Example #1
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    def energy(x):
        e = np.sum(np.abs(x)**2)
        return e

    fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    w = get_window(window, M, False)

    mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    n = x - y[:x.size]
    n2 = x[w.size:-w.size] - y[:x.size][w.size:-w.size]

    SNR1 = 10 * np.log10(energy(y) / energy(n))
    SNR2 = 10 * np.log10(energy(y) / energy(n2))

    return SNR1, SNR2
Example #2
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    ## your code here
    w = get_window(window, M, False)
    (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)

    (mX, pX) = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    noise = x-y[:x.size]

    # get energy of x
    enX1 = np.sum(abs(x)*abs(x))
    enNoise = np.sum(abs(noise)*abs(noise))
    enX2 = np.sum(abs(x[M:-M])*abs(x[M:-M]))
    enNoise2 = np.sum(abs(noise[M:-M])*abs(noise[M:-M]))
    SNR1 = 10*np.log10(enX1/enNoise)
    SNR2 = 10*np.log10(enX2/enNoise2)
    return (SNR1, SNR2)
Example #3
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    ## your code here
    (fs,x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    w = get_window(window, M)

    mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)

    n1 = x - y[:x.size] # Get to where signal lies in y: test the dimension of y
    n2 = x[M:-M] - y[:x.size][M:-M]

    def calculate_energy(x):
    	e = np.sum(x**2)
    	return e

    SNR1 = 10*np.log10(calculate_energy(x)/calculate_energy(n1))
    SNR2 = 10*np.log10(calculate_energy(x)/calculate_energy(n2))

    return (SNR1, SNR2)
Example #4
def main(inputFile = '../../sounds/piano.wav', window = 'hamming', M = 1024, N = 1024, H = 512):
	analysis/synthesis using the STFT
	inputFile: input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	window: analysis window type (choice of rectangular, hanning, hamming, blackman, blackmanharris)	
	M: analysis window size 
	N: fft size (power of two, bigger or equal than M)  
	H: hop size (at least 1/2 of analysis window size to have good overlap-add)               

	# read input sound (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile)

	# compute analysis window
	w = get_window(window, M)

	# compute the magnitude and phase spectrogram
	mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
	# perform the inverse stft
	y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)

	# output sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_stft.wav'   

	# write the sound resulting from the inverse stft
	UF.wavwrite(y, fs, outputFile)
	return x, fs, mX, pX, y
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    ## your code here
    def energy(mag):
        e = np.sum((10 ** (mag / 20)) ** 2)
        return e
    (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    w = get_window(window, M)
    mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
    y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    n = x - y[:x.size]
    n2 = x[w.size:-w.size] - y[:x.size][w.size:-w.size]
    mN, pN = STFT.stftAnal(n, fs, w, N, H)
    mN2, pN2 = STFT.stftAnal(n2, fs, w, N, H)
    snr1 = 10 * np.log10(energy(mX) / energy(mN))
    snr2 = 10 * np.log10(energy(mX) / energy(mN2))
    return snr1, snr2
Example #6
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.

    ## your code here
    def energy(mag):
        e = np.sum((10**(mag / 20))**2)
        return e

    (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    w = get_window(window, M)

    mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
    y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    n = x - y[:x.size]
    n2 = x[w.size:-w.size] - y[:x.size][w.size:-w.size]

    mN, pN = STFT.stftAnal(n, fs, w, N, H)
    mN2, pN2 = STFT.stftAnal(n2, fs, w, N, H)

    snr1 = 10 * np.log10(energy(mX) / energy(mN))
    snr2 = 10 * np.log10(energy(mX) / energy(mN2))

    return snr1, snr2
Example #7
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.

    # Calculate the SNR after synthesis and analysis STFT

    w = get_window(window, M)

    # SNR (signal to noise ratio) = 10log10(Energy of signal / Energy of noise)

    (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)

    # Do analysis and synthesis
    mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)

    # Resizing y so we can calculate energy of noise
    resized_y = y[:x.size]

    # Calculating the noise of part 1 and 2
    noise1 = x - resized_y
    noise2 = x[w.size:-w.size] - resized_y[w.size:-w.size]

    # Analyse both noises
    mNoise1, pNoise1 = stft.stftAnal(noise1, w, N, H)
    mNoise2, pNoise2 = stft.stftAnal(noise2, w, N, H)

    energyInput = energy_computation(mX)
    energyNoise1 = energy_computation(mNoise1)
    energyNoise2 = energy_computation(mNoise2)

    SNR1 = 10 * np.log10(energyInput / energyNoise1)
    SNR2 = 10 * np.log10(energyInput / energyNoise2)

    return SNR1, SNR2
Example #8
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function returns a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    w = get_window(window, M)
    fs, x = wavread(inputFile)
    mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    y = y[:len(x)]
    noise = y - x
    X = abs(fft(x))
    Y = abs(fft(noise))
    X[X < eps] = eps
    Y[Y < eps] = eps

    Es1 = En1 = 0
    for k in range(0, len(x)):
        Es1 = Es1 + X[k] * X[k]
        En1 = En1 + Y[k] * Y[k]
    SNR1 = 10 * np.log10(float(Es1) / En1)

    x2 = x[M:len(x) - M]
    y2 = y[M:len(y) - M]
    noise2 = y2 - x2
    X2 = abs(fft(x2))
    Y2 = abs(fft(noise2))
    X2[X2 < eps] = eps
    Y2[Y2 < eps] = eps

    Es2 = En2 = 0
    for k in range(0, len(x2)):
        Es2 = Es2 + X2[k] * X2[k]
        En2 = En2 + Y2[k] * Y2[k]
    SNR2 = 10 * np.log10(float(Es2) / En2)

    return (SNR1, SNR2)
Example #9
def computeSNR(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): wav file name including the path 
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                    blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window length (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): fft size (power of two, > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a python tuple of both the SNR values (SNR1, SNR2)
            SNR1 and SNR2 are floats.
    ## your code here

    fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    #x1 = x
    #x2 = x[M:-M]
    w = get_window(window, M)
    (mX, pX) = stft.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    noise = x - y[:x.size]

    return (snr(x, noise), snr(x[M:-M], noise[M:-M]))
Example #10
import time, os, sys

sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../../../software/models/'))

import stft as STFT
import utilFunctions as UF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hamming

(fs, x) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/piano.wav')
w = np.hamming(1024)
N = 1024
H = 512
mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, w.size, H)

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9.5, 7))
plt.plot(np.arange(x.size)/float(fs), x, 'b')
plt.title('x (piano.wav)')

numFrames = int(mX[:,0].size)
frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs)                             
binFreq = np.arange(mX[0,:].size)*float(fs)/N                         
plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mX))
plt.title('mX, M=1024, N=1024, H=512')
Example #11
def computeEngEnv(inputFile, window, M, N, H):
            inputFile (string): input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
            window (string): analysis window type (choice of rectangular, triangular, hanning, hamming, 
                blackman, blackmanharris)
            M (integer): analysis window size (odd positive integer)
            N (integer): FFT size (power of 2, such that N > M)
            H (integer): hop size for the stft computation
            The function should return a numpy array engEnv with shape Kx2, K = Number of frames
            containing energy envelop of the signal in decibles (dB) scale
            engEnv[:,0]: Energy envelope in band 0 < f < 3000 Hz (in dB)
            engEnv[:,1]: Energy envelope in band 3000 < f < 10000 Hz (in dB)
    ### your code here
    F1 = 3000
    F2 = 10000

    (fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
    w = get_window(window, M)
    mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
    y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
    print "length x = " + str(x.size) + " Shape mX = "
    #print mX[0]
    mX = np.power(10,(mX/20.0)) # de-convert from decibel
    # Note that mX is an array of DFT frames corresponding to each frame in the entire signal.
    # Each ROW of mX is a DFT of the particular frame. Toral numebr of rows is the total number of frames.
    # Find number of bins in the region 0 - 3k, f = k*Fs/N
    k0 = 0
    k1 = np.ceil(F1*N/fs) # Bin number/index of first limit
    k2 = np.ceil(F2*N/fs)
    print "Bin 1 =" + str(k1) + " Bin 2 =" + str(k2)
    R1 = [k0,k1]
    R2 = [k1,k2]
    numFrames = int(mX[:,0].size)
    print "Number of Frames = " + str(numFrames)
    # Find the energy in the spectrum f > 0 and <3k
    e1 = np.zeros(numFrames) 
    e2 = np.zeros(numFrames)
    engEnv = np.zeros((numFrames,2))
    for i in range(0,numFrames):
        e1[i] = np.sum( mX[i,k0+1:k1+1] * mX[i,k0+1:k1+1])
        e2[i] = np.sum( mX[i,k1+1:k2+1] * mX[i,k1+1:k2+1])
    # Convert back to dB
    e1 = 10*np.log10(e1) 
    e2 = 10*np.log10(e2)
    mX = 20*np.log10(mX)
    engEnv[0:numFrames,0] = e1[:]
    engEnv[0:numFrames,1] = e2[:]
    # By looking at the plot you can see the frame numbers that have more <less 3k or 10k frequency content.
    # And by knowign the frame number, you can tell the time location of the change in frequency
Example #12
def residue_lpc(audio_inp, params,lpc_order):
	Obtains the LPC representation of the Residual Spectral(LPC envelope), and then generates the residual by IFFT'ing this representation with random phase.

	audio_inp : np.array
		Numpy array containing the audio signal, in the time domain 
	params : dict
		Parameter dictionary for the sine model) containing the following keys
			- fs : Sampling rate of the audio
			- W : Window size(number of frames)
			- N : FFT size(multiple of 2)
			- H : Hop size
			- t : Threshold for sinusoidal detection in dB
			- maxnSines : Number of sinusoids to detect
	lpc_order : integer
		Number of coefficients in the LPC representation
	res_transformed : np.array
	    Returns the transformed residue(LPC envelope approximation) in the time domain

	fs = params['fs']
	W = params['W']
	N = params['N']
	H = params['H']
	t = params['t']
	maxnSines = params['maxnSines']

	w = windows.hann(W)

	F,M,P,R = hprModelAnal(x = audio_inp, fs = fs, w = w, N = N, H = H, t = t, nH = maxnSines, minSineDur = 0.02, minf0 = 10, maxf0 = 400, f0et = 5, harmDevSlope = 0.01)
	harmonics_recon = sineModelSynth(tfreq = F, tmag = M, tphase = P, N = W, H = H, fs = fs)

	# Initializing an empty list to store the residual spectral approximations(LPC)
	xmX = []

	# Normalize the Residue before analysis(throws a np zero error otherwise)
	nf = np.max(np.abs(R))
	# nf = 1
	# print(nf)

	R = R/nf
	for frame in ess.FrameGenerator(R.astype('float32'), W, H):
		inp = np.pad(frame,[0,N - W],mode = 'constant',constant_values=(0, 0))
		env_frame = fe.lpc_envelope(inp,lpc_order,fs,len(inp)//2 + 1)
	xmX = np.array(xmX)
	XpX = 2*np.pi*np.random.rand(xmX.shape[0],xmX.shape[1])

	# xmX,XpX = stftAnal(audio_inp,w,N,H)
	# Obtain the audio from the above representation
	res_transformed =  stftSynth(xmX, XpX, W, H)*nf

	# ***Re-normalize the Residual so that it lies in the same range as the original residue***
	# scale_init = np.max(np.abs(audio_inp))/np.max(np.abs(R))
	# scale_final = np.max(np.abs(harmonics_recon))/scale_init
	res_transformed = (res_transformed/np.max(np.abs(res_transformed)))

	return res_transformed
Example #13
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.signal import get_window
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import stft
import utilFunctions as UF
eps = np.finfo(float).eps

(fs, x) = UF.wavread(inputFile)
w = get_window(window, M)

mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
Example #14

import stft as STFT
import utilFunctions as UF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import hamming

(fs, x) = UF.wavread('../../../sounds/piano.wav')
w = np.hamming(1024)
N = 1024
H = 512
mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, w.size, H)

plt.figure(1, figsize=(9.5, 7))
plt.plot(np.arange(x.size) / float(fs), x, 'b')
plt.title('x (piano.wav)')
plt.axis([0, x.size / float(fs), min(x), max(x)])

numFrames = int(mX[:, 0].size)
frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
binFreq = np.arange(N / 2) * float(fs) / N
plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mX))
plt.title('mX, M=1024, N=1024, H=512')
Example #15
def main(inputFile='../../sounds/piano.wav',
	analysis/synthesis using the STFT
	inputFile: input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	window: analysis window type (choice of rectangular, hanning, hamming, blackman, blackmanharris)
	M: analysis window size
	N: fft size (power of two, bigger or equal than M)
	H: hop size (at least 1/2 of analysis window size to have good overlap-add)

    # read input sound (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
    fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile)

    # compute analysis window
    w = get_window(window, M)

    # compute the magnitude and phase spectrogram

    mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)

    # perform the inverse stft
    y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)

    # output sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
    outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(
        inputFile)[:-4] + '_stft.wav'

    # write the sound resulting from the inverse stft
    UF.wavwrite(y, fs, outputFile)

    # create figure to plot
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))

    # frequency range to plot
    maxplotfreq = 5000.0

    # plot the input sound
    plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(np.arange(x.size) / float(fs), x)
    plt.axis([0, x.size / float(fs), min(x), max(x)])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.title('input sound: x')

    # plot magnitude spectrogram
    plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
    numFrames = int(mX[:, 0].size)
    frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
    binFreq = fs * np.arange(N * maxplotfreq / fs) / N
    plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq,
                   np.transpose(mX[:, :(int)(N * maxplotfreq / fs + 1)]))
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
    plt.title('magnitude spectrogram')

    # plot the phase spectrogram
    plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
    numFrames = int(pX[:, 0].size)
    frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
    binFreq = fs * np.arange(N * maxplotfreq / fs) / N
        frmTime, binFreq,
        np.transpose(np.diff(pX[:, :(int)(N * maxplotfreq / fs + 1)], axis=1)))
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
    plt.title('phase spectrogram (derivative)')

    # plot the output sound
    plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
    plt.plot(np.arange(y.size) / float(fs), y)
    plt.axis([0, y.size / float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
    plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
    plt.title('output sound: y')

Example #16
def main(inputFile = '../../sounds/piano.wav', window = 'hamming', M = 1024, N = 1024, H = 512):
	analysis/synthesis using the STFT
	inputFile: input sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	window: analysis window type (choice of rectangular, hanning, hamming, blackman, blackmanharris)	
	M: analysis window size 
	N: fft size (power of two, bigger or equal than M)  
	H: hop size (at least 1/2 of analysis window size to have good overlap-add)               

	# read input sound (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	fs, x = UF.wavread(inputFile)

	# compute analysis window
	w = get_window(window, M)

	# compute the magnitude and phase spectrogram
	mX, pX = STFT.stftAnal(x, w, N, H)
	# perform the inverse stft
	y = STFT.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)

	# output sound file (monophonic with sampling rate of 44100)
	outputFile = 'output_sounds/' + os.path.basename(inputFile)[:-4] + '_stft.wav'   

	# write the sound resulting from the inverse stft
	UF.wavwrite(y, fs, outputFile)

	# create figure to plot
	plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))

	# frequency range to plot
	maxplotfreq = 5000.0

	# plot the input sound
	plt.plot(np.arange(x.size)/float(fs), x)
	plt.axis([0, x.size/float(fs), min(x), max(x)])
	plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
	plt.title('input sound: x')

	# plot magnitude spectrogram
	numFrames = int(mX[:,0].size)
	frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs)                             
	binFreq = fs*np.arange(N*maxplotfreq/fs)/N  
	plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(mX[:,:N*maxplotfreq/fs+1]))
	plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
	plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
	plt.title('magnitude spectrogram')

	# plot the phase spectrogram
	numFrames = int(pX[:,0].size)
	frmTime = H*np.arange(numFrames)/float(fs)                             
	binFreq = fs*np.arange(N*maxplotfreq/fs)/N                        
	plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq, np.transpose(np.diff(pX[:,:N*maxplotfreq/fs+1],axis=1)))
	plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
	plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
	plt.title('phase spectrogram (derivative)')

	# plot the output sound
	plt.plot(np.arange(y.size)/float(fs), y)
	plt.axis([0, y.size/float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
	plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
	plt.title('output sound: y')

Example #17
    def play(self):
        """ Play entire file """
        data = self.wf.readframes(chunk)
        while data != '':
            data = self.wf.readframes(chunk)

        #save data to file
        file = open("Text File/signal_data.txt", "w")
        for item in self.datas:
            file.write("%s " % item)
        framerate = self.rates
        print framerate                            #menentukan jumlah frame
        frame = round(len(self.datas)/framerate)    #mengukur banyak data/frame
        hop = 10                                     #jumlah frame yang diperiksa
        overlap = 5                                #lompatan frame
        a = 0
        while a < frame:
            f_data = self.datas[a*int(frame):(a+hop)*int(frame)]
            f_time = np.arange(a*(f_data.size/hop),(a+hop)*(f_data.size/hop))/float(self.rates)
            title = "Frame",a/50+1,"Time-domain"
            a += overlap
        for i in range(hop):
            f_data = self.datas[i*int(frame):(i+1)*int(frame)]
            f_time = np.arange(i*f_data.size,(i+1)*f_data.size)/float(self.rates)
            plt.title("Frame Time-domain")
        f_time_sec = f_time[-1]
        f_data = np.asarray(())
        f_time = np.asarray(())
        for i in range(int(frame)):
            if len(f_data) == 0:
                f_data = self.datas[i*framerate:(i+1)*framerate]
                f_time = i*f_time_sec
                f_data = np.hstack((f_data,self.datas[i*framerate:(i+1)*framerate]))
                f_time = np.hstack((f_time,i*f_time_sec))
        if len(self.datas) % framerate > 0:
            f_data = np.hstack((f_data,self.datas[(i+1)*framerate:]))
            temp = (i+1)*f_time_sec
            f_time = np.hstack((f_time,temp))
        mod = len(self.datas) % framerate
        antimod = len(self.datas) - mod
        f_data = np.reshape(f_data[:antimod],(-1,framerate))
        sisa_f_data = f_data[antimod:]
        print f_data
        print sisa_f_data
        print f_time

        #proses STFT
        N = 2048
        M = 501  #'''bisa di set'''
        H = M / 2  #bisa di set manual'

        x = self.datas
        x = np.float32(x) / norm_fact[x.dtype.name]
        fs = self.rates
        w = get_window('hamming', M)
        global mX
        mX, pX = stft.stftAnal(x, fs, w, N, H)
        y = stft.stftSynth(mX, pX, M, H)
        file = open("Text File/mX.txt", "w")
        for j in range(len(mX)):
            for item in mX[j]:
                file.write("%s " % item)

        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9))
        maxplotfreq = 5000.0

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(np.arange(x.size) / float(fs), x)
        plt.axis([0, x.size / float(fs), min(x), max(x)])
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.title('input sound: x')

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
        numFrames = int(mX[:, 0].size)
        frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
        binFreq = fs * np.arange(N * maxplotfreq / fs) / N
        plt.pcolormesh(frmTime, binFreq,
                       np.transpose(mX[:, :int(N * maxplotfreq / fs + 1)]))
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
        plt.title('magnitude spectrogram')

        file = open("Text File/STFT frequencies.txt", "w")
        for item in binFreq:
            file.write("%s\n" % item)

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
        numFrames = int(pX[:, 0].size)
        frmTime = H * np.arange(numFrames) / float(fs)
        binFreq = fs * np.arange(N * maxplotfreq / fs) / N
            frmTime, binFreq,
            np.transpose(np.diff(pX[:, :int(N * maxplotfreq / fs + 1)],
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
        plt.title('phase spectrogram (derivative)')

        plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
        plt.plot(np.arange(y.size) / float(fs), y)
        plt.axis([0, y.size / float(fs), min(y), max(y)])
        plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
        plt.title('output sound: y')


        #print mX.shape
        #proses finding peak
        minimum = np.min(mX)
        maximum = np.max(mX)
        t = 0.8
        sebaran = np.arange(minimum, maximum)
        s_index = int(sebaran.size * (1 - t))
        treshold = sebaran[-s_index]
        print "treshold =", treshold
        ploc = peakdetect.peakDetection(mX, treshold)
        global peak_loc
        global pmag
        peak_loc = []
        for i in range(len(ploc) - 1):
            if ploc[i] != ploc[i + 1]:
        peak_loc = np.array(peak_loc)

        file = open("Text File/peaks location.txt", "w")
        for item in peak_loc:
            file.write("%s\n" % item)

        file = open("Text File/peaks magnitude.txt", "w")
        for item in peak_loc:
            file.write("%s " % item)
            for i in range(len(mX[item])):
                file.write("%s " % mX[item, i])

        pmag = mX[peak_loc]

        pl.plot(mX[-10, :])

        freqaxis = fs * np.arange(N / 2) / float(N)
        plt.plot(freqaxis, mX[peak_loc[0], :-1])
        file = open("Text File/peak frequencies.txt","w")
        for item in peak_loc:
            file.write("%s\t" % freqaxis[item])
            file.write("%s\n" % mX[peak_loc[0],item])

        pl.plot(fs * peak_loc / float(N), pmag)

        #Menampilkan frequensi pada masing-masing Frame hasil STFT
        loc = []
        for m in pmag:
        Freq = freqaxis[loc]
        df = pd.DataFrame(Freq)
        df.to_excel("Frekuensi Penyusun " +
                    self.filename.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] + ".xlsx",
