def do_server(self, server): """Specify STC server. If a port is not specified, then the value of the STC_SERVER_PORT environment variable is used. If that is not set, then the default port 80 is tried. If a connection cannot be make to the default, then port 8888 is used. Synopsis: server server_address [port] Example: server 80 """ server_ok = False while not server_ok: while not server: server = input('Enter server: ') try: socket.gethostbyname(server) server_ok = True except socket.gaierror as e: print(e) server = None try: self._stc = stchttp.StcHttp(server, debug_print=self._stc.debug_print()) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) return self._server = server self._sessions = []
def stc_system_info(stc_addr): """Return dictionary of STC and API information. If a session already exists, then use it to get STC information and avoid taking the time to start a new session. A session is necessary to get STC information. """ stc = stchttp.StcHttp(stc_addr) sessions = stc.sessions() if sessions: # If a session already exists, use it to get STC information. stc.join_session(sessions[0]) sys_info = stc.system_info() else: # Create a new session to get STC information. stc.new_session('anonymous') try: sys_info = stc.system_info() finally: # Make sure the temporary session in terminated. stc.end_session() return sys_info
def main(): import argparse ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='python -m stcrestclient.tccsh', usage='python -m stcrestclient.tccsh server [options]', description='Command shell that provides STC Automation API ' 'functionality using an interactive command line interface, or ' 'command file.') ap.add_argument('server', nargs='?', help='Address of TestCenter server to connect to.') ap.add_argument('-c', metavar='COMMAND_STRING', dest='cmd_str', help='Command string. Multiple commands are separated ' 'by ";" (semicolon).') ap.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true', help='Enable debug output.') ap.add_argument('--file', '-f', metavar='FILE_PATH', dest='cmd_file', help='Read commands from the specified file.') ap.add_argument('--port', '-p', metavar='PORT', type=int, help='Server TCP port to connect to (default %s).' % (stchttp.DEFAULT_PORT, )) ap.add_argument('--version', '-V', action='store_true', help='Print stcrestclient version number and exit.') args = ap.parse_args() if args.version: import pkg_resources pkg_name = 'stcrestclient' print(pkg_name, pkg_resources.get_distribution(pkg_name).version) return 0 server_ok = False while not server_ok: while not args.server: args.server = input('Enter server: ') try: socket.gethostbyname(args.server) server_ok = True except socket.gaierror as e: print('hostname not known') args.server = None if args.debug: print('===> connecting to', args.server, end=' ') if args.port: print('on port', args.port) else: print() cmds = [] if args.cmd_file: with open(args.cmd_file) as cf: for c in cf: if not c: continue c = c.strip() if not c or c[0] == '#': continue cmds.append(c) elif args.cmd_str: for c in args.cmd_str.split(';'): if not c: continue c = c.strip() if not c or c[0] == '#': continue cmds.append(c) if cmds: tccsh = TestCenterCommandShell(None) tccsh.use_rawinput = False tccsh.intro = None else: tccsh = TestCenterCommandShell() tccsh._server = args.server tccsh._port = args.port try: tccsh._stc = stchttp.StcHttp(args.server, args.port, debug_print=args.debug) if cmds: tccsh.preloop() for c in cmds: if tccsh.onecmd(c): break else: tccsh.cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nGot keyboard interrupt. Exiting...') except Exception as e: print(e) return 1 return 0
def new_session(self, server=None, session_name=None, user_name=None, existing_session=None): """Create a new session or attach to existing. Normally, this function is called automatically, and gets its parameter values from the environment. It is provided as a public function for cases when extra control over session creation is required in an automation script that is adapted to use ReST. WARNING: This function is not part of the original and if called directly by an automation script, then that script will not be able to revert to using the non-ReST API until the call to this function is removed. Arguments: server -- STC server (Lab Server) address. If not set get value from STC_SERVER_ADDRESS environment variable. session_name -- Name part of session ID. If not set get value from STC_SESSION_NAME environment variable. user_name -- User portion of session ID. If not set get name of user this script is running as. existing_session -- Behavior when session already exists. Recognized values are 'kill' and 'join'. If not set get value from EXISTING_SESSION environment variable. If not set to recognized value, raise exception if session already exists. See also: stchttp.StcHttp(), stchttp.new_session() Return: The internal StcHttp object that is used for this session. This allows the caller to perform additional interactions with the STC ReST API beyond what the adapter provides. """ if not server: server = os.environ.get('STC_SERVER_ADDRESS') if not server: raise EnvironmentError('STC_SERVER_ADDRESS not set') self._stc = stchttp.StcHttp(server) if not session_name: session_name = os.environ.get('STC_SESSION_NAME') if not session_name or session_name == '__NEW_TEST_SESSION__': session_name = None if not user_name: try: # Try to get the name of the current user. user_name = getpass.getuser() except: pass if not existing_session: # Try to get existing_session from environ if not passed in. existing_session = os.environ.get('EXISTING_SESSION') if existing_session: existing_session = existing_session.lower() if existing_session == 'kill': # Kill any existing session and create a new one. self._stc.new_session(user_name, session_name, True) return self._stc if existing_session == 'join': # Create a new session, or join if already exists. try: self._stc.new_session(user_name, session_name, False) except RuntimeError as e: if str(e).find('already exists') >= 0: sid = ' - '.join((session_name, user_name)) self._stc.join_session(sid) else: raise return self._stc # Create a new session, raise exception if session already exists. self._stc.new_session(user_name, session_name, False) return self._stc