Example #1
def count_aps():
    Shows a result table with the number of action potentials (i.e
    events whose potential is above 0 mV) in selected traces.  If
    no trace is selected, then the current trace is analyzed.

    False if document is not open.
    if not stf.check_doc():
        print("Open file first")
        return False
    if len( stf.get_selected_indices() )==0: 
        sel_trace = [ stf.get_trace_index()]
        sel_trace = stf.get_selected_indices()

    mytable = dict()
    for trace in sel_trace:
        tstart = 0
        tend = stf.get_size_trace(trace)*stf.get_sampling_interval()
        threshold = 0
        spikes = count_events(tstart, tend, threshold, True, trace, True)
        mytable["Trace %.3d" %trace] = spikes


    return True
Example #2
def count_aps():
    Shows a result table with the number of action potentials (i.e
    events whose potential is above 0 mV) in selected traces.  If
    no trace is selected, then the current trace is analyzed.

    False if document is not open.
    if not stf.check_doc():
        print("Open file first")
        return False

    if len(stf.get_selected_indices()) == 0:
        sel_trace = [stf.get_trace_index()]
        sel_trace = stf.get_selected_indices()

    mytable = dict()
    for trace in sel_trace:
        tstart = 0
        tend = stf.get_size_trace(trace) * stf.get_sampling_interval()
        threshold = 0
        spikes = count_events(tstart, tend, threshold, True, trace, True)
        mytable["Trace %.3d" % trace] = spikes


    return True
Example #3
def monoexpfit(optimization=True, Tn=20):
    Fits monoexponential function with offset to data between the fit cursors
    in the current trace of the active channel using a Chebyshev-Levenberg-
    Marquardt hybrid algorithm. Optimization requires Scipy. Setting optimization
    to False forces this function to use just the Chebyshev algorithm. The maximum
    order of the Chebyshev polynomials can be set using Tn.

    # Get data
    fit_start = stf.get_fit_start()
    fit_end = stf.get_fit_end()
    y = np.double(stf.get_trace()[fit_start:fit_end])
    si = stf.get_sampling_interval()
    l = len(y)
    t = si * np.arange(0, l, 1, np.double)

    # Define monoexponential function
    def f(t, *p):
        return p[0] + p[1] * np.exp(-t / p[2])

    # Get initial values from Chebyshev transform fit
    init = chebexp(1, Tn)
    p0 = (init.get('Offset'), )
    p0 += (init.get('Amp_0'), )
    p0 += (init.get('Tau_0'), )

    # Optimize (if applicable)
    if optimization == True:
        # Optimize fit using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
        options = {"ftol": 2.22e-16, "xtol": 2.22e-16, "gtol": 2.22e-16}
        [p, pcov] = optimize.curve_fit(f, t, y, p0, **options)
    elif optimization == False:
        p = list(p0)
    fit = f(t, *p)

    # Calculate SSE
    SSE = np.sum((y - fit)**2)

    # Plot fit in a new window
    matrix = np.zeros((2, stf.get_size_trace())) * np.nan
    matrix[0, :] = stf.get_trace()
    matrix[1, fit_start:fit_end] = fit

    # Create table of results
    retval = [("p0_Offset", p[0])]
    retval += [("p1_Amp_0", p[1])]
    retval += [("p2_Tau_0", p[2])]
    retval += [("SSE", SSE)]
    retval += [("dSSE", 1.0 - np.sum((y - f(t, *p0))**2) / SSE)]
    retval += [("Time fit begins", fit_start * si)]
    retval += [("Time fit ends", fit_end * si)]
    retval = dict(retval)
        retval, "monoexpfit, Section #%i" % float(stf.get_trace_index() + 1))

Example #4
def jjm_count(start, delta, threshold=0, up=True, trace=None, mark=True):
	""" Counts the number of events (e.g action potentials (AP)) in the current trace.
	start -- starting time (in ms) to look for events.
	delta -- time interval (in ms) to look for events.
	threshold -- (optional) detection threshold (default = 0).
	up -- (optional) True (default) will look for upward events, False downwards.
	trace -- (optional) zero-based index of the trace in the current channel,
	if None, the current trace is selected.
	mark -- (optional) if True (default), set a mark at the point of threshold crossing
	An integer with the number of events.
	count_events(500,1000) returns the number of events found between t=500 ms and t=1500 ms
	above 0 in the current trace and shows a stf marker.
	count_events(500,1000,0,False,-10,i) returns the number of events found below -10 in the 
	trace i and shows the corresponding stf markers. """
	# sets the current trace or the one given in trace.
	if trace is None:
		sweep = stf.get_trace_index()
		if type(trace) !=int:
			print "trace argument admits only integers"
			return False
		sweep = trace
	# set the trace described in sweep
	# transform time into sampling points
	dt = stf.get_sampling_interval()
	pstart = int( round(start/dt) )
	pdelta = int( round(delta/dt) )
	# select the section of interest within the trace
	selection = stf.get_trace()[pstart:(pstart+pdelta)]
	# algorithm to detect events
	EventCounter,i = 0,0 # set counter and index to zero
	# list of sample points
	sample_points = []
	# choose comparator according to direction:
	if up:
		comp = lambda a, b: a > b
		comp = lambda a, b: a < b
	# run the loop
	while i<len(selection):
		if comp(selection[i],threshold):
			EventCounter +=1
			if mark:
				sample_point = pstart+i; 
				stf.set_marker(pstart+i, selection[i])
			while i<len(selection) and comp(selection[i],threshold):
				i+=1 # skip values if index in bounds AND until the value is below/above threshold again
	time_points = [sample_point*dt for sample_point in sample_points];
	return (EventCounter, sample_points, time_points)
Example #5
def trainpeaks():
    Measure a 20 Hz train of peaks starting at 260 ms into the trace 

    pk = []
    for i in range(5):
            int(255 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) +
            (50 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) * i)
            int(259 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) +
            (50 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) * i)
            int(260.5 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) +
            (50 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) * i)
            int(270.5 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) +
            (50 / stf.get_sampling_interval()) * i)
        pk.append(stf.get_peak() - stf.get_base())

    # Create table of results
    dictlist = [("Peak 1", pk[0])]
    dictlist += [("Peak 2", pk[1])]
    dictlist += [("Peak 3", pk[2])]
    dictlist += [("Peak 4", pk[3])]
    dictlist += [("Peak 5", pk[4])]
    retval = dict(dictlist)
                   "peaks, Section #%i" % float(stf.get_trace_index() + 1))

    # Create table of results
    dictlist = [("Peak 1", pk[0] / pk[0] * 100)]
    dictlist += [("Peak 2", pk[1] / pk[0] * 100)]
    dictlist += [("Peak 3", pk[2] / pk[0] * 100)]
    dictlist += [("Peak 4", pk[3] / pk[0] * 100)]
    dictlist += [("Peak 5", pk[4] / pk[0] * 100)]
    retval = dict(dictlist)
        retval, "norm peaks, Section #%i" % float(stf.get_trace_index() + 1))

Example #6
def get_amplitude(base, peak, delta, trace=None):
    """ Calculates the amplitude deviation (peak-base) in units of the Y-axis

    base        -- Starting point (in ms) of the baseline cursor.
    peak        -- Starting point (in ms) of the peak cursor.
    delta       -- Time interval to calculate baseline/find the peak.
    trace       -- Zero-based index of the trace to be processed, if None then current
                    trace is computed.

    A float with the variation of the amplitude. False if

    get_amplitude(980,1005,10,i) returns the variation of the Y unit of the
        trace i between
    peak value (10050+10) msec and baseline (980+10) msec

    # sets the current trace or the one given in trace
    if trace is None:
        sweep = stf.get_trace_index()
        if type(trace) != int:
            print('trace argument admits only intergers')
            return False
        sweep = trace

    # set base cursors:
    if not(stf.set_base_start(base, True)): 
        return False # out-of range
    if not(stf.set_base_end(base+delta, True)): 
        return False

    # set peak cursors:
    if not(stf.set_peak_start(peak, True)): 
        return False # out-of range
    if not(stf.set_peak_end(peak+delta, True)): 
        return False

    # update measurements

    amplitude = stf.get_peak()-stf.get_base()

    return amplitude
Example #7
def get_amplitude(base, peak, delta, trace=None):
    """ Calculates the amplitude deviation (peak-base) in units of the Y-axis

    base        -- Starting point (in ms) of the baseline cursor.
    peak        -- Starting point (in ms) of the peak cursor.
    delta       -- Time interval to calculate baseline/find the peak.
    trace       -- Zero-based index of the trace to be processed, if None then current
                    trace is computed.

    A float with the variation of the amplitude. False if

    get_amplitude(980,1005,10,i) returns the variation of the Y unit of the
        trace i between
    peak value (10050+10) msec and baseline (980+10) msec

    # sets the current trace or the one given in trace
    if trace is None:
        sweep = stf.get_trace_index()
        if type(trace) != int:
            print('trace argument admits only intergers')
            return False
        sweep = trace

    # set base cursors:
    if not (stf.set_base_start(base, True)):
        return False  # out-of range
    if not (stf.set_base_end(base + delta, True)):
        return False

    # set peak cursors:
    if not (stf.set_peak_start(peak, True)):
        return False  # out-of range
    if not (stf.set_peak_end(peak + delta, True)):
        return False

    # update measurements

    amplitude = stf.get_peak() - stf.get_base()

    return amplitude
Example #8
def Train10AP():
    An example function to perform peak measurements of a train of
    evoked fluorescence signals in the active window

    # Setup
    offset = 40
    stf.set_peak_start(offset - 2)
    base = stf.get_base()
    peak = []

    # Get peak measurements
    for i in range(10):
        stf.set_peak_start(offset + (i * 4) - 2)
        stf.set_peak_end(offset + (i * 4) + 2)

    # Plot fit in a new window
    matrix = np.zeros((2, stf.get_size_trace())) * np.nan
    matrix[0, :] = stf.get_trace()
    for i in range(10):
        matrix[1, offset + (i * 4) - 1:offset + (i * 4) + 2] = peak[i]

    # Create table of results
    retval = []
    for i in range(10):
        retval += [("Peak %d" % (i), peak[i] - base)]
    retval = dict(retval)
                   "Train10AP, Section #%i" % float(stf.get_trace_index() + 1))

Example #9
def find_AP_peak_ADP_trace(*argv):
    """ count number of APs, find ADPs and thesholds in indicated trace with current injection/gradually increasing steps
	inputs: (time (msec) to start search, length of search region, starting current value, 
	current delta between traces, threshold value, deflection direction ('up'/'down'), mark traces (True/False))"""
    ##if times are input, use those, otherwise use peak cursor settings
    #TO DO: optional change to threshold_values and deflection_direction
    if len(argv) > 0:
        trace_selection = argv[0]
        threshold_value = float(argv[1])
        deflection_direction = argv[2]
        mark_option = argv[3]
        start_msec = float(argv[4])
        delta_msec = float(argv[5])
        trace_selection = stf.get_trace_index()
        threshold_value = 0
        deflection_direction = 'up'
        mark_option = True
        start_msec = float(stf.get_peak_start(True))
        delta_msec = float(stf.get_peak_end(True) - start_msec)

    ##gets AP counts and sample points in current trace
    if deflection_direction == 'up':
        direction_input = True
        direction_input = False

    ##count function will return number of APs in trace and sample points for subsequent functions
    trace_count, trace_sample_points_absolute = jjm_count(

    ##finds afterdepolarizations--minimums between peaks
    trace_ADP_values, trace_ADP_indicies = find_ADPs(
    trace_si = stf.get_sampling_interval()
    trace_ADP_times = [sample * trace_si for sample in trace_ADP_indicies]
    trace_AP_values, trace_AP_indicies = find_ADPs(
    trace_si = stf.get_sampling_interval()
    trace_ADP_times = [sample * trace_si for sample in trace_AP_indicies]
    trace_thresholds_indicies = find_thresholds(stf.get_trace(trace_selection),
                                                trace_si, trace_ADP_indicies)
    trace_threshold_values = [
        for index in trace_thresholds_indicies
    trace_threshold_times = [
        sample * trace_si for sample in trace_thresholds_indicies
    for sample, mv in zip(trace_thresholds_indicies, trace_threshold_values):
        stf.set_marker(sample, mv)

    for x in range(len(trace_threshold_values)):
        if trace_threshold_values[
                x] > threshold_value or trace_threshold_values[
                    x] < trace_ADP_values[x]:
            trace_threshold_values[x] = 'NaN'

    #arrays for output
    ADP_out_array = np.transpose(np.array([trace_ADP_times, trace_ADP_values]))
    threshold_out_array = np.transpose(
        np.array([trace_threshold_times, trace_threshold_values]))
    out_array = np.hstack([ADP_out_array, threshold_out_array])
    df_out = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=['ADP time', 'ADP (mV)', 'threshold time', 'threshold (mV)'])

    return (trace_count, df_out)
Example #10
def count_events(start, delta, threshold=0, up=True, trace=None, mark=True):
    Counts the number of events (e.g action potentials (AP)) in the current trace.


    start       -- starting time (in ms) to look for events.
    delta       -- time interval (in ms) to look for events.
    threshold   -- (optional) detection threshold (default = 0).
    up          -- (optional) True (default) will look for upward events,
                    False downwards.
    trace       -- (optional) zero-based index of the trace in the current 
                    channel, if None, the current trace is selected.
    mark        -- (optional) if True (default), set a mark at the point 
                    of threshold crossing
    An integer with the number of events.

    count_events(500,1000) returns the number of events found between t=500
         ms and t=1500 ms above 0 in the current trace and shows a stf 
    count_events(500,1000,0,False,-10,i) returns the number of events found
         below -10 in the trace i and shows the corresponding stf markers.

    # sets the current trace or the one given in trace.
    if trace is None:
        sweep = stf.get_trace_index()
        if type(trace) !=int:
            print('trace argument admits only integers')
            return False
        sweep = trace

    # set the trace described in sweep

    # transform time into sampling points
    dt = stf.get_sampling_interval()

    pstart = int( round(start/dt) )
    pdelta = int( round(delta/dt) )

    # select the section of interest within the trace
    selection = stf.get_trace()[pstart:(pstart+pdelta)]

    # algorithm to detect events
    event_counter, i = 0, 0 # set counter and index to zero

    # choose comparator according to direction:
    if up:
        comp = lambda a, b: a > b
        comp = lambda a, b: a < b

    # run the loop
    while i < len(selection):
        if comp(selection[i], threshold):
            event_counter += 1
            if mark:
                stf.set_marker(pstart+i, selection[i])
            while i < len(selection) and comp(selection[i], threshold):
                i += 1 # skip  until value is below/above threshold
            i += 1

    return event_counter