Example #1
def run_ucm(name):
    true = getattr(results_structural, name)

    for model in true['models']:
        kwargs = model.copy()

        # Make a copy of the data
        values = dta.copy()

        freq = kwargs.pop('freq', None)
        if freq is not None:
            values.index = pd.date_range(start='1959-01-01', periods=len(dta),

        # Test pandas exog
        if 'exog' in kwargs:
            # Default value here is pd.Series object
            exog = np.log(values['realgdp'])

            # Also allow a check with a 1-dim numpy array
            if kwargs['exog'] == 'numpy':
                exog = exog.values.squeeze()

            kwargs['exog'] = exog

        # Create the model
        mod = UnobservedComponents(values['unemp'], **kwargs)

        # Smoke test for starting parameters, untransform, transform
        # Also test that transform and untransform are inverses
        roundtrip = mod.transform_params(
        assert_allclose(mod.start_params, roundtrip)

        # Fit the model at the true parameters
        res_true = mod.filter(true['params'])

        # Check that the cycle bounds were computed correctly
        freqstr = freq[0] if freq is not None else values.index.freqstr[0]
        if 'cycle_period_bounds' in kwargs:
            cycle_period_bounds = kwargs['cycle_period_bounds']
        elif freqstr == 'A':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5, 12)
        elif freqstr == 'Q':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*4, 12*4)
        elif freqstr == 'M':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*12, 12*12)
            # If we have no information on data frequency, require the
            # cycle frequency to be between 0 and pi
            cycle_period_bounds = (2, np.inf)

        # Test that the cycle frequency bound is correct
                     (2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[1],
                      2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[0]))

        # Test that the likelihood is correct
        rtol = true.get('rtol', 1e-7)
        atol = true.get('atol', 0)
        assert_allclose(res_true.llf, true['llf'], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

        # Optional smoke test for plot_components
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
            except ImportError:
            fig = plt.figure()
        except ImportError:

        # Now fit the model via MLE
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            res = mod.fit(disp=-1)
            # If we found a higher likelihood, no problem; otherwise check
            # that we're very close to that found by R
            if res.llf <= true['llf']:
                assert_allclose(res.llf, true['llf'], rtol=1e-4)

            # Smoke test for summary
def run_ucm(name):
    true = getattr(results_structural, name)

    for model in true['models']:
        kwargs = model.copy()

        # Make a copy of the data
        values = dta.copy()

        freq = kwargs.pop('freq', None)
        if freq is not None:
            values.index = pd.date_range(start='1959-01-01', periods=len(dta),

        # Test pandas exog
        if 'exog' in kwargs:
            # Default value here is pd.Series object
            exog = np.log(values['realgdp'])

            # Also allow a check with a 1-dim numpy array
            if kwargs['exog'] == 'numpy':
                exog = exog.values.squeeze()
            kwargs['exog'] = exog

        # Create the model
        mod = UnobservedComponents(values['unemp'], **kwargs)

        # Smoke test for starting parameters, untransform, transform
        # Also test that transform and untransform are inverses
        assert_allclose(mod.start_params, mod.transform_params(mod.untransform_params(mod.start_params)))

        # Fit the model at the true parameters
        res_true = mod.filter(true['params'])

        # Check that the cycle bounds were computed correctly
        freqstr = freq[0] if freq is not None else values.index.freqstr[0]
        if 'cycle_period_bounds' in kwargs:
            cycle_period_bounds = kwargs['cycle_period_bounds']
        elif freqstr == 'A':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5, 12)
        elif freqstr == 'Q':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*4, 12*4)
        elif freqstr == 'M':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5*12, 12*12)
            # If we have no information on data frequency, require the
            # cycle frequency to be between 0 and pi
            cycle_period_bounds = (2, np.inf)

        # Test that the cycle frequency bound is correct
            (2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[1],
             2*np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[0])

        # Test that the likelihood is correct
        rtol = true.get('rtol', 1e-7)
        atol = true.get('atol', 0)
        assert_allclose(res_true.llf, true['llf'], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

        # Smoke test for plot_components
        if have_matplotlib:
            fig = res_true.plot_components()

        # Now fit the model via MLE
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            res = mod.fit(disp=-1)
            # If we found a higher likelihood, no problem; otherwise check
            # that we're very close to that found by R
            if res.llf <= true['llf']:
                assert_allclose(res.llf, true['llf'], rtol=1e-4)

            # Smoke test for summary
Example #3
def run_ucm(name, use_exact_diffuse=False):
    true = getattr(results_structural, name)

    for model in true['models']:
        kwargs = model.copy()
        kwargs['use_exact_diffuse'] = use_exact_diffuse

        # Make a copy of the data
        values = dta.copy()

        freq = kwargs.pop('freq', None)
        if freq is not None:
            values.index = pd.date_range(start='1959-01-01',

        # Test pandas exog
        if 'exog' in kwargs:
            # Default value here is pd.Series object
            exog = np.log(values['realgdp'])

            # Also allow a check with a 1-dim numpy array
            if kwargs['exog'] == 'numpy':
                exog = exog.values.squeeze()

            kwargs['exog'] = exog

        # Create the model
        mod = UnobservedComponents(values['unemp'], **kwargs)

        # Smoke test for starting parameters, untransform, transform
        # Also test that transform and untransform are inverses
        roundtrip = mod.transform_params(
        assert_allclose(mod.start_params, roundtrip)

        # Fit the model at the true parameters
        res_true = mod.filter(true['params'])

        # Check that the cycle bounds were computed correctly
        freqstr = freq[0] if freq is not None else values.index.freqstr[0]
        if 'cycle_period_bounds' in kwargs:
            cycle_period_bounds = kwargs['cycle_period_bounds']
        elif freqstr == 'A':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5, 12)
        elif freqstr == 'Q':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5 * 4, 12 * 4)
        elif freqstr == 'M':
            cycle_period_bounds = (1.5 * 12, 12 * 12)
            # If we have no information on data frequency, require the
            # cycle frequency to be between 0 and pi
            cycle_period_bounds = (2, np.inf)

        # Test that the cycle frequency bound is correct
                     (2 * np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[1],
                      2 * np.pi / cycle_period_bounds[0]))

        # Test that the likelihood is correct
        rtol = true.get('rtol', 1e-7)
        atol = true.get('atol', 0)

        if use_exact_diffuse:
            # If we are using exact diffuse initialization, then we need to
            # adjust for the fact that KFAS does not include the constant in
            # the likelihood function for the diffuse periods
            # (see note to test_exact_diffuse_filtering.py for details).
            res_llf = (res_true.llf_obs.sum() +
                       res_true.nobs_diffuse * 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi))
            # If we are using approximate diffuse initialization, then we need
            # to ignore the first period, and this will agree with KFAS (since
            # it does not include the constant in the likelihood function for
            # diffuse periods).
            res_llf = res_true.llf_obs[res_true.loglikelihood_burn:].sum()

        assert_allclose(res_llf, true['llf'], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

        # Optional smoke test for plot_components
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
            except ImportError:
            fig = plt.figure()
        except ImportError:

        # Now fit the model via MLE
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
            fit_kwargs = {}
            if 'maxiter' in true:
                fit_kwargs['maxiter'] = true['maxiter']
            res = mod.fit(start_params=true.get('start_params', None),
            # If we found a higher likelihood, no problem; otherwise check
            # that we're very close to that found by R

            # See note above about these computation
            if use_exact_diffuse:
                res_llf = (res.llf_obs.sum() +
                           res.nobs_diffuse * 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi))
                res_llf = res.llf_obs[res_true.loglikelihood_burn:].sum()

            if res_llf <= true['llf']:
                assert_allclose(res_llf, true['llf'], rtol=1e-4)

            # Smoke test for summary