def test_hierarchy_frame_a(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
                ('I', OD([
                        ('A', (1,)), ('B', (1, 2))
                ('II', OD([
                        ('A', (1,)), ('B', (1, 2))

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        data = np.arange(6*6).reshape(6, 6)
        f1 = Frame(data, index=ih, columns=ih)
        # self.assertEqual(len(f.to_pairs(0)), 8)

        f2 = f1.assign.loc[('I', 'B', 2), ('II', 'A', 1)](200)

        post = f2.to_pairs(0)
                ((('I', 'A', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 0), (('I', 'B', 1), 6), (('I', 'B', 2), 12), (('II', 'A', 1), 18), (('II', 'B', 1), 24), (('II', 'B', 2), 30))), (('I', 'B', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 1), (('I', 'B', 1), 7), (('I', 'B', 2), 13), (('II', 'A', 1), 19), (('II', 'B', 1), 25), (('II', 'B', 2), 31))), (('I', 'B', 2), ((('I', 'A', 1), 2), (('I', 'B', 1), 8), (('I', 'B', 2), 14), (('II', 'A', 1), 20), (('II', 'B', 1), 26), (('II', 'B', 2), 32))), (('II', 'A', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 3), (('I', 'B', 1), 9), (('I', 'B', 2), 200), (('II', 'A', 1), 21), (('II', 'B', 1), 27), (('II', 'B', 2), 33))), (('II', 'B', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 4), (('I', 'B', 1), 10), (('I', 'B', 2), 16), (('II', 'A', 1), 22), (('II', 'B', 1), 28), (('II', 'B', 2), 34))), (('II', 'B', 2), ((('I', 'A', 1), 5), (('I', 'B', 1), 11), (('I', 'B', 2), 17), (('II', 'A', 1), 23), (('II', 'B', 1), 29), (('II', 'B', 2), 35))))

        f3 = f1.assign.loc[('I', 'B', 2):, HLoc[:, :, 2]](200)

                ((('I', 'A', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 0), (('I', 'B', 1), 6), (('I', 'B', 2), 12), (('II', 'A', 1), 18), (('II', 'B', 1), 24), (('II', 'B', 2), 30))), (('I', 'B', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 1), (('I', 'B', 1), 7), (('I', 'B', 2), 13), (('II', 'A', 1), 19), (('II', 'B', 1), 25), (('II', 'B', 2), 31))), (('I', 'B', 2), ((('I', 'A', 1), 2), (('I', 'B', 1), 8), (('I', 'B', 2), 200), (('II', 'A', 1), 200), (('II', 'B', 1), 200), (('II', 'B', 2), 200))), (('II', 'A', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 3), (('I', 'B', 1), 9), (('I', 'B', 2), 15), (('II', 'A', 1), 21), (('II', 'B', 1), 27), (('II', 'B', 2), 33))), (('II', 'B', 1), ((('I', 'A', 1), 4), (('I', 'B', 1), 10), (('I', 'B', 2), 16), (('II', 'A', 1), 22), (('II', 'B', 1), 28), (('II', 'B', 2), 34))), (('II', 'B', 2), ((('I', 'A', 1), 5), (('I', 'B', 1), 11), (('I', 'B', 2), 200), (('II', 'A', 1), 200), (('II', 'B', 1), 200), (('II', 'B', 2), 200))))
    def test_hierarchy_from_tree_a(self):

        OD = OrderedDict

        tree = OD([('A', (1, 2, 3, 4)), ('B', (1, 2))])

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

                ((0, ((0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'A'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'B'), (5, 'B'))), (1, ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (5, 2))))
Example #3
    def test_hierarchy_keys_a(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        # NOTE: for now, __iter__ return arrays, so we have convert to a tuple
        self.assertEqual([tuple(k) in ih.keys() for k in ih],
                         [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True])
Example #4
    def test_hierarchy_iter_a(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        # this iterates over numpy arrays, which can be used with contains
        self.assertEqual([k in ih for k in ih],
                         [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True])
Example #5
    def test_hierarchy_loc_a(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        s = Series(range(8), index=ih)

        self.assertEqual(s.loc[HLoc['I']].values.tolist(), [0, 1, 2, 3])

        self.assertEqual(s.loc[HLoc[:, 'A']].values.tolist(), [0, 1, 4, 5])
Example #6
    def test_hierarchy_display_a(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        post = ih.display()
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 10)

        s = Series(range(8), index=ih)
        post = s.display()
        self.assertEqual(len(post), 11)
Example #7
    def test_hierarchy_loc_to_iloc_c(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2, 3)), ('C', (2, 3))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2, 3)), ('B', (1, ))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        # TODO: add additional validaton
        post = ih.loc[('I', 'B', 2):('II', 'A', 2)]
        self.assertTrue(len(post), 6)

        post = ih.loc[[('I', 'B', 2), ('II', 'A', 2)]]
        self.assertTrue(len(post), 2)
    def test_hierarchy_loc_to_iloc_b(self):
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
                ('I', OD([
                        ('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2, 3)), ('C', (2, 3))
                ('II', OD([
                        ('A', (1, 2, 3)), ('B', (1,))

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['I', 'B', 1])
        self.assertEqual(post, 2)

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['I', 'B', 3])
        self.assertEqual(post, 4)

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['II', 'A', 3])
        self.assertEqual(post, 9)

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['II', 'A'])
        self.assertEqual(post, slice(7, 10))

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['I', 'C'])
        self.assertEqual(post, slice(5, 7))

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc['I', ['A', 'C']])
        self.assertEqual(post, [0, 1, 5, 6])

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc[:, 'A', :])
        self.assertEqual(post, [0, 1, 7, 8, 9])

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc[:, 'C', 3])
        self.assertEqual(post, 6)

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc[:, :, 3])
        self.assertEqual(post, [4, 6, 9])

        post = ih.loc_to_iloc(HLoc[:, :, 1])
        self.assertEqual(post, [0, 2, 7, 10])
    def test_hierarchy_loc_to_iloc_c(self) -> None:
        OD = OrderedDict
        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2, 3)), ('C', (2, 3))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2, 3)), ('B', (1, ))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)

        # TODO: add additional validaton
        post = ih.loc[('I', 'B', 2):(
            'II', 'A',
            2)]  # type: ignore  #
        self.assertTrue(len(post), 6)

        post = ih.loc[[('I', 'B', 2), ('II', 'A', 2)]]
        self.assertTrue(len(post), 2)
Example #10
    def test_hierarchy_from_tree_b(self):

        OD = OrderedDict

        tree = OD([
            ('I', OD([('A', (1, 2)), ('B', (1, 2, 3)), ('C', (2, 3))])),
            ('II', OD([('A', (1, 2, 3)), ('B', (1, ))])),

        ih = IndexHierarchy.from_tree(tree)
                         ((0, ((0, 'I'), (1, 'I'), (2, 'I'), (3, 'I'),
                               (4, 'I'), (5, 'I'), (6, 'I'), (7, 'II'),
                               (8, 'II'), (9, 'II'), (10, 'II'))),
                          (1, ((0, 'A'), (1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'B'),
                               (4, 'B'), (5, 'C'), (6, 'C'), (7, 'A'),
                               (8, 'A'), (9, 'A'), (10, 'B'))),
                          (2, ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3), (5, 2),
                               (6, 3), (7, 1), (8, 2), (9, 3), (10, 1)))))
Example #11
 def add_level(self, level: tp.Hashable) -> 'IndexHierarchy':
     '''Return an IndexHierarhcy with an added root level.
     from static_frame import IndexHierarchy
     return IndexHierarchy.from_tree({level: self.values})