Example #1
def main():
    #Initialize the window and windowView (the windowView won't be setup until the state changes!)
    #These variables will track our position within the game.
    lCurrentState = ["NULL","NULL"]
    lNextState = ["Menu","Intro"]

    #This will be updated when we change to a state.
    EntityManager = Entity_Manager()

    ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window, config.windowView, EntityManager)

    t = sf.Time(0.0)

    accumulator = sf.Time(0.0)

    timer = sf.Clock()

    lastKeyPress = sf.Clock()

    #This will be False if the player clicks outside of the program's window and "pause" the program
    windowIsActive = True
    bQuit = False
    while not bQuit:

        frameTime = timer.elapsed_time


        #This caps the time inbetween frames to
        #   prevent a spiral of death (which happens when the computer
        #   can't keep up.)
        if frameTime > sf.Time(0.25):

            print "preventing spiral of death"
            frameTime = sf.Time(0.25)

        accumulator += frameTime

        #This will loop through all of the events that have been triggered by player input
        for event in config.window.iter_events():

            if event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_MOVED:

            #elif event.type == sf.Event.TEXT_ENTERED:
                #Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.unicode, True, lastKeyPress.elapsed_time)

                #This restarts the Timer for the lastKeyPress since a new key just
                #   got pressed.
            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, True, lastKeyPress.elapsed_time)

                #This restarts the Timer for the lastKeyPress since a new key just
                #   got pressed.
            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_RELEASED:
                #The time elapsed isn't necessary for the released key.
            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, True)
            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED:

            elif event.type == sf.Event.CLOSED:
                for stateIndx in xrange(len(lNextState)):                     
                    lNextState[stateIndx] = "QUIT"
                bQuit = True
            elif event.type == sf.Event.LOST_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = False

            elif event.type == sf.Event.GAINED_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = True

        iLoops = 0  #A counter for the amount of game update loops that are made in sucession whilst skipping rendering updates.
        #This loop will start if it is time to commence the next update and will keep going if we are behind schedule and need to catch up.
        while accumulator >= sf.Time(1./config.FRAME_RATE) and iLoops < MAX_FRAMESKIP:

            #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
            if windowIsActive:
                #We don't want to change lNextState if the game has been set to QUIT
                if not bQuit:                
                    #lNextState will contain "NULL"s when no state change is signaled
                    #lNextState will have all of its elements change when switching to a new state.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Input_Update()

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window, config.windowView, EntityManager)

                    #Finally after we've handled input and have correctly adjusted to the nextState (in most cases it won't happen,)
                    #we can then update our game's model with stuff that will happen in the respective state with each game update.

                    #Notice that DT is a constant variable that represents how much time is going by during
                    #   this update.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Logic_Update(sf.Time(1./config.FRAME_RATE))

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window, config.windowView, EntityManager)

            #If we have received a quit signal, we should stop our loop and quit the game!
            if bQuit:

            #The accumulator contains the time that hasn't yet been used for the updates.
            #Each update will assume that dt time is going by, so the accumulator just
            #   needs to subtract by the time that is being used up.
            accumulator -= sf.Time(1./config.FRAME_RATE)
            #This counts the Update loop
            iLoops += 1
        #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
        if windowIsActive:
            EntityManager._Render_Update(config.window, config.windowView)

    #This closes our RenderWindow!
Example #2
def main():
    #Initialize the window and windowView (the windowView won't be setup until the state changes!)
    window, windowView = Init()

    #These variables will track our position within the game.
    lCurrentState = ["NULL", "NULL"]
    lNextState = ["Menu", "MainMenu"]

    #This will be updated when we change to a state.
    EntityManager = Entity_Manager()

    #The AssetManager will be used by ChangeState in order to retrieve sounds/textures for a particular type of entity.
    AssetManager = assets.Asset_Manager()

    ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, windowView, EntityManager,

    timer = sf.Clock()

    SKIP_TICKS = 1 / config.TICKS_PER_SEC

    iLoops = None
    fNextGameTick = timer.elapsed_time

    #This will be False if the player clicks outside of the program's window and "pause" the program
    windowIsActive = True

    bQuit = False
    while not bQuit:

        #This will loop through all of the events that have been triggered by player input
        for event in window.iter_events():

            if event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_MOVED:
                    window.convert_coords(event.x, event.y))

            elif event.type == sf.Event.TEXT_ENTERED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.unicode, True,

            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, True, timer.elapsed_time)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_RELEASED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, False, timer.elapsed_time)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, True)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, False)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.LOST_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = False

            elif event.type == sf.Event.GAINED_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = True

            elif event.type == sf.Event.CLOSED:
                for stateIndx in xrange(len(lNextState)):
                    lNextState[stateIndx] = "QUIT"
                bQuit = True

        iLoops = 0  #A counter for the amount of game update loops that are made in sucession whilst skipping rendering updates.

        #This loop will start if it is time to commence the next update and will keep going if we are behind schedule and need to catch up.
        while timer.elapsed_time > fNextGameTick and iLoops < MAX_FRAMESKIP:

            #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
            if windowIsActive:

                #We don't want to change lNextState if the game has been set to QUIT
                if not bQuit:

                    #lNextState will contain "NULL"s when no state change is signaled
                    #lNextState will have all of its elements change when switching to a new state.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Input_Update()

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, windowView,
                                    EntityManager, AssetManager)

                #Finally after we've handled input and have correctly adjusted to the nextState (in most cases it won't happen,)
                #we can then update our game's model with stuff that will happen in the respective state with each game update.
                if not bQuit:
                        timer.elapsed_time - fNextGameTick
                    )  #This updates our model depending on what is going on in the current state

            #If we have received a quit signal, we should stop our loop and quit the game!
            if bQuit:

            iLoops += 1
            fNextGameTick += sf.Time(seconds=SKIP_TICKS)

        EntityManager._Render_Update(window, windowView)

    #This closes our RenderWindow!
Example #3
def main():
    #Initialize the window and windowView (the windowView won't be setup until the state changes!)
    window, windowView = Init()
    #These variables will track our position within the game.
    lCurrentState = ["NULL","NULL"]
    lNextState = ["Menu","MainMenu"]

    #This will be updated when we change to a state.
    EntityManager = Entity_Manager()

    #The AssetManager will be used by ChangeState in order to retrieve sounds/textures for a particular type of entity.
    AssetManager = assets.Asset_Manager()

    ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, windowView, EntityManager, AssetManager)

    timer = sf.Clock()
    iLoops = None
    fNextGameTick = timer.elapsed_time

    #This will be False if the player clicks outside of the program's window and "pause" the program
    windowIsActive = True
    bQuit = False
    while not bQuit:
        #This will loop through all of the events that have been triggered by player input
        for event in window.iter_events():

            if event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_MOVED:

            elif event.type == sf.Event.TEXT_ENTERED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.unicode, True, timer.elapsed_time)
            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, True, timer.elapsed_time)
            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_RELEASED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, False, timer.elapsed_time)
            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, True)
            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED:
            elif event.type == sf.Event.LOST_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = False

            elif event.type == sf.Event.GAINED_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = True
            elif event.type == sf.Event.CLOSED:
                for stateIndx in xrange(len(lNextState)):                     
                    lNextState[stateIndx] = "QUIT"
                bQuit = True

        iLoops = 0  #A counter for the amount of game update loops that are made in sucession whilst skipping rendering updates.
        #This loop will start if it is time to commence the next update and will keep going if we are behind schedule and need to catch up.
        while timer.elapsed_time > fNextGameTick and iLoops < MAX_FRAMESKIP:
            #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
            if windowIsActive:

                #We don't want to change lNextState if the game has been set to QUIT
                if not bQuit:
                    #lNextState will contain "NULL"s when no state change is signaled
                    #lNextState will have all of its elements change when switching to a new state.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Input_Update()

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, windowView, EntityManager, AssetManager)

                #Finally after we've handled input and have correctly adjusted to the nextState (in most cases it won't happen,)
                #we can then update our game's model with stuff that will happen in the respective state with each game update.
                if not bQuit:
                    EntityManager._Logic_Update(timer.elapsed_time - fNextGameTick)           #This updates our model depending on what is going on in the current state

            #If we have received a quit signal, we should stop our loop and quit the game!
            if bQuit:
            iLoops += 1
            fNextGameTick += sf.Time(seconds=SKIP_TICKS)

        EntityManager._Render_Update(window, windowView)

    #This closes our RenderWindow!
Example #4
def main():
    #Initialize the window and windowView (the windowView won't be setup until the state changes!)

    #These variables will track our position within the game.
    lCurrentState = ["NULL", "NULL"]
    lNextState = ["Menu", "Intro"]

    #This will be updated when we change to a state.
    EntityManager = Entity_Manager()

    ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window, config.windowView,

    t = sf.Time(0.0)

    accumulator = sf.Time(0.0)


    timer = sf.Clock()

    lastKeyPress = sf.Clock()

    #This will be False if the player clicks outside of the program's window and "pause" the program
    windowIsActive = True

    bQuit = False
    while not bQuit:

        frameTime = timer.elapsed_time


        #This caps the time inbetween frames to
        #   prevent a spiral of death (which happens when the computer
        #   can't keep up.)
        if frameTime > sf.Time(0.25):

            print "preventing spiral of death"
            frameTime = sf.Time(0.25)

        accumulator += frameTime

        #This will loop through all of the events that have been triggered by player input
        for event in config.window.iter_events():

            if event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_MOVED:
                    config.window.convert_coords(event.x, event.y))

            #elif event.type == sf.Event.TEXT_ENTERED:
            #Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.unicode, True, lastKeyPress.elapsed_time)

            #This restarts the Timer for the lastKeyPress since a new key just
            #   got pressed.

            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Key_Input(event.code, True,

                #This restarts the Timer for the lastKeyPress since a new key just
                #   got pressed.

            elif event.type == sf.Event.KEY_RELEASED:
                #The time elapsed isn't necessary for the released key.

            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, True)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.MOUSE_BUTTON_RELEASED:
                Input_Manager._Mouse_Input(event.button, False)

            elif event.type == sf.Event.CLOSED:
                for stateIndx in xrange(len(lNextState)):
                    lNextState[stateIndx] = "QUIT"
                bQuit = True

            elif event.type == sf.Event.LOST_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = False

            elif event.type == sf.Event.GAINED_FOCUS:
                windowIsActive = True

        iLoops = 0  #A counter for the amount of game update loops that are made in sucession whilst skipping rendering updates.

        #This loop will start if it is time to commence the next update and will keep going if we are behind schedule and need to catch up.
        while accumulator >= sf.Time(
                1. / config.FRAME_RATE) and iLoops < MAX_FRAMESKIP:

            #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
            if windowIsActive:
                #We don't want to change lNextState if the game has been set to QUIT
                if not bQuit:
                    #lNextState will contain "NULL"s when no state change is signaled
                    #lNextState will have all of its elements change when switching to a new state.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Input_Update()

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window,
                                    config.windowView, EntityManager)

                    #Finally after we've handled input and have correctly adjusted to the nextState (in most cases it won't happen,)
                    #we can then update our game's model with stuff that will happen in the respective state with each game update.

                    #Notice that DT is a constant variable that represents how much time is going by during
                    #   this update.
                    lNextState = EntityManager._Logic_Update(
                        sf.Time(1. / config.FRAME_RATE))

                    #Check to see if we have signaled to quit the game thus far
                    if lNextState[0] == "QUIT":
                        bQuit = True

                    #If one of the lNextState elements is changed, they all are (just how it goes.)
                    if lNextState[0] != "NULL" and lNextState[0] != "QUIT":
                        ChangeState(lCurrentState, lNextState, config.window,
                                    config.windowView, EntityManager)

            #If we have received a quit signal, we should stop our loop and quit the game!
            if bQuit:

            #The accumulator contains the time that hasn't yet been used for the updates.
            #Each update will assume that dt time is going by, so the accumulator just
            #   needs to subtract by the time that is being used up.
            accumulator -= sf.Time(1. / config.FRAME_RATE)

            #This counts the Update loop
            iLoops += 1

        #This makes the program so that it basically pauses all of its game updates when a user clicks outside of the window. And it waits until the user clicks on the window.
        if windowIsActive:
            EntityManager._Render_Update(config.window, config.windowView)


    #This closes our RenderWindow!