def test_get_new_df():

    amplitude_0 = 200.0
    amplitude_1 = 100.0
    amplitude_2 = 50.0

    x_0_0 = 0.5
    x_0_1 = 2.0
    x_0_2 = 7.5

    fwhm_0 = 0.1
    fwhm_1 = 1.0
    fwhm_2 = 0.5

    whitenoise = 100.0

    model = models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_0, x_0_0, fwhm_0) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_1, x_0_1, fwhm_1) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_2, x_0_2, fwhm_2) + \

    freq = np.linspace(0.01, 10.0, 10.0 / 0.01)
    p = model(freq)
    noise = np.random.exponential(size=len(freq))

    power = p * noise
    cs = Crossspectrum()
    cs.freq = freq
    cs.power = power
    cs.df = cs.freq[1] - cs.freq[0]
    cs.n = len(freq)
    cs.m = 1

    assert np.isclose(cs.df, spec.get_new_df(cs, cs.n), rtol=0.001)
Example #2
def test_get_new_df():

    amplitude_0 = 200.0
    amplitude_1 = 100.0
    amplitude_2 = 50.0

    x_0_0 = 0.5
    x_0_1 = 2.0
    x_0_2 = 7.5

    fwhm_0 = 0.1
    fwhm_1 = 1.0
    fwhm_2 = 0.5

    whitenoise = 100.0

    model = models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_0, x_0_0, fwhm_0) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_1, x_0_1, fwhm_1) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_2, x_0_2, fwhm_2) + \

    freq = np.linspace(0.01, 10.0, 1000)
    p = model(freq)
    noise = np.random.exponential(size=len(freq))

    power = p * noise
    cs = Crossspectrum()
    cs.freq = freq
    cs.power = power
    cs.df = cs.freq[1] - cs.freq[0]
    cs.n = len(freq)
    cs.m = 1

    assert np.isclose(cs.df, spec.get_new_df(cs, cs.n), rtol=0.001)
Example #3
 def test_classical_significances_trial_correction(self):
     with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
         cs = Crossspectrum(self.lc1, self.lc2, norm='leahy')
     # change the powers so that just one exceeds the threshold
     cs.power = np.zeros_like(cs.power) + 2.0
     index = 1
     cs.power[index] = 10.0
     threshold = 0.01
     pval = cs.classical_significances(threshold=threshold,
     assert np.size(pval) == 0
def test_compute_rms():

    amplitude_0 = 200.0
    amplitude_1 = 100.0
    amplitude_2 = 50.0

    x_0_0 = 0.5
    x_0_1 = 2.0
    x_0_2 = 7.5

    fwhm_0 = 0.1
    fwhm_1 = 1.0
    fwhm_2 = 0.5

    whitenoise = 100.0

    model = models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_0, x_0_0, fwhm_0) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_1, x_0_1, fwhm_1) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_2, x_0_2, fwhm_2) + \

    freq = np.linspace(-10.0, 10.0, 10.0 / 0.01)
    p = model(freq)
    noise = np.random.exponential(size=len(freq))

    power = p * noise
    cs = Crossspectrum()
    cs.freq = freq
    cs.power = power
    cs.df = cs.freq[1] - cs.freq[0]
    cs.n = len(freq)
    cs.m = 1

    rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(model(cs.freq) * cs.df)).mean()

    assert rms == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="all")

    rms_pos = np.sqrt(np.sum(model(cs.freq[cs.freq > 0]) * cs.df)).mean()

    assert rms_pos == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="posfreq")

    optimal_filter = Window1D(model)
    optimal_filter_freq = optimal_filter(cs.freq)
    filtered_cs_power = optimal_filter_freq * np.abs(model(cs.freq))

    rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(filtered_cs_power * cs.df)).mean()
    assert rms == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="window")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="filter")
Example #5
def test_compute_rms():

    amplitude_0 = 200.0
    amplitude_1 = 100.0
    amplitude_2 = 50.0

    x_0_0 = 0.5
    x_0_1 = 2.0
    x_0_2 = 7.5

    fwhm_0 = 0.1
    fwhm_1 = 1.0
    fwhm_2 = 0.5

    whitenoise = 100.0

    model = models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_0, x_0_0, fwhm_0) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_1, x_0_1, fwhm_1) + \
        models.Lorentz1D(amplitude_2, x_0_2, fwhm_2) + \

    freq = np.linspace(-10.0, 10.0, 1000)
    p = model(freq)
    noise = np.random.exponential(size=len(freq))

    power = p * noise
    cs = Crossspectrum()
    cs.freq = freq
    cs.power = power
    cs.df = cs.freq[1] - cs.freq[0]
    cs.n = len(freq)
    cs.m = 1

    rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(model(cs.freq) * cs.df)).mean()

    assert rms == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="all")

    rms_pos = np.sqrt(np.sum(model(cs.freq[cs.freq > 0]) * cs.df)).mean()

    assert rms_pos == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="posfreq")

    optimal_filter = Window1D(model)
    optimal_filter_freq = optimal_filter(cs.freq)
    filtered_cs_power = optimal_filter_freq * np.abs(model(cs.freq))

    rms = np.sqrt(np.sum(filtered_cs_power * cs.df)).mean()
    assert rms == spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="window")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        spec.compute_rms(cs, model, criteria="filter")
Example #6
    def test_pvals_is_numpy_array(self):
        cs = Crossspectrum(self.lc1, self.lc2, norm='leahy')
        # change the powers so that just one exceeds the threshold
        cs.power = np.zeros_like(cs.power) + 2.0

        index = 1
        cs.power[index] = 10.0

        threshold = 1.0

        pval = cs.classical_significances(threshold=threshold,

        assert isinstance(pval, np.ndarray)
        assert pval.shape[0] == 2