Example #1
def get_url():
	import startup
	if hasattr(startup, "get_url"):
		url = startup.get_url()
		url = get_request_site_address()
	return url
Example #2
def notify_assignment(assigned_by, owner, doc_type, doc_name, action='CLOSE', notify=0):
		Notify assignee that there is a change in assignment
	if not (assigned_by and owner and doc_type and doc_name): return

	# self assignment / closing - no message
	if assigned_by==owner:

	from webnotes.boot import get_fullnames
	user_info = get_fullnames()

	# Search for email address in description -- i.e. assignee
		from startup import get_url
		url = get_url()
	except ImportError:
		from webnotes.utils import get_request_site_address
		url = get_request_site_address()

	assignment = """<a href="%s/app.html#!Form/%s/%s">%s: %s</a>""" % (url, 
		doc_type, doc_name,	doc_type, doc_name)
	if action=='CLOSE':
		if owner == webnotes.session.get('user'):
			arg = {
				'contact': assigned_by,
				'txt': "The task %s, that you assigned to %s, has been \
					closed." % (assignment,
						user_info.get(owner, {}).get('fullname'))
			arg = {
				'contact': assigned_by,
				'txt': "The task %s, that you assigned to %s, \
					has been closed	by %s." % (assignment,
					user_info.get(owner, {}).get('fullname'),
		arg = {
			'contact': owner,
			'txt': "A new task, %s, has been assigned to you by %s." \
				% (assignment,
				user_info.get(webnotes.session.get('user'), {}).get('fullname')),
			'notify': notify
	arg["parenttype"] = "Assignment"
	from utilities.page.messages import messages
	import json
Example #3
def get_url_to_form(doctype, name, base_url=None, label=None):
	if not base_url:
			from startup import get_url
			base_url = get_url()
		except ImportError:
			base_url = get_request_site_address()
	if not label: label = name
	return """<a href="%(base_url)s/app.html#!Form/%(doctype)s/%(name)s">%(label)s</a>""" % locals()
Example #4
def report_errors():
	from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail_to_system_managers
	from startup import get_url
	errors = [("""<p>Time: %(modified)s</p>
<pre><code>%(error)s</code></pre>""" % d) for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select modified, error 
		from `tabScheduler Log` where DATEDIFF(NOW(), modified) < 1 limit 10""", as_dict=True)]
	if errors:
		sendmail_to_system_managers("ERPNext Scheduler Failure Report", ("""
	<p>Dear System Managers,</p>
	<p>Reporting ERPNext failed scheduler events for the day (max 10):</p>
	<p>URL: <a href="%(url)s" target="_blank">%(url)s</a></p><hr>""" % {"url":get_url()}) + "<hr>".join(errors))
Example #5
def report_errors():
    from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail_to_system_managers
    from startup import get_url

    errors = [("""<p>Time: %(modified)s</p>
<pre><code>%(error)s</code></pre>""" % d)
              for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select modified, error 
		from `tabScheduler Log` where DATEDIFF(NOW(), modified) < 1 limit 10""",

    if errors:
        sendmail_to_system_managers("ERPNext Scheduler Failure Report",
	<p>Dear System Managers,</p>
	<p>Reporting ERPNext failed scheduler events for the day (max 10):</p>
	<p>URL: <a href="%(url)s" target="_blank">%(url)s</a></p><hr>""" % {
                                        "url": get_url()
                                    }) + "<hr>".join(errors))
Example #6
def notify(arg=None):
    from webnotes.utils import cstr, get_fullname
    from startup import get_url

    fn = get_fullname(webnotes.user.name) or webnotes.user.name

    url = get_url()

    message = '''You have a message from <b>%s</b>:
	To answer, please login to your erpnext account at \
	<a href=\"%s\" target='_blank'>%s</a>
	''' % (fn, arg['txt'], url, url)

    sender = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.user.name, "email") \
     or webnotes.user.name
    recipient = [webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", arg["contact"], "email") \
     or arg["contact"]]

    from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail
    sendmail(recipient, sender, message,
             arg.get("subject") or "You have a message from %s" % (fn, ))
Example #7
def notify(arg=None):
	from webnotes.utils import cstr, get_fullname
	from startup import get_url
	fn = get_fullname(webnotes.user.name) or webnotes.user.name
	url = get_url()
	message = '''You have a message from <b>%s</b>:
	To answer, please login to your erpnext account at \
	<a href=\"%s\" target='_blank'>%s</a>
	''' % (fn, arg['txt'], url, url)
	sender = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.user.name, "email") \
		or webnotes.user.name
	recipient = [webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", arg["contact"], "email") \
		or arg["contact"]]
	from webnotes.utils.email_lib import sendmail
	sendmail(recipient, sender, message, arg.get("subject") or "You have a message from %s" % (fn,))