Example #1
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( 'Replaying blocks...', )
      total_blocks = 0
      while( total_blocks % 100000 == 0 ):
         total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 100000, skip_validate_invariants=True )
         print( 'Blocks Replayed: ' + str( total_blocks ) )

      print( "Triggering payouts" )
      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until( 1467590400 - 3 )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      ret = rpc.lookup_accounts( '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) )
      account_balances = {}
      for acc_name in ret:
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         steemd = float( acc[0][ 'balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         sbd = float( acc[0][ 'sbd_balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         vests = float( acc[0][ 'vesting_shares' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         account_balances[ acc_name ] = ( steemd, sbd, vests )

      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 1 )

      account_rewards = {}
      for acc_name, bal in account_balances.items():
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         steemd = float( acc[0][ 'balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[0]
         sbd = float( acc[0][ 'sbd_balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[1]
         vests = float( acc[0][ 'vesting_shares' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[2]
         account_rewards[ acc_name ] = ( steemd, sbd, vests )

      print( "Generating blocks to verify nothing broke" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 10 ) == 10 )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

      print( "Printing account reward dump:" )
      print( "account, steem, sbd, vests" )
      for acc_name, rew in account_rewards.items():
         print( acc_name + ', ' + str( rew[0] ) + ' STEEM, ' + str( rew[1] ) + ' SBD, ' + str( rew[2] ) + ' VESTS' )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
Example #2
def run_steemd_tests(debug_node):
    from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

        print('Replaying blocks...', )
        total_blocks = 0
        while (total_blocks % 100000 == 0):
            total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks(
                100000, skip_validate_invariants=True)
            print('Blocks Replayed: ' + str(total_blocks))

        print("Triggering payouts")
        debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until(1467590400 - 3)
        rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://', '', '')
        ret = rpc.lookup_accounts('', str(0xFFFFFFFF))


        print("Generating blocks to verify nothing broke")
        assert (debug_node.debug_generate_blocks(10) == 10)

        account_rewards = {}
        vote_count = {}
        for acc_name in ret:
            acc = rpc.get_accounts([acc_name])
            #print( acc_name + ',' + acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ] )
            account_rewards[acc_name] = float(
                acc[0]['curation_rewards'].split(' ')[0])
            vote_count[acc_name] = int(acc[0]['lifetime_vote_count'])
      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

        print("Printing account reward dump:")
        sorted_rewards = sorted(account_rewards.items(),
        print("account, curation_steem")
        for rew in sorted_rewards:
            print(rew[0] + ', ' + str(rew[1]) + ', ' + str(vote_count[rew[0]]))

    except ValueError as val_err:
Example #3
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( 'Replaying blocks...', )
      total_blocks = 0
      while( total_blocks % 100000 == 0 ):
         total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 100000, skip_validate_invariants=True )
         print( 'Blocks Replayed: ' + str( total_blocks ) )

      print( "Triggering payouts" )
      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until( 1467590400 - 3 )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      ret = rpc.lookup_accounts( '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) )

      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 1 )

      print( "Generating blocks to verify nothing broke" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 10 ) == 10 )

      account_rewards = {}
      vote_count = {}
      for acc_name in ret:
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         #print( acc_name + ',' + acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ] )
         account_rewards[ acc_name ] = float( acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         vote_count[ acc_name ] = int( acc[0][ 'lifetime_vote_count' ] )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

      print( "Printing account reward dump:" )
      sorted_rewards = sorted( account_rewards.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1) )
      print( "account, curation_steem" )
      for rew in sorted_rewards:
         print( rew[0] + ', ' + str( rew[1] ) + ', ' + str( vote_count[ rew[0] ] ) )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
# thanks @furion for the tip

from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://node.steem.ws')
import csv

allauthors = rpc.lookup_accounts('', 1000000)
postdict = dict()
repdict = dict()
rewdict = dict()

# counting author posts and adding them to the postdict dictionary
# retrieving authors with more than 700 posts (blogposts and comments)

for author in allauthors:
    postcount = rpc.get_account(author)['post_count']
    if postcount > 700:
        postdict[author] = postcount

# retrieving reputation and post rewards for the authors in postdict

for author2 in postdict.keys():
    repcount = rpc.get_account(author2)['reputation']
    rewcount = rpc.get_account(author2)['posting_rewards']
    repdict[author2] = repcount
    rewdict[author2] = rewcount

# indexing results for posts

writefile1 = open('productivesteemians-posts.csv', 'w', newline='')
writer1 = csv.writer(writefile1)