Example #1
    def __init__(self, start_symbol, grammar, lr_type=0):
        self.grammar = grammar
        self.start_symbol = start_symbol
        self.state_sets = []
        self.edges = {}
        self.ids = {}
        self.todo = []
        self.done = set()
        self.maybe_compatible = {}

        self.goto_time = 0
        self.add_time = 0
        self.closure_time = 0
        self.closure_count = 0
        self.addcount = 0
        self.weakly = 0
        self.weakly_count = 0
        self.mergetime = 0

        helper = Helper(grammar)
        self.helper = helper
        if lr_type == LR0:
            self.closure = helper.closure_0
            self.goto = helper.goto_0
            self.start_set = StateSet([LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0)])
        elif lr_type == LR1 or lr_type == LALR:
            self.closure = helper.closure_1
            self.goto = helper.goto_1
            self.start_set = StateSet()
            self.start_set.add(LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0), set([FinishSymbol()]))
Example #2
def goto_1(grammar, state_set, symbol):
    result = StateSet()
    for state in state_set:
        s = state.next_symbol()
        if s == symbol:
            new_state = state.clone()
            new_state.d += 1
    return closure_1(grammar, result)
Example #3
 def goto_0(self, state_set, symbol):
     result = StateSet()
     for state in state_set.elements:
         s = state.next_symbol()
         if s == symbol:
             new_state = state.clone()
             new_state.d += 1
     return self.closure_0(result)
Example #4
 def goto_1(self, state_set, symbol):
         self.goto_count[(id(state_set), symbol)] += 1
     except KeyError:
         self.goto_count[(id(state_set), symbol)] = 1
     print("goto", state_set, symbol, self.goto_count[(id(state_set), symbol)])
     result = StateSet()
     for state in state_set:
         s = state.next_symbol()
         if s == symbol:
             new_state = state.clone()
             new_state.d += 1
     print("goto END")
     return self.closure_1(result)
Example #5
def closure_1(grammar, state_set):
    assert False
    result = StateSet()
    # Step 1
    for state in state_set.elements:
    # Step 2
    for state in result:
        symbol = state.next_symbol()
        if isinstance(symbol, Nonterminal):
            f = set()
            for l in state.lookahead:
                betaL = []
                f |= old2_first(grammar, betaL)

            alternatives = grammar[symbol].alternatives
            for a in alternatives:
                # create epsilon symbol if alternative is empty
                if a == []:
                    a = [Epsilon()]
                p = Production(symbol, a)
                s = LR1Element(p, 0, f)
                if a == [epsilon]:
                    s.d = 1
    # merge states that only differ in their lookahead
    return result
Example #6
def closure_0(grammar, state_set):
    result = StateSet()
    # 1) Add state_set to it's own closure
    for state in state_set.elements:
    # 2) If there exists an LR-element with a Nonterminal as its next symbol
    #    add all production with this symbol on the left side to the closure
    for state in result:
        symbol = state.next_symbol()
        if isinstance(symbol, Nonterminal):
            alternatives = grammar[symbol].alternatives
            for a in alternatives:
                # create epsilon symbol if alternative is empty
                if a == []:
                    a = [epsilon]
                p = Production(symbol, a)
                s = State(p, 0)
                if a == [epsilon]:
                    s.d = 1
    return result
Example #7
class StateGraph(object):

    def __init__(self, start_symbol, grammar, lr_type=0):
        self.grammar = grammar
        self.start_symbol = start_symbol
        self.state_sets = []
        self.edges = {}
        self.ids = {}
        self.todo = []
        self.done = set()
        self.maybe_compatible = {}

        self.goto_time = 0
        self.add_time = 0
        self.closure_time = 0
        self.closure_count = 0
        self.addcount = 0
        self.weakly = 0
        self.weakly_count = 0
        self.mergetime = 0

        helper = Helper(grammar)
        self.helper = helper
        if lr_type == LR0:
            self.closure = helper.closure_0
            self.goto = helper.goto_0
            self.start_set = StateSet([LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0)])
        elif lr_type == LR1 or lr_type == LALR:
            self.closure = helper.closure_1
            self.goto = helper.goto_1
            self.start_set = StateSet()
            self.start_set.add(LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0), set([FinishSymbol()]))

    def build(self):
        State._hashtime = 0
        start = time()
        start_set = self.start_set
        closure = start_set
        self.ids[closure] = 0
        _id = 0
        while self.todo:
            self.addcount += 1
            _id = self.todo.pop()
            closure_start = time()
            state_set = self.closure(self.state_sets[_id])
            self.closure_count += 1
            closure_end = time()
            self.closure_time += closure_end - closure_start
            new_gotos = {}
            goto_start = time()
            # create new sets first, then calculate closure
            for lrelement in state_set.elements:
                symbol = lrelement.next_symbol()
                if not symbol: # state is final
                #XXX optimisation: create all configurations before building
                new_element = lrelement.clone()
                new_element.d += 1
                new_element_la = state_set.get_lookahead(lrelement)
                stateset = new_gotos.setdefault(symbol, StateSet())
                stateset.add(new_element, new_element_la)

            # now calculate closure and add result to state_sets
            goto_end = time()
            self.goto_time += goto_end - goto_start

            for ss in new_gotos:
                new_state_set = new_gotos[ss]
                add_start = time()
                self.add(_id, ss, new_state_set)
                add_end = time()
                self.add_time += add_end - add_start

        end = time()
        logging.info("add time %s", self.add_time)
        logging.info("closure time %s", self.closure_time)
        logging.info("closure time helper %s", self.helper.closure_time)
        logging.info("goto time %s", self.goto_time)
        logging.info("hashtime %s", StateSet._hashtime)
        logging.info("addcount %s", self.addcount)
        logging.info("states %s", len(self.state_sets))
        logging.info("weakly %s", self.weakly)
        logging.info("weakly count %s", self.weakly_count)
        logging.info("mergetime %s", self.mergetime)

        # apply closure
        logging.info("Apply closure to states")
        clstart = time()
        new_state_sets = []
        new_ids = {}
        for state in self.state_sets:
            _id = self.ids[state]
            new_state = self.closure(state)
            new_ids[new_state] = new_state
        self.state_sets = new_state_sets
        logging.info("after closure %s", len(new_state_sets))
        logging.info("edges %s", len(set(self.edges.values())))
        self.ids = new_ids
        logging.info(time() - clstart)

        logging.info("Finished building Stategraph in %s", end-start)
        self.closure = None
        self.goto = None

    def weakly_compatible(self, s1, s2):
        self.weakly_count += 1
        core = s1.elements
        if core != s2.elements:
            return False
        if len(core) == 1:
            return True
        self.weakly -= time()
        core = list(core)
        for i in range(0, len(core)-1):
            I = core[i]
            for j in range(i+1, len(core)):
                J = core[j]
                if ((s1.lookaheads[I] & s2.lookaheads[J] or s1.lookaheads[J] & s2.lookaheads[I])
                    and not s1.lookaheads[I] & s1.lookaheads[J]
                    and not s2.lookaheads[I] & s2.lookaheads[J]):
                    self.weakly += time()
                    return False
        self.weakly += time()
        return True

    def find_stateset_without_lookahead(self, state_set):
        for ss in self.state_sets:
            if state_set.equals(ss, True):
                return ss
        return None

    def merge_lookahead(self, old, new):
        self.mergetime -= time()
        changed = False
        for element in new.elements:
            la1 = new.get_lookahead(element)
            la2 = old.get_lookahead(element)
            if la1 - la2:
                changed = True
                new_la = la2 | la1
                old.lookaheads[element] = new_la

        self.mergetime += time()
        return changed

    def add(self, from_id, symbol, state_set):
        merged = False
        #for candidate in self.state_sets: # only check states that can be reached by symbol
        for _id in self.maybe_compatible.setdefault(symbol,set()):
            candidate = self.state_sets[_id]
            if self.weakly_compatible(state_set, candidate):
                # merge them
                merged = True
                changed = self.merge_lookahead(candidate, state_set)
                self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
                if changed and _id in self.done:
                    # move state to todo list
                    self.todo.append(_id) #XXX only need to to that if this state is already done (moving not necessary if it hasn't been looked at anyway (e.g. state at the end of list)

        if not merged:
            # add normally and put on todo list
            _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
            self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
            self.ids[state_set] = _id

            # add to maybe compatible
            mc = self.maybe_compatible.setdefault(symbol, set())

    def oldadd(self, from_id, symbol, state_set):
        # LALR way
       #ss = self.find_stateset_without_lookahead(state_set)
       #if ss:
       #    #print("found existing stateset -> merging")
       #    #print(ss)
       #    #print(state_set)
       #    self.merge_lookahead(ss, state_set)
       #    _id = self.state_sets.index(ss)
       #    self.state_sets.append(state_set)
       #    _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
       #self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id

        # normal LR(1) way
        add_start = time()
        _id = self.ids.get(state_set)
        if _id is None: # new state
            self.addcount += 1
            _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
            self.ids[state_set] = _id
        self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
        add_end = time()
        self.add_time += add_end - add_start

    def follow(self, from_id, symbol):
            _id = self.edges[(from_id, symbol)]
            return _id
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def get_symbols(self):
        s = set()
        for _, symbol in self.edges.keys():
        return s

    def get_state_set(self, i):
        return self.state_sets[i]

    def convert_lalr(self):
        removelist = set([])
        l = len(self.state_sets)
        for i in range(l):
            if i in removelist:
            for j in range(l):
                if j in removelist:
                s1 = self.state_sets[i]
                s2 = self.state_sets[j]
                if s1 is not s2 and s1.equals(s2, False):
                    for e in s2:
                        s1.add(e) # this should automatically merge the lookahead of the states
                    for key in self.edges:
                        fromid, symbol = key
                        to = self.edges[key]
                        if fromid == j:
                            fromid == i
                        if to == j:
                            to == i
                        self.edges[(fromid, symbol)] = to
        l = list(removelist)
        for j in l:
Example #8
class StateGraph(object):

    def __init__(self, start_symbol, grammar, lr_type=0):
        self.grammar = grammar
        self.start_symbol = start_symbol
        self.state_sets = []
        self.edges = {}
        self.ids = {}
        self.todo = []
        self.done = set()
        self.maybe_compatible = {}

        self.goto_time = 0
        self.add_time = 0
        self.closure_time = 0
        self.closure_count = 0
        self.addcount = 0
        self.weakly = 0
        self.weakly_count = 0
        self.mergetime = 0

        helper = Helper(grammar)
        self.helper = helper
        if lr_type == LR0:
            self.closure = helper.closure_0
            self.goto = helper.goto_0
            self.start_set = StateSet([LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0)])
        elif lr_type == LR1 or lr_type == LALR:
            self.closure = helper.closure_1
            self.goto = helper.goto_1
            self.start_set = StateSet()
            self.start_set.add(LR0Element(Production(None, [self.start_symbol]), 0), set([FinishSymbol()]))

    def build(self):
        State._hashtime = 0
        start = time()
        start_set = self.start_set
        closure = start_set
        #closure = self.closure(start_set)
        self.ids[closure] = 0
        _id = 0
        while self.todo:
            self.addcount += 1
            _id = self.todo.pop()
            #print("id:", _id)
            closure_start = time()
            state_set = self.closure(self.state_sets[_id])
            self.closure_count += 1
            closure_end = time()
            self.closure_time += closure_end - closure_start
            #state_set = self.state_sets[_id]
            new_gotos = {}
            goto_start = time()
            # create new sets first, then calculate closure
            for lrelement in state_set.elements:
                symbol = lrelement.next_symbol()
                if not symbol: # state is final
                #XXX optimisation: create all configurations before building
                new_element = lrelement.clone()
                new_element.d += 1
                new_element_la = state_set.get_lookahead(lrelement)
                stateset = new_gotos.setdefault(symbol, StateSet())
                stateset.add(new_element, new_element_la)

            # now calculate closure and add result to state_sets
            goto_end = time()
            self.goto_time += goto_end - goto_start

            for ss in new_gotos:
                new_state_set = new_gotos[ss]
                #new_state_set = self.closure(new_gotos[ss])
                add_start = time()
                self.add(_id, ss, new_state_set)
                add_end = time()
                self.add_time += add_end - add_start

        end = time()
        logging.info("add time %s", self.add_time)
        logging.info("closure time %s", self.closure_time)
        logging.info("closure time helper %s", self.helper.closure_time)
        logging.info("goto time %s", self.goto_time)
        logging.info("hashtime %s", StateSet._hashtime)
        logging.info("addcount %s", self.addcount)
        logging.info("states %s", len(self.state_sets))
        logging.info("weakly %s", self.weakly)
        logging.info("weakly count %s", self.weakly_count)
        logging.info("mergetime %s", self.mergetime)
        #print("maybe", self.maybe_compatible)
        #for key in self.maybe_compatible:
        #    print(key, len(self.maybe_compatible[key]))

        # apply closure
        logging.info("Apply closure to states")
        clstart = time()
        new_state_sets = []
        new_ids = {}
        for state in self.state_sets:
            _id = self.ids[state]
            new_state = self.closure(state)
            new_ids[new_state] = new_state
        self.state_sets = new_state_sets
        logging.info("after closure %s", len(new_state_sets))
        logging.info("edges %s", len(set(self.edges.values())))
        self.ids = new_ids
        logging.info(time() - clstart)

        logging.info("Finished building Stategraph in %s", end-start)
        self.closure = None
        self.goto = None

    def weakly_compatible(self, s1, s2):
        self.weakly_count += 1
        core = s1.elements
        if core != s2.elements:
            return False
        if len(core) == 1:
            return True
        self.weakly -= time()
        core = list(core)
        for i in range(0, len(core)-1):
            I = core[i]
            for j in range(i+1, len(core)):
                J = core[j]
                if ((s1.lookaheads[I] & s2.lookaheads[J] or s1.lookaheads[J] & s2.lookaheads[I])
                    and not s1.lookaheads[I] & s1.lookaheads[J]
                    and not s2.lookaheads[I] & s2.lookaheads[J]):
                    self.weakly += time()
                    return False
        self.weakly += time()
        return True

    def find_stateset_without_lookahead(self, state_set):
        for ss in self.state_sets:
            if state_set.equals(ss, True):
                return ss
        return None

    def merge_lookahead(self, old, new):
        self.mergetime -= time()
        changed = False
       #for e1 in new.elements:
       #    for e2 in old.elements:
       #        if e1 == e2: # compare without lookahead
       #            #print("merging", e1, "and", e2)
       #            if e1.lookahead - e2.lookahead:
       #                changed = True
       #            e2.lookahead |= e1.lookahead
        for element in new.elements:
            la1 = new.get_lookahead(element)
            la2 = old.get_lookahead(element)
            if la1 - la2:
                changed = True
                new_la = la2 | la1
                old.lookaheads[element] = new_la

        self.mergetime += time()
        return changed

    def add(self, from_id, symbol, state_set):
        merged = False
        #for candidate in self.state_sets: # only check states that can be reached by symbol
        for _id in self.maybe_compatible.setdefault(symbol,set()):
            candidate = self.state_sets[_id]
            if self.weakly_compatible(state_set, candidate):
                # merge them
                merged = True
                changed = self.merge_lookahead(candidate, state_set)
                self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
                if changed and _id in self.done:
                    # move state to todo list
                    self.todo.append(_id) #XXX only need to to that if this state is already done (moving not necessary if it hasn't been looked at anyway (e.g. state at the end of list)

        if not merged:
            # add normally and put on todo list
            _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
            self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
            self.ids[state_set] = _id

            # add to maybe compatible
            mc = self.maybe_compatible.setdefault(symbol, set())

    def oldadd(self, from_id, symbol, state_set):
        # LALR way
       #ss = self.find_stateset_without_lookahead(state_set)
       #if ss:
       #    #print("found existing stateset -> merging")
       #    #print(ss)
       #    #print(state_set)
       #    self.merge_lookahead(ss, state_set)
       #    _id = self.state_sets.index(ss)
       #    self.state_sets.append(state_set)
       #    _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
       #self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id

        # normal LR(1) way
        add_start = time()
        _id = self.ids.get(state_set)
        if _id is None: # new state
            self.addcount += 1
            _id = len(self.state_sets)-1
            self.ids[state_set] = _id
        self.edges[(from_id, symbol)] = _id
        add_end = time()
        self.add_time += add_end - add_start

    def follow(self, from_id, symbol):
            _id = self.edges[(from_id, symbol)]
            return _id
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def get_symbols(self):
        s = set()
        for _, symbol in self.edges.keys():
        return s

    def get_state_set(self, i):
        return self.state_sets[i]

    def convert_lalr(self):
        removelist = set([])
        l = len(self.state_sets)
        for i in range(l):
            if i in removelist:
            for j in range(l):
                if j in removelist:
                s1 = self.state_sets[i]
                s2 = self.state_sets[j]
                if s1 is not s2 and s1.equals(s2, False):
                    for e in s2:
                        s1.add(e) # this should automatically merge the lookahead of the states
                    for key in self.edges:
                        fromid, symbol = key
                        to = self.edges[key]
                        if fromid == j:
                            fromid == i
                        if to == j:
                            to == i
                        self.edges[(fromid, symbol)] = to
        l = list(removelist)
        for j in l:
Example #9
 def closure_1(self, state_set):
     la_dict = {}
     result = set()
     working_set = set()
     # Step 1
     for element in state_set.elements:
         la_dict[element] = state_set.get_lookahead(element)
     # Step 2
     temp = working_set
     while 1:
         newelements = set()
         for state in temp:
             if state.isfinal():
             symbol = state.next_symbol()
             if isinstance(symbol, Nonterminal):
                 f = set()
                 for l in la_dict[state]:#state.lookahead:
                     betaL = []
                     f |= self.first(betaL)
                 alternatives = self.grammar[symbol].alternatives
                 i = -1
                 for a in alternatives:
                     i = i + 1
                     # create epsilon symbol if alternative is empty
                     if a == []:
                         a = [Epsilon()]
                     p = Production(symbol, a, self.grammar[symbol].annotations[i], self.grammar[symbol].precs[i])
                     if self.grammar[symbol].inserts.has_key(i):
                         insert = self.grammar[symbol].inserts[i]
                         p.inserts[insert[0]] = insert[1]
                     s = LR0Element(p, 0)
                     if a == [epsilon]:
                         s.d = 1
                     # NEW ELEMENT:
                     # 1. completely new (+lookahead): add to result
                     # 2. new lookahead: update lookahead in la_dict
                     # -> add to new working set
                     # 3. already known: ignore
                     if s in result:
                         if f.issubset(la_dict[s]):   # lookahead in combination with state already known
                             la_dict[s] |= f   # new lookahead
                         la_dict[s] = set(f)        # completely new
         temp = newelements
         if len(temp) == 0:
         i += 1
     # add lookaheads
     final_result = StateSet()
     for element in result:
         final_result.add(element, la_dict[element])
     return final_result