Example #1
    def generate_traffic(self, activity, legend_keys, report_type):
        """ Generate traffic data during the time the user was logged-in.
        cache = {}
        combined_activity = []
        for event in activity:
            # handle dns names in host along with IP address
            host = event[0].split('|', 1)[0]

            timefilter = TimeFilter(string_to_datetime(event[1]),
            # if event occurs in less than a minute, add extra minute to report
            while len(timefilter.profiler_minutes()) == 1:
                timefilter.end += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

            # normalize times to minute increments
            mins = timefilter.profiler_minutes()
            tf = TimeFilter(mins[0], mins[-1])

            if self.options.usecache and report_type == 'timeseries':
                # only consider a hit when whole time period is covered
                minutes = tf.profiler_minutes(astimestamp=True)

                if host in cache and all(t in cache[host] for t in minutes):
                    data = [cache[host][t] for t in minutes]
                    legend, data = self.traffic_report(host, tf, report_type)
                    # store results in cache by host->times->data
                    cache.setdefault(host, {}).update(
                        (int(x[0]), x) for x in data)
                legend, data = self.traffic_report(host, tf, report_type)

            if data:
                if self.options.aggregate and report_type == 'timeseries':
                    # generate running averages over data samples received
                    # first convert empty strings to zeros, then run averages
                    columns = map(lambda c: [0 if x == '' else x for x in c],
                    aggmap = [x[1] for x in TCOLUMNS]
                    aggregates = [aggmap[i](x) for i, x in enumerate(columns)]
                    combined_activity.append(list(event) + aggregates)
                elif report_type == 'timeseries' or report_type == 'summary':
                    # create entry for each element in report
                    for row in data:
                        r = ['--' if x == '' else x for x in row]
                        combined_activity.append(list(event) + r)
                    raise RuntimeError('unknown report type: %s' % report_type)

                # populate result with blanks
                combined_activity.append(list(event) + ['--'] * len(legend))

        traffic_legend = [c.key for c in legend]

        legend = legend_keys + traffic_legend
        return legend, combined_activity
    def generate_traffic(self, activity, legend_keys, report_type):
        """ Generate traffic data during the time the user was logged-in.
        cache = {}
        combined_activity = []
        for event in activity:
            # handle dns names in host along with IP address
            host = event[0].split('|', 1)[0]

            timefilter = TimeFilter(string_to_datetime(event[1]),
            # if event occurs in less than a minute, add extra minute to report
            while len(timefilter.profiler_minutes()) == 1:
                timefilter.end += datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)

            # normalize times to minute increments
            mins = timefilter.profiler_minutes()
            tf = TimeFilter(mins[0], mins[-1])

            if self.options.usecache and report_type == 'timeseries':
                # only consider a hit when whole time period is covered
                minutes = tf.profiler_minutes(astimestamp=True)

                if host in cache and all(t in cache[host] for t in minutes):
                    data = [cache[host][t] for t in minutes]
                    legend, data = self.traffic_report(host, tf, report_type)
                    # store results in cache by host->times->data
                    cache.setdefault(host, {}).update((int(x[0]), x) for x in data)
                legend, data = self.traffic_report(host, tf, report_type)

            if data:
                if self.options.aggregate and report_type == 'timeseries':
                    # generate running averages over data samples received
                    # first convert empty strings to zeros, then run averages
                    columns = map(lambda c: [0 if x == '' else x for x in c],
                    aggmap = [x[1] for x in TCOLUMNS]
                    aggregates = [aggmap[i](x) for i, x in enumerate(columns)]
                    combined_activity.append(list(event) + aggregates)
                elif report_type == 'timeseries' or report_type == 'summary':
                    # create entry for each element in report
                    for row in data:
                        r = ['--' if x == '' else x for x in row]
                        combined_activity.append(list(event) + r)
                    raise RuntimeError('unknown report type: %s' % report_type)

                # populate result with blanks
                combined_activity.append(list(event) + ['--'] * len(legend))

        traffic_legend = [c.key for c in legend]

        legend = legend_keys + traffic_legend
        return legend, combined_activity