Example #1
    def test_not_admin_view_details_with_contests(self):
        """Test if non-admin can view details when there are contests"""
        # during the contest, only contest owner/coowner can view detail

        # 1. judge/subjudge can view all contest detail (as a contest owner/coowner)
        submissions = Submission.objects.filter(problem=self.contest_problem)
        submissions = submissions.exclude(user=self.admin)

        for submission in submissions:
            can_show = show_detail(submission, self.judge)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, True)
        for submission in submissions:
            can_show = show_detail(submission, self.subjudge)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, True)

        # on the other hand, other details can't be seen
        for submission in self.submissionComplement(submissions):
            can_show = show_detail(submission, self.judge)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, False)
        for submission in self.submissionComplement(submissions):
            can_show = show_detail(submission, self.subjudge)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, False)

        # 2. user can't see any detail
        submissions = Submission.objects.all()
        for submission in submissions:
            can_show = show_detail(submission, self.user)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, False)
Example #2
def view_code(request, sid):
        submission = Submission.objects.get(id=sid)
        filename = '%s.%s' % (sid, get_extension(submission.language))
        if show_detail(submission, request.user):
            f = open('%s%s' % (CodeSubmitForm.SUBMIT_PATH, filename), 'r')
            code = f.read()
            codesubmitform = CodeSubmitForm(
                    'code': code,
                    'pid': submission.problem.id,
                    'language': submission.language
            problem_name = str(submission.problem)
            return render_index(request, 'users/submit.html', {
                'form': codesubmitform,
                'problem_name': problem_name
            logger.warning('User %s attempt to view detail of SID %s' %
                           (request.user, sid))
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "You don't have permission to view detail of SID %s" % sid)
    except Submission.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
        raise Http404('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
    except IOError:
        logger.warning('File %s Not Found!' % filename)
        raise Http404('File %s Not Found!' % filename)
Example #3
def error_message(request, sid):
        submission = Submission.objects.get(id=sid)
        error_msg = submission.error_msg
        if show_detail(submission, request.user):
            return render_index(request, 'status/errorMessage.html', {'error_message': error_msg})
            logger.warning('User %s attempt to view detail of SID %s' % (request.user, sid))
            raise PermissionDenied("You don't have permission to view detail of SID %s" % sid)

    except Submission.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
        raise Http404('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
Example #4
    def test_not_admin_view_details_without_contests(self):
        """Test if non-admin can view details when there are no contests"""
        # delete all contests
        # all submissions exclude admin's
        all_submissions = Submission.objects.all().exclude(user=self.admin)
        all_problems = Problem.objects.all()

        # 1. one can see his own detail
        for submission in all_submissions:
            can_show = show_detail(submission, submission.user)
            self.assertEqual(can_show, True)

        # 2. problem owner can see all detail in his problem
        for problem in all_problems:
            submissions = all_submissions.filter(problem=problem)
            user = User.objects.get(username=problem.owner_id)
            for submission in submissions:
                can_show = show_detail(submission, user)
                self.assertEqual(can_show, True)

        # 3. team member can see all detail when submitted as team
        # create a team with subjudge as leader and user as member
        team = Team.objects.create(team_name='test_team', leader=self.subjudge)
        TeamMember.objects.create(team=team, member=self.user)

        # both subjudge and user submit as team
        subjudge_submission = Submission.objects.create(
            problem=self.admin_problem, user=self.subjudge, team=team)
        user_submission = Submission.objects.create(
            problem=self.admin_problem, user=self.user, team=team)

        # can see each others' detail
        can_show = show_detail(subjudge_submission, self.user)
        self.assertEqual(can_show, True)
        can_show = show_detail(user_submission, self.subjudge)
        self.assertEqual(can_show, True)
Example #5
def error_message(request, sid):
        submission = Submission.objects.get(id=sid)
        error_msg = submission.error_msg
        if show_detail(submission, request.user):
            return render_index(request, 'status/errorMessage.html',
                                {'error_message': error_msg})
            logger.warning('User %s attempt to view detail of SID %s' %
                           (request.user, sid))
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "You don't have permission to view detail of SID %s" % sid)

    except Submission.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
        raise Http404('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
Example #6
def view_code(request, sid):
        submission = Submission.objects.get(id=sid)
        filename = '%s.%s' % (sid, get_extension(submission.language))
        if show_detail(submission, request.user):
            f = open('%s%s' % (CodeSubmitForm.SUBMIT_PATH, filename), 'r')
            code = f.read()
            codesubmitform = CodeSubmitForm(
                initial={'code': code, 'pid': submission.problem.id, 'language': submission.language})
            problem_name = str(submission.problem)
            return render_index(request, 'users/submit.html',
                {'form': codesubmitform, 'problem_name': problem_name})
            logger.warning('User %s attempt to view detail of SID %s' % (request.user, sid))
            raise PermissionDenied("You don't have permission to view detail of SID %s" % sid)
    except Submission.DoesNotExist:
        logger.warning('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
        raise Http404('SID %s Not Found!' % sid)
    except IOError:
        logger.warning('File %s Not Found!' % filename)
        raise Http404('File %s Not Found!' % filename)
Example #7
 def test_admin_view_details(self):
     """Test if admin can view everyone's details"""
     submissions = Submission.objects.all()
     for submission in submissions:
         can_show = show_detail(submission, self.admin)
         self.assertEqual(can_show, True)