def __init__(self, bot): self.mapbox = MapBox(token=get_token()) self.gbif = GBIF() self.ebird = eBirdMap() self.typesense = ebl.TypeSenseSearch(api_key="changeMe!") self.typesense.connect() self.meili = ebl.MeilisearchSearch(api_key="changeMe!") self.meili.connect() self.map_size = 512
class TestCombinedGBIF: gbif: GBIF = GBIF() mapbox: MapBox = MapBox(token=get_token()) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "taxon_id, tile_ids", [ ( 2493091, (( TileID(15, 16826, 10770), TileID(15, 16826, 10771), TileID(15, 16827, 10770), TileID(15, 16827, 10771), )), ), ], ) def test_gbif_mapbox_comp(self, taxon_id, tile_ids): mpta = TileArray.from_dict({x: Tile(x) for x in tile_ids}) gbta = TileArray.from_dict({x: Tile(x) for x in tile_ids}) mapbox_tiles = self.mapbox.get_tiles(mpta) gbif_tiles = self.gbif.get_tiles(taxon_id, gbta) c_tiles = mapbox_tiles._composite_layer(gbif_tiles) = "gbif+mapbox" final_image = c_tiles._composite_all()"gbif+mapbox-{taxon_id}-final.png")
class TestMapBox: mapbox: MapBox = MapBox(token=get_token()) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_string, output", [ ("Vancouver, Canada", LatLon(-123.116838, 49.279862)), ("Vondelpark", LatLon(4.877867, 52.362441)), ], ) def test_geocode(self, input_string, output): res = self.mapbox.get_geocode(input_string) assert res == output def test_no_token(self): mp = MapBox() with pytest.raises(BaseMap.AuthMissingError): _ = mp.get_geocode("The Moon") @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tid, fmt, style, high_res", [ (TileID(0, 0, 0), "jpg90", "satellite", False), (TileID(6, 40, 44), "jpg90", "satellite", True), (TileID(2, 2, 2), "jpg90", "satellite", True), ], ) def test_get_tiles(self, tid, fmt, style, high_res): res = self.mapbox.get_tile(tid, fmt=fmt, style=style, high_res=high_res) assert res.resolution == 256 if not high_res else 512 print("res:", res) assert type(res) == Tile @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tile_array", [ ( TileID(15, 16826, 10770), TileID(15, 16826, 10771), TileID(15, 16827, 10770), TileID(15, 16827, 10771), ), ], ) def test_get_tilearray(self, tile_array): res_tiles = self.mapbox.get_tiles(tile_array) assert type(res_tiles) == TileArray for t in res_tiles.values():
def test_no_token(self): mp = MapBox() with pytest.raises(BaseMap.AuthMissingError): _ = mp.get_geocode("The Moon")
class TestEbird: ebird: eBirdMap = eBirdMap() mapbox: MapBox = MapBox(token=get_token(), high_res=False) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "species_code, expected_bbox", [ ( "bushti", LatLonBBox( -128.796028798097, 51.8596628170432, -89.2701562968385, 14.126239979566, ), ), ( "tui1", LatLonBBox( -178.203369424671, -28.7802470429875, 179.326113654898, -52.691212723642, ), ), ( "", None, ), ( "redcro9", LatLonBBox( -115.321299536305, 43.2077783892461, -113.524668968066, 41.9867319031071, ), ), ], ) def test_get_bbox(self, species_code, expected_bbox): res = self.ebird.get_bbox(species_code) assert res == expected_bbox @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "species_code", [ "bushti", ], ) def test_get_rsid(self, species_code): res = self.ebird.get_rsid(species_code) assert res @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tile_id, rsid", [ ( TileID(0, 0, 0), "RS108970032", ), ], ) def test_get_tile(self, tile_id, rsid): res = self.ebird.download_tile(tile_id, rsid) assert res.img @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "species_code, expected_ids", [( "tui1", [(4, 15, 9), (4, 15, 10), (4, 0, 9), (4, 0, 10)], )], ) def test_get_tiles(self, species_code, expected_ids): res = self.ebird.get_tiles(species_code) print("res:\n", res) for x in res: for t in x.values(): for e in res: for x in e: assert tuple(x) in expected_ids @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "species_code, size, no_data", [ ("tui1", 512, False), ("bushti", 512, False), ("pilwoo", 512, False), ("inirai1", 512, False), ("bkpwar", 512, False), ("baleag", 512, False), ("grycat", 512, False), ("kinpen1", 512, False), ("carchi", 512, False), ("arcter", 512, False), ("dodo1", 512, True), ("pifgoo", 512, False), ], ) def test_map_final(self, species_code, size, no_data): res, res_no_data = self.ebird.make_map(species_code, self.mapbox, size) assert res_no_data == no_data"final-ebird-{species_code}_{size}.png")
class TestFullMapGBIF: gbif: GBIF = GBIF() mapbox: MapBox = MapBox(token=get_token()) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "taxon_id", # , expected_bbox", [ ( 2493091, # ( # ( # TileID(15, 16826, 10770), # TileID(15, 16826, 10771), # TileID(15, 16827, 10770), # TileID(15, 16827, 10771) # ) # ), ), (5228134, ), ], ) def test_get_bbox_latlon(self, taxon_id): bbox = self.gbif.get_bbox(taxon_id) print(bbox) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_species, map_size", [ ("Bushtit", 512), ("Bushtit", 1024), ("Inaccessible Island Rail", 512), ("Inaccessible Island Rail", 1024), ("Carolina Chickadee", 512), ], ) def test_final_range_map_normal(self, input_species, map_size): species, taxon_key = self.gbif.lookup_species(input_species) range_map = generate_gbif_mapbox_range(taxon_key, self.gbif, self.mapbox, map_size) assert range_map.size == (map_size, map_size)"test_final_range_map-{map_size}-{taxon_key}.png") @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_species, map_size", [ ("Tui", 512), ("Hawaiian Hawk", 512), ("Bald Eagle", 1024), ("Aptenodytes forsteri", 1024), ("Eudyptula minor", 512), ], ) def test_final_range_map_antimeridian(self, input_species, map_size): species, taxon_key = self.gbif.lookup_species(input_species) print("taxon_key", taxon_key) range_map = generate_gbif_mapbox_range(taxon_key, self.gbif, self.mapbox, map_size) assert range_map.size == (map_size, map_size)"test_final_range_map-{map_size}-{taxon_key}.png")
from pathlib import Path import pytest from static_maps.geo import LatLonBBox, LatLon from static_maps.mapper import ( GBIF, BaseMap, MapBox, get_token, generate_gbif_mapbox_range, eBirdMap, ) from static_maps.tiles import Tile, TileArray, TileID from static_maps.imager import Image mapbox = MapBox(token=get_token()) gbif = GBIF() class TestMapBox: mapbox: MapBox = MapBox(token=get_token()) @pytest.mark.vcr("new") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_string, output", [ ("Vancouver, Canada", LatLon(-123.116838, 49.279862)), ("Vondelpark", LatLon(4.877867, 52.362441)), ], ) def test_geocode(self, input_string, output):
class GeoCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.mapbox = MapBox(token=get_token()) self.gbif = GBIF() self.ebird = eBirdMap() self.typesense = ebl.TypeSenseSearch(api_key="changeMe!") self.typesense.connect() self.meili = ebl.MeilisearchSearch(api_key="changeMe!") self.meili.connect() self.map_size = 512 def find_species_from_name(self, arg, backend): try: r = backend.name_to_codes(arg, "all") return r except Exception: return None @commands.command( brief="Gets a lat/lon from an address, or vice versa.", help="Gets a lat/lon from an address, or vice versa. Mapbox version", usage="[query]", ) async def geocode(self, ctx, *, arg): res = self.mapbox.get_geocode(arg) await ctx.send(res) @commands.command( brief="Gets a test range map.", help="Gets a test range map. Just Bushtits from GBIF.", usage="[query]", ) async def gbifmap(self, ctx, *, arg): print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("gbifmap: ", arg) scientific_name, taxon_id = self.gbif.lookup_species(arg) if all((scientific_name, taxon_id)): start = result = generate_gbif_mapbox_range(taxon_id, self.gbif, self.mapbox, self.map_size) dur = - start if result is None: embed = discord.Embed( title="Error:", description="Range map creation failed.", color=0xFF0000, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed) desc = f"Source: GBIF, Mapbox. GBIF taxon id: {taxon_id}.\nDebug: {dur.seconds}s" gbif_url = f"{taxon_id}" embed = discord.Embed(title=scientific_name, description=desc, url=gbif_url, color=0x007F00) file = discord.File(result.asbytes(), filename=f"{taxon_id}.png") await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed(title="Error:", description=f"Lookup of {arg} failed.", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=embed) @commands.command( brief="Test GBIF species lookup.", help="Test GBIF species lookup.", usage="[query]", ) async def glookup(self, ctx, *, arg): scientific_name, taxon_id = self.gbif.lookup_species(arg) if all((scientific_name, taxon_id)): await ctx.send(f"{arg} -> {scientific_name}, id: {taxon_id}.") else: await ctx.send("Lookup failed.") @commands.command( brief="Gets a lat/lon from an address, or vice versa.", help="Gets a lat/lon from an address, or vice versa. Mapbox version", usage="[query]", ) async def ebirdmap(self, ctx, *, arg): ab = randint(0, 1) backend = [self.typesense, self.meili][ab] backend_name = ["typesense", "meili"][ab] res = self.find_species_from_name(arg, backend) res_img = None if res: print("res:", res, backend_name) species_code = res["species_code"] common_name = res["name"] scientific_name = res["scientific_name"] title = f"{common_name} (_{scientific_name}_)." ebird_url = f"{self.ebird.species_url}{species_code}" try: start = res_img, no_data = self.ebird.make_map(species_code, self.mapbox, 512) img = res_img.asbytes() if not no_data:"geocog-ebird-{species_code}.png") end = desc = "Source: eBird, Mapbox." desc += f"\nDebug: generated in: {(end - start).seconds}s. Search: {backend_name}." embed = discord.Embed(title=title, url=ebird_url, description=desc, color=0x7F007F) file = discord.File(img, filename=f"{species_code}.png") else: desc = "**No data on eBird**.\nSource: eBird, Mapbox." desc += f"\nDebug: no data, Search: {backend_name}." embed = discord.Embed(title=title, url=ebird_url, description=desc, color=0x7F0000) file = discord.File(img, filename=f"{species_code}.png") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() pass if res_img: await ctx.send(file=file, embed=embed) elif not res: embed = discord.Embed(title="Error:", description=f"Lookup of {arg} failed.", color=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Error:", description="Range map creation failed.", color=0xFF0000, ) await ctx.send(embed=embed)