Example #1
    def _buildApiRelationships(self) :
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.

        WARNING: will load all maya-installed plugins, without making an
        attempt to return the loaded plugins to the state they were at before
        this command is run.  Also, the act of loading all the plugins may
        crash maya, especially if done from a non-GUI session
        # Put in a debug, because this can be crashy
        _logger.debug("Starting ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy...")

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.api.plugins as plugins
        # load all maya plugins

        # There's some weirdness with plugin loading on windows XP x64... if
        # you have a fresh user profile, and do:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ..then things work.  But if you import maya.OpenMaya:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.OpenMaya
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ...it crashes when loading Mayatomr.  Also, oddly, if you load
        # Mayatomr directly, instead of using initialPlugins.mel, it also
        # crashes:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.cmds
        # maya.cmds.loadPlugin('C:\\3D\\Autodesk\\Maya2012\\bin\\plug-ins\\Mayatomr.mll')

        # Anyway, for now, adding in the line to do sourcing of initialPlugins.mel
        # until I can figure out if it's possible to avoid this crash...
        import maya.mel
        maya.mel.eval('source "initialPlugins.mel"')



        _logger.debug("...finished ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy")
    def _buildApiRelationships(self) :
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.

        WARNING: will load all maya-installed plugins, without making an
        attempt to return the loaded plugins to the state they were at before
        this command is run.  Also, the act of loading all the plugins may
        crash maya, especially if done from a non-GUI session
        # Put in a debug, because this can be crashy
        _logger.debug("Starting ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy...")

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.api.plugins as plugins
        # load all maya plugins

        # There's some weirdness with plugin loading on windows XP x64... if
        # you have a fresh user profile, and do:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ..then things work.  But if you import maya.OpenMaya:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.OpenMaya
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ...it crashes when loading Mayatomr.  Also, oddly, if you load
        # Mayatomr directly, instead of using initialPlugins.mel, it also
        # crashes:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.cmds
        # maya.cmds.loadPlugin('C:\\3D\\Autodesk\\Maya2012\\bin\\plug-ins\\Mayatomr.mll')

        # Anyway, for now, adding in the line to do sourcing of initialPlugins.mel
        # until I can figure out if it's possible to avoid this crash...
        import maya.mel
        maya.mel.eval('source "initialPlugins.mel"')



        _logger.debug("...finished ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy")
Example #3
    def _buildApiRelationships(self) :
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.
        # Put in a debug, because this can be crashy
        _logger.debug("Starting ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy...")        
        def _MFnType(x) :
            if x == api.MFnBase :
                return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 1 ]  # 'kBase'
            else :
                try :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ x().type() ]
                except :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 0 ] # 'kInvalid'

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.mayautils as mayautils
        # load all maya plugins
        mayaLoc = mayautils.getMayaLocation()
        # need to set to os.path.realpath to get a 'canonical' path for string comparison...
        pluginPaths = [os.path.realpath(x) for x in os.environ['MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep)]
        for pluginPath in [x for x in pluginPaths if x.startswith( mayaLoc ) and os.path.isdir(x) ]:
            for x in os.listdir( pluginPath ):
                if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(pluginPath,x)):
                        maya.cmds.loadPlugin( x )
                    except RuntimeError: pass

        # all of maya OpenMaya api is now imported in module api's namespace
        mfnClasses = inspect.getmembers(api, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, api.MFnBase))
        for name, mfnClass in mfnClasses:
            current = _MFnType(mfnClass)
            if not current:
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
            elif current == 'kInvalid':
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
                self.apiTypesToApiClasses[ current ] = mfnClass


        allMayaTypes = self.reservedMayaTypes.keys() + maya.cmds.ls(nodeTypes=True)
        _logger.debug("...finished ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy")
Example #4
    def _buildApiTypeHierarchy(self) :
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.

        Set 'apiClassInfo' to a valid apiClassInfo structure to disable rebuilding of apiClassInfo
        - this is useful for versions < 2009, as these versions cannot parse the api docs; by passing
        in an apiClassInfo, you can rebuild all other api information.  If left at the default value
        of 'None', then it will be rebuilt using the apiDocParser.
        def _MFnType(x) :
            if x == api.MFnBase :
                return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 1 ]  # 'kBase'
            else :
                try :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ x().type() ]
                except :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 0 ] # 'kInvalid'

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.mayautils as mayautils
        # load all maya plugins
        mayaLoc = mayautils.getMayaLocation()
        # need to set to os.path.realpath to get a 'canonical' path for string comparison...
        pluginPaths = [os.path.realpath(x) for x in os.environ['MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep)]
        for pluginPath in [x for x in pluginPaths if x.startswith( mayaLoc ) and os.path.isdir(x) ]:
            for x in os.listdir( pluginPath ):
                if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(pluginPath,x)):
                        maya.cmds.loadPlugin( x )
                    except RuntimeError: pass

        allMayaTypes = self.reservedMayaTypes.keys() + maya.cmds.ls(nodeTypes=True)

        # all of maya OpenMaya api is now imported in module api's namespace
        MFnClasses = inspect.getmembers(api, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, api.MFnBase))
        MFnTree = inspect.getclasstree( [x[1] for x in MFnClasses] )
        self.apiTypeHierarchy = {}

        for x in expandArgs(MFnTree, type='list') :
            MFnClass = x[0]
            current = _MFnType(MFnClass)
            if current and current != 'kInvalid' and len(x[1]) > 0:
                #Check that len(x[1]) > 0 because base python 'object' will have no parents...
                parent = _MFnType(x[1][0])
                if parent:
                    self.apiTypesToApiClasses[ current ] = MFnClass
                    self.apiTypeHierarchy[ current ] = parent

        if not self.apiClassInfo:

        # print self.apiTypeHierarchy.keys()
        # Fixes for types that don't have a MFn by faking a node creation and testing it
        # Make it faster by pre-creating the nodes used to test
        dagMod = api.MDagModifier()
        dgMod = api.MDGModifier()
        #nodeDict = self._createNodes(dagMod, dgMod, *self.apiTypesToApiEnums.keys())
        nodeDict, mayaDict, unableToCreate = self._createNodes( dagMod, dgMod, *allMayaTypes )
        if len(unableToCreate) > 0:
            _logger.warn("Unable to create the following nodes: %s" % ", ".join(unableToCreate))

        for mayaType, apiType in mayaDict.items() :
            self.mayaTypesToApiTypes[mayaType] = apiType
            self.addMayaType( mayaType, apiType )

        # Fix? some MFn results are not coherent with the hierarchy presented in the docs :
        self.apiTypeHierarchy.pop('kWire', None)
        self.apiTypeHierarchy.pop('kBlendShape', None)
        self.apiTypeHierarchy.pop('kFFD', None)
        for k in self.apiTypesToApiEnums.keys() :
            if k not in self.apiTypeHierarchy.keys() :
                #print "%s not in self.apiTypeHierarchy, looking for parents" % k
                #startParent = time.time()
                p = self._parentFn(k, dagMod, dgMod, **nodeDict)
                #endParent = time.time()
                if p :
                    #print "Found parent: %s in %.2f sec" % (p, endParent-startParent)
                    self.apiTypeHierarchy[k] = p
                else :
                    #print "Found none in %.2f sec" % (endParent-startParent)
Example #5
    def _buildApiRelationships(self):
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.
        WARNING: will load all maya-installed plugins, without making an
        attempt to return the loaded plugins to the state they were at before
        this command is run.  Also, the act of loading all the plugins may
        crash maya, especially if done from a non-GUI session
        # Put in a debug, because this can be crashy
        _logger.debug("Starting ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy...")

        def _MFnType(x):
            if x == api.MFnBase:
                return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[1]  # 'kBase'
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[x().type()]
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[0]  # 'kInvalid'

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.api.plugins as plugins
        # load all maya plugins

        # There's some weirdness with plugin loading on windows XP x64... if
        # you have a fresh user profile, and do:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ..then things work.  But if you import maya.OpenMaya:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.OpenMaya
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')

        # ...it crashes when loading Mayatomr.  Also, oddly, if you load
        # Mayatomr directly, instead of using initialPlugins.mel, it also
        # crashes:

        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.cmds
        # maya.cmds.loadPlugin('C:\\3D\\Autodesk\\Maya2012\\bin\\plug-ins\\Mayatomr.mll')

        # Anyway, for now, adding in the line to do sourcing of initialPlugins.mel
        # until I can figure out if it's possible to avoid this crash...
        import maya.mel
        maya.mel.eval('source "initialPlugins.mel"')

        # all of maya OpenMaya api is now imported in module api's namespace
        mfnClasses = inspect.getmembers(
            api, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, api.MFnBase))
        for name, mfnClass in mfnClasses:
            current = _MFnType(mfnClass)
            if not current:
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
            elif current == 'kInvalid':
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
                self.apiTypesToApiClasses[current] = mfnClass


        allMayaTypes = self.reservedMayaTypes.keys() + maya.cmds.ls(

        _logger.debug("...finished ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy")
    def _buildApiRelationships(self) :
        Used to rebuild api info from scratch.
        WARNING: will load all maya-installed plugins, without making an
        attempt to return the loaded plugins to the state they were at before
        this command is run.  Also, the act of loading all the plugins may
        crash maya, especially if done from a non-GUI session
        # Put in a debug, because this can be crashy
        _logger.debug("Starting ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy...")        
        def _MFnType(x) :
            if x == api.MFnBase :
                return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 1 ]  # 'kBase'
            else :
                try :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ x().type() ]
                except :
                    return self.apiEnumsToApiTypes[ 0 ] # 'kInvalid'

        if not startup.mayaStartupHasRun():
        import maya.cmds

        import pymel.api.plugins as plugins
        # load all maya plugins
        # There's some weirdness with plugin loading on windows XP x64... if
        # you have a fresh user profile, and do:
        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')
        # ..then things work.  But if you import maya.OpenMaya:
        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.OpenMaya
        # import maya.mel as mel
        # mel.eval('''source "initialPlugins.mel"''')
        # ...it crashes when loading Mayatomr.  Also, oddly, if you load
        # Mayatomr directly, instead of using initialPlugins.mel, it also
        # crashes:
        # import maya.standalone
        # maya.standalone.initialize()
        # import maya.cmds
        # maya.cmds.loadPlugin('C:\\3D\\Autodesk\\Maya2012\\bin\\plug-ins\\Mayatomr.mll')
        # Anyway, for now, adding in the line to do sourcing of initialPlugins.mel
        # until I can figure out if it's possible to avoid this crash...
        import maya.mel
        maya.mel.eval('source "initialPlugins.mel"')

        # all of maya OpenMaya api is now imported in module api's namespace
        mfnClasses = inspect.getmembers(api, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(x, api.MFnBase))
        for name, mfnClass in mfnClasses:
            current = _MFnType(mfnClass)
            if not current:
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
            elif current == 'kInvalid':
                _logger.warning("MFnClass gave MFnType %s" % current)
                self.apiTypesToApiClasses[ current ] = mfnClass


        allMayaTypes = self.reservedMayaTypes.keys() + maya.cmds.ls(nodeTypes=True)
        _logger.debug("...finished ApiCache._buildApiTypeHierarchy")