Example #1
def test_zero_penalty():
    x, y, poly = multivariate_sample_data()
    alphas = [0, 0]
    gam_gs = GLMGam(y, smoother=poly, alpha=alphas)
    gam_gs_res = gam_gs.fit()
    y_est_gam = gam_gs_res.predict()

    glm = GLM(y, poly.basis).fit()
    y_est = glm.predict()

    assert_allclose(y_est, y_est_gam)
Example #2
def fit_logistic(X_hold,Y_hold,Firth=False,resBase=None,LRtest=True):
    Fits a logistic regression model using standard (when Firth = False) or Firth's method (when Firth = True).
    resBase is the result of a previous call to a regression that is used to store data for Firth's method.
    LRtest indicates if the likelihood ratio test should be reported.
    if not Firth:
        res = GLM(Y_hold, X_hold, family=families.Binomial()).fit()#XXX Confirm this with logistic using older XXXX
        # AICc adjustment
        res.aicc = statsmodels.tools.eval_measures.aicc(res.llf, nobs=res.nobs, df_modelwc=res.df_model+1)
        # Correct BIC
        res.bic = statsmodels.tools.eval_measures.bic(res.llf, nobs=res.nobs, df_modelwc=res.df_model+1)
        if resBase is None:
            sys.stderr.write('resBase must be provided to do Firth regression\n')
        elif type(resBase) is not statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model.GLMResultsWrapper:
            sys.stderr.write('resBase must be type statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model.GLMResultsWrapper\n')
            res = resBase
        #Do Firth's logistic regression
        (rint, rbeta, rbse, rfitll, pi) = fit_firth(Y_hold, X_hold, start_vec = None)
        if LRtest:    
            # LRT
            null_X = np.delete(arr=X_hold,obj=range(int(np.size(X_hold)/len(X_hold)))[1:int(np.size(X_hold)/len(X_hold))],axis=1)
            (null_intercept, null_beta, null_bse, null_fitll, null_pi) = fit_firth(Y_hold, null_X, start_vec = None)
            lrstat = -2.*(null_fitll - rfitll)
            lrt_pvalue = 1.
            if lrstat > 0.: # non-convergence
                lrt_pvalue = stats.chi2.sf(lrstat, 1)
            res.llnull = null_fitll
            res.lrstat = lrstat
            res.lrt_pval = lrt_pvalue
        # AICc adjustment for Firth model
        aicc = statsmodels.tools.eval_measures.aicc(rfitll, nobs=len(Y_hold), df_modelwc=np.shape(X_hold)[1])
        # AIC
        aic = statsmodels.tools.eval_measures.aic(rfitll, nobs=len(Y_hold), df_modelwc=np.shape(X_hold)[1])
        # BIC
        bic = statsmodels.tools.eval_measures.bic(rfitll, nobs=len(Y_hold), df_modelwc=np.shape(X_hold)[1])
        #Store parameters, standard errors, likelihoods, and statistics
        rint = np.array([rint])
        rbeta = np.array(rbeta)
        res.params = np.concatenate([rint,rbeta])
        res.bse = rbse
        res.llf = rfitll
        res.aicc = aicc
        res.aic = aic
        res.bic = bic
        #Get Wald p vals for parameters
        res.pvalues = 1. - chi2.cdf(x=(res.params/res.bse)**2, df=1)
        #Add predicted y
        res.predict = pi
    return res
Example #3
def test_zero_penalty():
    x, y, poly = multivariate_sample_data()
    alphas = [0, 0]
    gam_gs = GLMGam(y, smoother=poly, alpha=alphas)
    gam_gs_res = gam_gs.fit()
    y_est_gam = gam_gs_res.predict()

    glm = GLM(y, poly.basis).fit()
    y_est = glm.predict()

    assert_allclose(y_est, y_est_gam)
Example #4
    def test_predict(self):
        endog = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100)
        exog = np.random.normal(size=(100, 3))
        exposure = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 100)
        mod1 = GLM(endog,
        exog1 = np.random.normal(size=(10, 3))
        exposure1 = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 10)

        # Doubling exposure time should double expected response
        pred1 = mod1.predict(exog=exog1, exposure=exposure1)
        pred2 = mod1.predict(exog=exog1, exposure=2 * exposure1)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, 2 * pred1)

        # Check exposure defaults
        pred3 = mod1.predict()
        pred4 = mod1.predict(exposure=exposure)
        pred5 = mod1.predict(exog=exog, exposure=exposure)
        assert_almost_equal(pred3, pred4)
        assert_almost_equal(pred4, pred5)

        # Check offset defaults
        offset = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 100)
        mod2 = GLM(endog, exog, offset=offset,
        pred1 = mod2.predict()
        pred2 = mod2.predict(offset=offset)
        pred3 = mod2.predict(exog=exog, offset=offset)
        assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, pred3)

        # Check that offset shifts the linear predictor
        mod3 = GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Poisson()).fit()
        offset = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 10)
        pred1 = mod3.predict(exog=exog1, offset=offset, linear=True)
        pred2 = mod3.predict(exog=exog1, offset=2 * offset, linear=True)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, pred1 + offset)
Example #5
    def test_predict(self):
        endog = np.random.randint(0, 10, 100)
        exog = np.random.normal(size=(100,3))
        exposure = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 100)
        mod1 = GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Poisson(),
        exog1 = np.random.normal(size=(10,3))
        exposure1 = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 10)

        # Doubling exposure time should double expected response
        pred1 = mod1.predict(exog=exog1, exposure=exposure1)
        pred2 = mod1.predict(exog=exog1, exposure=2*exposure1)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, 2*pred1)

        # Check exposure defaults
        pred3 = mod1.predict()
        pred4 = mod1.predict(exposure=exposure)
        pred5 = mod1.predict(exog=exog, exposure=exposure)
        assert_almost_equal(pred3, pred4)
        assert_almost_equal(pred4, pred5)

        # Check offset defaults
        offset = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 100)
        mod2 = GLM(endog, exog, offset=offset, family=sm.families.Poisson()).fit()
        pred1 = mod2.predict()
        pred2 = mod2.predict(offset=offset)
        pred3 = mod2.predict(exog=exog, offset=offset)
        assert_almost_equal(pred1, pred2)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, pred3)

        # Check that offset shifts the linear predictor
        mod3 = GLM(endog, exog, family=sm.families.Poisson()).fit()
        offset = np.random.uniform(1, 2, 10)
        pred1 = mod3.predict(exog=exog1, offset=offset, linear=True)
        pred2 = mod3.predict(exog=exog1, offset=2*offset, linear=True)
        assert_almost_equal(pred2, pred1+offset)
Example #6
def local_fdr(zscores,
    Calculate local FDR values for a list of Z-scores.

    zscores : array_like
        A vector of Z-scores
    null_proportion : float
        The assumed proportion of true null hypotheses
    null_pdf : function mapping reals to positive reals
        The density of null Z-scores; if None, use standard normal
    deg : int
        The maximum exponent in the polynomial expansion of the
        density of non-null Z-scores
    nbins : int
        The number of bins for estimating the marginal density
        of Z-scores.
    alpha : float
        Use Poisson ridge regression with parameter alpha to estimate
        the density of non-null Z-scores.

    fdr : array_like
        A vector of FDR values

    B Efron (2008).  Microarrays, Empirical Bayes, and the Two-Groups
    Model.  Statistical Science 23:1, 1-22.

    Basic use (the null Z-scores are taken to be standard normal):

    >>> from statsmodels.stats.multitest import local_fdr
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> zscores = np.random.randn(30)
    >>> fdr = local_fdr(zscores)

    Use a Gaussian null distribution estimated from the data:

    >>> null = EmpiricalNull(zscores)
    >>> fdr = local_fdr(zscores, null_pdf=null.pdf)

    from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
    from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import families
    from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS

    # Bins for Poisson modeling of the marginal Z-score density
    minz = min(zscores)
    maxz = max(zscores)
    bins = np.linspace(minz, maxz, nbins)

    # Bin counts
    zhist = np.histogram(zscores, bins)[0]

    # Bin centers
    zbins = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2

    # The design matrix at bin centers
    dmat = np.vander(zbins, deg + 1)

    # Rescale the design matrix
    sd = dmat.std(0)
    ii = sd > 1e-8
    dmat[:, ii] /= sd[ii]

    start = OLS(np.log(1 + zhist), dmat).fit().params

    # Poisson regression
    if alpha > 0:
        md = GLM(zhist, dmat,
        md = GLM(zhist, dmat,

    # The design matrix for all Z-scores
    dmat_full = np.vander(zscores, deg + 1)
    dmat_full[:, ii] /= sd[ii]

    # The height of the estimated marginal density of Z-scores,
    # evaluated at every observed Z-score.
    fz = md.predict(dmat_full) / (len(zscores) * (bins[1] - bins[0]))

    # The null density.
    if null_pdf is None:
        f0 = np.exp(-0.5 * zscores**2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
        f0 = null_pdf(zscores)

    # The local FDR values
    fdr = null_proportion * f0 / fz

    fdr = np.clip(fdr, 0, 1)

    return fdr
Example #7
def interactplot(x1, x2, y, data=None, filled=False, cmap="RdBu_r",
                 colorbar=True, levels=30, logistic=False,
                 contour_kws=None, scatter_kws=None, ax=None, **kwargs):
    """Visualize a continuous two-way interaction with a contour plot.

    x1, x2, y, strings or array-like
        Either the two independent variables and the dependent variable,
        or keys to extract them from `data`
    data : DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame with the data in the columns.
    filled : bool
        Whether to plot with filled or unfilled contours
    cmap : matplotlib colormap
        Colormap to represent yhat in the countour plot.
    colorbar : bool
        Whether to draw the colorbar for interpreting the color values.
    levels : int or sequence
        Number or position of contour plot levels.
    logistic : bool
        Fit a logistic regression model instead of linear regression.
    contour_kws : dictionary
        Keyword arguments for contour[f]().
    scatter_kws : dictionary
        Keyword arguments for plot().
    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis to draw plot in.

    ax : Matplotlib axis
        Axis with the contour plot.

    msg = (
        "The `interactplot` function has been deprecated and will be removed "
        "in a future version."
    warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
    if not _has_statsmodels:
        raise ImportError("The `interactplot` function requires statsmodels")
    from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
    from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
    from statsmodels.genmod.families import Binomial

    # Handle the form of the data
    if data is not None:
        x1 = data[x1]
        x2 = data[x2]
        y = data[y]
    if hasattr(x1, "name"):
        xlabel = x1.name
        xlabel = None
    if hasattr(x2, "name"):
        ylabel = x2.name
        ylabel = None
    if hasattr(y, "name"):
        clabel = y.name
        clabel = None
    x1 = np.asarray(x1)
    x2 = np.asarray(x2)
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # Initialize the scatter keyword dictionary
    if scatter_kws is None:
        scatter_kws = {}
    if not ("color" in scatter_kws or "c" in scatter_kws):
        scatter_kws["color"] = "#222222"
    if "alpha" not in scatter_kws:
        scatter_kws["alpha"] = 0.75

    # Intialize the contour keyword dictionary
    if contour_kws is None:
        contour_kws = {}

    # Initialize the axis
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Plot once to let matplotlib sort out the axis limits
    ax.plot(x1, x2, "o", **scatter_kws)

    # Find the plot limits
    x1min, x1max = ax.get_xlim()
    x2min, x2max = ax.get_ylim()

    # Make the grid for the contour plot
    x1_points = np.linspace(x1min, x1max, 100)
    x2_points = np.linspace(x2min, x2max, 100)
    xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(x1_points, x2_points)

    # Fit the model with an interaction
    X = np.c_[np.ones(x1.size), x1, x2, x1 * x2]
    if logistic:
        lm = GLM(y, X, family=Binomial()).fit()
        lm = OLS(y, X).fit()

    # Evaluate the model on the grid
    eval = np.vectorize(lambda x1_, x2_: lm.predict([1, x1_, x2_, x1_ * x2_]))
    yhat = eval(xx1, xx2)

    # Default color limits put the midpoint at mean(y)
    y_bar = y.mean()
    c_min = min(np.percentile(y, 2), yhat.min())
    c_max = max(np.percentile(y, 98), yhat.max())
    delta = max(c_max - y_bar, y_bar - c_min)
    c_min, cmax = y_bar - delta, y_bar + delta
    contour_kws.setdefault("vmin", c_min)
    contour_kws.setdefault("vmax", c_max)

    # Draw the contour plot
    func_name = "contourf" if filled else "contour"
    contour = getattr(ax, func_name)
    c = contour(xx1, xx2, yhat, levels, cmap=cmap, **contour_kws)

    # Draw the scatter again so it's visible
    ax.plot(x1, x2, "o", **scatter_kws)

    # Draw a colorbar, maybe
    if colorbar:
        bar = plt.colorbar(c)

    # Label the axes
    if xlabel is not None:
    if ylabel is not None:
    if clabel is not None and colorbar:
        clabel = "P(%s)" % clabel if logistic else clabel
        bar.set_label(clabel, labelpad=15, rotation=270)

    return ax
Example #8
def interactplot(x1,
    """Visualize a continuous two-way interaction with a contour plot.

    x1, x2, y, strings or array-like
        Either the two independent variables and the dependent variable,
        or keys to extract them from `data`
    data : DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame with the data in the columns.
    filled : bool
        Whether to plot with filled or unfilled contours
    cmap : matplotlib colormap
        Colormap to represent yhat in the countour plot.
    colorbar : bool
        Whether to draw the colorbar for interpreting the color values.
    levels : int or sequence
        Number or position of contour plot levels.
    logistic : bool
        Fit a logistic regression model instead of linear regression.
    contour_kws : dictionary
        Keyword arguments for contour[f]().
    scatter_kws : dictionary
        Keyword arguments for plot().
    ax : matplotlib axis
        Axis to draw plot in.

    ax : Matplotlib axis
        Axis with the contour plot.

    msg = (
        "The `interactplot` function has been deprecated and will be removed "
        "in a future version.")
    warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
    if not _has_statsmodels:
        raise ImportError("The `interactplot` function requires statsmodels")
    from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
    from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
    from statsmodels.genmod.families import Binomial

    # Handle the form of the data
    if data is not None:
        x1 = data[x1]
        x2 = data[x2]
        y = data[y]
    if hasattr(x1, "name"):
        xlabel = x1.name
        xlabel = None
    if hasattr(x2, "name"):
        ylabel = x2.name
        ylabel = None
    if hasattr(y, "name"):
        clabel = y.name
        clabel = None
    x1 = np.asarray(x1)
    x2 = np.asarray(x2)
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # Initialize the scatter keyword dictionary
    if scatter_kws is None:
        scatter_kws = {}
    if not ("color" in scatter_kws or "c" in scatter_kws):
        scatter_kws["color"] = "#222222"
    if "alpha" not in scatter_kws:
        scatter_kws["alpha"] = 0.75

    # Intialize the contour keyword dictionary
    if contour_kws is None:
        contour_kws = {}

    # Initialize the axis
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    # Plot once to let matplotlib sort out the axis limits
    ax.plot(x1, x2, "o", **scatter_kws)

    # Find the plot limits
    x1min, x1max = ax.get_xlim()
    x2min, x2max = ax.get_ylim()

    # Make the grid for the contour plot
    x1_points = np.linspace(x1min, x1max, 100)
    x2_points = np.linspace(x2min, x2max, 100)
    xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(x1_points, x2_points)

    # Fit the model with an interaction
    X = np.c_[np.ones(x1.size), x1, x2, x1 * x2]
    if logistic:
        lm = GLM(y, X, family=Binomial()).fit()
        lm = OLS(y, X).fit()

    # Evaluate the model on the grid
    eval = np.vectorize(lambda x1_, x2_: lm.predict([1, x1_, x2_, x1_ * x2_]))
    yhat = eval(xx1, xx2)

    # Default color limits put the midpoint at mean(y)
    y_bar = y.mean()
    c_min = min(np.percentile(y, 2), yhat.min())
    c_max = max(np.percentile(y, 98), yhat.max())
    delta = max(c_max - y_bar, y_bar - c_min)
    c_min, cmax = y_bar - delta, y_bar + delta
    contour_kws.setdefault("vmin", c_min)
    contour_kws.setdefault("vmax", c_max)

    # Draw the contour plot
    func_name = "contourf" if filled else "contour"
    contour = getattr(ax, func_name)
    c = contour(xx1, xx2, yhat, levels, cmap=cmap, **contour_kws)

    # Draw the scatter again so it's visible
    ax.plot(x1, x2, "o", **scatter_kws)

    # Draw a colorbar, maybe
    if colorbar:
        bar = plt.colorbar(c)

    # Label the axes
    if xlabel is not None:
    if ylabel is not None:
    if clabel is not None and colorbar:
        clabel = "P(%s)" % clabel if logistic else clabel
        bar.set_label(clabel, labelpad=15, rotation=270)

    return ax