def summary(self, title=None, alpha=.05):
        Summarize the #1lab_results of running MICE.

        title : string, optional
            Title for the top table. If not None, then this replaces
            the default title
        alpha : float
            Significance level for the confidence intervals

        smry : Summary instance
            This holds the summary tables and text, which can be
            printed or converted to various output formats.

        from statsmodels.iolib import summary2
        from statsmodels.compat.collections import OrderedDict

        smry = summary2.Summary()
        float_format = "%8.3f"

        info = OrderedDict()
        info["Method:"] = "MICE"
        info["Model:"] = self.model_class.__name__
        info["Dependent variable:"] = self.endog_names
        info["Sample size:"] = "%d" %[0]
        info["Scale"] = "%.2f" % self.scale
        info["Num. imputations"] = "%d" % len(self.model.results_list)

        smry.add_dict(info, align='l', float_format=float_format)

        param = summary2.summary_params(self, alpha=alpha)
        param["FMI"] = self.frac_miss_info

        smry.add_df(param, float_format=float_format)
        smry.add_title(title=title, results=self)

        return smry
Example #2
    def summary(self, title=None, alpha=.05):
        Summarize the results of running MICE.

        title : string, optional
            Title for the top table. If not None, then this replaces
            the default title
        alpha : float
            Significance level for the confidence intervals

        smry : Summary instance
            This holds the summary tables and text, which can be
            printed or converted to various output formats.

        from statsmodels.iolib import summary2
        from statsmodels.compat.collections import OrderedDict

        smry = summary2.Summary()
        float_format = "%8.3f"

        info = OrderedDict()
        info["Method:"] = "MICE"
        info["Model:"] = self.model_class.__name__
        info["Dependent variable:"] = self.endog_names
        info["Sample size:"] = "%d" %[0]
        info["Scale"] = "%.2f" % self.scale
        info["Num. imputations"] = "%d" % len(self.model.results_list)

        smry.add_dict(info, align='l', float_format=float_format)

        param = summary2.summary_params(self, alpha=alpha)
        param["FMI"] = self.frac_miss_info

        smry.add_df(param, float_format=float_format)
        smry.add_title(title=title, results=self)

        return smry
Example #3
    def summary(self, title=None, alpha=.05):
        Summarize the results of running multiple imputation.

        title : str, optional
            Title for the top table. If not None, then this replaces
            the default title
        alpha : float
            Significance level for the confidence intervals

        smry : Summary instance
            This holds the summary tables and text, which can be
            printed or converted to various output formats.

        from statsmodels.iolib import summary2

        smry = summary2.Summary()
        float_format = "%8.3f"

        info = {}
        info["Method:"] = "MI"
        info["Model:"] = self.mi.model.__name__
        info["Dependent variable:"] = self._model.endog_names
        info["Sample size:"] = "%d" %[0]
        info["Num. imputations"] = "%d" % self.mi.nrep

        smry.add_dict(info, align='l', float_format=float_format)

        param = summary2.summary_params(self, alpha=alpha)
        param["FMI"] = self.fmi

        smry.add_df(param, float_format=float_format)
        smry.add_title(title=title, results=self)

        return smry
Example #4
def col_params(result,
    '''Stack coefficients and significance stats in single column

    # Extract parameters
    res = summary_params(result, xname=xname)
    # Format float
    for col in res.columns[:2]:
        res[col] = res[col].apply(lambda x: est_fmt.format(x * est_scale))
    # tvalues in parentheses
    if use_t:
                 1] = [sig_fmt.format(x * sig_scale) for x in res.iloc[:, 2]]
                 1] = [sig_fmt.format(x * sig_scale) for x in res.iloc[:, 3]]
    # Significance stars
    if stars:
        idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .1
        res.iloc[:, 0][idx] = res.iloc[:, 0][idx] + '*'
        idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .05
        res.iloc[:, 0][idx] = res.iloc[:, 0][idx] + '*'
        idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .01
        res.iloc[:, 0][idx] = res.iloc[:, 0][idx] + '*'
    # Stack Coefs and Signif.
    res = res.iloc[:, :2]
    res = res.stack()
    res = pd.DataFrame(res)
    res.columns = [str(result.model.endog_names)]
    return res
def _update_statsmodel_result_summary_after_cov_matrix_changed(result):
    Note: inplace
    # Create new param/stderr section of summary
    new_param_stderr = summary_params(result)
    new_table = SimpleTable(

    # Create summary object with param/stderr table replaced
    summ = result.summary()
    summ.tables[1] = new_table

    # Assign summary method of result to return this summary object
    result.summary = lambda: summ

    # Repeat steps for summary2, which only requires df and not SimpleTable
    summ2 = result.summary2()
    summ2.tables[1] = new_param_stderr
    result.summary2 = lambda: summ2
def produce_reg_df(model, model_name, panel, reg_type='ols'):

    y, x = dmatrices(model, panel)

    if reg_type == 'ols':
        results = sm.OLS(y, x).fit()
        estimates = summary_params(results)[['Coef.', 'Std.Err.', 'P>|t|']]

        White’s (1980) heteroskedasticity robust standard errors. Defined as
        sqrt(diag(X.T X)^(-1)X.T diag(e_i^(2)) X(X.T X)^(-1) where e_i = resid[i]
        HC0_se is a property. It is not evaluated until it is called. When it is
        called the RegressionResults instance will then have another attribute
        cov_HC0, which is the full heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix
        and also het_scale, which is in this case just resid**2. HCCM matrices are
        only appropriate for OLS.

        Note: Delete the following two lines for 'regular' standard errors.
        estimates['Std.Err.'] = results.HC0_se
        estimates['P>|t|'] = stats.t.sf(
            np.abs(estimates['Coef.'] / estimates['Std.Err.']), results.nobs - 1) * 2

    elif reg_type == 'probit':
        model = sm.Probit(y, x)
        results =
        margeffs = results.get_margeff()
        estimates = pd.DataFrame(
            [margeffs.margeff, margeffs.margeff_se, margeffs.pvalues],
            index=['Coef.', 'Std.Err.', 'P>|t|'],

    estimates = estimates.apply(
        lambda x: ['{0:0.3f}'.format(i) for i in x])

    estimates['Std.Err.'] = estimates['Std.Err.'].apply(
        lambda x: '(' + str(x) + ')')

    for i in range(len(estimates)):
        estimates['Coef.'].iloc[i] = str(estimates['Coef.'].iloc[i]) + (
            (float(estimates['P>|t|'].iloc[i]) <= 0.01) * '_3stars' +
            (0.01 < float(estimates['P>|t|'].iloc[i]) <= 0.05) * '_2stars' +
            (0.05 < float(estimates['P>|t|'].iloc[i]) <= 0.10) * '_1star' +
            (0.1 < float(estimates['P>|t|'].iloc[i])) * ''

    estimates['P>|t|'] = estimates['P>|t|'].apply(lambda x: '')

    # Instead of inserting lines, just replace pvalues by linespace.
    estimates = estimates.rename(columns={
        'P>|t|': 'addlinespace'}

    stacked_estimates = pd.DataFrame(
        estimates.stack(), columns=[model_name])

    if reg_type == 'ols':
        stacked_model_stats = pd.DataFrame(
            [results.nobs, results.rsquared_adj],
            index=['Observations', 'R2'],
    elif reg_type == 'probit':
        stacked_model_stats = pd.DataFrame(
            [results.nobs, results.prsquared],
            index=['Observations', 'R2'],

    stacked_model = stacked_estimates.append(stacked_model_stats)

    return stacked_model