Example #1
def onedgaussfit(xax, data, err=None,
        params=[0, 1, 0, 1], fixed=[False, False, False, False],
        limitedmin=[False, False, False, True],
        limitedmax=[False, False, False, False], minpars=[0, 0, 0, 0],
        maxpars=[0, 0, 0, 0], quiet=True, shh=True,
        vheight=True, negamp=False,
       xax - x axis
       data - y axis
       err - error corresponding to data

       params - Fit parameters: Height of background, Amplitude, Shift, Width
       fixed - Is parameter fixed?
       limitedmin/minpars - set lower limits on each parameter (default: width>0)
       limitedmax/maxpars - set upper limits on each parameter
       quiet - should MPFIT output each iteration?
       shh - output final parameters?
       usemoments - replace default parameters with moments

       Fit parameters
       Fit errors

    def mpfitfun(x, y, err):
        if err is None:
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, (y - onedgaussian(x, *p))]
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, (y - onedgaussian(x, *p)) / err]
        return f

    if xax == None:
        xax = numpy.arange(len(data))

    if vheight is False: 
        height = params[0]
        fixed[0] = True
    if usemoments:
        params = onedmoments(xax, data, vheight=vheight, negamp=negamp, veryverbose=veryverbose)
        if vheight is False: params = [height] + params
        if veryverbose: print "OneD moments: h: %g  a: %g  c: %g  w: %g" % tuple(params)

    parinfo = [ {'n':0, 'value':params[0], 'limits':[minpars[0], maxpars[0]], 'limited':[limitedmin[0], limitedmax[0]], 'fixed':fixed[0], 'parname':"HEIGHT", 'error':0} ,
                {'n':1, 'value':params[1], 'limits':[minpars[1], maxpars[1]], 'limited':[limitedmin[1], limitedmax[1]], 'fixed':fixed[1], 'parname':"AMPLITUDE", 'error':0},
                {'n':2, 'value':params[2], 'limits':[minpars[2], maxpars[2]], 'limited':[limitedmin[2], limitedmax[2]], 'fixed':fixed[2], 'parname':"SHIFT", 'error':0},
                {'n':3, 'value':params[3], 'limits':[minpars[3], maxpars[3]], 'limited':[limitedmin[3], limitedmax[3]], 'fixed':fixed[3], 'parname':"WIDTH", 'error':0}]

    mp = mpfit(mpfitfun(xax, data, err), parinfo=parinfo, quiet=quiet)
    mpp = mp.params
    mpperr = mp.perror
    chi2 = mp.fnorm

    if mp.status == 0:
        raise Exception(mp.errmsg)

    if (not shh) or veryverbose:
        print "Fit status: ", mp.status
        for i, p in enumerate(mpp):
            parinfo[i]['value'] = p
            print parinfo[i]['parname'], p, " +/- ", mpperr[i]
        print "Chi2: ", mp.fnorm, " Reduced Chi2: ", mp.fnorm / len(data), " DOF:", len(data) - len(mpp)

    return mpp, onedgaussian(xax, *mpp), mpperr, chi2
Example #2
def multigaussfit(xax, data, ngauss=1, err=None, params=[1, 0, 1],
        fixed=[False, False, False], limitedmin=[False, False, True],
        limitedmax=[False, False, False], minpars=[0, 0, 0], maxpars=[0, 0, 0],
        quiet=True, shh=True, veryverbose=False):
    An improvement on onedgaussfit.  Lets you fit multiple gaussians.

       xax - x axis
       data - y axis
       ngauss - How many gaussians to fit?  Default 1 (this could supersede onedgaussfit)
       err - error corresponding to data

     These parameters need to have length = 3*ngauss.  If ngauss > 1 and length = 3, they will
     be replicated ngauss times, otherwise they will be reset to defaults:
       params - Fit parameters: [amplitude, offset, width] * ngauss
              If len(params) % 3 == 0, ngauss will be set to len(params) / 3
       fixed - Is parameter fixed?
       limitedmin/minpars - set lower limits on each parameter (default: width>0)
       limitedmax/maxpars - set upper limits on each parameter

       quiet - should MPFIT output each iteration?
       shh - output final parameters?

       Fit parameters
       Fit errors

    if len(params) != ngauss and (len(params) / 3) > ngauss:
        ngauss = len(params) / 3 

    if isinstance(params, numpy.ndarray): params = params.tolist()

    # make sure all various things are the right length; if they're not, fix them using the defaults
    for parlist in (params, fixed, limitedmin, limitedmax, minpars, maxpars):
        if len(parlist) != 3 * ngauss:
            # if you leave the defaults, or enter something that can be multiplied by 3 to get to the
            # right number of gaussians, it will just replicate
            if len(parlist) == 3: 
                parlist *= ngauss 
            elif parlist == params:
                parlist[:] = [1, 0, 1] * ngauss
            elif parlist == fixed or parlist == limitedmax:
                parlist[:] = [False, False, False] * ngauss
            elif parlist == limitedmin:
                parlist[:] = [False, False, True] * ngauss
            elif parlist == minpars or parlist == maxpars:
                parlist[:] = [0, 0, 0] * ngauss

    def mpfitfun(x, y, err):
        if err is None:
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, (y - n_gaussian(pars=p)(x))]
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, (y - n_gaussian(pars=p)(x)) / err]
        return f

    if xax == None:
        xax = numpy.arange(len(data))

    parnames = {0:"AMPLITUDE", 1:"SHIFT", 2:"WIDTH"}

    parinfo = [ {'n':ii, 'value':params[ii],
        'limits':[minpars[ii], maxpars[ii]],
        'limited':[limitedmin[ii], limitedmax[ii]], 'fixed':fixed[ii],
        'parname':parnames[ii % 3] + str(ii % 3), 'error':ii} 
        for ii in xrange(len(params)) ]

    if veryverbose:
        print "GUESSES: "
        print "\n".join(["%s: %s" % (p['parname'], p['value']) for p in parinfo])

    mp = mpfit(mpfitfun(xax, data, err), parinfo=parinfo, quiet=quiet)
    mpp = mp.params
    mpperr = mp.perror
    chi2 = mp.fnorm

    if mp.status == 0:
        raise Exception(mp.errmsg)

    if not shh:
        print "Final fit values: "
        for i, p in enumerate(mpp):
            parinfo[i]['value'] = p
            print parinfo[i]['parname'], p, " +/- ", mpperr[i]
        print "Chi2: ", mp.fnorm, " Reduced Chi2: ", mp.fnorm / len(data), " DOF:", len(data) - len(mpp)

    return mpp, n_gaussian(pars=mpp)(xax), mpperr, chi2
Example #3
def gaussfit(data, err=None, params=(), autoderiv=True, return_all=False, circle=False,
        fixed=numpy.repeat(False, 7), limitedmin=[False, False, False, False, True, True, True],
        limitedmax=[False, False, False, False, False, False, True],
        usemoment=numpy.array([], dtype='bool'),
        minpars=numpy.repeat(0, 7), maxpars=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 360],
        rotate=1, vheight=1, quiet=True, returnmp=False,
        returnfitimage=False, **kwargs):
    Gaussian fitter with the ability to fit a variety of different forms of
    2-dimensional gaussian.
    Input Parameters:
        data - 2-dimensional data array
        err=None - error array with same size as data array
        params=[] - initial input parameters for Gaussian function.
            (height, amplitude, x, y, width_x, width_y, rota)
            if not input, these will be determined from the moments of the system, 
            assuming no rotation
        autoderiv=1 - use the autoderiv provided in the lmder.f function (the
            alternative is to us an analytic derivative with lmdif.f: this method
            is less robust)
        return_all=0 - Default is to return only the Gaussian parameters.  
                   1 - fit params, fit error
        returnfitimage - returns (best fit params,best fit image)
        returnmp - returns the full mpfit struct
        circle=0 - default is an elliptical gaussian (different x, y widths),
            but can reduce the input by one parameter if it's a circular gaussian
        rotate=1 - default allows rotation of the gaussian ellipse.  Can remove
            last parameter by setting rotate=0.  numpy.expects angle in DEGREES
        vheight=1 - default allows a variable height-above-zero, i.e. an
            additive constant for the Gaussian function.  Can remove first
            parameter by setting this to 0
        usemoment - can choose which parameters to use a moment estimation for.
            Other parameters will be taken from params.  Needs to be a boolean

        Default output is a set of Gaussian parameters with the same shape as
            the input parameters

        Can also output the covariance matrix, 'infodict' that contains a lot
            more detail about the fit (see scipy.optimize.leastsq), and a message
            from leastsq telling what the exit status of the fitting routine was

        Warning: Does NOT necessarily output a rotation angle between 0 and 360 degrees.
    usemoment = numpy.array(usemoment, dtype='bool')
    params = numpy.array(params, dtype='float')
    if usemoment.any() and len(params) == len(usemoment):
        moment = numpy.array(moments(data, circle, rotate, vheight, **kwargs), dtype='float')
        params[usemoment] = moment[usemoment]
    elif params == [] or len(params) == 0:
        params = (moments(data, circle, rotate, vheight, **kwargs))
    if vheight == 0:
        vheight = 1
        params = numpy.concatenate([[0], params])
        fixed[0] = 1

    # mpfit will fail if it is given a start parameter outside the allowed range:
    for i in xrange(len(params)): 
        if params[i] > maxpars[i] and limitedmax[i]: params[i] = maxpars[i]
        if params[i] < minpars[i] and limitedmin[i]: params[i] = minpars[i]

    if err is None:
        errorfunction = lambda p: numpy.ravel((twodgaussian(p, circle, rotate, vheight)\
                (*numpy.indices(data.shape)) - data))
        errorfunction = lambda p: numpy.ravel((twodgaussian(p, circle, rotate, vheight)\
                (*numpy.indices(data.shape)) - data) / err)
    def mpfitfun(data, err):
        if err is None:
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, numpy.ravel(data - twodgaussian(p, circle, rotate, vheight)\
            def f(p, fjac=None): return [0, numpy.ravel((data - twodgaussian(p, circle, rotate, vheight)\
                    (*numpy.indices(data.shape))) / err)]
        return f

    parinfo = [ 
                {'n':1, 'value':params[1], 'limits':[minpars[1], maxpars[1]], 'limited':[limitedmin[1], limitedmax[1]], 'fixed':fixed[1], 'parname':"AMPLITUDE", 'error':0},
                {'n':2, 'value':params[2], 'limits':[minpars[2], maxpars[2]], 'limited':[limitedmin[2], limitedmax[2]], 'fixed':fixed[2], 'parname':"XSHIFT", 'error':0},
                {'n':3, 'value':params[3], 'limits':[minpars[3], maxpars[3]], 'limited':[limitedmin[3], limitedmax[3]], 'fixed':fixed[3], 'parname':"YSHIFT", 'error':0},
                {'n':4, 'value':params[4], 'limits':[minpars[4], maxpars[4]], 'limited':[limitedmin[4], limitedmax[4]], 'fixed':fixed[4], 'parname':"XWIDTH", 'error':0} ]
    if vheight == 1:
        parinfo.insert(0, {'n':0, 'value':params[0], 'limits':[minpars[0], maxpars[0]], 'limited':[limitedmin[0], limitedmax[0]], 'fixed':fixed[0], 'parname':"HEIGHT", 'error':0})
    if circle == 0:
        parinfo.append({'n':5, 'value':params[5], 'limits':[minpars[5], maxpars[5]], 'limited':[limitedmin[5], limitedmax[5]], 'fixed':fixed[5], 'parname':"YWIDTH", 'error':0})
        if rotate == 1:
            parinfo.append({'n':6, 'value':params[6], 'limits':[minpars[6], maxpars[6]], 'limited':[limitedmin[6], limitedmax[6]], 'fixed':fixed[6], 'parname':"ROTATION", 'error':0})

    if autoderiv == 0:
        # the analytic derivative, while not terribly difficult, is less
        # efficient and useful.  I only bothered putting it here because I was
        # instructed to do so for a class project - please ask if you would
        # like this feature implemented
        raise ValueError("I'm sorry, I haven't implemented this feature yet.")
#        p, cov, infodict, errmsg, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction,\
#                params, full_output=1)
        mp = mpfit(mpfitfun(data, err), parinfo=parinfo, quiet=quiet)

    if returnmp:
        returns = (mp)
    elif return_all == 0:
        returns = mp.params
    elif return_all == 1:
        returns = mp.params, mp.perror
    if returnfitimage:
        fitimage = twodgaussian(mp.params, circle, rotate, vheight)(*numpy.indices(data.shape))
        returns = (returns, fitimage)
    return returns