def quantilereg(y,x,p): ''' estimates quantile regression based on weighted least squares. constant term is added to x matrix __________________________________________________________________________ Inputs: y: Dependent variable x: matrix of independent variables p: quantile Outputs: beta: estimated Coefficients. tstats: T- students of the coefficients. VCboot: Variance-Covariance of coefficients by bootstrapping method. itrat: number of iterations for convergence to roots. PseudoR2: in quatile regression another definition of R2 is used namely PseudoR2. betaboot: estimated coefficients by bootstrapping method. This code can be used for quantile regression estimation as whole,and LAD regression as special case of it, when one sets p=0.5. Copyright(c) Shapour Mohammadi, University of Tehran, 2008 [email protected] Translated to python with permission from original author by Christian Prinoth (christian at prinoth dot name) Ref: 1-Birkes, D. and Y. Dodge(1993). Alternative Methods of Regression, John Wiley and Sons. 2-Green,W. H. (2008). Econometric Analysis. Sixth Edition. International Student Edition. 3-LeSage, J. P.(1999),Applied Econometrics Using MATLAB, Keywords: Least Absolute Deviation(LAD) Regression, Quantile Regression, Regression, Robust Estimation. __________________________________________________________________________ ''' tstats=0 VCboot=0 itrat=0 PseudoR2=0 betaboot=0 ry=len(y) rx, cx=x.shape x=np.c_[np.ones(rx),x] cx=cx+1 #______________Finding first estimates by solving the system_______________ # Some lines of this section is based on a code written by # James P. Lesage in Applied Econometrics Using MATLAB(1999).PP. 73-4. itrat=0 xstar=x diff=1 beta=np.ones(cx) z=np.zeros((rx,cx)) while itrat<1000 and diff>1e-6: itrat+=1 beta0=beta beta=dot(inv(dot(xstar.T,x)),xstar.T,y) resid=y-dot(x,beta) resid[np.abs(resid)<.000001]=.000001 resid[resid<0]=p*resid[resid<0] resid[resid>0]=(1-p)*resid[resid>0] resid=np.abs(resid) for i in range(cx): z[:,i] = x[:,i]/resid xstar=z beta1=beta diff=np.max(np.abs(beta1-beta0)) return beta
def quantilereg(y,x,p): ''' estimates quantile regression based on weighted least squares. constant term is added to x matrix __________________________________________________________________________ Inputs: y: Dependent variable x: matrix of independent variables p: quantile Outputs: beta: estimated Coefficients. tstats: T- students of the coefficients. VCboot: Variance-Covariance of coefficients by bootstrapping method. itrat: number of iterations for convergence to roots. PseudoR2: in quatile regression another definition of R2 is used namely PseudoR2. betaboot: estimated coefficients by bootstrapping method. This code can be used for quantile regression estimation as whole,and LAD regression as special case of it, when one sets p=0.5. Copyright(c) Shapour Mohammadi, University of Tehran, 2008 [email protected] Translated to python with permission from original author by Christian Prinoth (christian at prinoth dot name) Ref: 1-Birkes, D. and Y. Dodge(1993). Alternative Methods of Regression, John Wiley and Sons. 2-Green,W. H. (2008). Econometric Analysis. Sixth Edition. International Student Edition. 3-LeSage, J. P.(1999),Applied Econometrics Using MATLAB, Keywords: Least Absolute Deviation(LAD) Regression, Quantile Regression, Regression, Robust Estimation. __________________________________________________________________________ ''' tstats=0 VCboot=0 itrat=0 PseudoR2=0 betaboot=0 ry=len(y) rx, cx=x.shape x=np.c_[np.ones(rx),x] cx=cx+1 #______________Finding first estimates by solving the system_______________ # Some lines of this section is based on a code written by # James P. Lesage in Applied Econometrics Using MATLAB(1999).PP. 73-4. itrat=0 xstar=x diff=1 beta=np.ones(cx) z=np.zeros((rx,cx)) while itrat<1000 and diff>1e-6: itrat+=1 beta0=beta beta=dot(inv(dot(xstar.T,x)),xstar.T,y) resid=y-dot(x,beta) resid[np.abs(resid)<.000001]=.000001 resid[resid<0]=p*resid[resid<0] resid[resid>0]=(1-p)*resid[resid>0] resid=np.abs(resid) for i in range(cx): z[:,i] = x[:,i]/resid xstar=z beta1=beta diff=np.max(np.abs(beta1-beta0)) return beta #_______estimating variances based on Green 2008(quantile regression)______ e=y-dot(x,beta) iqre=np.percentile(e,0.75)-np.percentile(e,0.25) if p==0.5: h=0.9*np.std(e)/(ry**0.2) else: h=0.9*np.min(np.std(e),iqre/1.34)/(ry**0.2) u=(e/h) fhat0=(1/(ry*h))*(sum(exp(-u)/((1+exp(-u))**2))) D=np.zeros((ry,ry)) DIAGON=np.diag(D) DIAGON[e>0]=(p/fhat0)**2 DIAGON[e<=0]=((1-p)/fhat0)**2 D=np.diag(DIAGON),x)),dot(x.T,D,x),inv(,x))) #____________________Standarad errores and t-stats_________________________ tstats=beta/np.sqrt(np.diag(VCQ)) stderrors=np.sqrt(np.diag(VCQ)) PValues=2*(1-stats.t.cdf(np.abs(tstats),ry-cx)) #______________________________ Quasi R square_____________________________ ef=y-dot(x,beta) ef[ef<0]=(1-p)*ef[ef<0] ef[ef>0]=p*ef[ef>0] ef=np.abs(ef) ered=y-np.percentile(y,p) ered[ered<0]=(1-p)*ered[ered<0] ered[ered>0]=p*ered[ered>0] ered=np.abs(ered) PseudoR2=1-np.sum(ef)/np.sum(ered) #__________________Bootstrap standard deviation (Green 2008)_______________ betaboot=np.zeros((cx,cx)) for ii in range(100): bootm, estar=bootstrp(1,np.mean,e) # ystar=dot(x,beta)+e[estar] # itratstar=0 xstarstar=x diffstar=1 betastar=np.ones(cx) while itratstar<1000 and diffstar>1e-6: itratstar=itratstar+1 betastar0=betastar betastar=dot(inv(dot(xstarstar.T,x)),xstarstar.T,ystar) # residstar=ystar-dot(x,betastar) residstar[np.abs(residstar)<.000001]=.000001 residstar[residstar<0]=p*residstar[residstar<0] residstar[residstar>0]=(1-p)*residstar[residstar>0] residstar=np.abs(residstar) zstar=np.zeros((rx,cx)) for i in range(cx): zstar[:,i] = x[:,i]/residstar xstarstar=zstar beta1star=betastar diffstar=np.max(np.abs(beta1star-betastar0)) # betaboot=[betaboot + dot((betastar-beta),(betastar-beta).T)] VCboot=(1/100)*betaboot # tstatsboot=beta/diag(VCboot)**0.5 stderrorsboot=diag(VCboot)**0.5 PValuesboot=2*(1-stats.t.cdf(np.abs(tstatsboot),ry-cx)) #_______________________________Display Results____________________________ print print(' Results of Quantile Regression') print('_'*70) print("%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s" % ['Coef.', 'SE.Ker', 't.Ker', 'P.Ker', 'SE.Boot', 't.Boot', 'P.Boot']) print('_'*70) print("%10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f %10f" % [ beta,stderrors,tstats,PValues,stderrorsboot,tstatsboot,PValuesboot]) print('_'*70) print('Pseudo R2: %10f' % PseudoR2 ) print('_'*70)