def find_dataType(S): s=browse.get_string(S.fileCine,'/PIV','.cine') if not s=='': return '2D_PIVmovie' s=browse.get_string(S.fileCine,'Bubbles','.cine') if not s=='': return '2D_bubbles' return 'Unknown'
def get_parameters(file): List_key = ['zl', 'yl', 'xl', 't0', 'tl', 'y0', 'x0', 'z0'] param = {} for k in List_key[:-1]: param[k] = int( browse.get_string(file, '_' + k + '_', end='_', display=False)) k = List_key[-1] param[k] = int( browse.get_string(file, '_' + k + '_', end='/', display=False)) return param
def draw_grid(M,ax,x0,y0,Mesh=50,Bar=10,H=10,N=5,facecolor='y',edgecolor='k',linewidth=2): """ Draw the grid at the specified position. """ file = M.Sdata.fileCine ind = browse.get_string(os.path.basename(file),'_M',end='mm') if'2016_03_05': ind = 24 if not ind=='': Bar = 4 H = 8 Mesh = int(ind)#print(int(ind)) N = 9 else: Mesh = 50 positions = [(i*Mesh+x0,y0) for i in range(-(N//2),N//2+1)] width = Bar height = H # grid = [] for p in positions: square = patches.Rectangle(centered(p,width,height),width,height,facecolor=facecolor,edgecolor=edgecolor,linewidth=linewidth) ax.add_patch(square)
def saveDir(file, post=''): fileroot = browse.get_string(file, '', '.cine', 0) if not (fileroot == ''): Dir = fileroot + post + '/' root = 'im' if not os.path.isdir(Dir): os.makedirs(Dir) else: print('not a cine file') return Dir, root
def make_movie(cinefile,nimage,start=0,stop=1,step=1,folder='',framerate=30,quality=50): #generate a folder with tiff images : it would be easier if a avi file is generated directly root = os.path.basename(cinefile) base = browse.get_string(root,'',end='.cine') if folder=='': folder = os.path.dirname(cinefile) folder = '/References' print(folder+base) cine2pic.cine2tiff(cinefile,mode='Sample',step=step,ctime=2,start=start,stop=nimage*step+start,folder=folder,post=base)
def make_timestep_files(fileList, Dt=1, starts=[], ends=[], Dt_list=[]): """ Generate a timestep .txt file that will be used to process the data with the right time step INPUT ----- fileList : list of filename to process Dt : int. timestep to be applied. Default value : 1 Rmq : could be switched to a list of timestep and associated start/end indexes for each timestep Optionnal variables (not implemented yet) : starts, ends and Dt_list to set a list of timestep for different instants in the movie. OUTPUT ----- NONE """ keys = ['start', 'end', 'Dt'] for file in fileList[args.start:args.end]: n = str(browse.get_string(file, start='_n', end='_')) try: int(n) except: n = '' if n == '': #get the number of images from the cinefile c = cine.Cine(file) n = c.len() - 1 print(n) values = [[0], [n], [Dt]] base = browse.get_string(os.path.basename(file), '', '.cine') file_timestep = os.path.dirname( file) + '/PIV_timestep_' + base + '.txt' if not os.path.isfile(file_timestep): rw_data.write_dictionnary(file_timestep, keys, values)
def get_data(fileList): dataList = [] for name in fileList: W = browse.get_number(name, '_W', 'pix_') Dt = int(browse.get_string(name, 'pix_Dt_', '_')) Header, Data = rw_data.read_dataFile(name, ',', ',') # indexA=browse.get_number(Header[1],'A: im','.tiff') #name of the image is localized on the second line of the ASCII file # indexB=browse.get_number(Header[1],'B: im','.tiff') Data = pivlab.switch_keys(Data) dataList.append(Data) for key in ['u', 'v']: Data[key] = (cdata.rm_nans([np.asarray(Data[key])], d=1, rate=0.05))[0] return dataList
def chose_label(M): base=os.path.basename(M.dataDir) # i=browse.get_string(base,'olymer') print(base) c=browse.get_string(base,start='_',end='ppm',from_end=True) print(c) if len(c)>0: print(c) if int(c)==100: color = 'b' symbol = '' if int(c)==200: color = 'r' symbol = '' label = color + symbol else: label = '' return label
def make_result_folder(fileList, type_analysis='Sample', algo='PIVlab', W=32, ratio=None): """ Create folders for storing the PIVlab Data (now processed in matlab) INPUT ----- fileList : List of string filename List to be read type_analysis : string (default value 'Sample') Standard presaved types of analysis (Sample = 1/10 images processed, Full_single', every images, Full_double every pair of image (effective ratio = 2)) Full_single : ratio = 1 Full_double : ratio = 2 Sample : ratio = 10 algo : string (default value 'PIVlab') Name of the PIV algorithm used to processed the data W : int (default value = 16) Window size used for PIV processing. ratio : number of images / number of pair of images processed. default value = 10. Can be set to standard values using type_analysis OUTPUT ------ None 0 """ types = dict(Sample=ratio, Full_double=2, Full_single=1) if type_analysis in types.keys(): ratio = types[type_analysis] else: #use the value given in argument for ratio pass for file in fileList[args.start:args.end]: Dir = os.path.dirname(file) rootDir = Dir + '/PIV_data' basename = browse.get_string(os.path.basename(file), '', end='.cine') foldername = rootDir + '/' + algo + '_ratio' + str(ratio) + '_W' + str( W) + 'pix_' + basename if not os.path.isdir(foldername): os.makedirs(foldername)
def make_ref_file(cinefile,folder=''): keys = ['fx','im0','x0','y0','angle'] List_info = [[0] for i in range(len(keys))] if folder=='': folder = os.path.dirname(cinefile) #generate an empty ref file associated to each cine file #Should be manually filled out from images measurements cinebase = browse.get_string(os.path.basename(cinefile),'','.cine') name = folder +'Ref_'+cinebase+'.txt' if not os.path.isfile(name): print(name) #check first if a Ref file exists already # Ref_PIV_sv_vp_zoom_Polymer_200ppm_X25mm_fps5000_n18000_beta500mu_H1180mm_S300mm rw_data.write_dictionnary(name,keys,List_info) else: print('Reference file exists already') pass #directory = '/Volumes/labshared3/Stephane/Experiments/Accelerated_grid/2015_03_24/' #gen(directory)
def title(M): date = typ = browse.get_string(M.dataDir,'piston12mm_',end='_f5Hz') savedir = './Vortex_Turbulence/Vortex_propagation/'+date+'/'+typ+'/' print(savedir) return savedir
def compile(Mlist, V=None, method='circulation'): symbol = {'50': '^', '125': 'o', '250': 's'} color = {'circulation': 'r', 'vorticity': 'b', 'joseph': 'k'} labels = {key: color[method] + symbol[key] for key in symbol.keys()} if V == None: sub_labels = labels piston_v = None else: piston_v = str(V) sub_labels = {piston_v: labels[piston_v]} #,'125':'ro','250':'bs'} figs = {} for i, M in enumerate(Mlist): piston1 = browse.get_string(M.Sdata.fileCine, '_v', end='.cine', shift=0, display=False, from_end=True) piston2 = browse.get_string(M.Sdata.fileCine, '_v', end='_p30mum', shift=0, display=False, from_end=True) error = 0.25 for piston in [piston1, piston2]: if piston in sub_labels.keys(): print(M.dataDir) dx = np.mean(np.diff(M.x[0, :])) print('Spatial scale : ' + str(dx) + ' mm/box') lc, std_lc, Gamma, std_Gamma = compute(M, method=method, display=False, fignum=(i + 1) * 2) # print(piston,dx,lc,std_lc) if std_lc / lc < error: graphes.errorbar(dx, lc, [0], std_lc, label=labels[piston], fignum=250) figs.update(graphes.legende('mm/box', 'Core size (mm)', '')) graphes.set_axis(0, 1.5, 0, 6.) if method == 'circulation': # if np.abs(std_Gamma/Gamma)<error: graphes.errorbar(dx, Gamma, [0], std_Gamma, label=labels[piston], fignum=251) figs.update( graphes.legende('mm/box', 'Circulation (mm^2/s)', '')) graphes.set_axis(0, 1.5, -2 * 10**4, 0) #print(piston,dx,lc,std_lc print('') print('figure', figs) print(figs) graphes.save_figs(figs, suffix='Compilation_method_' + method + '_v' + piston_v)