Example #1
def transfer_coupon(req):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)

    x_axis = []
    stats_list = []
    for day in reversed(range((end_date - start_date).days)):
        cur_date = end_date - timedelta(days=day)

    name_maps = {
        'coupon_sale_num': u'出券张数',
        'coupon_sale_amount': u'总出券面额',
        'coupon_used_num': u'兑换买货用券数',
        'coupon_used_amount': u'买货券面额',
        'order_mama_count': u'有收益妈妈数',
        'elite_mama_count': u'累计妈妈数',
        'new_elite_mama_count': u'新增妈妈',
        'active_elite_mama_count': u'活跃妈妈数',
        'coin_charge_num': u'小鹿币充值',
        'coin_refund_num': u'小鹿币退款',
    items_dict = {k: [] for k, v in name_maps.iteritems()}
    for stats in stats_list:
        for k, v in items_dict.iteritems():

    items_dict = dict([(name_maps[k], v) for k, v in items_dict.iteritems()])

    charts = [generate_chart(u'精品流通券趋势', x_axis, items_dict, width='1000px')]

    return render(req, 'yunying/mama/index.html', locals())
Example #2
def show(req, id):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)

    product = Product.objects.get(id=id)
    modelproduct = product.get_product_model()
    if modelproduct:
        saleproduct = modelproduct.saleproduct

    sql = """
        SELECT pay_time, count(DATE(pay_time)) as count
        FROM flashsale_order
        where item_id=%s
            and pay_time > %s
            and pay_time < %s
        group by DATE(pay_time)
    items = execute_sql(get_cursor(), sql, [id, format_datetime(start_date), format_datetime(end_date)])

    sql = """
        SELECT flashsale_order.title,
            count(*) as count
        FROM flashsale_order
        join shop_items_productsku on shop_items_productsku.id=flashsale_order.sku_id
        where flashsale_order.item_id=%s
            and flashsale_order.pay_time > %s
            and flashsale_order.pay_time < %s
        group by flashsale_order.sku_id
        order by flashsale_order.created desc

    order_items = execute_sql(get_cursor(), sql, [id, format_datetime(start_date), format_datetime(end_date)])
    order_items = [x.values()+[x['total_fee']*x['count']] for x in order_items]

    weixin_items = {
        '销量': [int(x['count']) for x in items],
    x_axis = [x['pay_time'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in items if x['pay_time'] is not None]

    charts = []
    charts.append(generate_chart(product.name, x_axis, weixin_items, width='1000px'))

    return render(req, 'yunying/product/show.html', locals())
Example #3
def click(req):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)
    sql = """
        SELECT DATE(created) as date, count(*) as count FROM flashsale_xlmm_unique_visitor
        where created > %s and created < %s
        group by DATE(created)
        order by created
    queryset = execute_sql(
        get_cursor(), sql,

    x_axis = [format_date(x['date']) for x in queryset]

    sql = """
    SELECT DATE(pay_time) as date, count(*) as count FROM flashsale_trade
    where extras_info regexp '.*"mm_linkid": "?[1-9]+"?'
    and pay_time > %s and pay_time < %s
    and pay_time is not null
    group by DATE(pay_time)
    orders = execute_sql(
        get_cursor(), sql,

    items = {
        'click': [int(x['count']) for x in queryset],
        'orders': [int(x['count']) for x in orders],
    ratio_data = []
    for i, d in enumerate(items['click']):
        n = round((items['orders'][i] * 100.0 / d), 2)

    charts = []
    charts.append(generate_chart('UV', x_axis, items, width='1000px'))

    return render(req, 'yunying/mama/click.html', locals())
Example #4
def index(req):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)
    key = req.GET.get('key', 'created')

    sql = """
        SELECT * FROM flashsale_xlmm_mamadailyappvisit
        where created > %s
            and created < %s
    items = execute_sql(cursor, sql, [start_date, end_date])

    items = process_data(items, lambda x: x[key])

    weixin_items = {
        '小鹿妈妈日活': [int(x[1]) for x in items],
    x_axis = [x[0] for x in items if x[0] is not None]

    charts = []
    charts.append(generate_chart('xxx', x_axis, weixin_items, width='1000px'))

    return render(req, 'yunying/mama/index.html', locals())
Example #5
def salecategory(req):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)

    cursor = get_cursor()

    sql = """
        FROM flashsale_order
        join shop_items_product on shop_items_product.id=flashsale_order.item_id
        join flashsale_modelproduct on shop_items_product.model_id=flashsale_modelproduct.id
        join supplychain_sale_category on flashsale_modelproduct.salecategory_id=supplychain_sale_category.id
        where flashsale_order.pay_time >= %s and flashsale_order.pay_time < %s
    products = execute_sql(cursor, sql, [format_datetime(start_date), format_datetime(end_date)])

    def byfunc(item):
        # return item['name']
        category = get_root_category(item['cid'])
        return category.name

    def pfunc(items):
        return int(sum([x['total_fee'] for x in items]))

    pie_products = groupby(products, byfunc)
    pie_products = process(pie_products, pfunc)
    piechart = dict(pie_products)

    x_axis, chart_items = generate_chart_data(
        products, xaris='pay_time', key=byfunc, yaris=pfunc, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
    charts = [generate_chart('商品类目销售额', x_axis, chart_items, width='1000px')]

    return render(req, 'yunying/product/category.html', locals())
Example #6
def tab(req):
    p_start_date, p_end_date, start_date, end_date = get_date_from_req(req)
    query = req.GET.get('sql', '')
    query_name = req.GET.get('query_name', 'xx')
    func_groupby = req.GET.get('func_groupby', '')
    p_key_desc = req.GET.get('key_desc', '')

    if func_groupby.strip() == '':
        func_groupby = ''

    if not query:
        return render(req, 'yunying/mama/index.html', locals())

    if p_key_desc:
        key_desc = simplejson.loads(p_key_desc)
        key_desc = None

    sql = query.format(**{
        'start_date': '"%s"' % p_start_date,
        'end_date': '"%s"' % p_end_date

    key = None
    items = execute_sql(get_cursor(), sql)
    if items:
        key = 'k' if 'k' in items[0].keys() else None
        y = 'y' if 'y' in items[0].keys() else None

    # 先按key分组
    if not key:
        if func_groupby:
            exec func_groupby in locals()
            series = groupby(items, func_g)
            series = groupby(items, lambda x: 'all')
        series = groupby(items, lambda x: x[key])

    x_axis = []

    for k, v in series.items():
        # 再按x分组
        if y:
            chart_items = process(groupby(v, lambda x: x['x']),
                                  lambda x: int(x[0].get(y)))
            chart_items = process(groupby(v, lambda x: x['x']), len)
        chart_items = dict(chart_items)
        x_axis += chart_items.keys()
        series[k] = chart_items
    x_axis = sorted(list(set(x_axis)), cmp=_sort_by_x, reverse=False)

    for k, v in series.items():
        for x in x_axis:
            if not v.get(x, None):
                v[x] = 0

        v = sorted(v.items(),
                   key=lambda x: x[0],
        series[k] = v

    weixin_items = {}
    for k, v in series.items():
        if key_desc:
            k = key_desc.get(str(k), 'UNKOWN')
        weixin_items[k] = [x[1] for x in v]
    charts = []
        generate_chart(query_name, x_axis, weixin_items, width='1000px'))

    return render(req, 'yunying/mama/index.html', locals())
Example #7
    finish_task_data = finish_task_chart_items and finish_task_chart_items.values(
    open_app_task_data = open_app_chart_items and open_app_chart_items.values(
    # buy_mama_data = buy_chart_items.values()[0]

    ratio_data = []

    for i, item in enumerate(new_mama_data):
            ratio = round(float(yaoqing_data[i] * 100.0 / item), 2)
        except Exception, e:
            ratio = 0

    charts = [generate_chart('小鹿妈妈', x_axis, z_items, width='1000px')]
    y1 = new_mama_data and max(new_mama_data) or 0 + 100
    y1_interval = int(y1 / 10)
    y2 = ratio_data and max(ratio_data) or 0 + 10
    y2_interval = int(y2 / 10)

    return render(req, 'yunying/mama/new_mama.html', locals())

def _sort_by_x(x, y):
        x = int(x)
        y = int(y)
    except Exception:
Example #8
def index(req):
    now = datetime.now()
    p_start_date = req.GET.get('start_date', '2016-07-01')
    p_end_date = req.GET.get('end_date',
                             '%s-%s-%s' % (now.year, now.month, now.day + 1))
    start_date = datetime.strptime(p_start_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    end_date = datetime.strptime(p_end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')

    cursor = connections['product'].cursor()

    where = ' created > "{0}" and created < "{1}" '.format(
        p_start_date, p_end_date)

    sql = """SELECT DATE(created) as day, count(DATE(created))
             FROM flashsale_customer where {0} group by DATE(created);""".format(
    customers = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    sql = """SELECT DATE(created), count(DATE(created))
             FROM xiaolumm_xiaolumama WHERE {0} GROUP by DATE(created) """.format(
    xiaolumm = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    sql = """SELECT DATE(created), count(DATE(created))
             FROM flashsale_trade where {0} group by DATE(created)""".format(
    trades_all = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    sql = """SELECT DATE(created), count(DATE(created))
             FROM flashsale_trade where pay_time is not null and {0} group by DATE(created)""".format(
    trades_pay = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    sql = """
        SELECT DATE(flashsale_trade.pay_time), count(DATE(flashsale_trade.pay_time))
        FROM flashsale_trade
        join flashsale_customer on flashsale_customer.id=flashsale_trade.buyer_id
        join xiaolumm_xiaolumama on flashsale_customer.unionid=xiaolumm_xiaolumama.openid
        where flashsale_trade.created > "{0}"
            and flashsale_trade.created < "{1}"
            and flashsale_trade.pay_time is not null
        group by DATE(flashsale_trade.created)
    """.format(p_start_date, p_end_date)
    xiaolumm_trades = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    sql = """
        SELECT DATE(subscribe_time), count(DATE(subscribe_time))
        FROM shop_weixin_fans group by DATE(subscribe_time)
    weixin_fans = execute_sql(cursor, sql)

    customer_items = {
        '新增小鹿妈妈': [int(x[1]) for x in xiaolumm],
        '新增用户数': [int(x[1]) for x in customers],
    trade_items = {
        '付款订单数': [int(x[1]) for x in trades_pay],
        '所有订单(含未付款)': [int(x[1]) for x in trades_all],
        '来自小鹿妈妈订单': [int(x[1]) for x in xiaolumm_trades],
    weixin_items = {
        '小鹿美美粉丝': [int(x[1]) for x in weixin_fans],

    x_axis = [
        x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in generate_date(start_date, end_date)
    x1_axis = [
        x[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in weixin_fans if x[0] is not None

    charts = []
    charts.append(generate_chart('customer', x_axis, customer_items))
    charts.append(generate_chart('trade', x_axis, trade_items))
    charts.append(generate_chart('公众号', x1_axis, weixin_items, width='1200px'))

    return render(req, 'yunying/customer/index.html', {'charts': charts})