Example #1
    def test_transform_untransform(self):
        true_constrained = self.true_params

        # Sometimes the parameters given by Stata are not stationary and / or
        # invertible, so we need to skip those transformations for those
        # parameter sets
        contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ar = self.model.polynomial_seasonal_ar[self.model.polynomial_seasonal_ar.nonzero()]
        self.model.enforce_stationarity = (
            (self.model.k_ar == 0 or tools.is_invertible(np.r_[1, -self.model.polynomial_ar[1:]])) and
            (len(contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ar) <= 1 or tools.is_invertible(np.r_[1, -contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ar[1:]]))
        contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ma = self.model.polynomial_seasonal_ma[self.model.polynomial_seasonal_ma.nonzero()]
        self.model.enforce_invertibility = (
            (self.model.k_ma == 0 or tools.is_invertible(np.r_[1, -self.model.polynomial_ma[1:]])) and
            (len(contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ma) <= 1 or tools.is_invertible(np.r_[1, -contracted_polynomial_seasonal_ma[1:]]))

        unconstrained = self.model.untransform_params(true_constrained)
        constrained = self.model.transform_params(unconstrained)

        assert_almost_equal(constrained, true_constrained, 4)

        self.model.enforce_stationarity = True
        self.model.enforce_invertibility = True
Example #2
    def validate_params(self, params):
        Validate parameter vector by raising ValueError on invalid values.

        params : array_like
            Array of model parameters.

        Primarily checks that the parameters have the right shape and are not
        NaN or infinite. Also checks if parameters are consistent with a
        stationary process if `enforce_stationarity=True` and that they are
        consistent with an invertible process if `enforce_invertibility=True`.
        Finally, checks that the variance term is positive, unless

        >>> spec = SARIMAXSpecification(ar_order=1)
        >>> spec.validate_params([-0.5, 4.])  # returns None
        >>> spec.validate_params([-0.5, -2])
        ValueError: Non-positive variance term.
        >>> spec.validate_params([-1.5, 4.])
        ValueError: Non-stationary autoregressive polynomial.

        # Note: split_params includes basic validation
        params = self.split_params(params)

        # Specific checks
        if self.enforce_stationarity:
            if self.k_ar_params:
                ar_poly = np.r_[1, -params['ar_params']]
                if not is_invertible(ar_poly):
                    raise ValueError('Non-stationary autoregressive'
                                     ' polynomial.')
            if self.k_seasonal_ar_params:
                seasonal_ar_poly = np.r_[1, -params['seasonal_ar_params']]
                if not is_invertible(seasonal_ar_poly):
                    raise ValueError('Non-stationary seasonal autoregressive'
                                     ' polynomial.')

        if self.enforce_invertibility:
            if self.k_ma_params:
                ma_poly = np.r_[1, params['ma_params']]
                if not is_invertible(ma_poly):
                    raise ValueError('Non-invertible moving average'
                                     ' polynomial.')
            if self.k_seasonal_ma_params:
                seasonal_ma_poly = np.r_[1, params['seasonal_ma_params']]
                if not is_invertible(seasonal_ma_poly):
                    raise ValueError('Non-invertible seasonal moving average'
                                     ' polynomial.')

        if not self.concentrate_scale:
            if params['sigma2'] <= 0:
                raise ValueError('Non-positive variance term.')
Example #3
    def is_stationary(self):
        """(bool) Is the reduced autoregressive lag poylnomial stationary."""
                       title='AR coefficients')
                       title='seasonal AR coefficients')

        ar_stationary = True
        seasonal_ar_stationary = True
        if self.k_ar_params > 0:
            ar_stationary = is_invertible(self.ar_poly.coef)
        if self.k_seasonal_ar_params > 0:
            seasonal_ar_stationary = is_invertible(self.seasonal_ar_poly.coef)

        return ar_stationary and seasonal_ar_stationary
Example #4
    def is_invertible(self):
        """(bool) Is the reduced moving average lag poylnomial invertible."""
        # Short-circuit if there is no MA component
                       title='MA coefficients')
                       title='seasonal MA coefficients')

        ma_stationary = True
        seasonal_ma_stationary = True
        if self.k_ma_params > 0:
            ma_stationary = is_invertible(self.ma_poly.coef)
        if self.k_seasonal_ma_params > 0:
            seasonal_ma_stationary = is_invertible(self.seasonal_ma_poly.coef)

        return ma_stationary and seasonal_ma_stationary
Example #5
 def test_cases(self):
     for polynomial, invertible in self.cases:
         assert_equal(tools.is_invertible(polynomial), invertible)
Example #6
 def test_cases(self):
     for polynomial, invertible in self.cases:
         assert_equal(tools.is_invertible(polynomial), invertible)
Example #7
n_iterations = 10000
trace = np.zeros((n_iterations + 1, 3))
trace_accepts = np.zeros(n_iterations)
trace[0] = [0, 0, 1.]  # Initial values

# Iterations
for s in range(1, n_iterations + 1):
    # 1. Gibbs step: draw the states using the simulation smoother
    model.update(trace[s - 1], transformed=True)
    states = sim_smoother.simulated_state[:, :-1]

    # 2. Gibbs step: draw the autoregressive parameters, and apply
    # rejection sampling to ensure an invertible lag polynomial
    phi = draw_posterior_phi(model, states, trace[s - 1, 2])
    while not is_invertible([1, -phi]):
        phi = draw_posterior_phi(model, states, trace[s - 1, 2])
    trace[s, 0] = phi

    # 3. Gibbs step: draw the variance parameter
    sigma2 = draw_posterior_sigma2(model, states, phi)
    trace[s, 2] = sigma2

    # 4. Metropolis-step for the moving-average parameter
    theta = trace[s - 1, 1]
    proposal = theta + rw_proposal.rvs()
    if proposal > -1 and proposal < 1:
        acceptance_probability = np.exp(
            model.loglike([phi, proposal, sigma2]) -
            model.loglike([phi, theta, sigma2]))