def Render(text, size, colour, hcolour): i = text.find('&') if ( i < 0 ): # not found, do normal render return stats.Get_Font(size).render(text, True, colour) f = stats.Get_Font(size) # do normal render up to &. s1 = f.render(text[ : i ], True, colour) i += 1 s2 = f.render(text[ i ], True, hcolour) i += 1 s3 = f.render(text[ i : ], True, colour) total_width = sum([ s.get_rect().width for s in [ s1, s2, s3 ] ]) s = pygame.Surface((total_width, s3.get_rect().height)) s.set_colorkey((0,0,0)) x = 0 s.blit(s1,(x,0)) x += s1.get_rect().width s.blit(s2,(x,0)) x += s2.get_rect().width s.blit(s3,(x,0)) return s
def Message(msg_list): screen.blit(menu_image, (0, 0)) y = screen.get_rect().centery for msg in msg_list: img_1 = stats.Get_Font(24).render(msg, True, (255, 255, 255)) img_2 = stats.Get_Font(24).render(msg, True, (0, 0, 0)) img_r = img_1.get_rect() img_r.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx img_r.centery = y screen.blit(img_2, img_r.topleft) screen.blit(img_1, img_r.move(2, -2).topleft) y += img_r.height pygame.display.flip()
def Draw_Mini(self, output, xxx_todo_changeme4 ): (x,y) = xxx_todo_changeme4 (x1,y1) = Grid_To_Scr(self.n1.pos) (x2,y2) = Grid_To_Scr(self.n2.pos) x1 -= x ; x2 -= x y1 -= y ; y2 -= y if ( self.Needs_Work() ): c = (255,0,0) else: c = self.Get_Diagram_Colour() pygame.draw.line(output, c, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), 2) if ( not self.Needs_Work() ): mx = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2 my = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2 if ( output.get_rect().collidepoint((mx,my)) ): info_text = "%1.1f U" % abs(self.current_n1_to_n2) info_surf = stats.Get_Font(12).render(info_text, True, c) r2 = info_surf.get_rect() = (mx,my) r = Rect(r2) r.width += 4 = (mx,my) pygame.draw.rect(output, (0, 40, 0), r) output.blit(info_surf, r2.topleft)
def Text(str, size, xxx_todo_changeme, justify): (x, y) = xxx_todo_changeme img = stats.Get_Font(size).render(str, True, (255, 255, 255)) if (justify == 0): # centre x -= (img.get_rect().width) / 2 elif (justify < 0): # right x -= img.get_rect().width screen.blit(img, (x, y)) y += img.get_rect().height return y + 5
def Review(): g = historian = (width, height) = screen.surface.get_rect().size extra.Tile_Texture(screen.surface, "006metal.jpg", screen.surface.get_rect()) def Text(str, size, (x, y), justify): img = stats.Get_Font(size).render(str, True, (255, 255, 255)) if (justify == 0): # centre x -= (img.get_rect().width) / 2 elif (justify < 0): # right x -= img.get_rect().width screen.surface.blit(img, (x, y)) y += img.get_rect().height return y + 5
def __Draw_H(self, title, text, height): width = self.width margin = 10 fs1 = 12 fs2 = 14 newline_gap = 12 surf = pygame.Surface((width, height)) bbox = surf.get_rect() extra.Tile_Texture(surf, "006metal.jpg", bbox) tsurf = stats.Get_Font(fs1).render(title, True, (250,250,200)) tsurf_r = tsurf.get_rect() = = margin surf.blit(tsurf, tsurf_r.topleft) y = tsurf_r.bottom + margin # line edging for title extra.Line_Edging(surf, Rect(0,0,width,y), True) y += margin x = margin height = y while ( len(text) != 0 ): newline = False i = text.find(' ') j = text.find("\n") if (( j >= 0 ) and ( j < i )): i = j newline = True if ( i < 0 ): i = len(text) word = text[ : i ] + " " text = text[ i + 1 : ].lstrip() tsurf = stats.Get_Font(fs2).render(word, True, (250,200,250)) tsurf_r = tsurf.get_rect() tsurf_r.topleft = (x,y) if ( tsurf_r.right > ( width - 5 )): # Wrap. y += tsurf_r.height x = margin tsurf_r.topleft = (x,y) surf.blit(tsurf, tsurf_r.topleft) x = tsurf_r.right height = tsurf_r.bottom + margin if ( newline ): x = margin y = tsurf_r.bottom + newline_gap # line edging for rest of box extra.Line_Edging(surf, bbox, True) return (surf, height)
def New_Mail(text, colour=(128, 128, 128)): global __messages, __day, __change text = ("Day %u: " % __day) + text __messages.append((time.time() + MSG_EXPIRY_TIME, stats.Get_Font(20).render(text, True, colour))) __change = True
hr.num_pipes = len([ p for p in if not p.Is_Destroyed() ]) hr.tech_level = hr.work_units_used = g.work_units_used hr.work_units_avail = hr.city_pressure = return hr # Called at the end of the game, to display statistics: def Review(screen, (width, height), game_object, historian): g = game_object extra.Tile_Texture(screen, "006metal.jpg", screen.get_rect()) def Text(str, size, (x,y), justify): img = stats.Get_Font(size).render(str, True, (255, 255, 255)) if ( justify == 0 ): # centre x -= ( img.get_rect().width ) / 2 elif ( justify < 0 ): # right x -= img.get_rect().width screen.blit(img, (x,y)) y += img.get_rect().height return y + 5 if ( ): y = Text("You have won the game!", 36, (width / 2, 10), 0) else: y = Text("You have lost the game!", 36, (width / 2, 10), 0)
def Main_Menu_Loop(name, clock, screen, xxx_todo_changeme): # Further initialisation (width, height) = xxx_todo_changeme menu_image = resource.Load_Image("mainmenu.jpg") if (menu_image.get_rect().width != width): menu_image = pygame.transform.scale(menu_image, (width, height)) stats.Set_Font_Scale(config.cfg.font_scale) main_menu = current_menu = menu.Menu([ (None, None, []), (MENU_TUTORIAL, "Play Tutorial", []), (MENU_NEW_GAME, "Play New Game", []), (MENU_LOAD, "Restore Game", []), (None, None, []), (MENU_RES, "Set Graphics Resolution", []), (MENU_MUTE, "Toggle Sound", []), (MENU_MANUAL, "View Manual", []), (MENU_UPDATES, "Check for Updates", []), (None, None, []), (MENU_QUIT, "Exit to " + extra.Get_OS(), [K_ESCAPE, K_F10]) ]) resolution_menu = menu.Menu([(None, None, [])] + [(w, "%u x %u" % (w, h), []) for (w, h, fs) in RESOLUTIONS] + [(None, None, []), (-1, "Cancel", [])]) difficulty_menu = menu.Menu([(None, None, []), (MENU_TUTORIAL, "Tutorial", []), (None, None, []), (MENU_BEGINNER, "Beginner", []), (MENU_INTERMEDIATE, "Intermediate", []), (MENU_EXPERT, "Expert", []), (None, None, []), (MENU_PEACEFUL, "Peaceful", []), (None, None, []), (-1, "Cancel", [])]) copyright = [ name, "Copyright (C) Jack Whitham 2006-11 - website:", None, "Game version " + config.CFG_VERSION ] # off we go. quit = False while (not quit): # Main menu screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(menu_image, (0, 0)) y = 5 sz = 11 for text in copyright: if (text == None): sz = 7 continue img = stats.Get_Font(sz).render(text, True, (200, 200, 128)) img_r = img.get_rect() = ((width * 3) / 4, 0) img_r.clamp_ip(screen.get_rect()) = y screen.blit(img, img_r.topleft) y += img_r.height (quit, cmd) = extra.Simple_Menu_Loop(screen, current_menu, ((width * 3) / 4, 10 + (height / 2))) if (current_menu == main_menu): if (cmd == MENU_NEW_GAME): current_menu = difficulty_menu elif (cmd == MENU_TUTORIAL): quit = game.Main_Loop(screen, clock, (width, height), None, MENU_TUTORIAL) elif (cmd == MENU_LOAD): current_menu = save_menu.Save_Menu(False) elif (cmd == MENU_QUIT): quit = True elif (cmd == MENU_MUTE): config.cfg.mute = not config.cfg.mute return False # update menu elif (cmd == MENU_RES): current_menu = resolution_menu elif (cmd == MENU_UPDATES): if Update_Feature(screen, menu_image): url = (CGISCRIPT + "v=" + startup.Get_Game_Version()) pygame.display.iconify() try:, True, True) except: pass elif (cmd == MENU_MANUAL): pygame.display.iconify() if os.path.isfile(DEB_MANUAL): # Debian manual present url = 'file://' + DEB_MANUAL else: base = os.path.abspath( resource.Path( os.path.join("..", "manual", "index.html"))) if os.path.isfile(base): # Upstream package manual present url = 'file://' + base else: # No manual? Redirect to website. url = '' try:, True, True) except: pass elif (cmd != None): if (current_menu == resolution_menu): for (w, h, fs) in RESOLUTIONS: if (w == cmd): config.cfg.resolution = (w, h) config.cfg.font_scale = fs # change res - don't quit return False elif (current_menu == difficulty_menu): if (cmd >= 0): quit = game.Main_Loop(screen, clock, (width, height), None, cmd) else: # Load menu if (cmd >= 0): # Start game from saved position quit = game.Main_Loop(screen, clock, (width, height), cmd, None) current_menu = main_menu return True
# off we go. quit = False while (not quit): # Main menu screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(menu_image, (0, 0)) y = 5 sz = 11 for text in copyright: if (text == None): sz = 7 continue img = stats.Get_Font(sz).render(text, True, (200, 200, 128)) img_r = img.get_rect() = ((width * 3) / 4, 0) img_r.clamp_ip(screen.get_rect()) = y screen.blit(img, img_r.topleft) y += img_r.height (quit, cmd) = extra.Simple_Menu_Loop(screen, current_menu, ((width * 3) / 4, 10 + (height / 2))) if (current_menu == main_menu): if (cmd == MENU_NEW_GAME): current_menu = difficulty_menu