Example #1
def test_chisquare_power():
    from .results.results_power import pwr_chisquare
    for case in itervalues(pwr_chisquare):
        power = chisquare_power(case.w, case.N, case.df + 1,
        assert_almost_equal(power, case.power, decimal=6,
Example #2
    def add_dict(self, d, ncols=2, align='l', float_format="%.4f"):
        '''Add the contents of a Dict to summary table

        d : dict
            Keys and values are automatically coerced to strings with str().
            Users are encouraged to format them before using add_dict.
        ncols: int
            Number of columns of the output table
        align : str
            Data alignment (l/c/r)

        keys = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in iterkeys(d)]
        vals = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in itervalues(d)]
        data = np.array(lzip(keys, vals))

        if data.shape[0] % ncols != 0:
            pad = ncols - (data.shape[0] % ncols)
            data = np.vstack([data, np.array(pad * [['', '']])])

        data = np.split(data, ncols)
        data = reduce(lambda x, y: np.hstack([x, y]), data)
        self.add_array(data, align=align)
Example #3
    def add_dict(self, d, ncols=2, align='l', float_format="%.4f"):
        '''Add the contents of a Dict to summary table

        d : dict
            Keys and values are automatically coerced to strings with str().
            Users are encouraged to format them before using add_dict.
        ncols: int
            Number of columns of the output table
        align : string
            Data alignment (l/c/r)

        keys = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in iterkeys(d)]
        vals = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in itervalues(d)]
        data = np.array(lzip(keys, vals))

        if data.shape[0] % ncols != 0:
            pad = ncols - (data.shape[0] % ncols)
            data = np.vstack([data, np.array(pad * [['', '']])])

        data = np.split(data, ncols)
        data = reduce(lambda x, y: np.hstack([x, y]), data)
        self.add_array(data, align=align)
Example #4
def test_chisquare_power():
    from .results.results_power import pwr_chisquare
    for case in itervalues(pwr_chisquare):
        power = chisquare_power(
            case.w, case.N, case.df + 1, alpha=case.sig_level)
            power, case.power, decimal=6, err_msg=repr(vars(case)))
Example #5
def interactions(terms, order=[1, 2]):
    Output all pairwise interactions of given order of a
    sequence of terms.

    The argument order is a sequence specifying which order
    of interactions should be generated -- the default
    creates main effects and two-way interactions. If order
    is an integer, it is changed to range(1,order+1), so
    order=3 is equivalent to order=[1,2,3], generating
    all one, two and three-way interactions.

    If any entry of order is greater than len(terms), it is
    effectively treated as len(terms).

    >>> print interactions([Term(l) for l in ['a', 'b', 'c']])
    <formula: a*b + a*c + b*c + a + b + c>
    >>> print interactions([Term(l) for l in ['a', 'b', 'c']], order=list(range(5)))
    <formula: a*b + a*b*c + a*c + b*c + a + b + c>

    n_terms = len(terms)

    values = {}

    if np.asarray(order).shape == ():
        order = lrange(1, int(order) + 1)

    # First order

    for o in order:
        indices = np.indices((n_terms, ) * (o))
        indices.shape = (indices.shape[0], np.product(indices.shape[1:]))
        for m in range(indices.shape[1]):

            # only keep combinations that have unique entries

            if (np.unique(indices[:, m]).shape == indices[:, m].shape
                    and np.alltrue(
                        np.equal(np.sort(indices[:, m]), indices[:, m]))):
                ll = [terms[j] for j in indices[:, m]]
                v = ll[0]
                for ii in range(len(ll) - 1):
                    v *= ll[ii + 1]
                values[tuple(indices[:, m])] = v

    key = list(iterkeys(values))[0]
    value = values[key]
    del (values[key])

    for v in itervalues(values):
        value += v
    return value
Example #6
def interactions(terms, order=[1,2]):
    Output all pairwise interactions of given order of a
    sequence of terms.

    The argument order is a sequence specifying which order
    of interactions should be generated -- the default
    creates main effects and two-way interactions. If order
    is an integer, it is changed to range(1,order+1), so
    order=3 is equivalent to order=[1,2,3], generating
    all one, two and three-way interactions.

    If any entry of order is greater than len(terms), it is
    effectively treated as len(terms).

    >>> print interactions([Term(l) for l in ['a', 'b', 'c']])
    <formula: a*b + a*c + b*c + a + b + c>
    >>> print interactions([Term(l) for l in ['a', 'b', 'c']], order=list(range(5)))
    <formula: a*b + a*b*c + a*c + b*c + a + b + c>

    l = len(terms)

    values = {}

    if np.asarray(order).shape == ():
        order = lrange(1, int(order)+1)

    # First order

    for o in order:
        I = np.indices((l,)*(o))
        I.shape = (I.shape[0], np.product(I.shape[1:]))
        for m in range(I.shape[1]):

            # only keep combinations that have unique entries

            if (np.unique(I[:,m]).shape == I[:,m].shape and
                    np.alltrue(np.equal(np.sort(I[:,m]), I[:,m]))):
                ll = [terms[j] for j in I[:,m]]
                v = ll[0]
                for ii in range(len(ll)-1):
                    v *= ll[ii+1]
                values[tuple(I[:,m])] = v

    key = list(iterkeys(values))[0]
    value = values[key]

    for v in itervalues(values):
        value += v
    return value
Example #7
    def termcolumns(self, query_term, dict=False):
        Return a list of the indices of all columns associated
        to a given term.

        if self.hasterm(query_term):
            names = query_term.names()
            value = OrderedDict()
            for name in names:
                value[name] = self._names.index(name)
            raise ValueError('term not in formula')
        if dict:
            return value
            return list(itervalues(value))
Example #8
    def termcolumns(self, query_term, dict=False):
        Return a list of the indices of all columns associated
        to a given term.

        if self.hasterm(query_term):
            names = query_term.names()
            value = OrderedDict()
            for name in names:
                value[name] = self._names.index(name)
            raise ValueError('term not in formula')
        if dict:
            return value
            return list(itervalues(value))
Example #9
    def update(self, params):
        Update the global odds ratio based on the current value of

        endog = self.model.endog_li
        cpp = self.cpp
        cached_means = self.model.cached_means

        # This will happen if all the clusters have only
        # one observation
        if len(cpp[0]) == 0:

        tables = {}
        for ii in cpp[0]:
            tables[ii] = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(self.model.num_group):

            endog_expval, _ = cached_means[i]

            emat_11 = self.get_eyy(endog_expval, i)
            emat_10 = endog_expval[:, None] - emat_11
            emat_01 = -emat_11 + endog_expval
            emat_00 = 1. - (emat_11 + emat_10 + emat_01)

            cpp1 = cpp[i]
            for ky in iterkeys(cpp1):
                ix = cpp1[ky]
                tables[ky][1, 1] += emat_11[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][1, 0] += emat_10[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 1] += emat_01[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 0] += emat_00[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()

        cor_expval = self.pooled_odds_ratio(list(itervalues(tables)))

        self.dep_params *= self.crude_or / cor_expval
        if not np.isfinite(self.dep_params):
            self.dep_params = 1.
            warnings.warn("dep_params became inf, resetting to 1",
Example #10
    def update(self, params):
        Update the global odds ratio based on the current value of

        endog = self.model.endog_li
        cpp = self.cpp
        cached_means = self.model.cached_means

        # This will happen if all the clusters have only
        # one observation
        if len(cpp[0]) == 0:

        tables = {}
        for ii in cpp[0]:
            tables[ii] = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)

        for i in range(self.model.num_group):

            endog_expval, _ = cached_means[i]

            emat_11 = self.get_eyy(endog_expval, i)
            emat_10 = endog_expval[:, None] - emat_11
            emat_01 = -emat_11 + endog_expval
            emat_00 = 1. - (emat_11 + emat_10 + emat_01)

            cpp1 = cpp[i]
            for ky in iterkeys(cpp1):
                ix = cpp1[ky]
                tables[ky][1, 1] += emat_11[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][1, 0] += emat_10[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 1] += emat_01[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 0] += emat_00[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()

        cor_expval = self.pooled_odds_ratio(list(itervalues(tables)))

        self.dep_params *= self.crude_or / cor_expval
        if not np.isfinite(self.dep_params):
            self.dep_params = 1.
            warnings.warn("dep_params became inf, resetting to 1",
Example #11
def _statistical_coloring(data):
    """evaluate colors from the indipendence properties of the matrix
    It will encounter problem if one category has all zeros
    data = _normalize_data(data, None)
    categories_levels = _categories_level(list(iterkeys(data)))
    Nlevels = len(categories_levels)
    total = 1.0 * sum(v for v in itervalues(data))
    # count the proportion of observation
    # for each level that has the given name
    # at each level
    levels_count = []
    for level_idx in range(Nlevels):
        proportion = {}
        for level in categories_levels[level_idx]:
            proportion[level] = 0.0
            for key, value in iteritems(data):
                if level == key[level_idx]:
                    proportion[level] += value
            proportion[level] /= total
    # for each key I obtain the expected value
    # and it's standard deviation from a binomial distribution
    # under the hipothesys of independence
    expected = {}
    for key, value in iteritems(data):
        base = 1.0
        for i, k in enumerate(key):
            base *= levels_count[i][k]
        expected[key] = base * total, np.sqrt(total * base * (1.0 - base))
    # now we have the standard deviation of distance from the
    # expected value for each tile. We create the colors from this
    sigmas = dict((k, (data[k] - m) / s) for k, (m, s) in iteritems(expected))
    props = {}
    for key, dev in iteritems(sigmas):
        red = 0.0 if dev < 0 else (dev / (1 + dev))
        blue = 0.0 if dev > 0 else (dev / (-1 + dev))
        green = (1.0 - red - blue) / 2.0
        hatch = 'x' if dev > 2 else 'o' if dev < -2 else ''
        props[key] = {'color': [red, green, blue], 'hatch': hatch}
    return props
Example #12
def _statistical_coloring(data):
    """evaluate colors from the indipendence properties of the matrix
    It will encounter problem if one category has all zeros
    data = _normalize_data(data, None)
    categories_levels = _categories_level(list(iterkeys(data)))
    Nlevels = len(categories_levels)
    total = 1.0 * sum(v for v in itervalues(data))
    # count the proportion of observation
    # for each level that has the given name
    # at each level
    levels_count = []
    for level_idx in range(Nlevels):
        proportion = {}
        for level in categories_levels[level_idx]:
            proportion[level] = 0.0
            for key, value in iteritems(data):
                if level == key[level_idx]:
                    proportion[level] += value
            proportion[level] /= total
    # for each key I obtain the expected value
    # and it's standard deviation from a binomial distribution
    # under the hipothesys of independence
    expected = {}
    for key, value in iteritems(data):
        base = 1.0
        for i, k in enumerate(key):
            base *= levels_count[i][k]
        expected[key] = base * total, np.sqrt(total * base * (1.0 - base))
    # now we have the standard deviation of distance from the
    # expected value for each tile. We create the colors from this
    sigmas = dict((k, (data[k] - m) / s) for k, (m, s) in iteritems(expected))
    props = {}
    for key, dev in iteritems(sigmas):
        red = 0.0 if dev < 0 else (dev / (1 + dev))
        blue = 0.0 if dev > 0 else (dev / (-1 + dev))
        green = (1.0 - red - blue) / 2.0
        hatch = 'x' if dev > 2 else 'o' if dev < -2 else ''
        props[key] = {'color': [red, green, blue], 'hatch': hatch}
    return props
Example #13
    def observed_crude_oddsratio(self):
        """The crude odds ratio is obtained by pooling all data
        corresponding to a given pair of cut points (c,c'), then
        forming the inverse variance weighted average of these odds
        ratios to obtain a single OR.  Since the covariate effects are
        ignored, this OR will generally be greater than the stratified

        cpp = self.cpp
        endog = self.model.endog_li

        # Storage for the contingency tables for each (c,c')
        tables = {}
        for ii in iterkeys(cpp[0]):
            tables[ii] = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)

        # Get the observed crude OR
        for i in range(len(endog)):

            if len(endog[i]) == 0:

            # The observed joint values for the current cluster
            yvec = endog[i]
            endog_11 = np.outer(yvec, yvec)
            endog_10 = np.outer(yvec, 1 - yvec)
            endog_01 = np.outer(1 - yvec, yvec)
            endog_00 = np.outer(1 - yvec, 1 - yvec)

            cpp1 = cpp[i]
            for ky in iterkeys(cpp1):
                ix = cpp1[ky]
                tables[ky][1, 1] += endog_11[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][1, 0] += endog_10[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 1] += endog_01[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 0] += endog_00[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()

        return self.pooled_odds_ratio(list(itervalues(tables)))
Example #14
    def __init__(self, endog, exog, tree, paramsind):
        self.endog = endog
        self.datadict = exog
        self.tree = tree
        self.paramsind = paramsind

        self.branchsum = ''
        self.probs = {}
        self.probstxt = {}
        self.branchleaves = {}
        self.branchvalues = {}  #just to keep track of returns by branches
        self.branchsums = {}
        self.bprobs = {}
        self.branches, self.leaves, self.branches_degenerate = getnodes(tree)
        self.nbranches = len(self.branches)

        #copied over but not quite sure yet
        #unique, parameter array names,
        #sorted alphabetically, order is/should be only internal

        self.paramsnames = (
            sorted(set([i for j in itervalues(paramsind) for i in j])) +
            ['tau_%s' % bname for bname in self.branches])

        self.nparams = len(self.paramsnames)

        #mapping coefficient names to indices to unique/parameter array
        self.paramsidx = dict(
            (name, idx) for (idx, name) in enumerate(self.paramsnames))

        #mapping branch and leaf names to index in parameter array
        self.parinddict = dict((k, [self.paramsidx[j] for j in v])
                               for k, v in iteritems(self.paramsind))

        self.recursionparams = 1. + np.arange(len(self.paramsnames))
        #for testing that individual parameters are used in the right place
        self.recursionparams = np.zeros(len(self.paramsnames))
        #self.recursionparams[2] = 1
        self.recursionparams[-self.nbranches:] = 1  #values for tau's
Example #15
    def __init__(self, endog, exog, tree, paramsind):
        self.endog = endog
        self.datadict = exog
        self.tree = tree
        self.paramsind = paramsind

        self.branchsum = ''
        self.probs = {}
        self.probstxt = {}
        self.branchleaves = {}
        self.branchvalues = {}  #just to keep track of returns by branches
        self.branchsums = {}
        self.bprobs = {}
        self.branches, self.leaves, self.branches_degenerate  = getnodes(tree)
        self.nbranches = len(self.branches)

        #copied over but not quite sure yet
        #unique, parameter array names,
        #sorted alphabetically, order is/should be only internal

        self.paramsnames = (sorted(set([i for j in itervalues(paramsind)
                                       for i in j])) +
                            ['tau_%s' % bname for bname in self.branches])

        self.nparams = len(self.paramsnames)

        #mapping coefficient names to indices to unique/parameter array
        self.paramsidx = dict((name, idx) for (idx,name) in

        #mapping branch and leaf names to index in parameter array
        self.parinddict = dict((k, [self.paramsidx[j] for j in v])
                               for k,v in iteritems(self.paramsind))

        self.recursionparams = 1. + np.arange(len(self.paramsnames))
        #for testing that individual parameters are used in the right place
        self.recursionparams = np.zeros(len(self.paramsnames))
        #self.recursionparams[2] = 1
        self.recursionparams[-self.nbranches:] = 1  #values for tau's
Example #16
    def observed_crude_oddsratio(self):
        """The crude odds ratio is obtained by pooling all data
        corresponding to a given pair of cut points (c,c'), then
        forming the inverse variance weighted average of these odds
        ratios to obtain a single OR.  Since the covariate effects are
        ignored, this OR will generally be greater than the stratified

        cpp = self.cpp
        endog = self.model.endog_li

        # Storage for the contingency tables for each (c,c')
        tables = {}
        for ii in iterkeys(cpp[0]):
            tables[ii] = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)

        # Get the observed crude OR
        for i in range(len(endog)):

            if len(endog[i]) == 0:

            # The observed joint values for the current cluster
            yvec = endog[i]
            endog_11 = np.outer(yvec, yvec)
            endog_10 = np.outer(yvec, 1 - yvec)
            endog_01 = np.outer(1 - yvec, yvec)
            endog_00 = np.outer(1 - yvec, 1 - yvec)

            cpp1 = cpp[i]
            for ky in iterkeys(cpp1):
                ix = cpp1[ky]
                tables[ky][1, 1] += endog_11[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][1, 0] += endog_10[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 1] += endog_01[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()
                tables[ky][0, 0] += endog_00[ix[:, 0], ix[:, 1]].sum()

        return self.pooled_odds_ratio(list(itervalues(tables)))
Example #17
def _create_labels(rects, horizontal, ax, rotation):
    """find the position of the label for each value of each category

    right now it supports only up to the four categories

    ax: the axis on which the label should be applied
    rotation: the rotation list for each side
    categories = _categories_level(list(iterkeys(rects)))
    if len(categories) > 4:
        msg = ("maximum of 4 level supported for axes labeling... and 4"
               "is already a lot of levels, are you sure you need them all?")
        raise ValueError(msg)
    labels = {}
    #keep it fixed as will be used a lot of times
    items = list(iteritems(rects))
    vertical = not horizontal

    #get the axis ticks and labels locator to put the correct values!
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax3 = ax.twiny()
    #this is the order of execution for horizontal disposition
    ticks_pos = [ax.set_xticks, ax.set_yticks, ax3.set_xticks, ax2.set_yticks]
    ticks_lab = [
        ax.set_xticklabels, ax.set_yticklabels, ax3.set_xticklabels,
    #for the vertical one, rotate it by one
    if vertical:
        ticks_pos = ticks_pos[1:] + ticks_pos[:1]
        ticks_lab = ticks_lab[1:] + ticks_lab[:1]
    #clean them
    for pos, lab in zip(ticks_pos, ticks_lab):
    #for each level, for each value in the level, take the mean of all
    #the sublevel that correspond to that partial key
    for level_idx, level in enumerate(categories):
        #this dictionary keep the labels only for this level
        level_ticks = dict()
        for value in level:
            #to which level it should refer to get the preceding
            #values of labels? it's rather a tricky question...
            #this is dependent on the side. It's a very crude management
            #but I couldn't think a more general way...
            if horizontal:
                if level_idx == 3:
                    index_select = [-1, -1, -1]
                    index_select = [+0, -1, -1]
                if level_idx == 3:
                    index_select = [+0, -1, +0]
                    index_select = [-1, -1, -1]
            #now I create the base key name and append the current value
            #It will search on all the rects to find the corresponding one
            #and use them to evaluate the mean position
            basekey = tuple(categories[i][index_select[i]]
                            for i in range(level_idx))
            basekey = basekey + (value, )
            subset = dict(
                (k, v) for k, v in items if basekey == k[:level_idx + 1])
            #now I extract the center of all the tiles and make a weighted
            #mean of all these center on the area of the tile
            #this should give me the (more or less) correct position
            #of the center of the category

            vals = list(itervalues(subset))
            W = sum(w * h for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            x_lab = sum(_get_position(x, w, h, W) for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            y_lab = sum(_get_position(y, h, w, W) for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            #now base on the ordering, select which position to keep
            #needs to be written in a more general form of 4 level are enough?
            #should give also the horizontal and vertical alignment
            side = (level_idx + vertical) % 4
            level_ticks[value] = y_lab if side % 2 else x_lab
        #now we add the labels of this level to the correct axis

    return labels
Example #18
     'h': 7,
     'top': 1000}

    modru2 = RU2NMNL(endog, datadict2, tree2, paramsind2)
    modru2.recursionparams[-3] = 2
    modru2.recursionparams[3] = 1
    print('\n\nExample 2')

    print('sum of probs', sum(list(itervalues(modru2.probs))))

    print('branch probabilities')

    print('degenerate branches')
    >>> modru.bprobs
    {'Fly': [], 'top': [0.0016714179077931082, 0.99832858209220687], 'Ground': []}
    >>> modru2.bprobs
    {'top': [0.25000000000000006, 0.62499999999999989, 0.12500000000000003], 'B22': [], 'B21': [], 'B1': [], 'B2': [0.40000000000000008, 0.59999999999999998], 'B3': []}
Example #19

    modru2 = RU2NMNL(endog, datadict2, tree2, paramsind2)
    modru2.recursionparams[-3] = 2
    modru2.recursionparams[3] = 1
    print('\n\nExample 2')

    print('sum of probs', sum(list(itervalues(modru2.probs))))

    print('branch probabilities')

    print('degenerate branches')

    >>> modru.bprobs
    {'Fly': [], 'top': [0.0016714179077931082, 0.99832858209220687], 'Ground': []}
    >>> modru2.bprobs
    {'top': [0.25000000000000006, 0.62499999999999989, 0.12500000000000003], 'B22': [], 'B21': [], 'B1': [], 'B2': [0.40000000000000008, 0.59999999999999998], 'B3': []}
Example #20
    "B21": [],
    "c": ["consta", "p", "time"],
    "d": ["consta", "p", "time"],
    "B22": ["x22"],
    "e": ["conste", "p", "hince"],
    "f": ["constt", "p", "hincf"],
    "g": ["p", "hincg"],
    "B3": [],
    "h": ["consth", "p", "h"],
    "top": [],

# unique, parameter array names,
# sorted alphabetically, order is/should be only internal

paramsnames = sorted(set([i for j in itervalues(paramsind) for i in j]))

# mapping coefficient names to indices to unique/parameter array
paramsidx = dict((name, idx) for (idx, name) in enumerate(paramsnames))

# mapping branch and leaf names to index in parameter array
inddict = dict((k, [paramsidx[j] for j in v]) for k, v in iteritems(paramsind))

>>> paramsnames
['const2', 'consta', 'constb', 'conste', 'consth', 'constt', 'h', 'hince',
 'hincf', 'hincg', 'p', 'time', 'x2', 'x22']
>>> parmasidx
{'conste': 3, 'consta': 1, 'constb': 2, 'h': 6, 'time': 11, 'consth': 4,
 'p': 10, 'constt': 5, 'const2': 0, 'x2': 12, 'x22': 13, 'hince': 7,
 'hincg': 9, 'hincf': 8}
Example #21
    'B21': [],
    'c': ['consta', 'p', 'time'],
    'd': ['consta', 'p', 'time'],
    'B22': ['x22'],
    'e': ['conste', 'p', 'hince'],
    'f': ['constt', 'p', 'hincf'],
    'g': ['p', 'hincg'],
    'B3': [],
    'h': ['consth', 'p', 'h'],
    'top': []

#unique, parameter array names,
#sorted alphabetically, order is/should be only internal

paramsnames = sorted(set([i for j in itervalues(paramsind) for i in j]))

#mapping coefficient names to indices to unique/parameter array
paramsidx = dict((name, idx) for (idx, name) in enumerate(paramsnames))

#mapping branch and leaf names to index in parameter array
inddict = dict((k, [paramsidx[j] for j in v]) for k, v in iteritems(paramsind))
>>> paramsnames
['const2', 'consta', 'constb', 'conste', 'consth', 'constt', 'h', 'hince',
 'hincf', 'hincg', 'p', 'time', 'x2', 'x22']
>>> parmasidx
{'conste': 3, 'consta': 1, 'constb': 2, 'h': 6, 'time': 11, 'consth': 4,
 'p': 10, 'constt': 5, 'const2': 0, 'x2': 12, 'x22': 13, 'hince': 7,
 'hincg': 9, 'hincf': 8}
>>> inddict
Example #22
def _create_labels(rects, horizontal, ax, rotation):
    """find the position of the label for each value of each category

    right now it supports only up to the four categories

    ax: the axis on which the label should be applied
    rotation: the rotation list for each side
    categories = _categories_level(list(iterkeys(rects)))
    if len(categories) > 4:
        msg = ("maximum of 4 level supported for axes labeling..and 4"
               "is alreay a lot of level, are you sure you need them all?")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)
    labels = {}
    #keep it fixed as will be used a lot of times
    items = list(iteritems(rects))
    vertical = not horizontal

    #get the axis ticks and labels locator to put the correct values!
    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax3 = ax.twiny()
    #this is the order of execution for horizontal disposition
    ticks_pos = [ax.set_xticks, ax.set_yticks, ax3.set_xticks, ax2.set_yticks]
    ticks_lab = [ax.set_xticklabels, ax.set_yticklabels,
                 ax3.set_xticklabels, ax2.set_yticklabels]
    #for the vertical one, rotate it by one
    if vertical:
        ticks_pos = ticks_pos[1:] + ticks_pos[:1]
        ticks_lab = ticks_lab[1:] + ticks_lab[:1]
    #clean them
    for pos, lab in zip(ticks_pos, ticks_lab):
    #for each level, for each value in the level, take the mean of all
    #the sublevel that correspond to that partial key
    for level_idx, level in enumerate(categories):
        #this dictionary keep the labels only for this level
        level_ticks = dict()
        for value in level:
            #to which level it should refer to get the preceding
            #values of labels? it's rather a tricky question...
            #this is dependent on the side. It's a very crude management
            #but I couldn't think a more general way...
            if horizontal:
                if level_idx == 3:
                    index_select = [-1, -1, -1]
                    index_select = [+0, -1, -1]
                if level_idx == 3:
                    index_select = [+0, -1, +0]
                    index_select = [-1, -1, -1]
            #now I create the base key name and append the current value
            #It will search on all the rects to find the corresponding one
            #and use them to evaluate the mean position
            basekey = tuple(categories[i][index_select[i]]
                            for i in range(level_idx))
            basekey = basekey + (value,)
            subset = dict((k, v) for k, v in items
                          if basekey == k[:level_idx + 1])
            #now I extract the center of all the tiles and make a weighted
            #mean of all these center on the area of the tile
            #this should give me the (more or less) correct position
            #of the center of the category

            vals = list(itervalues(subset))
            W = sum(w * h for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            x_lab = sum(_get_position(x, w, h, W) for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            y_lab = sum(_get_position(y, h, w, W) for (x, y, w, h) in vals)
            #now base on the ordering, select which position to keep
            #needs to be written in a more general form of 4 level are enough?
            #should give also the horizontal and vertical alignment
            side = (level_idx + vertical) % 4
            level_ticks[value] = y_lab if side % 2 else x_lab
        #now we add the labels of this level to the correct axis

    return labels