def test_01(self):

        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(8000)
        Truth = 0.06011
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
Example #2
    def test_01(self):

        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(8000)
        Truth = 0.06011
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def calcNeededThrust(self, m, h, u_g, w_g, curveR):
        if (u_g < c.V_MIN):
            return 0.

        rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
        #Bahnneigungswinkel [deg]
        gamma = math.atan(float(w_g) / u_g)
        tas = math.sqrt(u_g**2. + w_g**2.)

        if (curveR == 0 or math.isnan(curveR)):
            phi = 0.
            phi = math.atan(tas**2. * math.cos(gamma) / (c.g * curveR))

        n = math.cos(gamma) / math.cos(phi)

        F1 = (math.sin(gamma) * m * c.g)
        F2 = ((self.w.C_W0 * c.S * rho * tas**2) / 2)
        F3 = (self.w.k * 2 * (n * m * c.g)**2 / (rho * c.S * tas**2))

        F = F1 + F2 + F3

        if (F < 0):
            return 0.
        return F
    def calcTakeOffParameter(self, m, h, s, propulsionType, propulsion):
        P_increment = 10000.
        P_to = 60000.

        rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
        v_abh = math.sqrt(2. * m * c.g / (rho * c.S * c.C_A_TAKEOFF))

        a_req = v_abh**2 / (2 * s)

        a_mean, F_0 = self.calcMeanAccelor(m, h, P_to, propulsionType,

        while (abs(a_req - a_mean) > 0.000001):
            if (a_mean > a_req and P_increment > 0):
                P_increment = P_increment * (-0.1)
            if (a_mean < a_req and P_increment < 0):
                P_increment = P_increment * (-0.1)
            #print("P -> " + str(P_to))
            P_to += P_increment
            a_mean, F_0 = self.calcMeanAccelor(m, h, P_to, propulsionType,

        t_abh = v_abh / a_mean
        s_abh = (a_mean / 2) * t_abh**2

        if (self.verbose):
            print("[Wing] a_mean = " + str(a_mean))
            print("[Wing] t_abh = " + str(t_abh))
            print("[Wing] s_abh = " + str(s_abh))
            print("[Wing] P_to = " + str(P_to))

        return P_to, t_abh, v_abh, F_0
Example #5
    def test_06(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(65322, density_units="kg/m**3", alt_units="m")
        Truth = 1.4296e-4
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 5e-5)
Example #6
    def test_02(self):

        # test psf
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(49000)
        Truth = 0.012215
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 2e-5)
Example #7
    def test_03(self):

        # test pa and m
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(25000, alt_units='m', density_units='kg/m**3')
        Truth = 0.039466
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
Example #8
    def test_06(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(65322, density_units='kg/m**3', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 1.4296e-4
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 5e-5)
    def test_02(self):

        # test psf
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(49000)
        Truth = 0.012215
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 2e-5)
Example #10
    def test_03(self):

        # test pa and m
        # Truth values from NASA RP 1046

        Value = SA.alt2density(25000, alt_units="m", density_units="kg/m**3")
        Truth = 0.039466
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 1e-5)
    def test_05(self):

        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(49610, density_units='kg/m**3',
        Truth = 1.0269e-3
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 5e-5)
Example #12
    def test_07(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(80956, density_units="kg/m**3", alt_units="m")
        Truth = 1.3418e-5
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 3e-5)
Example #13
    def test_07(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(80956, density_units='kg/m**3', alt_units='m')
        Truth = 1.3418e-5
        self.assertTrue(RE(Value, Truth) <= 3e-5)
    def test_04(self):

        # test units in other order
        # truth value calculated from program at:

        Value = SA.alt2density(39750, density_units='kg/m**3',

        Truth = 3.9957e-3
        self.failUnless(RE(Value, Truth) <= 3e-5)
    def calcMeanAccelor(self, m, h, Pmax, propulsionType, NiceMax):
        pr = Propeller()
        rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
        v_abh = math.sqrt(2. * m * c.g / (rho * c.S * c.C_A_TAKEOFF))
        G = m * c.g

        P_to = Pmax * c.GEAR_EFF[propulsionType]
        A_prop = pr.calcA_prop()
        eta_prop_0 = 0.4  #geschaetzt
        #aus Standschub.pdf
        #F_0 = 0.4 * (2 * rho * A_prop * P_to**2)**(1./3.)
        F_0 = eta_prop_0 * (P_to**(2. / 3.) * (2 * rho * A_prop)**(1. / 3.))
        N_pr_to = NiceMax / c.GEAR_RATIO  #1/min

        a_vec = []

        dt = 1.
        t = 0.
        v = 0.
        a = 0.
        s = 0.

        while (v < v_abh):
            v = v + a
            eta = 0.5
            if (v > 11):
                eta, N = pr.calcEfficiency(h, v, N_pr_to, P_to)
            F = min(F_0, eta * (P_to / (v + 0.01)))
            A = c.C_A_TAKEOFF * c.S * (rho / 2) * v**2
            W = c.C_W_TAKEOFF * c.S * (rho / 2) * v**2
            a = (F - W - (c.WHEEL_MY * (G - A))) / m
            t += dt
            if (t > 1200):
                a_mean = np.inf

        a_mean = np.mean(a_vec)
        return a_mean, F_0
 def calcCa(self, m, h, u_g):
     if (u_g <= 0.):
         return 0.
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     C_A = (math.sqrt(2. * m * c.g / (c.S * rho)) * (1. / u_g))**2.
     return C_A
 def calcV_W_min(self, m, h):
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     V_W_min = math.sqrt(2. * m * c.g /
                         (rho * c.S * math.sqrt(self.C_W0 / self.k)))
     return V_W_min
 def calcU_g_dH_min(self, m, h):
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     U_g_dH_min = math.sqrt(
         2. * m * c.g / (rho * c.S * math.sqrt(3. * self.C_W0 / self.k)))
     return U_g_dH_min
 def calcV(self, m, h, C_A):
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     gamma = math.atan(self.calcC_WFromC_A(C_A) / C_A)
     V = math.sqrt(2 * m * c.g * math.cos(gamma) / (rho * C_A * c.S))
     return V
 def calcCp(self, h, N, Pshaft):
     if (N <= 0):
         return float('nan')
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     Cp = 100 * Pshaft / (rho * (N / 60)**3 * c.PROP_D**5)
     return Cp
    def plotTakeOffRun(self, m, h):
        pr = Propeller()
        rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
        v_abh = math.sqrt(2 * m * c.g / (rho * c.S * c.C_A_TAKEOFF))
        G = m * c.g

        P_to = c.GEAR_EFF_COMB * 84500  #kW
        A_prop = pr.calcA_prop()
        #aus Standschub.pdf
        eta_prop_0 = 0.4  #geschaetzt
        F_0 = eta_prop_0 * (P_to**(2. / 3.) * (2 * rho * A_prop)**(1. / 3.))
        #F_0 = 0.4 * (2 * rho * A_prop * P_to**2)**(1./3.)
        #F_0 = 1800 #MUELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        N_pr_to = 5800. / c.GEAR_RATIO  #1/min

        #v_abh = 100
        t_vec = []
        v_vec = []
        F_vec = []
        A_vec = []
        W_vec = []
        a_vec = []

        t = 0
        v = 0
        a = 0

        while (v < v_abh):
            v = v + a

            N = N_pr_to
            eta = 0.5
            if (v > 11):
                eta, N = pr.calcEfficiency(h, v, N_pr_to, P_to)
            F = min(F_0, eta * (P_to / (v + 0.01)))
                str(v) + " -> " + str(eta) + " -> " + str(F) + " -> " + str(N))

            A = c.C_A_TAKEOFF * c.S * (rho / 2) * v**2
            W = c.C_W_TAKEOFF * c.S * (rho / 2) * v**2
            a = (F - W - (c.WHEEL_MY * (G - A))) / m

            t += 1

        a_mean = np.mean(a_vec)
        t_abh = v_abh / a_mean
        s_abh = (a_mean / 2) * t_abh**2

        print("t_abh = " + str(t_abh))
        print("s_abh = " + str(s_abh))
        #plt.plot(t_vec, F_vec, label="A")
        plt.plot(t_vec, A_vec, label="A")
        #plt.plot(t_vec, W_vec, label="W")
        #plt.plot(t_vec, a_vec, "o-", label="a")
        #plt.plot(t_vec, v_vec, "x-", label="v")
        plt.xlabel("$Zeit [s]$")
        return s_abh
 def calcCw(self, m, h, u_g, w_g):
     rho = SA.alt2density(h, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     c_w = w_g * self.calcCa(m, h, u_g)**(3. / 2.) / math.sqrt(
         2. * m * c.g / (c.S * rho))
     return c_w
 def calcC_W0(self):
     rho = SA.alt2density(0, 'm', 'kg/m**3')
     C_W0 = (2 * c.MTOM * c.g / (rho * c.S * c.V_E_MAX**2))**2 * self.k
     return C_W0