def loadRoles(self, contentname=""): ''' Loads the roles in the database cluster ''' self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() sysRoles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roles = [] #Load the corresponding roles for the specified content item cnt = Content() if contentname != "": self.currentContent = self.content.queryObject().filter( == contentname).first() if self.currentContent: roles = [ for rl in self.currentContent.roles] #Initialize model self.roleMappingsModel = QStandardItemModel(self) self.roleMappingsModel.setColumnCount(1) #Add role items into the standard item model for r in range(len(sysRoles)): role = sysRoles[r] if != "postgres": roleItem = self._createNewRoleItem( #Check if the db role is in the approved for the current content item roleIndex = getIndex(roles, if roleIndex != -1: roleItem.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.roleMappingsModel.appendRow(roleItem) self.lstRoles.setModel(self.roleMappingsModel)
def acceptdlg(self): ''' On user clicking the create user button ''' if self.validateInput(): roleProvider = RoleProvider() try: # Create new or update user if self.role == None: self._setRole() # Update the db cluster roles as well roleProvider.CreateRole(, self.role.description) roleProvider.AddSTDMRole(, self.role.description) self.accept() except SecurityException as se: QMessageBox.critical(self, QApplication.translate("newUserDlg", "Create New User Error"), str(se)) self.user = None except sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError as pe: QMessageBox.critical(self, QApplication.translate("newUserDlg", "Create New User Error"), str(pe)) self.user = None
def _getUserRoles(self): """ Get roles that the user belongs to """ roleProvider = RoleProvider() self.userRoles = roleProvider.GetRolesForUser(self.username) """ If user name is postgres then add it to the list of user roles since it is not a group role in PostgreSQL but content is initialized by morphing it as a role in registering content items """ pg_account = 'postgres' if self.username == pg_account: self.userRoles.append(pg_account)
def loadRoles(self): """ Loads the roles of the database cluster """ self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() roles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roleNames = [] # Remove the postgresql role if it exists for role in roles: if != 'postgres': roleNames.append( self.rolesModel = UsersRolesModel(roleNames) self.sortRoles() self.lstRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) # Load mapping roles view as well self.lstMappingRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel)
def loadRoles(self): ''' Loads the roles of the database cluster ''' self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() roles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roleNames = [] #Remove the postgresql role if it exists for role in roles: if != 'postgres': roleNames.append( self.rolesModel = UsersRolesModel(roleNames) self.sortRoles() self.lstRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) #Load mapping roles view as well self.lstMappingRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel)
class contentAuthDlg(QDialog, Ui_frmContentAuth): ''' Content authorization dialog ''' def __init__(self, plugin): QDialog.__init__(self, plugin.iface.mainWindow()) self.setupUi(self) #Initialize the dialog self.initGui() #Load users self.loadContent() #Load Roles self.loadRoles() #Reference to the currently selected STDM content item self.currentContent = None def initGui(self): ''' Initialize GUI properties ''' #Disable any action by the user in the roles view self.lstRoles.setEnabled(False) #Connect signals QObject.connect(self.lstContent, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onContentClicked) QObject.connect(self.lstContent, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onContentClicked) QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleSelected) def loadContent(self): ''' Loads STDM content items ''' self.content = Content() #self.content=Table('content_base',Base.metadata,autoload=True,autoload_with=STDMDb.instance().engine) cntItems = self.content.queryObject().all() ''' self.content=Table('content_base',Base.metadata,autoload=True,autoload_with=STDMDb.instance().engine) session= STDMDb.instance().session cntItems=session.query(self.content) ''' cnts = [ for cntItem in cntItems] self.contentModel = UsersRolesModel(cnts) self.lstContent.setModel(self.contentModel) def loadRoles(self, contentname=""): ''' Loads the roles in the database cluster ''' self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() sysRoles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roles = [] #Load the corresponding roles for the specified content item cnt = Content() if contentname != "": self.currentContent = self.content.queryObject().filter( == contentname).first() if self.currentContent: roles = [ for rl in self.currentContent.roles] #Initialize model self.roleMappingsModel = QStandardItemModel(self) self.roleMappingsModel.setColumnCount(1) #Add role items into the standard item model for r in range(len(sysRoles)): role = sysRoles[r] if != "postgres": roleItem = self._createNewRoleItem( #Check if the db role is in the approved for the current content item roleIndex = getIndex(roles, if roleIndex != -1: roleItem.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.roleMappingsModel.appendRow(roleItem) self.lstRoles.setModel(self.roleMappingsModel) def _createNewRoleItem(self, rolename): ''' Creates a custom role item for use in a QStandardItemModel ''' #Set icon icon = QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/plugins/stdm/images/icons/roles.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) roleItem = QStandardItem(icon, rolename) roleItem.setCheckable(True) roleItem.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) return roleItem def onContentClicked(self, index): ''' Slot activated when a content item is selected to load the roles for the specified content items ''' self.lstRoles.setEnabled(True) contentName = self.loadRoles(contentName) self.privilege_provider = SinglePrivilegeProvider( contentName, current_profile()) def onRoleSelected(self, index): ''' Slot which is called when a user checks/unchecks to add/remove a role for the specified content item. ''' if self.currentContent != None: item = self.roleMappingsModel.itemFromIndex(index) rolename = item.text() self.privilege_provider.role = rolename #Get role object from role name role = Role() rl = role.queryObject().filter( == rolename).first() self.blockSignals(True) #Add role to the content item if the item is selected or remove if it was previosuly checked if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked: self.currentContent.roles.append(rl) self.privilege_provider.grant_privilege() elif item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.currentContent.roles.remove(rl) self.privilege_provider.revoke_privilege() self.currentContent.update() self.blockSignals(False)
class manageAccountsDlg(QDialog, Ui_frmSysManageAccounts): """ User- and Role-management dialog class """ def __init__(self, plugin): QDialog.__init__(self, plugin.iface.mainWindow()) self.setupUi(self) # Initialize the dialog self.initGui() # Load users self.loadUsers() # Load Roles self.loadRoles() # Load user mappings self.loadUserMappings() # Reference to the currently selected STDM role for which user mappings need to be defined self.currentRole = None def initGui(self): """ Set control properties """ # Set properties for 'Users' button box btnUserNew = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) btnUserNew.setText( QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "New") + "...") QObject.connect(btnUserNew, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onNewUser) btnUserEdit = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Save) btnUserEdit.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Edit")) QObject.connect(btnUserEdit, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onEditUser) btnUserDelete = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) btnUserDelete.setText( QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete")) QObject.connect(btnUserDelete, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onDeleteUser) # Set properties for 'Roles' button box btnRoleNew = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) btnRoleNew.setText( QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "New") + "...") QObject.connect(btnRoleNew, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onNewRole) btnRoleDelete = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) btnRoleDelete.setText( QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete")) QObject.connect(btnRoleDelete, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onDeleteRole) btnRoleSync = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) btnRoleSync.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Sync")) btnRoleSync.setToolTip( QApplication.translate( "manageAccountsDlg", "Synchronize STDM roles with database roles")) QObject.connect(btnRoleSync, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.onSyncRoles) # Data view signals QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingRoles, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingRoles, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onRoleMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingUsers, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onUserMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingUsers, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"), self.onUserMappingSelected) # Disable any action by the user in the user roles mapping list view self.lstMappingUsers.setEnabled(False) def onNewUser(self): """ Slot activated when the user requests to create a new user """ frmNewUser = newUserDlg(self) result = frmNewUser.exec_() # Add new user to dependent models if result == QDialog.Accepted: user = frmNewUser.user # Add new user to Users view numUsers = self.usersModel.rowCount() self.usersModel.insertRows(numUsers, 1) index = self.usersModel.index(numUsers) self.usersModel.setData(index, user.UserName) # Add the user to the user mappings list userItem = self._createNewUserMapping(user.UserName) numUsers = self.UserMappingsModel.rowCount() self.UserMappingsModel.setItem(numUsers, userItem) # Sort users self.sortUsers() def loadUsers(self): """ Loads the names of existing users """ self.membership = Membership() users = self.membership.getAllUsers() self.usersModel = UsersRolesModel(users) self.sortUsers() self.lstUsers.setModel(self.usersModel) def loadRoles(self): """ Loads the roles of the database cluster """ self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() roles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roleNames = [] # Remove the postgresql role if it exists for role in roles: if != 'postgres': roleNames.append( self.rolesModel = UsersRolesModel(roleNames) self.sortRoles() self.lstRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) # Load mapping roles view as well self.lstMappingRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) def onEditUser(self): """ Slot activated for editing a selected user """ selItems = self.lstUsers.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a user to edit.") QMessageBox.warning( self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select User"), msg) return # Get user from the first item in the selection username = selItems[0].data() user = self.membership.getUser(username) if user != None: frmUserUpdate = newUserDlg(self, user) frmUserUpdate.exec_() def onDeleteUser(self): """ Slot activated for deleting a selected user """ selItems = self.lstUsers.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a user to delete.") QMessageBox.warning( self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select User"), msg) return # Get user from the first item in the selection userIndex = selItems[0] username = msg = QApplication.translate( "manageAccountsDlg", "Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?\nOnce deleted, this user account cannot be recovered." % (username, )) result = QMessageBox.warning( self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete User"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: # Delete the user self.membership.deleteUser(username) # Remove user from the list self.usersModel.removeRows(userIndex.row(), 1) # Remove corresponding item from the user mapping list view self.UserMappingsModel.removeRow(userIndex.row()) # Sort users self.sortUsers() def onSyncRoles(self): """ Slot for synchronizing STDM roles with database cluster roles. This is very important especially on first time login by the superuser/'postgres' account """ self.roleProvider.syncSTDMRoles() # Update view self.loadRoles() # Reset role description label self.lblRoleDescription.setText("") def sortUsers(self): """ Sort users in ascending order """ self.usersModel.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) def sortRoles(self): """ Sorts the roles in ascending order """ self.rolesModel.sort(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) def onNewRole(self): """ Slot for creating new role """ frmNewRole = newRoleDlg(self) result = frmNewRole.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: role = frmNewRole.role # Add new role to roles view numRoles = self.rolesModel.rowCount() self.rolesModel.insertRows(numRoles, 1) index = self.rolesModel.index(numRoles) self.rolesModel.setData(index, # Sort model contents self.sortRoles() def onRoleSelected(self, index): """ Slot activated when a role item in the view is selected to load the description text. """ roleName = role = self.roleProvider.GetRole(roleName) if role != None: self.lblRoleDescription.setText(role.description) def onDeleteRole(self): """ Slot for deleting the selected role """ selItems = self.lstRoles.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a role to delete.") QMessageBox.warning( self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select Role"), msg) return # Get role from the first item in the selection roleIndex = selItems[0] rolename = msg = QApplication.translate( "manageAccountsDlg", "Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?\nOnce deleted, this role cannot be recovered." % (rolename, )) result = QMessageBox.warning( self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete Role"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: # Delete the role self.roleProvider.DeleteSTDMRole(rolename) self.roleProvider.DeleteRole(rolename) # Remove user from the list and role mappings view self.rolesModel.removeRows(roleIndex.row(), 1) self.lblRoleDescription.setText("") self.sortRoles() def loadUserMappings(self, rolename=""): """ Loads checked/unchecked users in the user mappings list based on whether they are non/members of the specified group. If rolename is empty, then just load all users with the check state set to 'Unchecked' """ roleUsers = [] if rolename != "": roleUsers = self.roleProvider.GetUsersInRole(rolename) sysUsers = self.usersModel._users # Initialize model self.UserMappingsModel = QStandardItemModel(len(sysUsers), 1, self) # Create standard user items (checkable and with an icon) then add them to the list view for u in range(len(sysUsers)): user = sysUsers[u] userItem = self._createNewUserMapping(user) # If the user is in the given role then set checkstate to 'checked' sysIndex = getIndex(roleUsers, user) if sysIndex != -1: userItem.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.UserMappingsModel.setItem(u, userItem) self.lstMappingUsers.setModel(self.UserMappingsModel) def _createNewUserMapping(self, username): """ Adds a new user to the list of user mappings """ # Set icon icon = QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/plugins/stdm/images/icons/user.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) userItem = QStandardItem(icon, username) userItem.setCheckable(True) userItem.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) return userItem def onRoleMappingSelected(self, index): """ Slot activated when a role item in the mapping view is selected to load the users in the specified role """ self.lstMappingUsers.setEnabled(True) roleName = self.currentRole = roleName self.loadUserMappings(roleName) def onUserMappingSelected(self, index): """ Slot which is called when a user item in the user mapping list has been clicked or selected to add it to the currently selected role """ if self.currentRole is not None: item = self.UserMappingsModel.itemFromIndex(index) username = item.text() self.blockSignals(True) # Add user to role if the item is selected or remove if it was checked if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked: self.roleProvider.AddUsersToRoles([username], [self.currentRole]) elif item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.roleProvider.RemoveUsersFromRoles([username], [self.currentRole]) self.blockSignals(False)
class manageAccountsDlg(QDialog, Ui_frmSysManageAccounts): ''' User- and Role-management dialog class ''' def __init__(self,plugin): QDialog.__init__(self,plugin.iface.mainWindow()) self.setupUi(self) #Initialize the dialog self.initGui() #Load users self.loadUsers() #Load Roles self.loadRoles() #Load user mappings self.loadUserMappings() #Reference to the currently selected STDM role for which user mappings need to be defined self.currentRole = None def initGui(self): ''' Set control properties ''' #Set properties for 'Users' button box btnUserNew = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) btnUserNew.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "New") + "...") QObject.connect(btnUserNew, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onNewUser) btnUserEdit = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Save) btnUserEdit.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Edit")) QObject.connect(btnUserEdit, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onEditUser) btnUserDelete = self.btnManageUsers.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) btnUserDelete.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete")) QObject.connect(btnUserDelete, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onDeleteUser) #Set properties for 'Roles' button box btnRoleNew = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) btnRoleNew.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "New") + "...") QObject.connect(btnRoleNew, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onNewRole) btnRoleDelete = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) btnRoleDelete.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Delete")) QObject.connect(btnRoleDelete, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onDeleteRole) btnRoleSync = self.btnManageRoles.button(QDialogButtonBox.Apply) btnRoleSync.setText(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Sync")) btnRoleSync.setToolTip(QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Synchronize STDM roles with database roles")) QObject.connect(btnRoleSync, SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.onSyncRoles) #Data view signals QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onRoleSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstRoles, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onRoleSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingRoles, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onRoleMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingRoles, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onRoleMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingUsers, SIGNAL("activated(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onUserMappingSelected) QObject.connect(self.lstMappingUsers, SIGNAL("clicked(const QModelIndex&)"),self.onUserMappingSelected) #Disable any action by the user in the user roles mapping list view self.lstMappingUsers.setEnabled(False) def onNewUser(self): ''' Slot activated when the user requests to create a new user ''' frmNewUser = newUserDlg(self) result = frmNewUser.exec_() #Add new user to dependent models if result == QDialog.Accepted: user = frmNewUser.user #Add new user to Users view numUsers = self.usersModel.rowCount() self.usersModel.insertRows(numUsers, 1) index = self.usersModel.index(numUsers) self.usersModel.setData(index,user.UserName) #Add the user to the user mappings list userItem = self._createNewUserMapping(user.UserName) numUsers = self.UserMappingsModel.rowCount() self.UserMappingsModel.setItem(numUsers, userItem) #Sort users self.sortUsers() def loadUsers(self): ''' Loads the names of existing users ''' self.membership = Membership() users = self.membership.getAllUsers() self.usersModel = UsersRolesModel(users) self.sortUsers() self.lstUsers.setModel(self.usersModel) def loadRoles(self): ''' Loads the roles of the database cluster ''' self.roleProvider = RoleProvider() roles = self.roleProvider.GetAllRoles() roleNames = [] #Remove the postgresql role if it exists for role in roles: if != 'postgres': roleNames.append( self.rolesModel = UsersRolesModel(roleNames) self.sortRoles() self.lstRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) #Load mapping roles view as well self.lstMappingRoles.setModel(self.rolesModel) def onEditUser(self): ''' Slot activated for editing a selected user ''' selItems = self.lstUsers.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a user to edit.") QMessageBox.warning(self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select User"),msg) return #Get user from the first item in the selection username = selItems[0].data() user = self.membership.getUser(username) if user != None: frmUserUpdate = newUserDlg(self,user) frmUserUpdate.exec_() def onDeleteUser(self): ''' Slot activated for deleting a selected user ''' selItems = self.lstUsers.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a user to delete.") QMessageBox.warning(self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select User"),msg) return #Get user from the first item in the selection userIndex = selItems[0] username = msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?\nOnce deleted, this user account cannot be recovered."%(username,)) result = QMessageBox.warning(self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg","Delete User"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: #Delete the user self.membership.deleteUser(username) #Remove user from the list self.usersModel.removeRows(userIndex.row(), 1) #Remove corresponding item from the user mapping list view self.UserMappingsModel.removeRow(userIndex.row()) #Sort users self.sortUsers() def onSyncRoles(self): ''' Slot for synchronizing STDM roles with database cluster roles. This is very important especially on first time login by the superuser/'postgres' account ''' self.roleProvider.syncSTDMRoles() #Update view self.loadRoles() #Reset role description label self.lblRoleDescription.setText("") def sortUsers(self): ''' Sort users in ascending order ''' self.usersModel.sort(0,Qt.AscendingOrder) def sortRoles(self): ''' Sorts the roles in ascending order ''' self.rolesModel.sort(0,Qt.AscendingOrder) def onNewRole(self): ''' Slot for creating new role ''' frmNewRole = newRoleDlg(self) result = frmNewRole.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: role = frmNewRole.role #Add new role to roles view numRoles = self.rolesModel.rowCount() self.rolesModel.insertRows(numRoles, 1) index = self.rolesModel.index(numRoles) self.rolesModel.setData(index, #Sort model contents self.sortRoles() def onRoleSelected(self,index): ''' Slot activated when a role item in the view is selected to load the description text. ''' roleName = role = self.roleProvider.GetRole(roleName) if role != None: self.lblRoleDescription.setText(role.description) def onDeleteRole(self): ''' Slot for deleting the selected role ''' selItems = self.lstRoles.selectionModel().selectedRows() if len(selItems) == 0: msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Please select a role to delete.") QMessageBox.warning(self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Select Role"),msg) return #Get role from the first item in the selection roleIndex = selItems[0] rolename = msg = QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg", "Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?\nOnce deleted, this role cannot be recovered."%(rolename,)) result = QMessageBox.warning(self, QApplication.translate("manageAccountsDlg","Delete Role"), msg, QMessageBox.Yes|QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if result == QMessageBox.Yes: #Delete the role self.roleProvider.DeleteSTDMRole(rolename) self.roleProvider.DeleteRole(rolename) #Remove user from the list and role mappings view self.rolesModel.removeRows(roleIndex.row(), 1) self.lblRoleDescription.setText("") self.sortRoles() def loadUserMappings(self,rolename = ""): ''' Loads checked/unchecked users in the user mappings list based on whether they are non/members of the specified group. If rolename is empty, then just load all users with the check state set to 'Unchecked' ''' roleUsers = [] if rolename != "": roleUsers = self.roleProvider.GetUsersInRole(rolename) sysUsers = self.usersModel._users #Initialize model self.UserMappingsModel = QStandardItemModel(len(sysUsers),1,self) #Create standard user items (checkable and with an icon) then add them to the list view for u in range(len(sysUsers)): user = sysUsers[u] userItem = self._createNewUserMapping(user) #If the user is in the given role then set checkstate to 'checked' sysIndex = getIndex(roleUsers,user) if sysIndex != -1: userItem.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.UserMappingsModel.setItem(u, userItem) self.lstMappingUsers.setModel(self.UserMappingsModel) def _createNewUserMapping(self,username): ''' Adds a new user to the list of user mappings ''' #Set icon icon = QIcon() icon.addPixmap(QPixmap(":/plugins/stdm/images/icons/user.png"), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off) userItem = QStandardItem(icon,username) userItem.setCheckable(True) userItem.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) return userItem def onRoleMappingSelected(self,index): ''' Slot activated when a role item in the mapping view is selected to load the users in the specified role ''' self.lstMappingUsers.setEnabled(True) roleName = self.currentRole = roleName self.loadUserMappings(roleName) def onUserMappingSelected(self,index): ''' Slot which is called when a user item in the user mapping list has been clicked or selected to add it to the currently selected role ''' if self.currentRole != None: item = self.UserMappingsModel.itemFromIndex(index) username = item.text() self.blockSignals(True) #Add user to role if the item is selected or remove if it was checked if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked: self.roleProvider.AddUsersToRoles([username], [self.currentRole]) elif item.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: self.roleProvider.RemoveUsersFromRoles([username], [self.currentRole]) self.blockSignals(False)