def _add_grid_variable(self, variable): """ Prepares to use another dependent variable to change from. Args: see VarChangingInterpolator._add_grid_variable. Returns: None """ with db_session_scope() as db_session: variable_db_id = self._variable_db_id(variable, db_session, False) if ( #False positive #pylint: disable=no-member db_session.query(VarchangeDependentValue).filter_by( variable_id=variable_db_id, grid_id=self._grid_db_id).count() > 0 #pylint: enable=no-member ): self._read_variable_from_db(variable, db_session) #Attribute defined_weights defined by parent class. #pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition #pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if not self.defined_weights: self._read_variable_from_db('weights', db_session) self.defined_weights = True #pylint: enable=access-member-before-definition else: new_weights = not self.defined_weights super()._add_grid_variable(variable) assert self.defined_weights self._add_variable_to_db(variable, db_session) if new_weights: self._add_variable_to_db('weights', db_session)
def register_track_collection(self, track_fnames, fname_rex=library_track_fname_rex, model_suite='MESA'): """ Add a collection of tracks with [Fe/H] and M* encoded in filename. Args: -track_fnames: The filenames of the tracks to add. - fname_rex: A regular expression defining groups named 'MASS' and either 'Z' or 'FeH' used to parse the filename for the stellar mass and metallicity each track applies to. - model_suite: The software suite used to generate the stellar evolution tracks. """ for fname in track_fnames: parsed_fname = fname_rex.match(os.path.basename(fname)).groupdict() mass = self._get_decimal(parsed_fname['MASS']) if 'Z' in parsed_fname: feh = self._get_decimal( library.feh_from_z(float(parsed_fname['Z']))) else: feh = self._get_decimal(parsed_fname['FeH']) with db_session_scope() as db_session: self._add_track(fname, mass, feh, model_suite, db_session)
def get_suite_tracks(model_suite='MESA'): """Return all tracks from a given suite.""" with db_session_scope() as db_session: #False positive #pylint: disable=no-member return db_session.query(Track).filter( and_(Track.model_suite_id ==, == model_suite))
def list_suites(): """Return a list of all software suites with available tracks.""" with db_session_scope() as db_session: return [ record[0] for record in #False positive #pylint: disable=no-member db_session.query( #pylint: enable=no-member ]
def list_interpolator_names(): """Return a list of all intorpolator names.""" with db_session_scope() as db_session: return [ record[0] for record in #False positive #pylint: disable=no-member db_session.query( #pylint: enable=no-member ]
def get_interpolator_by_name(self, name): """Return the interpolator with the given name.""" with db_session_scope() as db_session: #False positive #pylint: disable=no-member return ManagedInterpolator( db_interpolator=db_session.query( SerializedInterpolator).filter_by(name=name).one(), serialization_path=self._serialization_path, db_session=db_session)
def __init__(self, serialization_path): """ Create a manager storing serialized interpolators in the given path. Args: serialization_path: The path where to store serialized interpolators. Returns: None """ if not os.path.exists(serialization_path): os.makedirs(serialization_path) db_engine = create_engine( 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(serialization_path, 'serialized.sqlite'), echo=False) Session.configure(bind=db_engine) self._serialization_path = serialization_path with db_session_scope() as db_session: self._initialize_database(db_engine, db_session) with db_session_scope() as db_session: self._get_db_config(db_session)
def define_varchange_dependent_variables(db_session) : """ Define the dependent variables for stellar evolution variable change. Args: - db_session: The currently active database session. Returns: None """ db_variables = [ VarchangeDependentVariable(id = id, name = name) for id, name in enumerate(['Teff', 'logg', 'L', 'rho']) ] db_session.add_all(db_variables) if __name__ == '__main__' : db_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///test.sqlite', echo = True) Session.configure(bind = db_engine) with db_session_scope() as db_session : for table in DataModelBase.metadata.sorted_tables : if db_engine.has_table( : continue if'varchange_') : table.create(db_engine) if == 'varchange_dependent_variables' : define_varchange_dependent_variables(db_session)
def register_track(self, track_fname, mass, feh, model_suite='MESA'): """Register a track for use in creating interpolators.""" with db_session_scope() as db_session: self._add_track(track_fname, self._get_decimal(mass), self._get_decimal(feh), model_suite, db_session)
def get_interpolator( self, *, nodes=VarChangingInterpolator.default_nodes, smoothing=VarChangingInterpolator.default_smoothing, vs_log_age=VarChangingInterpolator.default_vs_log_age, log_quantity=VarChangingInterpolator.default_log_quantity, track_fnames=None, masses=None, feh=None, model_suite='MESA', new_interp_name=None, num_threads=1): """ Return a stellar evolution interpolator with the given configuration. All tracks that the interpolator should be based on must be pre-registered with the manager. Two ways are supported for identifying tracks: as a list of filenames or as a mass-[Fe/H] grid combined with a suite. The first case always works, while the second requires that the set of identified tracks is unique, i.e. for none of the mass - [Fe/H] combinations there are two or more tracks registered for the given suite. Args: nodes: The number of nodes to use for the age interpolation of each quantity of each track. Should be a dictionary with keys VarChangingInterpolator.quantity_list. See the POET code StellarEvolution::Interpolator::create_from() documentation for a description of what this actually means. smoothing: The amount of smoothing to use for the age interpolation of each quantity of each track. Should be a dictionary with keys VarChangingInterpolator.quantity_list. See the POET code StellarEvolution::Interpolator::create_from() documentation for a description of what this actually means. vs_log_age: Use log(age) instead of age as the independent argument for the intperpolation? Should be a dictionary with keys VarChangingInterpolator.quantity_list. log_quantity: Interpolate log(quantity) instead of quantity? Should be a dictionary with keys VarChangingInterpolator.quantity_list. track_fnames: A list of files containing stellar evolution tracks the interpolator should be based on. masses: A list of the stellar masses to include in the interpolation. Unique tracks with those masses and all selected [Fe/H] (see next argument) must already be registered with the database for the given suite. If None, all track masses from the given suite are used. feh: A list of the stellar [Fe/H] values to include in the interpolation. If None, all track [Fe/H] from the given suite are used. model_suite: The software suite used to generate the stellar evolution tracks. May be omitted if tracks are specified by filename, but must be supplied if using masses and [Fe/H]. new_interp_name: Name to assign to the a newly generated interolator. Ignored if an interpolator matching all other arguments already exists. If not specified, and no interpolator exists matching the remining arguments, a new interpolator is not generated. num_threads: If a new interpolator is created this many simultaneous interpolation threads are used. Returns: VarChangingInterpolator: Configured per the arguments supplied or None if no existing interpolator is found and creating a new one is forbidden (see new_interp_name argument). """ with db_session_scope() as db_session: if track_fnames is None: track_grid = self._track_grid_from_grid( masses, feh, model_suite, db_session) else: track_grid = self._track_grid_from_files( track_fnames, db_session, model_suite) result = self._find_existing_interpolator( track_grid=track_grid, nodes=nodes, smoothing=smoothing, vs_log_age=vs_log_age, log_quantity=log_quantity, db_session=db_session) if result is not None: return result if new_interp_name is None: return None return self._create_new_interpolator(track_grid=track_grid, nodes=nodes, smoothing=smoothing, vs_log_age=vs_log_age, log_quantity=log_quantity, db_session=db_session, name=new_interp_name, num_threads=num_threads)