Example #1
    def test_cov_with_confidence(self):
        for noise in [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10]:

            x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
            y = 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, noise, x.shape)

            cov, pv, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(x, y, confidence=0.95)

            self.assertGreater(cov, 1)
            self.assertGreater(cov, lb)
            self.assertLess(cov, ub)

        x = np.random.uniform(0, 10, 1000)
        y = 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, 0.01, x.shape)
        cov, pv, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(x, y, confidence=0.95)

        self.assertGreater(cov, 1)
Example #2
    def test_cov_with_confidence(self):
        for noise in [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10]:

            x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
            y = 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, noise, x.shape)

            cov, pv, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(x, y, confidence=0.95)

            self.assertGreater(cov, 1)
            self.assertGreater(cov, lb)
            self.assertLess(cov, ub)

        x = np.random.uniform(0, 10, 1000)
        y = 3 * x + np.random.normal(0, 0.01, x.shape)
        cov, pv, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(x, y, confidence=0.95)

        self.assertGreater(cov, 1)
Example #3
def xcov_multi_with_confidence(xs, ys, lag_backward, lag_forward, confidence=0.95, normed=False):
    Calculate cross-covariance between x and y when multiple time-series are available.
        This function is to be used when it is believed that y is created by filtering x
        with a causal linear filter. If that is the case, then as the number of samples
        increases, the result will approach the shape of the original filter.
    :param xs: list of input time-series
    :param ys: list of output time-series
    :param lag_forward: number of lags to look forward (causal (x yields y))
    :param lag_backward: number of lags to look back (acausal (y yields x))
    :param confidence: confidence of confidence interval desired
    :param normed: if True, results will be normalized by geometric mean of x's & y's variances
    :return: cross-covariance, p-value, lower bound, upper bound

    if not np.all([len(x) == len(y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]):
        raise ValueError('Arrays within xs and ys must all be of the same size!')

    covs = []
    p_values = []
    lbs = []
    ubs = []

    for lag in range(-lag_backward, lag_forward):
        if lag == 0:
            x_rel = xs
            y_rel = ys
        elif lag < 0:
            x_rel = [x[-lag:] for x in xs if len(x) > -lag]
            y_rel = [y[:lag] for y in ys if len(y) > -lag]
            # calculate the cross covariance between x and y with a specific lag
            # first get the relevant xs and ys from each time-series
            x_rel = [x[:-lag] for x in xs if len(x) > lag]
            y_rel = [y[lag:] for y in ys if len(y) > lag]

        all_xs = np.concatenate(x_rel)
        all_ys = np.concatenate(y_rel)

        cov, p_value, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(all_xs, all_ys, confidence)


    covs = np.array(covs)
    p_values = np.array(p_values)
    lbs = np.array(lbs)
    ubs = np.array(ubs)

    if normed:
        # normalize by average variance of signals
        var_x = np.cov(np.concatenate(xs), np.concatenate(xs))[0, 0]
        var_y = np.cov(np.concatenate(ys), np.concatenate(ys))[0, 0]
        norm_factor = np.sqrt(var_x * var_y)
        covs /= norm_factor
        lbs /= norm_factor
        ubs /= norm_factor

    return covs, p_values, lbs, ubs
Example #4
def xcov_multi_with_confidence(xs, ys, lag_backward, lag_forward, confidence=0.95, normed=False):
    Calculate cross-covariance between x and y when multiple time-series are available.
        This function is to be used when it is believed that y is created by filtering x
        with a causal linear filter. If that is the case, then as the number of samples
        increases, the result will approach the shape of the original filter.
    :param xs: list of input time-series
    :param ys: list of output time-series
    :param lag_forward: number of lags to look forward (causal (x yields y))
    :param lag_backward: number of lags to look back (acausal (y yields x))
    :param confidence: confidence of confidence interval desired
    :param normed: if True, results will be normalized by geometric mean of x's & y's variances
    :return: cross-covariance, p-value, lower bound, upper bound

    if not np.all([len(x) == len(y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]):
        raise ValueError('Arrays within xs and ys must all be of the same size!')

    covs = []
    p_values = []
    lbs = []
    ubs = []

    for lag in range(-lag_backward, lag_forward):
        if lag == 0:
            x_rel = xs
            y_rel = ys
        elif lag < 0:
            x_rel = [x[-lag:] for x in xs if len(x) > -lag]
            y_rel = [y[:lag] for y in ys if len(y) > -lag]
            # calculate the cross covariance between x and y with a specific lag
            # first get the relevant xs and ys from each time-series
            x_rel = [x[:-lag] for x in xs if len(x) > lag]
            y_rel = [y[lag:] for y in ys if len(y) > lag]

        all_xs = np.concatenate(x_rel)
        all_ys = np.concatenate(y_rel)

        cov, p_value, lb, ub = stats.cov_with_confidence(all_xs, all_ys, confidence)


    covs = np.array(covs)
    p_values = np.array(p_values)
    lbs = np.array(lbs)
    ubs = np.array(ubs)

    if normed:
        # normalize by average variance of signals
        var_x = np.cov(np.concatenate(xs), np.concatenate(xs))[0, 0]
        var_y = np.cov(np.concatenate(ys), np.concatenate(ys))[0, 0]
        norm_factor = np.sqrt(var_x * var_y)
        covs /= norm_factor
        lbs /= norm_factor
        ubs /= norm_factor

    return covs, p_values, lbs, ubs