # # before returning, we add the mid node (self.root)
        # visit(theRoot.data)

        # WORKING
        # -create 2 stacks where the second stack will be what we return starting from the peek to the end
        # -start the first stack with the root node
        # -loop through first stack while isn't empty
        #   - pop from the first stack then add it to our second stack
        #   - push left of the popped item
        #   - push right of the popped item
        # -after our second stack has all the nodes, we can append to the list as we call pop() method
        startStack = LinkedStack()
        endStack = LinkedStack()

        while not startStack.is_empty():
            toPop = startStack.pop()

            if toPop == None:


        while not endStack.is_empty():
Example #2
def reverse(nums):
    #declare your stack
    Stack = LinkedStack()  #init the stack

    #declare a variable to get track of the reversed number
    reversed = []

    #add each number in nums to the stack
    for num in nums:  # Loop through the whole list O(n)
        if num == '-':
            reversed.append(num)  #adds sign to list O(1)
        if num.isdigit():
            Stack.push(num)  #adds num to stack O(1)

    #traverse through the stack
    while Stack.length() > 0:  # Loops through the whole stack
        #add the head of the stack then delete the head
        reversed.append(Stack.peek())  # adds number back to list O(1)
        Stack.pop()  # deletes current stack to move to the next one O(1)

    if reversed[0] == '-':
        if reversed[1] == '0':
            reversed.pop(1)  #removes a digit O(1)

    if reversed[0] == '0':
        reversed.pop(0)  #removes a digit O(1)

    return "".join(reversed)
Example #3
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: O(n) we visit every node in the tree
        TODO: Memory usage: O(n) because we are creating a stack
        # stack for holding horizon
        stack = LinkedStack()
        # tells when we are done traversing
        done = False
        # set node as start node to start
        current = node
        # traverse nodes while stack is not empty
        while not done:
            # traverse down left side of tree
            # appending nodes to stack
            if current is not None:
                current = current.left

            # if node is none time to go grab
            # from stack
                # if stack is not empty pop and grab
                # top item in stack
                if not stack.is_empty():
                    current = stack.pop()
                    # visit the node
                    # grab the right node (None is fine)
                    current = current.right
                    # All done!
                    done = True
Example #4
    def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: O(n) we visit every node in the tree
        TODO: Memory usage: O(n) because we are creating a stack
        # stack to use to store nodes in order
        stack = LinkedStack()
        # set current to the starting node
        current = node
        # load starting node into stack
        # traverse until stack is empty
        while not stack.is_empty():
            # pop and visit top node in stack
            current = stack.pop()

            # NOTE: right is first because we are using stack
            # so right child will be under left child
            # if right child is present add to stack
            if current.right is not None:

            # if left child is present add to stack
            if current.left is not None:
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
        TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""

        stack = LinkedStack()

        while stack.is_empty() is False:

            # add to stack while node.left exist
            if node.left is not None:

                # add left, or smaller, node on top

                # iterate left tree
                node = node.left

            # begin iterating right tree
                """once the left tree of node is None, we can begin popping and iterating the right side"""

                # visit the top node in the stack
                node = stack.pop()

                # iterate the right node since the left node is now empty
                if node.right is not None:
                    node = node.right
Example #6
 def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
     Running time: O(n)
     Memory usage: O(n)
     Credit to Nicolai and Ryan for solving what I began"""
     # Traverse post-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     traversed = set()
     # Create queue to store nodes not yet traversed
     stack = LinkedStack()
     # Enqueue root node as last
     while not stack.is_empty():
         node = stack.peek()
         if node.right and node.right not in traversed:
         if node.left and node.left not in traversed:
         if (
             or node.left is None and node.right in traversed 
             or node.left in traversed and node.right is None
             or node.left in traversed and node.right in traversed
             node = stack.pop()
Example #7
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) (n is # of nodes) Worst case since we are visiting every node.
        Memory usage: O(n) worst case if unbalanced - O(log n) if balanced since we will push n nodes in the recursive stack"""

        # Variables and pointers to keep track of nodes and status as we traverse
        curr_node = node
        stack = LinkedStack()
        done = False

        while not done:  # Traverse until the leaf on the far right

            if curr_node is not done:
                           )  # Keep track of this current node for future use
                curr_node = curr_node.left  # Go to the left subtree
                if not stack.is_empty():
                    curr_node = stack.pop(
                    )  # grab the parent node that was pushed
                    visit(curr_node)  # visit its data
                    curr_node = curr_node.right  # go to the right tree
                    done = True  # The entire tree has been traversed in order
Example #8
def reverse(num):
    str_num = str(num)
    stack = LinkedStack(list(str_num))
    reversed_num = ""
    while not stack.is_empty():
        reversed_num += stack.pop()
    return int(reversed_num)
Example #9
    def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) since we visit every node
        Memory usage: O(h) where h is the height of the tree"""
        # -create an empty stack and push the root node in there
        # -loop through while the stack isn't empty
        #   -pop() on the stack
        #   -push() the right node of the node we just popped off the stack
        #   -pop() and left node of the node we just popped off the stack

        stack = LinkedStack()
        )  # since we're starting in the middle, we start the stack off with self.root

        while not stack.is_empty():
            toPop = stack.pop()
            if toPop == None:
                continue  # skip this one
            visit(toPop.data)  # add in the data
            )  # add the right before the left since this is a stack,
            )  #   the next time we look in the stack, the left will be seen before the right!!
Example #10
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) since we visit every node
        Memory usage: O(logn) for the depth of the tree"""
        # -create an empty stack
        # -curr variable which starts off with the self.root (will be updated in a while loop!!)
        # -go in a while loop while true (will be false when the stack is empty)
        #   -call push() on curr while there's a value
        #   -update the curr to become the curr's left
        #   -once we hit a None value:
        #       - we'd want to pop() off the stack
        #       - append it to the list
        #       - update curr to be the recently popped node's right node
        #       - however, if the stack is empty in here, we set the while loop to false and exit the function!

        stack = LinkedStack()  # will act as the recursive call
        curr = self.root  # start at the root
        stillLoop = True  # loop until the stack is empty

        while stillLoop:
            # we're at the end of a leaf node
            if curr == None:
                if stack.length() > 0:
                    node = stack.pop()
                    curr = node.right
                # our stack is empty so we can finally return once all the nodes have been visited
                    stillLoop = False
            # we can still go down the left side
                curr = curr.left
def topoSort(g, startLabel=None):
    stack = LinkedStack()
    for v in g.vertices():
        if not v.isMarked():
            dfs(g, v, stack)
    lyst = []
    return stack
Example #12
 def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
     Running time: o(n) depends on the number of items in the tree
     Memory usage: o(h) the longest the stack will get is the height of the lowest node."""
     # Traverse post-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     stack = LinkedStack()
     while len(stack) != 0:
    def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) where n is number of nodes in tree.
        Memory usage: at most log(n) items since stack having to store at most until the furthest down path."""
        # TODO: Traverse post-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)

        stack = LinkedStack([node])
        stack2 = LinkedStack()

        while stack.is_empty() == False:

            popped = stack.pop()
            if popped == None:


        # pop items from stack2 and append to items list
        while stack2.is_empty() == False:
Example #14
 def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
      Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
     TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
     #  Traverse post-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     stack = LinkedStack()
     while not stack.is_empty():
         node = stack.pop()
         if node.left:
         if node.right:
Example #15
    def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) we are visiting each node
        Memory usage: O(n) creating a stack with number of nodes in the tree"""

        stack = LinkedStack()
        while not stack.is_empty():
            node = stack.pop()
            if (node.right != None):
            if (node.left != None):
Example #16
def bracketsBalance(exp):
    """exp represents the expression"""
    stk = LinkedStack()  # Create a new stack
    for ch in exp:  # Scan across the expression
        if ch in ['[', '(']:  # Push an opening bracket
        elif ch in [']', ')']:  # Process a closing bracket
            if stk.isEmpty():  # Not balanced
                return False
            chFromStack = stk.pop()
            # Brackets must be of same type and match up
            if ch == ']' and chFromStack != '[' or \
               ch == ')' and chFromStack != '(':
                return False
    return stk.isEmpty()  # They all matched up
Example #17
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: O(n), have to visit every node
        TODO: Memory usage: O(n) nodes are stored on stack"""
        # TODO: Traverse in-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
        stack = LinkedStack()
        node = self.root
        while ((node is not None) or (not stack.is_empty())):
            if node is not None:
                node = node.left

            elif not stack.is_empty():
                node = stack.pop()
                node = node.right
    def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: O(n) where n is number of nodes in tree.
        TODO: Memory usage: at most log(n) items since we're canceling out on the stack each time traversing"""
        # TODO: Traverse pre-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)

        stack = LinkedStack([node])

        while stack.is_empty() == False:

            popped = stack.pop()
            if popped == None:

Example #19
    def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time: O(n) because every node is visited
        TODO: Memory usage: O(log n) we are creating a stack that will hold
        at most the same number of nodes as height in tree
        # stack to keep track of nodes in order
        stack = LinkedStack()
        # done keeps track of if done traversing
        # controls while loop
        done = False
        # set current node to starting node
        current = node
        # traverse nodes while stack is not empty
        while not done:
            # while current node is something
            while current:
                # if right child is there push onto stack
                if current.right is not None:
                # push current node onto stack (after right children)
                # grab left child of root
                current = current.left
            # Current node is none pop node from top of stack
            current = stack.pop()

            # check if the node has a right child that hasn't
            # been checkout yet then push onto stack before current node
            if current.right is not None and stack.peek() == current.right:
                # pop child node from stack
                # push current node onto stack
                current = current.right  # now set current to right child
                # visit the node
                # set current node to None
                current = None
            if stack.is_empty():
                # stack is empty we are done traversing
                done = True
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) where n is number of nodes since having to visit each node.
        Memory usage: log(n) items since queue has to store only until at most its subtree until it cancels out?"""

        stack = LinkedStack()

        while True:

            if node == None:
                if stack.is_empty():
                popped = stack.pop()
                node = popped.right
                node = node.left
Example #21
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) we are visiting each node
        Memory usage: O(n) creating a stack with number of nodes in the tree"""

        stack = LinkedStack()
        stack.push(node)  # push the root node
        while not stack.is_empty():
            if (stack.peek().left != None):  # if node has left child
                node = stack.pop()
                if (not stack.is_empty()):
                    node = stack.pop()
                if (node.right is not None):
Example #22
 def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
     Running time:   O(3n) because each node is called recursively 3 times.
                     Reduces to O(n)
     Memory usage:   If tree is balanced, height of tree is log(n) and memory
                     usage is O(log(n))
                     If Tree is unblanced, height of tree is approx n and
                     memory usasge is O(n)"""
     #  Traverse pre-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     stack = LinkedStack()
     while not stack.is_empty():
         node = stack.pop()
         if node.right:
         if node.left:
Example #23
 def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
     TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
     TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
     # Traverse pre-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     stack = LinkedStack()
     # Enstack given starting node
     # Loop until queue is empty
     while not stack.is_empty():
         # Dequeue node at front of queue
         node = stack.pop()
         # Visit this node's data with given function
         # Enqueue this node's left child, if it exists
         if node.right:
         # Enqueue this node's right child, if it exists
         if node.left:
Example #24
    def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        TODO: Running time:  Why and under what conditions?
        TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
        # Traverse post-order without using recursion
        stack = LinkedStack()
        # loop until root node is the current node
        while not stack.is_empty():4

            node = stack.pop() # look at the top of the stack
            # push the right node to the top of the stack if it is not none and it's not in set
            if node.left is not None:

            # push the right node to the top of the stack if it is not none and it's not in set
            if node.right is not None:
Example #25
    def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time: O(n) we are visiting each node
        Memory usage: O(n) creating a stack with number of nodes in the tree"""
        # Using set and stack 
        stack = Stack()
        visited = set()
        while not stack.is_empty():
            if(stack.peek().left != None and stack.peek().left.data not in visited):
            elif(stack.peek().right != None and stack.peek().right.data not in visited):
                node = stack.pop()
        # create a list equal to size of tree
        items = [None] * self.size

        i = self.size  # i is the last node
        stack = LinkedStack()
        # add the root node to stack
        # traverse through stack is empty
        while not stack.is_empty():
            i -= 1
            node = stack.pop()
            # i is the last index and assign it to data at the root
            items[i] = node.data
            # check if node has left child and add to stack if it is
            if (node.left != None):
            # check if node has right child and add to stack if it is
            if (node.right != None):

        return items
Example #26
    def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
        """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
        Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
        Running time:   O(3n) because each node is called  3 times.
                        Reduces to O(n)
        Memory usage:   If tree is balanced, height of tree is approx log(n) and memory
                        usage is O(log(n))
                        If Tree is unblanced, height of tree is approx n and
                        memory usasge is O(n)"""
        #  Traverse in-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
        stack = LinkedStack()

        while True:
            if node == None:
                if stack.is_empty():
                pop = stack.pop()
                node = pop.right
                node = node.left
Example #27
 def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self):
     """Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
     Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
     TODO: Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
     TODO: Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
     # TODO: Traverse in-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
     items = []
     stack = LinkedStack()
     node = self.root
     while stack.is_empty() == False:
         if node.is_leaf():
             if stack.is_empty() == False:
                 node = stack.pop().right
             if node.left is not None:
                 node = node.left
     return items
 def setUp(self):
     self.stack = LinkedStack()