Example #1
    def process_xml(self, packet):
        while not self.context is None:
            #while not packet.is_end_of_doc():
                event, elem = self.context.next()
            except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration):
                # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1185701
                self.context = None

            if self.context is None:
                # Always end of doc
                # TODO: is this still useful for a non-input component?
                log.info("End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" %
                         (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count))

                return packet

            # Filter out Namespace from the tag
            # this is the easiest way to go for now
            tag = elem.tag.split('}')
            if len(tag) == 2:
                # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag
                tag = tag[1]
                # Non-namespaced tag: first
                tag = tag[0]

            if tag in self.element_tags:
                if event == "start":
                    # TODO check if deepcopy is the right thing to do here.
                    # packet.data = elem
                # self.root.remove(elem)
                elif event == "end":
                    # Delete the element from the tree
                    # self.root.clear()
                    packet.data = elem
                    self.elem_count += 1

                    if self.strip_namespaces:
                        packet.data = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot()

            # If there is a next component, let it process
            if self.next:
                # Hand-over data (line, doc whatever) to the next component
                packet.format = self._output_format
                packet = self.next.process(packet)

        return packet
Example #2
    def process_xml(self, packet):
        while self.context is not None:
            # while not packet.is_end_of_doc():
                event, elem = next(self.context)
            except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration):
                # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1185701
                self.context = None

            if self.context is None:
                # Always end of doc
                # TODO: is this still useful for a non-input component?
                log.info("End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" % (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count))

                return packet

            # Filter out Namespace from the tag
            # this is the easiest way to go for now
            tag = elem.tag.split('}')
            if len(tag) == 2:
                # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag
                tag = tag[1]
                # Non-namespaced tag: first
                tag = tag[0]

            if tag in self.element_tags:
                if event == "start":
                elif event == "end":
                    packet.data = deepcopy(elem)
                    self.elem_count += 1

                    if self.strip_namespaces:
                        packet.data = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot()

                    # Clear the element which has been read. Don't clear the root document,
                    # since the last element hasn't been processed yet.

            # If there is a next component, let it process
            if self.next:
                # Hand-over data (line, doc whatever) to the next component
                packet.format = self._output_format
                packet = self.next.process(packet)

        return packet
Example #3
    def read(self, packet):
        event = None
        packet.data = None

        if self.context is None:
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left, all done
                log.info("No more files left")
                return packet

            # Files available: pop next file
            self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0)
            fd = open(self.cur_file_path)
            self.elem_count = 0
            log.info("file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path)
            self.context = etree.iterparse(fd, events=("start", "end"))
            self.context = iter(self.context)
            event, self.root = self.context.next()

            event, elem = self.context.next()
        except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration):
            # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1185701
            self.context = None

        if self.context is None:
            # Always end of doc
            log.info("End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" %
                     (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count))

            # Maybe end of stream (all docs done)
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left: end of stream
                log.info("End of stream")

            return packet

        # Filter out Namespace from the tag
        # this is the easiest way to go for now
        tag = elem.tag.split('}')
        if len(tag) == 2:
            # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag
            tag = tag[1]
            # Non-namespaced tag: first
            tag = tag[0]

        if tag in self.element_tags:
            if event == "start":
                # TODO check if deepcopy is the right thing to do here.
                # packet.data = elem
            # self.root.remove(elem)
            elif event == "end":
                # Delete the element from the tree
                # self.root.clear()
                packet.data = elem
                self.elem_count += 1

                if self.strip_namespaces:
                    packet.data = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot()

        return packet
Example #4
    def read(self, packet):
        event = None
        packet.data = None

        if self.context is None:
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left, all done
                log.info("No more files left")
                return packet

            # Files available: pop next file
            self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0)
            fd = open(self.cur_file_path)
            self.elem_count = 0
            log.info("file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path)
            self.context = etree.iterparse(fd, events=("start", "end"))
            self.context = iter(self.context)
            event, self.root = self.context.next()

            event, elem = self.context.next()
        except (etree.XMLSyntaxError, StopIteration):
            # workaround for etree.XMLSyntaxError https://bugs.launchpad.net/lxml/+bug/1185701
            self.context = None

        if self.context is None:
            # Always end of doc
            log.info("End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" % (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count))

            # Maybe end of stream (all docs done)
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left: end of stream
                log.info("End of stream")

            return packet

        # Filter out Namespace from the tag
        # this is the easiest way to go for now
        tag = elem.tag.split('}')
        if len(tag) == 2:
            # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag
            tag = tag[1]
            # Non-namespaced tag: first
            tag = tag[0]

        if tag in self.element_tags:
            if event == "start":
                # TODO check if deepcopy is the right thing to do here.
                # packet.data = elem
            # self.root.remove(elem)
            elif event == "end":
                # Delete the element from the tree
                # self.root.clear()
                packet.data = elem
                self.elem_count += 1

                if self.strip_namespaces:
                    packet.data = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot()

        return packet
Example #5
class XmlElementStreamerFileInput(FileInput):
    Extracts XML elements from a file, outputs each feature element in Packet.
    Parsing is streaming (no internal DOM buildup) so any file size can be handled.
    Use this class for your big GML files!


    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, configdict, section):
        self.element_tags = self.cfg.get('element_tags').split(',')
        self.file_list_done = []
        self.strip_namespaces = self.cfg.get('strip_namespaces', False)
        self.context = None
        self.root = None
        self.cur_file_path = None
        self.elem_count = 0

    def read(self, packet):
        event = None
        packet.data = None

        if self.context is None:
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left, all done
                log.info("No more files left")
                return packet

            # Files available: pop next file
            self.cur_file_path = self.file_list.pop(0)
            file = open(self.cur_file_path)
            self.elem_count = 0
            log.info("file opened : %s" % self.cur_file_path)
            self.context = etree.iterparse(file, events=("start", "end"))
            self.context = iter(self.context)
            event, self.root = self.context.next()

            event, elem = self.context.next()
        except StopIteration, e:
            self.context = None

        if self.context is None:
            # Always end of doc
            log.info("End of doc: %s elem_count=%d" %
                     (self.cur_file_path, self.elem_count))

            # Maybe end of stream (all docs done)
            if not len(self.file_list):
                # No more files left: end of stream
                log.info("End of stream")

            return packet

        # Filter out Namespace from the tag
        # this is the easiest way to go for now
        tag = elem.tag.split('}')
        if len(tag) == 2:
            # Namespaced tag: 2nd is tag
            tag = tag[1]
            # Non-namespaced tag: first
            tag = tag[0]

        if tag in self.element_tags:
            if event == "start":
                # TODO check if deepcopy is the right thing to do here.
                # packet.data = elem
            # self.root.remove(elem)
            elif event == "end":
                # Delete the element from the tree
                # self.root.clear()
                packet.data = elem
                self.elem_count += 1

                if self.strip_namespaces:
                    packet.data = Util.stripNamespaces(elem).getroot()

        return packet