def _update_subswarm(self, new_subswarm):
     ''' Performs all required actions upon assignment to a new subswarm
     @param new_subswarm: ID of the subswarm to which the UAV is assigned
     self._subswarm_id = new_subswarm
     self.log_info("Subswarm updated to %d" % self._subswarm_id)
 def _update_swarm_state(self, new_state):
     ''' Performs all required actions when the swarm state changes
     @param new_state: new swarm state value
     self._swarm_state = new_state
     self.log_info("Swarm state updated to %s" \
 def _update_swarm_behavior(self, new_behavior):
     ''' Performs all required post-swarm-behavior-initiation actions
     @param new_behavior: behavior_id of the initiated swarm behavior
     self._swarm_behavior = new_behavior
     self._behavior_pub_ctr = SwarmController.BHVR_PUB_INTERVAL
     self.log_info("Active swarm behavior updated to %s"\
 def getAnimationMode():
     return stdmsg.UInt8(api.getAnimationMode())
 def pub_states_timer_callback(self):
     msg = std_msgs.UInt8(planner_instance.controller_states)