Example #1
    def beamStep(self, re):
        newRegexes = list()
        # generate merged steps
        for stateID1 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
            for stateID2 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
                if stateID1 == stateID2:
                newRe = re.copy()
                newRe.mergeRandom(stateID1, stateID2)
                newRegexes.append((newRe, self.likelihood(newRe)))

        # generate wildcard steps
        for stateID1 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
            for wildcard in ['S', 'N', 'A']:
                for k, s in re.states_[stateID1].next_:
                    if keysOverlap(k,
                                   wildcard) and keyMinus(wildcard, k) != '':
                        newRe = re.copy()
                        newRe.wildcardize(stateID1, wildcard)
                        newRegexes.append((newRe, self.likelihood(newRe)))

                        # only replace one of the transitions for a wildcard

        return newRegexes
Example #2
	def beamStep(self, re):
		newRegexes = list()
		# generate merged steps
		for stateID1 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
			for stateID2 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
				if stateID1 == stateID2:
				newRe = re.copy()
				newRe.mergeRandom(stateID1, stateID2)
				newRegexes.append((newRe, self.likelihood(newRe)))

		# generate wildcard steps
		for stateID1 in list((s.ID_) for s in re.states_.values()):
			for wildcard in ['S', 'N', 'A']:
				for k, s in re.states_[stateID1].next_:
					if keysOverlap(k, wildcard) and keyMinus(wildcard, k) != '':
						newRe = re.copy()
						newRe.wildcardize(stateID1, wildcard)
						newRegexes.append((newRe, self.likelihood(newRe)))

						# only replace one of the transitions for a wildcard

		return newRegexes
Example #3
    def subsetConstruction(self):
        # copy old
        old = self.copy()

        # clear values
        self.mergeQueue_ = list()
        self.states_ = dict()
        self.lastStateID_ = -1

        # initialize DFA
        self.start_ = State(regex=self, start=True)
        self.start_.accept_ = old.start_.accept_
        stateMapping = {0: [0]}
        stateQueue = [0]
        while len(stateQueue) > 0:
            stateID = stateQueue.pop(0)
            state = self.states_[stateID]
            if DEBUG: print "\nstate", stateID, "=", stateMapping[stateID]

            # create distinct transitons
            newNext = list()
            for mappedID in stateMapping[stateID]:
                for key1, nextStateID in list(
                    (key, s.ID_) for key, s in old.states_[mappedID].next_):
                    add = True
                    newNext2 = list()
                    for key2, nextStateIDs in newNext:
                        # if there is overlap, break transitions into pieces
                        if keysOverlap(key1, key2):
                            newNext2.append((keyIntersect(key1, key2),
                                             nextStateIDs + [nextStateID]))
                            if DEBUG:
                                print "intersect leads to", (keyIntersect(
                                    key1, key2), nextStateIDs + [nextStateID])
                            temp = keyMinus(key2, key1)
                            if len(temp) > 0:
                                if DEBUG:
                                    print "modified to lead to", (temp,
                                newNext2.append((temp, nextStateIDs))
                            key1 = keyMinus(key1, key2)

                        # otherwise, keep the transition
                            newNext2.append((key2, nextStateIDs))

                    if len(key1) > 0:
                        if DEBUG:
                            print "added to lead to", (key1, [nextStateID])
                        newNext2.append((key1, [nextStateID]))
                    newNext = newNext2

            if DEBUG: print "adding states", newNext

            # add state mappings
            for key, nextStateIDs1 in newNext:
                addSet = True
                # map to preexising state if there is one
                for nextStateID2, nextStateIDs2 in stateMapping.items():
                    if set(nextStateIDs1) == set(nextStateIDs2):
                        addSet = False
                        state.nextIs(key, self.states_[nextStateID2])

                # otherwise, create one
                if addSet:
                    newState = State(self)
                    state.nextIs(key, newState)
                    stateMapping[newState.ID_] = nextStateIDs1
                    for mappedID in nextStateIDs1:
                        newState.accept_ = old.states_[mappedID].accept_
                        if newState.accept_:
Example #4
	def subsetConstruction(self):
		# copy old
		old = self.copy()

		# clear values
		self.mergeQueue_ = list()
		self.states_ = dict()
		self.lastStateID_ = -1

		# initialize DFA
		self.start_ = State(regex=self, start=True)
		self.start_.accept_ = old.start_.accept_
		stateMapping = {0 : [0]}
		stateQueue = [0]
		while len(stateQueue) > 0:
			stateID = stateQueue.pop(0)
			state = self.states_[stateID]
			if DEBUG: print "\nstate", stateID, "=", stateMapping[stateID]

			# create distinct transitons
			newNext = list()
			for mappedID in stateMapping[stateID]:
				for key1, nextStateID in list((key, s.ID_) for key,s in old.states_[mappedID].next_):
					add = True
					newNext2 = list()
					for key2, nextStateIDs in newNext:
						# if there is overlap, break transitions into pieces
						if keysOverlap(key1, key2):
							newNext2.append((keyIntersect(key1, key2), nextStateIDs + [nextStateID]))
							if DEBUG: print "intersect leads to", (keyIntersect(key1, key2), nextStateIDs + [nextStateID])
							temp = keyMinus(key2, key1)
							if len(temp) > 0:
								if DEBUG: print "modified to lead to", (temp, nextStateIDs)
								newNext2.append((temp, nextStateIDs))
							key1 = keyMinus(key1, key2)

						# otherwise, keep the transition
							newNext2.append((key2, nextStateIDs))

					if len(key1) > 0:
						if DEBUG: print "added to lead to", (key1, [nextStateID])
						newNext2.append((key1, [nextStateID]))
					newNext = newNext2

			if DEBUG: print "adding states", newNext

			# add state mappings
			for key, nextStateIDs1 in newNext:
				addSet = True
				# map to preexising state if there is one
				for nextStateID2, nextStateIDs2 in stateMapping.items():
					if set(nextStateIDs1) == set(nextStateIDs2):
						addSet = False
						state.nextIs(key, self.states_[nextStateID2])

				# otherwise, create one
				if addSet:
					newState = State(self)
					state.nextIs(key, newState)
					stateMapping[newState.ID_] = nextStateIDs1
					for mappedID in nextStateIDs1:
						newState.accept_ = old.states_[mappedID].accept_
						if newState.accept_: