def test_init_errors(self, some_df, col_specs):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         too_short_col_specs = {n: col_specs[n] for n in col_specs if n != 'b'}
         Table(df=some_df, name='adequate_table', col_specs=too_short_col_specs)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         destination_with_illegal_space = ['ok', 'definitely not ok!', 'ok_again']
         Table(df=some_df, name='adequate_table', destinations=destination_with_illegal_space)
     with raises(ValueError):
         destinations_with_illegal_duplicates = ['ok', 'you_again', 'you_again']
         Table(df=some_df, name='adequate_table', destinations=destinations_with_illegal_duplicates)
 def test_evaluate_expression_syntax_error(self):
     df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[nan, 'gnu', 3], [4, 'gnat', '{{((((*+-/ x y heres_a_syntax_error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}}']],
                       columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
     col_specs = {n: ColumnMetadata(Unit(u)) for n, u in zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['-', 'text', 'm'])}
     t = Table(df=df, name='some_table', col_specs=col_specs, destinations=['success', 'glory'])
     with raises(SyntaxError, match=r"Syntax error in expression in table 'some_table', column 2, row 1"):
         t.evaluate_expressions({'x': 7, 'y': 9}, inplace=False)
 def test_init_with_col_specs(self, some_df, col_specs):
     t = Table(df=some_df, name='adequate_table', col_specs=col_specs)
     assert == 'adequate_table'
     assert t.destinations == ['all']
     assert t.df.iloc[1, 0] == 4
     assert t.col_names == ['a', 'b', 'c']
     assert t.col_units == ['-', 'text', 'm']
     assert t.col_specs == col_specs
     assert len(t) == 2
 def test_convert_to_ref_units(self):
     df = pd.DataFrame([
         [11, 12, 13],
         [21, 22, 23]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
     cs = {n: ColumnMetadata(Unit(u)) for n, u in zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['m', 'mm', 'km'])}
     t = Table(df, name='Fool', col_specs=cs)
     cup = CustomUnitPolicy([
         ScaleUnitConversion(Unit('mm'), Unit('m'), 0.001),
         ScaleUnitConversion(Unit('km'), Unit('m'), 1000)])
     t_ref = t.convert_to_ref_units(cup, inplace=False)
     assert t_ref.col_units == [Unit('m')] * 3
     assert (np.array(t_ref.df) == np.array([[11, 0.012, 13000],
                                             [21, 0.022, 23000]])).all()
 def test_convert_to_home_units(self):
     df = pd.DataFrame([
         [11, 12, 13],
         [21, 22, 23]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
     cs = {n: ColumnMetadata(Unit(u), Unit(hu)) for n, u, hu in zip(
         ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['m', 'm', 'm'], ['m', 'mm', 'km'])}
     t = Table(df, name='Fool', col_specs=cs)
     cup = CustomUnitPolicy([
         ScaleUnitConversion(Unit('mm'), Unit('m'), 0.001),
         ScaleUnitConversion(Unit('km'), Unit('m'), 1000)])
     t_home = t.convert_to_home_units(cup)
     assert t_home.col_units == [Unit('m'), Unit('mm'), Unit('km')]
     assert (np.array(t_home.df) == np.array([[11, 12000, 0.013],
                                              [21, 22000, 0.023]])).all()
    def test_convert_to_ref_units_unknown_unit(self):
        df = pd.DataFrame([
            [11, 12, 13],
            [21, 22, 23]], columns=['a', 'b', 'c'])
        cs = {n: ColumnMetadata(Unit(u)) for n, u in zip(['a', 'b', 'c'], ['m', 'mm', 'km'])}
        t = Table(df, name='Fool', col_specs=cs)
        cup_no_km = CustomUnitPolicy([ScaleUnitConversion(Unit('mm'), Unit('m'), 0.001)])
        t_ref_no_km = t.convert_to_ref_units(cup_no_km, inplace=False, units_not_in_policy='ignore')
        assert t_ref_no_km.col_units == [Unit('m'), Unit('m'), Unit('km')]
        assert (np.array(t_ref_no_km.df) == np.array([[11, 0.012, 13],
                                                      [21, 0.022, 23]])).all()

        with raises(ValueError):
            t.convert_to_ref_units(cup_no_km, inplace=False, units_not_in_policy='raise')
 def test_to_csv_nonstring_colnames_and_destinations(self):
     # PS-53 Bundle.to_csv() fails when column names are not strings
     nonstring_colnames = [1.234, 666.0, 42.0]
     nonstring_destinations = [1984, 2001.2001]
     df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[nan, 'gnu', 3], [4, 'gnat', '{{(+ x y)}}']], columns=nonstring_colnames)
     col_specs = {n: ColumnMetadata(Unit(u)) for n, u in zip(nonstring_colnames, ['-', 'text', 'm'])}
     t = Table(df=df, name='some_table', col_specs=col_specs,
     out = io.StringIO()
     assert out.getvalue() == dedent("""\
         1984 2001.2001
         4.0;gnat;{{(+ x y)}}
 def test_init_with_no_col_specs_at_all(self, some_df):
     t = Table(df=some_df, name='adequate_table')
     cs = t.col_specs
     assert list(cs.keys()) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
     assert [cs[col_name].unit for col_name in cs] == ['text', 'text', 'text']
 def some_table_with_digits(self, some_df_with_digits, col_specs_with_format):
     return Table(df=some_df_with_digits, name='some_table_with_digits', col_specs=col_specs_with_format,
                  destinations=['success', 'glory'])
 def some_table(self, some_df, col_specs):
     return Table(df=some_df, name='some_table', col_specs=col_specs, destinations=['success', 'glory'])