Example #1
  def _parse_lsof_line(line):
    line_comp = line.split()

    if not line:
      return None, None, None, None  # blank line
    elif len(line_comp) != 10:
      raise ValueError('lines are expected to have ten fields: %s' % line)
    elif line_comp[9] != '(ESTABLISHED)':
      return None, None, None, None  # connection isn't established
    elif not line_comp[1].isdigit():
      raise ValueError('expected the pid (which is the second value) to be an integer: %s' % line)

    pid = int(line_comp[1])
    cmd = line_comp[0]
    port_map = line_comp[8]

    if '->' not in port_map:
      raise ValueError("'%s' is expected to be a '->' separated mapping" % port_map)

    local, remote = port_map.split('->', 1)

    if ':' not in local or ':' not in remote:
      raise ValueError("'%s' is expected to be 'address:port' entries" % port_map)

    local_port = local.split(':', 1)[1]
    remote_port = remote.split(':', 1)[1]

    if not connection.is_valid_port(local_port):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % local_port)
    elif not connection.is_valid_port(remote_port):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % remote_port)

    return int(local_port), int(remote_port), pid, cmd
Example #2
  def _parse_lsof_line(line):
    line_comp = line.split()

    if not line:
      return None, None, None, None  # blank line
    elif len(line_comp) != 10:
      raise ValueError('lines are expected to have ten fields: %s' % line)
    elif line_comp[9] != '(ESTABLISHED)':
      return None, None, None, None  # connection isn't established
    elif not line_comp[1].isdigit():
      raise ValueError('expected the pid (which is the second value) to be an integer: %s' % line)

    pid = int(line_comp[1])
    cmd = line_comp[0]
    port_map = line_comp[8]

    if '->' not in port_map:
      raise ValueError("'%s' is expected to be a '->' separated mapping" % port_map)

    local, remote = port_map.split('->', 1)

    if ':' not in local or ':' not in remote:
      raise ValueError("'%s' is expected to be 'address:port' entries" % port_map)

    local_port = local.split(':', 1)[1]
    remote_port = remote.split(':', 1)[1]

    if not connection.is_valid_port(local_port):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % local_port)
    elif not connection.is_valid_port(remote_port):
      raise ValueError("'%s' isn't a valid port" % remote_port)

    return int(local_port), int(remote_port), pid, cmd
Example #3
  def __init__(self, address: str, or_port: Union[int, str], dir_port: Union[int, str], fingerprint: str, nickname: str, orport_v6: Tuple[str, int]) -> None:
    identifier = '%s (%s)' % (fingerprint, nickname) if nickname else fingerprint

    if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
      raise ValueError('%s has an invalid IPv4 address: %s' % (identifier, address))
    elif not connection.is_valid_port(or_port):
      raise ValueError('%s has an invalid ORPort: %s' % (identifier, or_port))
    elif not connection.is_valid_port(dir_port):
      raise ValueError('%s has an invalid DirPort: %s' % (identifier, dir_port))
    elif not tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
      raise ValueError('%s has an invalid fingerprint: %s' % (identifier, fingerprint))
    elif nickname and not tor_tools.is_valid_nickname(nickname):
      raise ValueError('%s has an invalid nickname: %s' % (fingerprint, nickname))

    if orport_v6:
      if not isinstance(orport_v6, tuple) or len(orport_v6) != 2:
        raise ValueError('%s orport_v6 should be a two value tuple: %s' % (identifier, str(orport_v6)))
      elif not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(orport_v6[0]):
        raise ValueError('%s has an invalid IPv6 address: %s' % (identifier, orport_v6[0]))
      elif not connection.is_valid_port(orport_v6[1]):
        raise ValueError('%s has an invalid IPv6 port: %s' % (identifier, orport_v6[1]))

    self.address = address
    self.or_port = int(or_port)
    self.dir_port = int(dir_port)
    self.fingerprint = fingerprint
    self.nickname = nickname
    self.orport_v6 = (orport_v6[0], int(orport_v6[1])) if orport_v6 else None
Example #4
  def from_remote(timeout = 60):
    Reads and parses tor's latest fallback directories `from
    Note that while convenient, this reliance on GitWeb means you should alway
    call with a fallback, such as...


        fallback_directories = stem.descriptor.remote.from_remote()
      except IOError:
        fallback_directories = stem.descriptor.remote.from_cache()

    :param int timeout: seconds to wait before timing out the request

    :returns: **dict** of **str** fingerprints to their

    :raises: **IOError** if unable to retrieve the fallback directories

      fallback_dir_page = str_tools._to_unicode(urllib.urlopen(GITWEB_FALLBACK_DIR_URL, timeout = timeout).read())
      exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
      raise IOError("Unable to download tor's fallback directories from %s: %s" % (GITWEB_FALLBACK_DIR_URL, exc))

    # Example of an entry...
    #   " orport=443 id=5525D0429BFE5DC4F1B0E9DE47A4CFA169661E33"
    #   " weight=43680",

    results = {}

    for line in fallback_dir_page.splitlines():
      if line.startswith('"'):
        addr_line_match = re.match('"([\d\.]+):(\d+) orport=(\d+) id=([\dA-F]{40}).*', line)

        if addr_line_match:
          address, dir_port, or_port, fingerprint = addr_line_match.groups()

          if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
            raise IOError('%s has an invalid address: %s' % (fingerprint, address))
          elif not connection.is_valid_port(or_port):
            raise IOError('%s has an invalid or_port: %s' % (fingerprint, or_port))
          elif not connection.is_valid_port(dir_port):
            raise IOError('%s has an invalid dir_port: %s' % (fingerprint, dir_port))
          elif not tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
            raise IOError('%s has an invalid fingerprint: %s' % (fingerprint, fingerprint))

          results[fingerprint] = FallbackDirectory(
            address = address,
            or_port = int(or_port),
            dir_port = int(dir_port),
            fingerprint = fingerprint,

    return results
  def from_cache():
    Provides fallback directory information cached with Stem. Unlike
    :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.FallbackDirectory.from_remote` this doesn't
    have any system requirements, and is faster too. Only drawback is that
    these fallback directories are only as up to date as the Stem release we're

    :returns: **dict** of **str** fingerprints to their

    conf = stem.util.conf.Config()

    results = {}

    for fingerprint in set([key.split('.')[0] for key in conf.keys()]):
      if fingerprint in ('tor_commit', 'stem_commit'):

      attr = {}

      for attr_name in ('address', 'or_port', 'dir_port', 'orport6_address', 'orport6_port'):
        key = '%s.%s' % (fingerprint, attr_name)
        attr[attr_name] = conf.get(key)

        if not attr[attr_name] and not attr_name.startswith('orport6_'):
          raise IOError("'%s' is missing from %s" % (key, CACHE_PATH))

      if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(attr['address']):
        raise IOError("'%s.address' was an invalid IPv4 address (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['address']))
      elif not connection.is_valid_port(attr['or_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.or_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['or_port']))
      elif not connection.is_valid_port(attr['dir_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.dir_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['dir_port']))
      elif attr['orport6_address'] and not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(attr['orport6_address']):
        raise IOError("'%s.orport6_address' was an invalid IPv6 address (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['orport6_address']))
      elif attr['orport6_port'] and not connection.is_valid_port(attr['orport6_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.orport6_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['orport6_port']))

      if attr['orport6_address'] and attr['orport6_port']:
        orport_v6 = (attr['orport6_address'], int(attr['orport6_port']))
        orport_v6 = None

      results[fingerprint] = FallbackDirectory(
        address = attr['address'],
        or_port = int(attr['or_port']),
        dir_port = int(attr['dir_port']),
        fingerprint = fingerprint,
        orport_v6 = orport_v6,

    return results
Example #6
  def from_cache():
    Provides fallback directory information cached with Stem. Unlike
    :func:`~stem.descriptor.remote.FallbackDirectory.from_remote` this doesn't
    have any system requirements, and is faster too. Only drawback is that
    these fallback directories are only as up to date as the Stem release we're

    :returns: **dict** of **str** fingerprints to their

    conf = stem.util.conf.Config()

    results = {}

    for fingerprint in set([key.split('.')[0] for key in conf.keys()]):
      if fingerprint in ('tor_commit', 'stem_commit'):

      attr = {}

      for attr_name in ('address', 'or_port', 'dir_port', 'orport6_address', 'orport6_port'):
        key = '%s.%s' % (fingerprint, attr_name)
        attr[attr_name] = conf.get(key)

        if not attr[attr_name] and not attr_name.startswith('orport6_'):
          raise IOError("'%s' is missing from %s" % (key, CACHE_PATH))

      if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(attr['address']):
        raise IOError("'%s.address' was an invalid IPv4 address (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['address']))
      elif not connection.is_valid_port(attr['or_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.or_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['or_port']))
      elif not connection.is_valid_port(attr['dir_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.dir_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['dir_port']))
      elif attr['orport6_address'] and not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(attr['orport6_address']):
        raise IOError("'%s.orport6_address' was an invalid IPv6 address (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['orport6_address']))
      elif attr['orport6_port'] and not connection.is_valid_port(attr['orport6_port']):
        raise IOError("'%s.orport6_port' was an invalid port (%s)" % (fingerprint, attr['orport6_port']))

      if attr['orport6_address'] and attr['orport6_port']:
        orport_v6 = (attr['orport6_address'], int(attr['orport6_port']))
        orport_v6 = None

      results[fingerprint] = FallbackDirectory(
        address = attr['address'],
        or_port = int(attr['or_port']),
        dir_port = int(attr['dir_port']),
        fingerprint = fingerprint,
        orport_v6 = orport_v6,

    return results
Example #7
  def _parse(self):
    self.endpoint_fingerprint = None
    self.endpoint_nickname = None
    self.endpoint_address = None
    self.endpoint_port = None

      self.endpoint_fingerprint, self.endpoint_nickname = \
    except stem.ProtocolError:
      if not ':' in self.endpoint:
        raise stem.ProtocolError("ORCONN endpoint is neither a relay nor 'address:port': %s" % self)

      address, port = self.endpoint.split(':', 1)

      if not connection.is_valid_port(port):
        raise stem.ProtocolError("ORCONN's endpoint location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

      self.endpoint_address = address
      self.endpoint_port = int(port)

    if self.circ_count is not None:
      if not self.circ_count.isdigit():
        raise stem.ProtocolError("ORCONN event got a non-numeric circuit count (%s): %s" % (self.circ_count, self))

      self.circ_count = int(self.circ_count)

    self._log_if_unrecognized('status', stem.ORStatus)
    self._log_if_unrecognized('reason', stem.ORClosureReason)
Example #8
    def _parse(self):
        self.endpoint_fingerprint = None
        self.endpoint_nickname = None
        self.endpoint_address = None
        self.endpoint_port = None

            self.endpoint_fingerprint, self.endpoint_nickname = \
        except stem.ProtocolError:
            if not ':' in self.endpoint:
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "ORCONN endpoint is neither a relay nor 'address:port': %s"
                    % self)

            address, port = self.endpoint.split(':', 1)

            if not connection.is_valid_port(port):
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "ORCONN's endpoint location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

            self.endpoint_address = address
            self.endpoint_port = int(port)

        if self.circ_count is not None:
            if not self.circ_count.isdigit():
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "ORCONN event got a non-numeric circuit count (%s): %s" %
                    (self.circ_count, self))

            self.circ_count = int(self.circ_count)

        self._log_if_unrecognized('status', stem.ORStatus)
        self._log_if_unrecognized('reason', stem.ORClosureReason)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, control_port, password):
        assert is_valid_port(control_port), "Invalid port: %s" % control_port

        address = ''
        cp = ControlPort(address, control_port)
Example #10
    def _parse(self):
        if self.target is None:
            raise stem.ProtocolError("STREAM event didn't have a target: %s" %
            if not ':' in self.target:
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "Target location must be of the form 'address:port': %s" %

            address, port = self.target.split(':', 1)

            if not connection.is_valid_port(port, allow_zero=True):
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "Target location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

            self.target_address = address
            self.target_port = int(port)

        if self.source_addr is None:
            self.source_address = None
            self.source_port = None
            if not ':' in self.source_addr:
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "Source location must be of the form 'address:port': %s" %

            address, port = self.source_addr.split(':', 1)

            if not connection.is_valid_port(port, allow_zero=True):
                raise stem.ProtocolError(
                    "Source location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

            self.source_address = address
            self.source_port = int(port)

        # spec specifies a circ_id of zero if the stream is unattached

        if self.circ_id == "0":
            self.circ_id = None

        self._log_if_unrecognized('reason', stem.StreamClosureReason)
        self._log_if_unrecognized('remote_reason', stem.StreamClosureReason)
        self._log_if_unrecognized('purpose', stem.StreamPurpose)
Example #11
  def _parse(self):
    if self.type not in ('server', 'client'):
      raise stem.ProtocolError("Transport type should either be 'server' or 'client': %s" % self)

    if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(self.address) and \
       not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.address):
      raise stem.ProtocolError("Transport address isn't a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address: %s" % self)

    if not connection.is_valid_port(self.port):
      raise stem.ProtocolError('Transport port is invalid: %s' % self)

    self.port = int(self.port)
Example #12
  def _parse(self):
    if self.target is None:
      raise stem.ProtocolError("STREAM event didn't have a target: %s" % self)
      if not ':' in self.target:
        raise stem.ProtocolError("Target location must be of the form 'address:port': %s" % self)

      address, port = self.target.split(':', 1)

      if not connection.is_valid_port(port, allow_zero = True):
        raise stem.ProtocolError("Target location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

      self.target_address = address
      self.target_port = int(port)

    if self.source_addr is None:
      self.source_address = None
      self.source_port = None
      if not ':' in self.source_addr:
        raise stem.ProtocolError("Source location must be of the form 'address:port': %s" % self)

      address, port = self.source_addr.split(':', 1)

      if not connection.is_valid_port(port, allow_zero = True):
        raise stem.ProtocolError("Source location's port is invalid: %s" % self)

      self.source_address = address
      self.source_port = int(port)

    # spec specifies a circ_id of zero if the stream is unattached

    if self.circ_id == "0":
      self.circ_id = None

    self._log_if_unrecognized('reason', stem.StreamClosureReason)
    self._log_if_unrecognized('remote_reason', stem.StreamClosureReason)
    self._log_if_unrecognized('purpose', stem.StreamPurpose)
Example #13
    def _parse(self):
        if self.type not in ('server', 'client'):
            raise stem.ProtocolError(
                "Transport type should either be 'server' or 'client': %s" %

        if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(self.address) and \
           not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(self.address):
            raise stem.ProtocolError(
                "Transport address isn't a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address: %s" %

        if not connection.is_valid_port(self.port):
            raise stem.ProtocolError('Transport port is invalid: %s' % self)

        self.port = int(self.port)
Example #14
    def from_remote(timeout=60):
    Reads and parses tor's latest fallback directories `from
    Note that while convenient, this reliance on GitWeb means you should alway
    call with a fallback, such as...


        fallback_directories = stem.descriptor.remote.from_remote()
      except IOError:
        fallback_directories = stem.descriptor.remote.from_cache()

    :param int timeout: seconds to wait before timing out the request

    :returns: **dict** of **str** fingerprints to their

    :raises: **IOError** if unable to retrieve the fallback directories

            fallback_dir_page = str_tools._to_unicode(
            exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
            raise IOError(
                "Unable to download tor's fallback directories from %s: %s" %
                (GITWEB_FALLBACK_DIR_URL, exc))

        # Example of an entry...
        #   " orport=443 id=5525D0429BFE5DC4F1B0E9DE47A4CFA169661E33"
        #   " ipv6=[2a03:b0c0:0:1010::a4:b001]:9001"
        #   " weight=43680",

        results, attr = {}, {}

        for line in fallback_dir_page.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('"'):
                addr_line_match = re.match(
                    '"([\d\.]+):(\d+) orport=(\d+) id=([\dA-F]{40}).*', line)
                ipv6_line_match = re.match('" ipv6=\[([\da-f:]+)\]:(\d+)"',

                if addr_line_match:
                    address, dir_port, or_port, fingerprint = addr_line_match.groups(

                    if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv4 address: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, address))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(or_port):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid or_port: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, or_port))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(dir_port):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid dir_port: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, dir_port))
                    elif not tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid fingerprint: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, fingerprint))

                    attr = {
                        'address': address,
                        'or_port': int(or_port),
                        'dir_port': int(dir_port),
                        'fingerprint': fingerprint,
                elif ipv6_line_match:
                    address, port = ipv6_line_match.groups()

                    if not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv6 address: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, address))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(port):
                        raise IOError(
                            '%s has an invalid ORPort for its IPv6 endpoint: %s'
                            % (fingerprint, port))

                    attr['orport_v6'] = (address, int(port))
                elif line.startswith('" weight=') and 'fingerprint' in attr:
                    results[attr.get('fingerprint')] = FallbackDirectory(

                    attr = {}

        return results
Example #15
File: remote.py Project: E3V3A/stem
    def _parse_v2(fallback_dir_page):
        # Example of an entry...
        #   " orport=9001 id=0756B7CD4DFC8182BE23143FAC0642F515182CEB"
        #   " ipv6=[2a01:4f8:162:51e2::2]:9001"
        #   /* nickname=rueckgrat */
        #   /* extrainfo=1 */

        results, attr = {}, {}

        for line in fallback_dir_page.splitlines():
            addr_line_match = re.match(
                '"([\d\.]+):(\d+) orport=(\d+) id=([\dA-F]{40}).*', line)
            nickname_match = re.match('/\* nickname=(\S+) \*/', line)
            has_extrainfo_match = re.match('/\* extrainfo=([0-1]) \*/', line)
            ipv6_line_match = re.match('" ipv6=\[([\da-f:]+)\]:(\d+)"', line)

            if addr_line_match:
                address, dir_port, or_port, fingerprint = addr_line_match.groups(

                if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv4 address: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, address))
                elif not connection.is_valid_port(or_port):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid or_port: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, or_port))
                elif not connection.is_valid_port(dir_port):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid dir_port: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, dir_port))
                elif not tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid fingerprint: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, fingerprint))

                attr = {
                    'address': address,
                    'or_port': int(or_port),
                    'dir_port': int(dir_port),
                    'fingerprint': fingerprint,
            elif ipv6_line_match:
                address, port = ipv6_line_match.groups()

                if not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv6 address: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, address))
                elif not connection.is_valid_port(port):
                    raise IOError(
                        '%s has an invalid ORPort for its IPv6 endpoint: %s' %
                        (fingerprint, port))

                attr['orport_v6'] = (address, int(port))
            elif nickname_match:
                nickname = nickname_match.group(1)

                if not tor_tools.is_valid_nickname(nickname):
                    raise IOError('%s has an invalid nickname: %s' %
                                  (fingerprint, nickname))

                attr['nickname'] = nickname
            elif has_extrainfo_match:
                attr['has_extrainfo'] = has_extrainfo_match.group(1) == '1'

                results[attr.get('fingerprint')] = FallbackDirectory(
                    has_extrainfo=attr.get('has_extrainfo', False),

                attr = {}

        return results
Example #16
File: remote.py Project: E3V3A/stem
    def _parse_v1(fallback_dir_page):
        # Example of an entry...
        #   " orport=443 id=5525D0429BFE5DC4F1B0E9DE47A4CFA169661E33"
        #   " ipv6=[2a03:b0c0:0:1010::a4:b001]:9001"
        #   " weight=43680",

        # TODO: this method can be removed once gitweb provides a v2 formatted document

        results, attr = {}, {}

        for line in fallback_dir_page.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('"'):
                addr_line_match = re.match(
                    '"([\d\.]+):(\d+) orport=(\d+) id=([\dA-F]{40}).*', line)
                ipv6_line_match = re.match('" ipv6=\[([\da-f:]+)\]:(\d+)"',

                if addr_line_match:
                    address, dir_port, or_port, fingerprint = addr_line_match.groups(

                    if not connection.is_valid_ipv4_address(address):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv4 address: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, address))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(or_port):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid or_port: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, or_port))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(dir_port):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid dir_port: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, dir_port))
                    elif not tor_tools.is_valid_fingerprint(fingerprint):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid fingerprint: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, fingerprint))

                    attr = {
                        'address': address,
                        'or_port': int(or_port),
                        'dir_port': int(dir_port),
                        'fingerprint': fingerprint,
                elif ipv6_line_match:
                    address, port = ipv6_line_match.groups()

                    if not connection.is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
                        raise IOError('%s has an invalid IPv6 address: %s' %
                                      (fingerprint, address))
                    elif not connection.is_valid_port(port):
                        raise IOError(
                            '%s has an invalid ORPort for its IPv6 endpoint: %s'
                            % (fingerprint, port))

                    attr['orport_v6'] = (address, int(port))
                elif line.startswith('" weight=') and 'fingerprint' in attr:
                    results[attr.get('fingerprint')] = FallbackDirectory(

                    attr = {}

        return results